. . . . "Vok'sha"@en . . "De Vok'sha zijn een ras afkomstig van de planeet Rakella prime. In hun mythologie kwam het geloof naar voren dat \"haat\" een beest was dat leefde in de maag. De grootste mythologische held was een man die drie\u00EBntwintig dagen lang alleen maar stenen at en hiermee het beest doodde. Hij werd daarna tot heilige verklaard. In 2371 spraken Chakotay en Tuvok over mythologische demonen. Chakotay vertelde Tuvok het verhaal over de Vok'sha. (VOY: \"Heroes and Demons\")"@nl . . "Die Vok'sha sind eine intelligente Spezies vom Planeten Rakella Prime. Zu ihrer Mythologie z\u00E4hlt der Glauben, dass Hass ein Untier ist, welches im Magen lebt. Ihr gr\u00F6\u00DFter mythischer Held ist ein Mann, der 23 Tage lang Steine a\u00DF, um das Untier zu t\u00F6ten und so ein Held wurde. 2371 erw\u00E4hnt Chakotay diesen Mythos als Beispiel, w\u00E4hrend er mit Tuvok \u00FCber D\u00E4monen in verschiedenen Kulturen diskutiert. (VOY: )"@de . . "I Vok'sha erano una specie nativa del pianeta Rakella Prime. La loro mitologia diceva che l'odio era un mostro che viveva all'inerno dello stomaco. Il loro pi\u00F9 grande eroe era un uomo che mangi\u00F2 pietre per 23 giorni per uccidere il mostro e che divenne poi un Santo. Nel 2371, mentre paralva con Tuvok della mitologia di varie specie, Chakotay menzion\u00F2 anche questo fatto. (VOY: \"Eroi e Demoni\")"@it . . "Die Vok'sha sind eine intelligente Spezies vom Planeten Rakella Prime. Zu ihrer Mythologie z\u00E4hlt der Glauben, dass Hass ein Untier ist, welches im Magen lebt. Ihr gr\u00F6\u00DFter mythischer Held ist ein Mann, der 23 Tage lang Steine a\u00DF, um das Untier zu t\u00F6ten und so ein Held wurde. 2371 erw\u00E4hnt Chakotay diesen Mythos als Beispiel, w\u00E4hrend er mit Tuvok \u00FCber D\u00E4monen in verschiedenen Kulturen diskutiert. (VOY: )"@de . "De Vok'sha zijn een ras afkomstig van de planeet Rakella prime. In hun mythologie kwam het geloof naar voren dat \"haat\" een beest was dat leefde in de maag. De grootste mythologische held was een man die drie\u00EBntwintig dagen lang alleen maar stenen at en hiermee het beest doodde. Hij werd daarna tot heilige verklaard. In 2371 spraken Chakotay en Tuvok over mythologische demonen. Chakotay vertelde Tuvok het verhaal over de Vok'sha. (VOY: \"Heroes and Demons\")"@nl . "The Vok'sha were a species native to the planet Rakella Prime. Their mythology included the belief that \"hate\" was a beast that lived inside the stomach. Their greatest mythical hero was a man who ate stones for twenty-three days to kill the beast and subsequently became a saint. In 2371, while discussing demons in various species' mythology, Chakotay mentioned this to Tuvok. (VOY: \"Heroes and Demons\") This species was only mentioned in dialogue."@en . "The Vok'sha were a civilization of pale, slim humanoids who originated on the planet Rakella Prime. The Vok'sha were famous for their mythology. One of their tales told of hate being an actual creature that lived in the stomach. It was once defeated when one of their heroes ate stones over a period 23 days which killed the creature; said hero was made a saint. (TTN novel: Synthesis, ST website: Startrek.com, VOY episode: \"Heroes and Demons\")"@en . . . . . "The Vok'sha were a species native to the planet Rakella Prime. Their mythology included the belief that \"hate\" was a beast that lived inside the stomach. Their greatest mythical hero was a man who ate stones for twenty-three days to kill the beast and subsequently became a saint. In 2371, while discussing demons in various species' mythology, Chakotay mentioned this to Tuvok. (VOY: \"Heroes and Demons\") This species was only mentioned in dialogue."@en . . . "Vok'sha"@it . "The Vok'sha were a civilization of pale, slim humanoids who originated on the planet Rakella Prime. The Vok'sha were famous for their mythology. One of their tales told of hate being an actual creature that lived in the stomach. It was once defeated when one of their heroes ate stones over a period 23 days which killed the creature; said hero was made a saint. (TTN novel: Synthesis, ST website: Startrek.com, VOY episode: \"Heroes and Demons\")"@en . . . . . . "Vok'sha"@nl . . "Vok'sha"@de . . . "I Vok'sha erano una specie nativa del pianeta Rakella Prime. La loro mitologia diceva che l'odio era un mostro che viveva all'inerno dello stomaco. Il loro pi\u00F9 grande eroe era un uomo che mangi\u00F2 pietre per 23 giorni per uccidere il mostro e che divenne poi un Santo. Nel 2371, mentre paralva con Tuvok della mitologia di varie specie, Chakotay menzion\u00F2 anche questo fatto. (VOY: \"Eroi e Demoni\")"@it . .