. . . "Hotel is a season one episode"@en . "An abandoned Hotel"@en . . "After months or even years a hotel can become the center of a new survivor refugee camp."@en . . . . . . "Hotel est une map de Call of Duty: Black Ops. frame|Visuel de la map Hotel"@fr . "Writer"@en . "Hotel est une map de Call of Duty: Black Ops. frame|Visuel de la map Hotel"@fr . . . . . . . "zDCint08a"@en . "Op 40 vs. Tropas"@pl . "Random facts: \n* The clerk is a woman. \n* The clerk has a yellow shirt. \n* The main colors of the motel seem to be tan and red. \n* There are 2 floors."@en . . . "Hotel"@pl . . . "Hotel is a location in Paris, France. It appears in Hunter and Hunted mission."@en . "thumb|249px Hotel es un mapa multijugador de Gears of War 3 desde el principio y que no hace falta descargar. Se ubica en alguna isla cerca de Maelstrom y posiblemente formaba parte de los destinos de Azura."@es . . "building"@en . . "Hotel may refer to: \n* Hotel (Tropico 1) \n* Hotel (Tropico 2) \n* Hotel (Tropico 3 and 4)"@en . . "After driving a good length of time into the night, a businessman from out of state had decided that it would be best to turn in for the night. He looked for the nearest exit with a hotel, and did his best to keep fatigue from grabbing him and tossing him into a much unwelcomed coma behind the wheel. Once he got off the freeway, he followed his GPS to the hotel, and payed for a single night. He slid his card in and out of the locking mechanism and turned the handle once the light turned green."@en . . . . "\"Hotel\""@en . . "4"^^ . . "93"^^ . . . "Sharing some similar elements with Black Widow, it's still unique, unlike Ankara being a remake of Eagle Eye. The map is quite large, with long alleys to reach both sites. Some building can be accessed as they are part of the layout. Global Risk spawns between A and B sites, similar to Satellite but within a building. Black List spawn in the lobby of the Hotel. From there they can choose three major paths to reach any sites. They can switch paths using some of the passages between each of them. There's a huge bulletproof window near B-Site and it's a good way to see enemy forces coming as you can't get killed through it. Overall, this map is good for sniping and it's fast-paced, even for a Search & Destroy map."@en . "Hotel may refer to one of the following:"@en . . . . "The hotel is an unmarked location in Fallout 3."@en . . . "The hotel is an unmarked location in Fallout 3."@en . "A hotel was an establishment where individuals could obtain lodgings. (PROSE: History 101) Some hotels were used not just for lodgings but also for events such as conventions and exhibitions. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge) A prison ship took the form of a 1980s hotel. (TV: The God Complex)"@en . . "Is for to sleep and eat. Miihouse-premierinn bed.jpg|Hotel"@en . "A hotel is a hybrid of a community lot and residential lot that can only be found in vacation neighborhoods in The Sims: Vacation and The Sims 2 Bon Voyage."@en . . . . . . . "After driving a good length of time into the night, a businessman from out of state had decided that it would be best to turn in for the night. He looked for the nearest exit with a hotel, and did his best to keep fatigue from grabbing him and tossing him into a much unwelcomed coma behind the wheel. Once he got off the freeway, he followed his GPS to the hotel, and payed for a single night. He slid his card in and out of the locking mechanism and turned the handle once the light turned green. \"Sir, is everything okay?\" The clerk, a kindly, seemingly sheltered man, called after the businessman as he hurried out the door with his suitcase in hand. Confused, but unsure, the clerk decided to go check on the room to make sure it was in order. He entered, but was welcomed by an odd scent. Puzzled, he first picked up some of the complementary sugar packets which seemed to have been knocked onto the floor, then stepped over a puddle of colorful vomit on the ground. As he neared the bed, the smell became much more powerful, and its origin soon became quite apparent. Of course he left in such a hurry; nobody wants to sleep in a room with a badly discolored, and superbly bloated corpse which had passed beyond anybody's ability to even identify its race."@en . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep201/#!/media/slideshow"@en . . . . . . . . . "Hotels are locations in EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings that are found throughout the games. They are usually identified by large letters reading \"HOTEL\" on the front of the building."@en . "Ein Hotel ist ein Geb\u00E4ude, in dem G\u00E4ste gegen Bezahlung \u00FCbernachten k\u00F6nnen. Nach der Notlandung auf einem Planeten in einem Dunkle-Materie-Nebel, sind die Kleidungsst\u00FCcke der verletzten Dax durchn\u00E4\u00DFt. Um die Stimmung bei der Trill anzuheben, meint Captain Sisko, sie solle sich etwas im Geschenkeladen des Hotels umschauen. (DS9: ) Als Harry Kim im akritirianischen Hochsicherheitsgef\u00E4ngnis Tom Paris um noch etwas Wasser bittet, fragt ihn dieser ob er meint, dass sie im Hotel w\u00E4ren und f\u00FCgt hinzu, dass es kein Wasser mehr gibt. (VOY: )"@de . . "Nearest: Penn. Ave North"@en . . . . . . "Did you mean: \n* Inn of St Mystere from Professor Layton and the Curious Village \n* The Folsense Hotel in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box \n* Hotel Duke in Future London from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future \n* North Ely Hotel in Misthallery from Professor Layton and the Last Specter \n* The Crumpet Hotel in Little London from Professor Layton's London Life \n* The Camel's Hump Hotel in Monte d'Or in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask \n* The Reunion Inn in Monte d'Or from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask"@en . . . "Cooking With A Killer Robot"@en . . . . "Hotel"@pl . . . . . . "Hotel ist eine Multiplayermap aus dem Escalation-DLC in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Urspr\u00FCnglich sollte die Karte thumb|Ein Blick auf Hotelschon im Hauptspiel erscheinen, allerdings mit einem leicht anderen Aussehen. Letztendlich wurde sie gestrichen, \u00FCberarbeitet und mit dem DLC ver\u00F6ffentlicht."@de . . . "A structure located in some static cities. While it serves little function in the game, it can be a good location for a group to meet for various occasions. A small performing area is included, with a stage, tables, and seats. Some gambling games are also available, although the betting limit is 1000 credits. Also, some hotels have Event Promoters, which is the only way to rent Player Event Perks. The Hotel is similar to a cantina in that entertainers can give inspiration buffs while dancing or playing music in the hotel."@en . . . . . "A hotel is a hybrid of a community lot and residential lot that can only be found in vacation neighborhoods in The Sims: Vacation and The Sims 2 Bon Voyage."@en . . "Hitman: Contracts"@en . "Customer service in a hotel was usually provided by the bell staff and coordinated by the concierge. (TNG: \"The Royale\" , \"Time's Arrow\" ) Many large hotels had meeting facilities available for various functions; some even had their own casinos inside. (TNG: \"Time's Arrow\" ; DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") As a resort world, Risa had several well-accommodated hotels for its guests. (ENT: \"Two Days and Two Nights\"; TNG: \"Captain's Holiday\" ; DS9: \"Let He Who Is Without Sin...\") On Earth Two, the Rusk Hotel was in operation in the 1960s when almost the planet's entire population was wiped out. (TOS: \"Miri\" ) Deanna Troi joked that she would book her next vacation at Aaron Conor's hotel, and he answered that he had to build one. (TNG: \"The Masterpiece Society\" ) Montgomery Scott compared the guest quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D with his hotel room on the planet Argelius II. (TNG: \"Relics\" ) The term hotel was often used as a comparison with a prison facility, one a place of luxury and one with hard conditions. (ENT: \"The Communicator\"; VOY: \"The Chute\"; DS9: \"Sacrifice of Angels\")"@en . . "The Mr. Men and Little Misses book a hotel room and stay for the night."@en . . "Did you mean: \n* Inn of St Mystere from Professor Layton and the Curious Village \n* The Folsense Hotel in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box \n* Hotel Duke in Future London from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future \n* North Ely Hotel in Misthallery from Professor Layton and the Last Specter \n* The Crumpet Hotel in Little London from Professor Layton's London Life \n* The Camel's Hump Hotel in Monte d'Or in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask \n* The Reunion Inn in Monte d'Or from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask"@en . "FO3"@en . . . . . . . . "Hotel is a TimeSplitters Future Perfect map. With the exception of the courtyard, most of the map is set inside the dark, spooky Hotel. Zombies roam the empty, abandoned halls. Signs of an early struggle against the horde by survivors include still-burning braziers, and chained doors, presumably to keep the horror out, or the victims in..."@en . "Ein Hotel ist auf den ersten Blick nur ein Geb\u00E4ude, das nach der Ankunft der Unterkunft dient. Bei n\u00E4herer Betrachtung entpuppt es sich jedoch als Mikrokosmos, wo sich auf engstem Raum dramatische Szenen ereignen k\u00F6nnen. Hier treffen sich Vertreter der Weltpolitik und solche f\u00FCr Staubsauger, ber\u00FChmte Schauspieler und folgsame Paparazzi. Kleinkriminelle kommen nur zum Handtuchklauen, Mafiabosse dagegen planen hier das ganz gro\u00DFe Ding. Geistreiche Literaten lassen sich gerne von Hotelaufenthalten inspirieren. Geistlo Erfolgloreiche Models lassen sich im Hotel gerne befruchten und, nach wenigen Jahren, in sogenannten Wellnesshotels runderneuern (vom Geld des bis dahin geschiedenen Samenspenders)."@de . . . "Length"@en . . . "Hotels ohne genauere Bezeichnungen existieren in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City und Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Ein Hotel l\u00E4sst sich am Washington Beach in Vice City finden, w\u00E4hrend sein San-Andreas-Pendant in El Quebrados, Tierra Robada ans\u00E4ssig ist."@de . . "Hotel"@ro . . "album date"@en . "Dark/misty"@en . . . . "Los hoteles eran edificios en los que se pod\u00EDan hospedar los visitantes que llegaban a una ciudad o a un planeta. Lobar Aybock usaba estos edificios continuamente. Tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa hoteles m\u00F3viles, uno de estos fue usado en Alderaan."@es . . "The back side of Twikkii Beach Hotel"@en . "Mo\u017Cna go stworzy\u0107 zar\u00F3wno w dzielnicach wakacyjnych, jak i w zwyk\u0142ym otoczeniu. Hotel jest miejscem, kt\u00F3re daje naszym Simom miejsce na odpoczynek i regeneracj\u0119 si\u0142 przed zwiedzaniem dzielnicy wakacyjnej. Pokoje mog\u0105 by\u0107 zarezerwowane przez Sim\u00F3w, ograniczaj\u0105c dost\u0119p do nich innym Simom. Reszta wczasowicz\u00F3w NPC b\u0119dzie zmuszona ubiega\u0107 si\u0119 o inne pomieszczenia. Ceny pokoi wahaj\u0105 si\u0119 od \u00A7 do \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7. Kempingi w Trzech Jeziorach s\u0105 bezp\u0142atne. Simowie nie musz\u0105 rezerwowa\u0107 pokoju od razu w czasie przybycia do hotelu. Mo\u017Cna go nawet zmieni\u0107 w trakcie trwania podr\u00F3\u017Cy. Posiadanie i zarz\u0105dzanie hotelem przez Sima jest niemo\u017Cliwe, nawet w The Sims 2: W\u0142asny Biznes."@pl . . . . . "54"^^ . . . "Str. Aurel Vlaicu nr. 20"@ro . "mus_hotel"@en . "from From the Choirgirl Hotel"@en . . . "Categorie:Hoteluri \u00EEn sector 2 Categorie:Hoteluri de 4 stele \u00EEn Bucure\u015FtiHotel #7 este un hotel din Bucure\u015Fti."@ro . . . . "Hotel is one of the newest Sports in the U.S.A."@en . . . . . "Urban"@en . . . . "The hotel also possesses the island's casino, where the girls can gamble Zack Dollars away long after the islands other attractions have closed for the night. In Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, following Zack Island\u2019s resurrection and reconstruction in New Zack Island, the hotel is now divided into three singular hotels, or suites, located on alternate areas of the island."@en . "MTT Resort"@en . . . "The Hotel is unlocked after completing the mision Rescue A Hotelier in the Mojave Desert. The job also drops the Bellhop consumable which is used in the upgrading of this property. You can collect your income every 48 hours."@en . . . . . . "Hotel is a season one episode"@en . . "Andrew hay"@en . . . "Ein Hotel war ein Geb\u00E4ude, wo Leute auf Zimmern schlafen konnten und bedient wurden. Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark hoffte, das es auf Quantos ein Hotel gab. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Technik-Ort"@de . . . . . . "The Monolith's secret"@en . . . . . . "Ein Hotel ist ein Geb\u00E4ude, in dem G\u00E4ste gegen Bezahlung \u00FCbernachten k\u00F6nnen. Nach der Notlandung auf einem Planeten in einem Dunkle-Materie-Nebel, sind die Kleidungsst\u00FCcke der verletzten Dax durchn\u00E4\u00DFt. Um die Stimmung bei der Trill anzuheben, meint Captain Sisko, sie solle sich etwas im Geschenkeladen des Hotels umschauen. (DS9: ) Als Harry Kim im akritirianischen Hochsicherheitsgef\u00E4ngnis Tom Paris um noch etwas Wasser bittet, fragt ihn dieser ob er meint, dass sie im Hotel w\u00E4ren und f\u00FCgt hinzu, dass es kein Wasser mehr gibt. (VOY: )"@de . . . "After months or even years a hotel can become the center of a new survivor refugee camp."@en . "Outside:"@en . . . "Dit is een afkorting voor Habbo Hotel, er zijn vele hotels, dit is een lijst:"@nl . . . . . . . "320"^^ . . "Hotel is a hotel near Springfield Town Square. It is only briefly seen in the background as Bart and Homer pass by it."@en . . . . . "Grenades"@en . . . . . "Hotel is a hotel near Springfield Town Square. It is only briefly seen in the background as Bart and Homer pass by it."@en . "Hotel"@en . . "Basic single hotel rooms are unlocked at 2 stars as are housekeeping stations and service elevators. Suites and double hotel rooms are unlocked at 3 stars. Suites require parking spaces. A good hotel and a desirable hotel suite will trigger a VIP to visit your tower. A favorable rating from him will allow your tower to upgrade to 4 stars, if the other requirements are met (adequate trash/recycling facilities, adequate parking for offices, medical needs fulfilled)."@en . . "230"^^ . "Holocron Heist Concept Art Gallery"@en . "*Gears of War 3\n*Gears of War 4"@en . "Dit is een afkorting voor Habbo Hotel, er zijn vele hotels, dit is een lijst:"@nl . . "Ein Hotel ist auf den ersten Blick nur ein Geb\u00E4ude, das nach der Ankunft der Unterkunft dient. Bei n\u00E4herer Betrachtung entpuppt es sich jedoch als Mikrokosmos, wo sich auf engstem Raum dramatische Szenen ereignen k\u00F6nnen. Hier treffen sich Vertreter der Weltpolitik und solche f\u00FCr Staubsauger, ber\u00FChmte Schauspieler und folgsame Paparazzi. Kleinkriminelle kommen nur zum Handtuchklauen, Mafiabosse dagegen planen hier das ganz gro\u00DFe Ding. Geistreiche Literaten lassen sich gerne von Hotelaufenthalten inspirieren. Geistlo Erfolgloreiche Models lassen sich im Hotel gerne befruchten und, nach wenigen Jahren, in sogenannten Wellnesshotels runderneuern (vom Geld des bis dahin geschiedenen Samenspenders). Daneben werden Hotels auch von Leuten wie Du und Ich aufgesucht, um mal an der Rezeption die Sau rauszulassen oder weil man mal muss. Mitglieder des ADAC bevorzugen dagegen eher ein Motel."@de . . "*Bolo Grenade\n*Boltok Pistol\n*Boomshot Grenade Launcher\n*Digger\n*EMBAR\n*Gorgon Pistol\n*Incendiary Grenade\n*Longshot Sniper Rifle\n*Torque Bow"@en . . . . "Hotels ohne genauere Bezeichnungen existieren in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City und Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Ein Hotel l\u00E4sst sich am Washington Beach in Vice City finden, w\u00E4hrend sein San-Andreas-Pendant in El Quebrados, Tierra Robada ans\u00E4ssig ist."@de . . "Proximity Mines"@en . . . . "Luke Becomes One with the Force"@en . . "Producer"@en . "Customer service in a hotel was usually provided by the bell staff and coordinated by the concierge. (TNG: \"The Royale\" , \"Time's Arrow\" ) Many large hotels had meeting facilities available for various functions; some even had their own casinos inside. (TNG: \"Time's Arrow\" ; DS9: \"Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang\") As a resort world, Risa had several well-accommodated hotels for its guests. (ENT: \"Two Days and Two Nights\"; TNG: \"Captain's Holiday\" ; DS9: \"Let He Who Is Without Sin...\")"@en . . . . "Jane Norman is staying at an hotel called blueberry.Jane hears an noise at her bathroom and she walks in.She then sees an man talking to the wall.Jane slowley backs away and turns around just to scream.Jane's corpse is then seen at an beach. Linda marsh and her husband Andrew friltion are eating their dinner in the hotel blueberry.Linda talks to Andew and says that people say that this hotel is haunted.Andrew dismisses the idea.At ten o'clock at night the singer Vera comes on the stage.When she sings,Linda notices an man polishing an table.When an woman walks past him the man is not there.Linda is shocked and turns around to warn Andrew.Then a blackout happens. The blackout is off.Linda wakes up and screams.An bartender named George is dead.Evreyone tries to call an ambulance but their phone is cut off.Vera and her boyfreind Jim try to leave the hotel.But they are blocked of by snow.They all go to the bar and discuss what happened.Andrew says that they are going to die from coldness or be killed by the murderer. They all head to their rooms.Vera looks at an photograph and sees an young boy.Vera then hears an noise behind her.Vera looks around and screams.Meanwhile all the other eight guest's excluding Jim,Linda and Andrew get killed by an unseen force. Linda locks her door with Jim as she belives Andrew is the killer.Andrew tries to prove he is not the killer.Then an axe hits Andrew in the head which makes him dead. Jim tells Linda to go through an passage.Jim and Linda run and find an exit.When they go there they see an woman holding Vera at gunpoint.The woman reveals herself to be Bella an woman who was killed in Blueberry.Bella shoots Linda and acuses Jim that he killed her.Then Jim grabs Bella in the hair and trys to throw her down from the balcony.Bella however manages to make her and Jim fall down.The pair die. Vera runs up and sees the corpses.Vera cries and collapses.She then comes back to her senses and looks for Linda's keys to get back to the so called safe zone.When she does she is atacked by men in black.Vera escapes with her life and gets to Linda's room.When she does she barricades the door.Vera then sees an phone and tries to phone the police.Then an hand smashes through the phone. Vera backs away and gets out to the balcony.Vera then sees snow and she jumps down.Vera then sees an nearby beach and runs to it.She then trips over something.She looks behind her and sees Jane's corpse.Vera screams and runs to her car.Vera rushes in and starts the car.She sees an man walking to the car.Vera cries out loud and the man hugs her.Vera looks out of the window and sees Bella laughing at her and holding Jim's head.Vera faints."@en . "Hotels are locations in EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings that are found throughout the games. They are usually identified by large letters reading \"HOTEL\" on the front of the building."@en . . "87.0"^^ . . . "Large"@en . "Das Hotel ist das letzte Stadtprojekt, das du bearbeiten kannst. Damit Melinda es dir vorschl\u00E4gt, musst du zuerst alle anderen Stadtprojekt fertig eingerichtet haben. Kategorie:Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer"@de . . . . "soccop"@en . . "Hotel"@en . "\"The Telltale Head\""@en . . "Havana, Kuba"@pl . . . . "2000"^^ . "Hotel#7"@ro . "Tori Amos"@en . . . . . . . "Pennsylvania Avenue map.jpg"@en . . . "Un hotel este un stabiliment care ofer\u0103 servicii de cazare contra cost, \u00EEn general pentru perioade scurte de timp. Hotelurile ofer\u0103 adesea clien\u021Bilor \u0219i alte servicii, cum sunt cele de restaurant, sau de s\u0103li pentru reuniuni \u0219i conferin\u021Be."@ro . "Hotel is a location in Paris, France. It appears in Hunter and Hunted mission."@en . "Miejski, resort"@pl . . . . . . "A structure located in some static cities. While it serves little function in the game, it can be a good location for a group to meet for various occasions. A small performing area is included, with a stage, tables, and seats. Some gambling games are also available, although the betting limit is 1000 credits. Also, some hotels have Event Promoters, which is the only way to rent Player Event Perks. The Hotel is similar to a cantina in that entertainers can give inspiration buffs while dancing or playing music in the hotel."@en . . . "Ein Hotel war ein Geb\u00E4ude, wo Leute auf Zimmern schlafen konnten und bedient wurden. Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark hoffte, das es auf Quantos ein Hotel gab. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Technik-Ort"@de . . "Hotel"@es . "240"^^ . . . . . . "The Hotel is unlocked after completing the mision Rescue A Hotelier in the Mojave Desert. The job also drops the Bellhop consumable which is used in the upgrading of this property. You can collect your income every 48 hours."@en . . . . . ""@en . . "publiczno-mieszkalna"@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Hotel"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Unlocked by Default"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "Kr\u00F3tki i \u015Bredni dystans"@pl . "Hotel may refer to one of the following:"@en . . . . . "x"@en . . . . . . "Un hotel este un stabiliment care ofer\u0103 servicii de cazare contra cost, \u00EEn general pentru perioade scurte de timp. Hotelurile ofer\u0103 adesea clien\u021Bilor \u0219i alte servicii, cum sunt cele de restaurant, sau de s\u0103li pentru reuniuni \u0219i conferin\u021Be."@ro . "Hotel may refer to: \n* Hotel (Tropico 1) \n* Hotel (Tropico 2) \n* Hotel (Tropico 3 and 4)"@en . . . "Mo\u017Cna go stworzy\u0107 zar\u00F3wno w dzielnicach wakacyjnych, jak i w zwyk\u0142ym otoczeniu. Hotel jest miejscem, kt\u00F3re daje naszym Simom miejsce na odpoczynek i regeneracj\u0119 si\u0142 przed zwiedzaniem dzielnicy wakacyjnej. Pokoje mog\u0105 by\u0107 zarezerwowane przez Sim\u00F3w, ograniczaj\u0105c dost\u0119p do nich innym Simom. Reszta wczasowicz\u00F3w NPC b\u0119dzie zmuszona ubiega\u0107 si\u0119 o inne pomieszczenia. Ceny pokoi wahaj\u0105 si\u0119 od \u00A7 do \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7 \u00A7. Kempingi w Trzech Jeziorach s\u0105 bezp\u0142atne. Simowie nie musz\u0105 rezerwowa\u0107 pokoju od razu w czasie przybycia do hotelu. Mo\u017Cna go nawet zmieni\u0107 w trakcie trwania podr\u00F3\u017Cy."@pl . . "Hotel \u2013 wypo\u017Cyczalnia pokoi. W filmach najlepsze miejsce do uprawiania seksu. W pa\u0144stwach wschodnich najcz\u0119\u015Bciej u\u017Cywanymi hotelami s\u0105 parki, gdzie darmowe pokoje ograniczane s\u0105 do postaci \u0142awek. W pa\u0144stwach zachodnich natomiast (np. Holandia) hotele s\u0105 miejscem wykorzystywania r\u00F3\u017Cnej ma\u015Bci imigrant\u00F3w, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej Polak\u00F3w. Ofiar\u0105 wyzysku padaj\u0105 najcz\u0119\u015Bciej studenci, kandydaci na student\u00F3w oraz osoby, kt\u00F3re tylko we w\u0142asnym mniemaniu s\u0105 kandydatami na student\u00F3w."@pl . "Hotel is one of the newest Sports in the U.S.A."@en . . . "A hotel is an establishment that can supply short-term lodging. Most hotel rooms contained furniture, entertainment devices, climate control devices as well as basic communication amenities. Some hotels offered medical amenities, like Megarite tobacco clinics. (RIS Bouteina: \"Tobacco Quest\")"@en . . "Hotel"@de . "Hotel is a TimeSplitters Future Perfect map. With the exception of the courtyard, most of the map is set inside the dark, spooky Hotel. Zombies roam the empty, abandoned halls. Signs of an early struggle against the horde by survivors include still-burning braziers, and chained doors, presumably to keep the horror out, or the victims in..."@en . . "Hotel ist eine Multiplayermap aus dem Escalation-DLC in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Urspr\u00FCnglich sollte die Karte thumb|Ein Blick auf Hotelschon im Hauptspiel erscheinen, allerdings mit einem leicht anderen Aussehen. Letztendlich wurde sie gestrichen, \u00FCberarbeitet und mit dem DLC ver\u00F6ffentlicht."@de . . "Random facts: \n* The clerk is a woman. \n* The clerk has a yellow shirt. \n* The main colors of the motel seem to be tan and red. \n* There are 2 floors."@en . . "Jane Norman is staying at an hotel called blueberry.Jane hears an noise at her bathroom and she walks in.She then sees an man talking to the wall.Jane slowley backs away and turns around just to scream.Jane's corpse is then seen at an beach. The blackout is off.Linda wakes up and screams.An bartender named George is dead.Evreyone tries to call an ambulance but their phone is cut off.Vera and her boyfreind Jim try to leave the hotel.But they are blocked of by snow.They all go to the bar and discuss what happened.Andrew says that they are going to die from coldness or be killed by the murderer."@en . . "Tori Amos"@en . . . . . "The Mr. Men and Little Misses book a hotel room and stay for the night."@en . . . . "Hotel"@nl . "Is for to sleep and eat. Miihouse-premierinn bed.jpg|Hotel"@en . "Hotel \u2013 wypo\u017Cyczalnia pokoi. W filmach najlepsze miejsce do uprawiania seksu. W pa\u0144stwach wschodnich najcz\u0119\u015Bciej u\u017Cywanymi hotelami s\u0105 parki, gdzie darmowe pokoje ograniczane s\u0105 do postaci \u0142awek. W pa\u0144stwach zachodnich natomiast (np. Holandia) hotele s\u0105 miejscem wykorzystywania r\u00F3\u017Cnej ma\u015Bci imigrant\u00F3w, najcz\u0119\u015Bciej Polak\u00F3w. Ofiar\u0105 wyzysku padaj\u0105 najcz\u0119\u015Bciej studenci, kandydaci na student\u00F3w oraz osoby, kt\u00F3re tylko we w\u0142asnym mniemaniu s\u0105 kandydatami na student\u00F3w."@pl . "Label"@en . . . . "hotel7.ro"@ro . . "Building"@en . "Luke Becomes One with the Force"@es . . . . "The Hotel is a location in Pripyat featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat."@en . . "Hotel is a mostly symmetrical map that is popular for Horde Mode. In Horde, players will almost always choose the command post inside the hotel because all enemies can be funneled into three entrances with lots of barriers, two turrets, a decoy, a Silverback and two sentries."@en . . . "Los hoteles eran edificios en los que se pod\u00EDan hospedar los visitantes que llegaban a una ciudad o a un planeta. Lobar Aybock usaba estos edificios continuamente. Tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa hoteles m\u00F3viles, uno de estos fue usado en Alderaan."@es . "A hotel is an establishment that can supply short-term lodging. Most hotel rooms contained furniture, entertainment devices, climate control devices as well as basic communication amenities. Some hotels offered medical amenities, like Megarite tobacco clinics. (RIS Bouteina: \"Tobacco Quest\")"@en . . "A hotel was an establishment where individuals could obtain lodgings. (PROSE: History 101) Some hotels were used not just for lodgings but also for events such as conventions and exhibitions. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge) A prison ship took the form of a 1980s hotel. (TV: The God Complex)"@en . . . . . . . "Released"@en . . "sector 2"@ro . . . "Categorie:Hoteluri \u00EEn sector 2 Categorie:Hoteluri de 4 stele \u00EEn Bucure\u015FtiHotel #7 este un hotel din Bucure\u015Fti."@ro . . . "22"^^ . . . . "Hotel"@en . . . "Basic single hotel rooms are unlocked at 2 stars as are housekeeping stations and service elevators. Suites and double hotel rooms are unlocked at 3 stars. Suites require parking spaces. A good hotel and a desirable hotel suite will trigger a VIP to visit your tower. A favorable rating from him will allow your tower to upgrade to 4 stars, if the other requirements are met (adequate trash/recycling facilities, adequate parking for offices, medical needs fulfilled)."@en . . "Hotel is a mostly symmetrical map that is popular for Horde Mode. In Horde, players will almost always choose the command post inside the hotel because all enemies can be funneled into three entrances with lots of barriers, two turrets, a decoy, a Silverback and two sentries."@en . . "Das Hotel ist das letzte Stadtprojekt, das du bearbeiten kannst. Damit Melinda es dir vorschl\u00E4gt, musst du zuerst alle anderen Stadtprojekt fertig eingerichtet haben. Kategorie:Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer"@de . . "The Hotel is a location in Pripyat featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat."@en . . "Sharing some similar elements with Black Widow, it's still unique, unlike Ankara being a remake of Eagle Eye. The map is quite large, with long alleys to reach both sites. Some building can be accessed as they are part of the layout. Global Risk spawns between A and B sites, similar to Satellite but within a building. Black List spawn in the lobby of the Hotel. From there they can choose three major paths to reach any sites. They can switch paths using some of the passages between each of them."@en . "Hotel"@fr . . . "Wszystkie"@pl . . "The hotel also possesses the island's casino, where the girls can gamble Zack Dollars away long after the islands other attractions have closed for the night. In Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, following Zack Island\u2019s resurrection and reconstruction in New Zack Island, the hotel is now divided into three singular hotels, or suites, located on alternate areas of the island."@en . . . . . "thumb|249px Hotel es un mapa multijugador de Gears of War 3 desde el principio y que no hace falta descargar. Se ubica en alguna isla cerca de Maelstrom y posiblemente formaba parte de los destinos de Azura."@es . . .