. . "Sryth Wiki:Spoilers policy"@en . "This page describes a common consensus on how to avoid, manage and document spoilers on the Sryth Wiki. We will consider the broadest possible definition of \"spoiler\", to the point of considering spoilerish an in-game description that gives out too many clues about the story (case in point, ). More specifically, spoiler is anything that gives information about the result of a quest or event related to the personal story of the character. If in doubt, better to err on the safe side and consider it a spoiler."@en . . . . . . . "This page describes a common consensus on how to avoid, manage and document spoilers on the Sryth Wiki. We will consider the broadest possible definition of \"spoiler\", to the point of considering spoilerish an in-game description that gives out too many clues about the story (case in point, ). More specifically, spoiler is anything that gives information about the result of a quest or event related to the personal story of the character. If in doubt, better to err on the safe side and consider it a spoiler."@en . . .