"Bobbie Chase"@en . "Forever Evil"@en . "Kirk Langstrom se encuentra en un parque, esperando a la mujer que se hizo pasar por su esposa con el fin de robar su f\u00F3rmula de Man-Bat. thumb|left|314pxConociendo los lugares de cacer\u00EDa de Francine, hasta que aparezca como She-Bat. Efectivamente, ella aparece para secuestrar a un ni\u00F1o, pero Kirk est\u00E1 preparado y bebe una dosis del suero. Convertido en Man-Bat comienza a perseguirla por los aires hasta que logra arrebatarle a su victima. Furiosa, She-Bat, pero \u00E9l se ha vuelto mas fuerte y logra derrotar a su esposa, quien vuelve a su estado normal. Francine no entiende como pudo ser derrotada, hasta que se da cuenta de que Kirk mezcl\u00F3 las f\u00F3rmulas de ambos. Inmediatamente ella comienza a re\u00EDrse por lo que se ha hecho a s\u00ED mismo. Antes de que Kirk pueda contestarle, la polic\u00EDa llega y arrestan a Francine. Con Batman desaparecido, Kirk siente que es su deber convertirse en el nuevo h\u00E9roe, por lo que comienza a trabajar incansablemente para perfeccionar su f\u00F3rmula, con el fin de tratar de mantener la paz en las calles. Llevando un diario de sus cambios y avances, trata de no cometer los mismos errores de su esposa, pero la addicci\u00F3n a la f\u00F3rmula comienza a consumirlo. Kirk comienza a descontrolarse, y en vez de salvar, termina horrorizando a los inocentes con sus actos de violencia, por lo que llama la atenci\u00F3n de la polic\u00EDa quienes comienzan a perseguirlo. Creyendo que le tienen envidia por sus actos, Man-Bat comienza a atacar a los polic\u00EDas. Sus ataques se vuelven m\u00E1s y m\u00E1s violentos hasta el punto de llegar a matar a las personas que ataca. Mientras tanto, su obsesi\u00F3n con perfeccionar su f\u00F3rmula termina haci\u00E9ndole perder la cordura. Finalmente Kirk empieza a cometer los mismos actos que su esposa Francine, y termina d\u00E1ndoles caza a los civiles inocentes para alimentarse. Categor\u00EDa:Detective Comics (Volumen 2) Categor\u00EDa:Mes de los Villanos Categor\u00EDa:Comic Categor\u00EDa:The New 52 Categor\u00EDa:Forever Evil"@es . "Detective Comics Vol 2 23.4 Man-Bat Textless.jpg"@en . "This is my formula. I can control it. And I will."@en . "Scot Eaton"@en . "Jason Fabok"@en . "Nathan Fairbairn"@en . "Mike Marts"@en . "Mike Marts"@en . "Steve Wands"@en . "2013"^^ . "Scot Eaton"@en . "23.4"^^ . . . "Jaime Mendoza"@en . . "Featured Characters:\n* \nSupporting Characters:\n*\nVillains:\n* \nOther Characters:\n* \n:* \n:* \nLocations:\n* \n:* \nItems:\n* \nVehicles:\n*"@en . "DC Comics"@en . "Jeromy Cox"@en . . "Detective Comics Vol 2 23.4: Man-Bat"@es . "Jeromy Cox"@en . . "USA"@en . "Detective Comics Vol 2 24"@en . "T"@en . "Detective Comics Vol 2 23.4: Man-Bat"@en . . "11"^^ . . . "Katie Kubert"@en . "Detective Comics Vol 2 23.3: The Scarecrow"@en . "Textless"@en . "Steve Wands"@en . "[[W:C:dc:Kirk Langstrom"@en . "Dr. Kirk Langstron has been waiting for two days at Gotham Square Park, knowing that bats prey on the weak and vulnerable. This park is a prime example, and today, finally, the bat he has been waiting for has finally come to feed - his wife, Francine. \n\nThough Kirk loves her, she had betrayed his trust, and created her own corrupt version of his Man-Bat Serum. Now, he must succumb to his addiction to the serum, and become a bat himself, in order to catch her and make her pay. But before he will give her any attention, he first deprives her of the innocent child she stole for her meal, angering her.\n\nTheir last encounter of this type had seen him lose to her, but tonight, he is stronger, faster, and fiercer. After being forced to the ground, Francine reverts to her human self, and realizes coolly that in order to gain that increased strength, Kirk had to combine their two formulas. Grinning, she realizes that in order to beat her, he had to become her. Frustrated by her mocking, Kirk leaves her naked in the street.\n\nFive days later, Francine has been charged with the murders she committed, and Kirk is surprised by how little he feels about it. Despite the feelings he had for her before he realized that their marriage was a lie, he feels nothing. He worries that, perhaps, the combined formula has affected him. And though she was addicted to her formula, he refuses to let himself succumb to the addiction. He intends to control it, even as he downs another vial of the serum.\n\nHe must control it, because in the absence of the Batman, Gotham is in chaos. Kirk must serve as Gotham's new protector, as Man-Bat. His methods of fighting crime, are not the same as those of the Batman - but killing criminals is certainly effective, comparatively. By day ten of his studies with the new serum, Kirk has become quite addicted to it, even as he tries to improve it. And as his violent crime-fighting sprees continue, he garners the unwanted and unexpected attention of the Gotham City Police Department. \n\nBy day twelve, his resentment of the police has devolved to a base hatred that sees him doing violence against policemen rather than fighting crime. Each transformation, he becomes more like a creature, and less like a man. \n\nWithin a month, Kirk himself, is reduced to scouring Gotham Square Park for vulnerable prey."@en . "Frank Tieri"@en . "Frank Tieri"@en . "Descent"@en . "Detective Comics"@en . . "Katie Kubert"@en . "2"^^ . "Kirk Langstrom se encuentra en un parque, esperando a la mujer que se hizo pasar por su esposa con el fin de robar su f\u00F3rmula de Man-Bat. thumb|left|314pxConociendo los lugares de cacer\u00EDa de Francine, hasta que aparezca como She-Bat. Efectivamente, ella aparece para secuestrar a un ni\u00F1o, pero Kirk est\u00E1 preparado y bebe una dosis del suero. Convertido en Man-Bat comienza a perseguirla por los aires hasta que logra arrebatarle a su victima. Furiosa, She-Bat, pero \u00E9l se ha vuelto mas fuerte y logra derrotar a su esposa, quien vuelve a su estado normal. Francine no entiende como pudo ser derrotada, hasta que se da cuenta de que Kirk mezcl\u00F3 las f\u00F3rmulas de ambos. Inmediatamente ella comienza a re\u00EDrse por lo que se ha hecho a s\u00ED mismo. Antes de que Kirk pueda contestarle, la polic\u00EDa llega y arre"@es . . . "Jaime Mendoza"@en .