"no"@en . "Kongras will run away from attackers at 10 hp. They can move items that are in their way."@es . "Knights should not have much trouble with Kongras, but they will break your shielding while the sibangs attack you with stones."@sv . "Druids and Sorcerers: Since these apes are usually in groups with Sibangs and Merlkins, it is best to use a wand/rod against the Kongra, and use Avalanches to damage as many other apes as possible, low lvls can try to use one or two Monks and hit them with ice or death wands/Rods. Not really worth the effort as they have very high hitpoints and take too much mana/runes considering the little exp they yield."@en . "These apes like to hit hard and often appear along with Sibangs or Merlkins."@en . . "None."@es . . . "kongra"@en . "Kongra"@es . "Mammals"@sv . "no"@en . . . "Kongra"@en . . "no"@es . "--"@de . "Apes"@en . "Affen"@de . "kongra"@en . "Mammal"@en . "S\u00E4ugetiere"@de . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Sie sind die Ritter unter den Affen. Sie treten h\u00E4ufig mit Merlkins und Sibangs auf."@de . "Kongra"@sv . "115.0"^^ . "Nothing"@sv . "Kongra???"@de . "yes"@de . "--"@sv . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "\"Ungh! Ungh!\"; \"Hugah!\"; \"Huaauaauaauaa!\"."@es . . . "no"@sv . . "In Banuta, northeast of Port Hope, Arena and Zoo Quarter."@es . "80.0"^^ . "338"^^ . "Kongra"@es . . "Paladins should use trees to run in circles and shoot them down, or get a shield and a trowing weapon, and run in circles around them."@sv . "92"^^ . "None"@en . "Mammals"@es . "Mammals"@en . "Easy"@en . "yes"@es . . "100.0"^^ . "\"Ungh! Ungh!\"; \"Hugah!\"; \"Huaauaauaauaa!\"."@de . "Knights should not have much trouble with Kongras, but they will break your shielding while the sibangs attack you with stones."@es . "18"^^ . "no"@de . "These apes like to hit hard and often appear along with Sibangs or Merlkins."@es . . "yes"@sv . "Kongra"@sv . "Apes"@sv . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . "yes"@en . "0"^^ . . "Ritter: Ritter sollten keine Probleme mit Kongras haben. Aber ihr werdet einen Schildbruch erleiden, wenn euch mehrere Sibangs angreifen."@de . "95.0"^^ . "In Banuta, nord-\u00F6stlich von Port Hope ; Arena- und Zoo Quarter."@de . "--"@sv . . "Fire, Energy, Poison"@en . "Kongra"@de . "Paladine: Paladine sollten im Kreis um B\u00E4ume rennen, w\u00E4hrend sie den Kongra abschiessen."@de . "Nichts."@de . "--"@en . "--"@es . "In Banuta, northeast of Port Hope, Arena and Zoo Quarter."@en . . "Kongra"@de . . "\"Ungh! Ungh!\"; \"Hugah!\"; \"Huaauaauaauaa!\"."@sv . . "no"@en . "60"^^ . "Magier: Da Kongras normalerweise in Gruppen mit anderen Affen auftreten, sollte man die Kongras mit dem Stab angreifen und Avalanche-Runen benutzen um so viele andere Affen wie m\u00F6glich zuschw\u00E4chen. Low-level Magier sollten ein oder zwei Monks beschw\u00F6ren und mit Eis oder Tod-Schaden angreifen."@de . . "Paladins should use trees to run in circles and shoot them down, or get a shield and a trowing weapon, and run in circles around them."@es . "Kongras will run away from attackers at 10 hp. They can move items that are in their way."@sv . "Druids and Sorcerers: Since these apes are usually in groups with Sibangs and Merlkins, it is best to use a wand/rod against the Kongra, and use Avalanches to damage as many other apes as possible, low lvls can try to use one or two Monks and hit them with ice or death wands/Rods. Not really worth the effort as they have very high hitpoints and take too much mana/runes considering the little exp they yield."@es . "60"^^ . "105.0"^^ . "yes"@en . "Kongras will run away from attackers at 10 hp. They can move items that are in their way."@en . "Kongra"@en . "Knights should not have much trouble with Kongras, but they will break your shielding while the sibangs attack you with stones."@en . "Apes"@es . "These apes like to hit hard and often appear along with Sibangs or Merlkins."@sv . . "115"^^ . "Paladins should use trees to run in circles and shoot them down, or get a shield and a throwing weapon, and run in circles around them."@en . "340"^^ . "100.0"^^ . "--"@de . "7.5"^^ . "The mighty Kongras are like mountains made of flesh and muscles. These enormous apes are incredibly strong and quite agile for their mass and size. They seem to be the warriors of the apes that live in the deepest jungle and raid the human settlements from time to time. In its anger a Kongra is able to rip out small trees and to break bones as if they weretwigs. The sight of an enraged, storming Kongra can make even an experienced warrior tremble. The dark and massive figure reaches a threatening speed in its attacks. Relying mainly on its strength, a Kongra rarely uses any weapons. Occasionally, the ape warrior uses stones of different sizes or branches as makeshift weapons, but usually it relies on its hammer-like fists and the clout of its powerful arms."@en . "Ice Damage and Death Damage ."@sv . "no"@de . . "100"^^ . "--"@en . "0"^^ . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . . . "In Banuta, northeast of Port Hope, Arena and Zoo Quarter."@sv . "--"@es . "Kongras rennen vor dir weg, wenn sie nur noch 10 hp haben. Sie k\u00F6nnen Items bewegen, wenn ihnen welche im Weg sind."@de . "kongras"@en . . "100"^^ . "no"@en . "Kongra"@pt . "90.0"^^ . . . "a"@en . "Druids and Sorcerers: Since these apes are usually in groups with Sibangs and Merlkins, it is best to use a wand/rod against the Kongra, and use Avalanches to damage as many other apes as possible, but in lows lvls can try use one or two Monks and hit they whit a ice or death wands/Rods."@sv . .