. . "Although these guidelines are useful in helping to define what the perfect article is, we also realize that it is very hard to meet these standards. Perfection may be the Borg's goal, but it's not easily reachable. Remember that perfection is not required \u2013 we'd much rather have a large number of good articles than just a few perfect articles. It takes a long time to refine and revise any article towards perfection. Spend more time writing good articles, and just keep the ideals of the perfect article in the back of your mind as you contribute."@en . . "Memory Alpha:The perfect article"@en . "Although these guidelines are useful in helping to define what the perfect article is, we also realize that it is very hard to meet these standards. Perfection may be the Borg's goal, but it's not easily reachable. Remember that perfection is not required \u2013 we'd much rather have a large number of good articles than just a few perfect articles. It takes a long time to refine and revise any article towards perfection. Spend more time writing good articles, and just keep the ideals of the perfect article in the back of your mind as you contribute."@en .