"\"Space...cold, dark, mysterious. These are the voyages of the crew of the starship Arella. Its purpose, to seek out new worlds and to defend the Federation, to fulfill Starfleet's mission...\" Star Trek: Arella is an alternate reality Star Trek series created by Dragonboy546, is a fan series set in the years 2259-2280 and focuses on the crew of the Constitution-class starship USS Arella and their missions as Starfleet officers to defend the Federation from the Klingon Empire. This series was developed by the creators and producers of Star Trek: Enterprise that were getting hate mail from the Star Trek fans about the ending in the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise (These Are the Voyages), and they started to work on this for the fans and they've casted some really great people for the roles."@en . . "\"Space...cold, dark, mysterious. These are the voyages of the crew of the starship Arella. Its purpose, to seek out new worlds and to defend the Federation, to fulfill Starfleet's mission...\" Star Trek: Arella is an alternate reality Star Trek series created by Dragonboy546, is a fan series set in the years 2259-2280 and focuses on the crew of the Constitution-class starship USS Arella and their missions as Starfleet officers to defend the Federation from the Klingon Empire."@en . . "Star Trek: Arella"@en . . . .