. "Destroy eggs in nest is a mission in Jak 3. After failing to honor the Arena of Death Damas condemned Jak, as well as Sig, to a suicide mission in the Metal Head cave. A nest of metal-pedes had been harassing his artifact carriers, so he ordered them to go into the heart and destroy any creatures they could find. The PlayStation 3 and Vita versions of this mission are related to a trophy named \"Crunched\", completing this mission will reward you with a bronze trophy."@en . . . "Destroy eggs in nest is a mission in Jak 3. After failing to honor the Arena of Death Damas condemned Jak, as well as Sig, to a suicide mission in the Metal Head cave. A nest of metal-pedes had been harassing his artifact carriers, so he ordered them to go into the heart and destroy any creatures they could find. The PlayStation 3 and Vita versions of this mission are related to a trophy named \"Crunched\", completing this mission will reward you with a bronze trophy."@en . . . . . "Crunched"@en . . . . . . "Complete 'Destroy eggs in nest'"@en . . "Destroy eggs in nest"@en . . . . "Bronze"@en . . .