. "Hatred was a Vigilant feat of those Shinjo Bushi who had suffered at the hands of the Kolat conspiracy and unrestlessly fought them."@en . "Xtrullor \u2014 Hate Everything"@ru . "553242"^^ . . . "The cold wind ruffled Blossompad's fur as she trotted towards tall pines. An elder, Downpelt, had recently caught greencough so Blossompad was on her way to twoleg place to get some catnip out of their garden. As she neared the first garden she picked up the scent of cat, hesitantly she jumped up on the fence. Underneath her, on the lawn, was a brown tabby cat glaring at her in anger. \"Who are you and what do you want?\" The tom growled threateningly. \"I am Blossompad, medicine cat of Thunderclan, and I was wondering whether I could borrow some of your catnip?\" She meowed politely. \"What's in it for me?\" The tom spat. \"Well you would be helping a very sick cat survive.\" She mewed. The tom sauntered to the bush got the tiniest leaf he could get, jumped on the fence and placed it in front of her. \"I'm going to need about three more big leaves I'm afraid.\" She said awkwardly. \"Well that's all your getting, goodbye!\" He jeered and shoved her off the fence. Blossompad yowled as she hit the floor, the leaf floated down gently beside her. \"You'll regret this!\" She screeched. \"Oh I'm sure I will!\" The tom sneered and walked inside. Blossompad couldn't wait to tell Froststar about this, he's gonna pay!"@en . . . "Hatred (\u0440\u0443\u0441. \u041D\u0435\u043D\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0442\u044C) \u2014 \u044D\u043A\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0434\u0435\u043C\u043E\u043D, \u0441\u043E\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043E\u043A\u043E\u043C AZuLer4 \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0446 \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0438 2.0."@ru . . . "10"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Hatred"@en . . . "1"^^ . . . "Hate or hatred is the default state of the human psyche. It is described as a powerful feeling of distaste, enmity, or antipathy. It is associated with a strong need to denigrate or destroy the hated object, and is closely associated with intolerance and even violence. It is measured in Hatez (Hz). It is also the emo equivalent of love. The concept of hatred was first formed by Bono upon realising that he was not God's creation, then developed by a man named Stephen and his hobbit pet, named Jordan, to explain the burning sensation caused when one watches MTV. There is some controversy about the etymology of the modern English word, but the well-informed will agree that it derives from the Old German Hyssen undt Byworden - an early form of hate speech about the Jews. Don't be fooled by old No-Aim Chimpface, that fork-tongued linguist (or feck-lingued toungeist). He and his Smart-Alecademc pals claim Hatred originated from the Old Norse/Viking hwatchet-jobb. Rubbish. That crap-stirring, pox-riddled, idiot-witted son of a bum-faced simian Jewboy is using his Sandwich Acquisition Device theory to butter up the establishment and smear hardworking writers who are forced to make a name by writing rubbish for a Feeble Establishment like this. This SAD rubbish, first proposed by Num Chompsticks, is a primitive native theory of sandwich acquisition, which asserts that humans are born with the instinct for acquiring toasted sandwiches. He's even got those lunatic left-wing sulphur-smelling bastards on his side. Just let me catch him editing this page and I'll show him what a hatchet-job really is. Sorry. I do tend to get a bit annoyed sometimes. But let's get back to the topic, full of joy, smiles, and the love of humanity, tra-la!"@en . . "Darth Void"@en . . . . . . . . "Farmer's Market"@en . . "Hatred"@ru . "Oath of Wrath - Characters who select Hatred as one of their domains get the Oath of Wrath feat (as per the Purple Dragon Knight prestige class) for free."@en . . "Hatred"@en . . "2015-06-17"^^ . . . "500"^^ . "Shadow"@en . "Novel"@en . . . . "Podczas gdy napi\u0119cie pomi\u0119dzy Emily i Danielem nadal si\u0119ga zenitu, Emily daje jasno do zrozumienia, \u017Ce nie zamierza si\u0119 poddawa\u0107. Jednak\u017Ce jej w\u0142asna chwiejno\u015B\u0107 mo\u017Ce stwarza\u0107 ryzyko dla wszystkiego, co tak ci\u0119\u017Cko wypracowa\u0142a."@pl . . "Sezon 3"@pl . "Episode 38 of Robin & Batgirl: A New Adventure. Nightwing,Batgirl,Wildcat,and Black Canary fought Roulette,Sonar,Roulette's Henchmen,and Sonar's Henchmen.Then,they sent the two villains to jail for destruction of property,arson,and murder.The next day,Nightwing fought Babyface and Babyface's Henchmen during a bank heist.Then,while walking,he saw Crimson Fox,wearing a uniform,skirt,and lab gown.\"Hey,looks like you're busy,and still beautiful\",Nightwing told her.\"Oh stop it you\",Crimson Fox said.Now,they entered the laboratory.They made some experiments.Then,Batgirl came and told Nightwing,\"Nightwing,there's a giant robot called Pheromone-311\".But,she got shocked.\"Looks like you're having a sweet moment with her\",she continued.Now,she ran away.Nightwing went outside the laboratory.Crimson Fox wore her costume.Then,she followed.\"Oh no.Looks like I hurt her feelings\",Nightwing said.Then,they saw the robot.They tried throwing Batarangs and Birdarangs,but there is no visible damage.Now,they tried blasting it with Techno-Blasters.Then,they saw visible damage.But,it stomped them unconscious.Now,the robot continued walking and destroying buildings and stomping cars.Later,they woke up.They saw Batgirl.Now,Nightwing said,\"Batgirl.We need to talk.We're not having moments with each other.I just helped her do her experiments.A lab rat,you know?\".Batgirl made a serious face.\"Okay.I admit that we've done what you think.Sorry\",Nightwing said.\"Apology accepted\",Batgirl replied.They now followed the Pheromone-311.They shot it with Techno-Blasters.Then later,the robot falls down.Then,they saw the LexCorp War Machine in front of them.They destroyed it with 13 shots from their Techno-Blasters.Then,Lex Luthor,in his battle armor,came.They fought him.After a few moments,they outbalanced Luthor and he falls down.Now,they sent him to jail.\"Goodbye,Nightwing and Batgirl\",Crimson Fox said,before going away. Characters:Nightwing,Batgirl,Wildcat,Black Canary,Policemen,Crimson Fox Villains:Roulette,Sonar,Roulette's Henchmen,Sonar's Henchmen,Babyface,Babyface's Henchmen,Pheromone-311,LexCorp War Machine,Lex Luthor"@en . "96"^^ . . "Wave of hatred"@en . . "*Lord Adraas\n*Amanoa\n*Darth Caedus\n*Darth Malgus\n*Darth Maul\n*Exar Kun\n*Lumiya\n*Freedon Nadd\n*Ommin"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "Hatred is an upcoming Star Wars novel being written by Darth Void and some of his friends who wish to remain anonymous that was due by June 13 2010. Unfortunatly the devolopement team has hit a snag and it has been delayed."@en . "This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Hatred."@en . . . . "1"^^ . "333.0"^^ . "Hatred"@pl . "Prerequisites"@en . . . . . "When its done...."@en . . . "Effect: This power is similiar to Force scream, but it is used voluntarily. The character uses this power releases his hatred into a blast of Force energy. Successful use of this power deals 3D damage to all targets within ten meters of the character, and gives each one a -1D penalty to all rolls for the remainder of the round. The effects of this power last a single round, though the duration can be increased by spending character points - for each CP spent, the duration is increased by one round. These points can be spent at any time before the power fades. DSP is received for using this."@en . . . . "1"^^ . "Podczas gdy napi\u0119cie pomi\u0119dzy Emily i Danielem nadal si\u0119ga zenitu, Emily daje jasno do zrozumienia, \u017Ce nie zamierza si\u0119 poddawa\u0107. Jednak\u017Ce jej w\u0142asna chwiejno\u015B\u0107 mo\u017Ce stwarza\u0107 ryzyko dla wszystkiego, co tak ci\u0119\u017Cko wypracowa\u0142a."@pl . "Oath of Wrath - Characters who select Hatred as one of their domains get the Oath of Wrath feat (as per the Purple Dragon Knight prestige class) for free."@en . . . . . "Skills"@en . . . . . . "Hatred"@pl . "'Chainsaw' Hatred is a mercenary belonging to the group Steel Winter. He is a Shredder-Shark fishman, a large shark fishman with spinning teeth similar to a sharpener in technique. He used to be a violent protester against the slave trade in Marijois and was eventually involved in two plots against the world government resulting in a large bounty on his head and a massive loss in his intelligence. His bounty is 100 million beli but currently invalid as he helps the world government via working with Steel Winter."@en . "Hatred"@en . . . . . . "This test is used to determine the reaction of character to others they may have special reason for hating. Although the test can be applied on a personal level (especially if your game revolves around a vendetta or an act of personal revenge), the usual application is when specific races, for some reason or other, hate each other. The most important example is that of Goblins and Dwarfs. Both races hate each other with considerable vehemence. This is important to players with Dwarf characters, because sooner or later they are bound to come face-to-face with a Goblin or twelve. Test against characters' Cl at the beginning of any encounter; the result lasts for the duration of the encounter. If the test is passed, all is well and no special rules apply. If the test is failed, they are overc"@en . "Hatred is the 13th episode of Season 3 and is the 57th episode overall."@en . "BioShock"@en . . . . . . . . "This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Hatred."@en . . "This ability gets +3 defense in combat against one or more light combatants instead."@en . . "Hatred is an upcoming Star Wars novel being written by Darth Void and some of his friends who wish to remain anonymous that was due by June 13 2010. Unfortunatly the devolopement team has hit a snag and it has been delayed."@en . . . . . "'Chainsaw' Hatred is a mercenary belonging to the group Steel Winter. He is a Shredder-Shark fishman, a large shark fishman with spinning teeth similar to a sharpener in technique. He used to be a violent protester against the slave trade in Marijois and was eventually involved in two plots against the world government resulting in a large bounty on his head and a massive loss in his intelligence. His bounty is 100 million beli but currently invalid as he helps the world government via working with Steel Winter."@en . . . "Basic Attacks grant a stack of Hatred, up to 10. Each Hatred stack increases Basic Attack damage by 8% and Movement Speed by 1%. Lasts 6 seconds."@en . . . . "Hatred was a dark emotion and an involuntary exertion of Force power that allowed a Force-user to fully embrace the dark side, letting their hate radiate from their body in palpable waves."@en . . "Hatred"@en . . . . . . "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u043C\u0435\u0440, \u0441\u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C, \u0442\u0435\u043B\u0435\u043F\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F, \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F,"@ru . . . . . . "Hatred"@ia . "Hatred was a dark emotion and an involuntary exertion of Force power that allowed a Force-user to fully embrace the dark side, letting their hate radiate from their body in palpable waves."@en . . "27580467"^^ . . "AZuLer4"@ru . . . . . . . . . . "Farmer's Market, on a desk in the lower storage room."@en . . "405"^^ . . "Hate or hatred is the default state of the human psyche. It is described as a powerful feeling of distaste, enmity, or antipathy. It is associated with a strong need to denigrate or destroy the hated object, and is closely associated with intolerance and even violence. It is measured in Hatez (Hz). It is also the emo equivalent of love. The concept of hatred was first formed by Bono upon realising that he was not God's creation, then developed by a man named Stephen and his hobbit pet, named Jordan, to explain the burning sensation caused when one watches MTV."@en . . . "Reference No."@en . "Darth Void"@en . "Hatred"@en . . "Maypole of Controversy"@en . . . "Hatred was a Vigilant feat of those Shinjo Bushi who had suffered at the hands of the Kolat conspiracy and unrestlessly fought them."@en . "Passive"@en . "While your avatar is in combat against one of more light combatants, this ability gets +2 defense."@en . "Odcinek 13"@pl . . "Effect: This power is similiar to Force scream, but it is used voluntarily. The character uses this power releases his hatred into a blast of Force energy. Successful use of this power deals 3D damage to all targets within ten meters of the character, and gives each one a -1D penalty to all rolls for the remainder of the round. The effects of this power last a single round, though the duration can be increased by spending character points - for each CP spent, the duration is increased by one round. These points can be spent at any time before the power fades. DSP is received for using this. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Alter Difficulty: Target's control or Perception."@en . "Hatred (\u0440\u0443\u0441. \u041D\u0435\u043D\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0442\u044C) \u2014 \u044D\u043A\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0434\u0435\u043C\u043E\u043D, \u0441\u043E\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043E\u043A\u043E\u043C AZuLer4 \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0446 \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0438 2.0."@ru . "Episode 38 of Robin & Batgirl: A New Adventure. Nightwing,Batgirl,Wildcat,and Black Canary fought Roulette,Sonar,Roulette's Henchmen,and Sonar's Henchmen.Then,they sent the two villains to jail for destruction of property,arson,and murder.The next day,Nightwing fought Babyface and Babyface's Henchmen during a bank heist.Then,while walking,he saw Crimson Fox,wearing a uniform,skirt,and lab gown.\"Hey,looks like you're busy,and still beautiful\",Nightwing told her.\"Oh stop it you\",Crimson Fox said.Now,they entered the laboratory.They made some experiments.Then,Batgirl came and told Nightwing,\"Nightwing,there's a giant robot called Pheromone-311\".But,she got shocked.\"Looks like you're having a sweet moment with her\",she continued.Now,she ran away.Nightwing went outside the laboratory.Crimson Fo"@en . . . . . "C"@en . . . . "This test is used to determine the reaction of character to others they may have special reason for hating. Although the test can be applied on a personal level (especially if your game revolves around a vendetta or an act of personal revenge), the usual application is when specific races, for some reason or other, hate each other. The most important example is that of Goblins and Dwarfs. Both races hate each other with considerable vehemence. This is important to players with Dwarf characters, because sooner or later they are bound to come face-to-face with a Goblin or twelve. Test against characters' Cl at the beginning of any encounter; the result lasts for the duration of the encounter. If the test is passed, all is well and no special rules apply. If the test is failed, they are overcome by hatred and become subject to the following rules for as long as they are in combat with the hated foe. 1. \n* The character becomes oblivious to danger and cannot be compelled to leave combat. 2. \n* The character always presses attacks where given the opportunity. 3. \n* The character is possessed of insane strength - adding +1 to all combat damage caused. Characters receiving Hatred due to insanity effects becomes subject to hatred against:"@en . . . "Control Alter"@en . . . . "Hatred"@pl . . . . . "Hatred is the 13th episode of Season 3 and is the 57th episode overall."@en . . . "Brigid Tenenbaum"@en . . . . "Hatred.jpeg"@ru . . "File:AD gNr061-lNr03 Brigid Tenenbaum - Hatred f0452.png"@en . . "One of the children came and sat in my lap. I push her off, I shout, \"Get away from me!\" I can see the ADAM oozing out of the corner of her mouth, thick and green. Her filthy hair hanging in her face, dirty clothes, and that dead glow in her eye... I feel... hatred, like I never felt before, in my chest. Bitter, burning fury. I can barely breathe. And suddenly, I know, it is not this child I hate."@en . . . . "The cold wind ruffled Blossompad's fur as she trotted towards tall pines. An elder, Downpelt, had recently caught greencough so Blossompad was on her way to twoleg place to get some catnip out of their garden. As she neared the first garden she picked up the scent of cat, hesitantly she jumped up on the fence. Underneath her, on the lawn, was a brown tabby cat glaring at her in anger. \"Who are you and what do you want?\" The tom growled threateningly. \"I am Blossompad, medicine cat of Thunderclan, and I was wondering whether I could borrow some of your catnip?\" She meowed politely. \"What's in it for me?\" The tom spat. \"Well you would be helping a very sick cat survive.\" She mewed. The tom sauntered to the bush got the tiniest leaf he could get, jumped on the fence and placed it in front of "@en . . . . . "Ability"@en . . . . . "Kieran Yanner"@en . "\u0428, \u041A\u0411, \u0412, \u041A\u0420, \u041A\u0411, \u041D, \u0420, \u041A\u0411, \u041A\u0420, \u041A\u0411"@ru . .