"Spike: So... I'm finally returning home, ay? It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Glory: Is everything OK, Spike? You've been out here ever since this morning. Spike: Hm?! Spike: Ah, you don't need to worry about me, Glory. I'm just glad to be back home! Hahahaha... Spike: I still can't believe I decided to join this crazy crew of ours! Hahahaha!! And to think i'd be First Mate! Hehehe... Oh Chris, there isn't another person like you, is there? Glory: A-... Are you sure you're OK Spike?! You're starting to scare me! Spike: I'm fine, Glory. I'm just remembering some fond memories. Even the toughest of men can buckle under the pressure of such happiness, if you get what I mean. Glory: Heh, I think I do! Chris: So, is our First Mate alright? Tootootoo! Glory: Chris? I thought you were still in the lounge! Spike: So, it seems everyone was worried about me? Spike: Damn, can't a guy reminisce without everyone following him? Karen: Where are ya going, Spike? Spike: To blow off some steam in the sparring arena. All this sitting around isn't going to help! Chris: Hehehe... I think he's just excited that we'll be reaching the New World. I mean... Glory: Easy there! Chris: WE'RE ONE STEP CLOSER TO FINDING THE ONE PIECE!!! SPIKE'S GONNA BE THE KING!!! Glory: Chris, you're acting like a noisy little kid! Chris: Tootootoo!!! Karen: Guys, heads up! I can see the Sabaody Archipelago up ahead! We'll be making landfall soon! Chris: AWESOME! I CAN'T WAIT! ????: BRING ME MORE BOOZE! ????: Get it yourself Takeshi baka. Takeshi: Eh? What was that Palmer? Palmer: I believe I said \"Get it yourself Takeshi baka\" Baka. Takeshi: Stop calling me a baka! Do you wanna go or something?! Palmer: Damn straight I do! ????: Knock it off the pair of you! Colm and Renny's show is about to start! Takeshi and Palmer: *With massive lumps on their heads* Yes Bella.... Colm: Thank you thank you! Please hold back you're applause! Colm: I said please hold back you're applause! Colm: GIVE ME SOME APPLAUSE DAMN IT! Colm: Oh! Thank you my darlings and now for you tonight a special presentation from my greatest role! The Phantom! With my darling Renny on the violin and myself on vocals we present to you.... ????: Wait where the hell did you get the money for a violin?! Bella: *Sipping from her glass* I made it Charlie. Charlie: Oh ok, Carry on then! Colm: *A little bit annoyed* Yes.... Right! We present to you the Music of the Night! Colm: Niiiiight Tiiiime Shaaaaaaaarpens...... Charlie: HEY IS THAT A PIRATE SHIP?! Colm: Damn it Charlie! Everytime I wish to sing you interupt me!...... Oh wait an actor must be composed, Renny my darling would you please continue. Renny: Sure, but do you have to keep calling me darling? Charlie: *Peering towards the ship* Hmmmmmmmmm.... *He spots the Jolly Roger of the ship* Well I'll be... It's the Jollys fancy seeing them here! *He begins to wave to the ship* HEY! HEEEEEEEEEEY! JOLLYS! Karen: Why's that guy shouting?! Does he need help or something? Glory: Hold on, let's see who that ship belongs to... Chris: No way... It's The Technicolour Pirates! Tootootoo!! I can't believe we ran into them here! Karen: Technicolour Pirates? Who're they? Glory: Oh, that's right! You, Rune, and Baka (Bach) weren't with us during The Pirate Games! Karen: Oh, you mean that big, strange competition you guys joined, where you ended up fighting some huge, bronze man? Chris: Yeah! We made a lot of really great friends there! Glory: Despite almost getting ourselves killed too... Karen: OIIII!!! Everyone inside, we're about to dock at Sabaody Archipelago!! LAND HO!!! Hehehe... I always wanted to say that! Chris: YOOO!!! CHESTNUT... OR... WHAT WAS YOUR NAME AGAIN?! Glory: Dumbass, his name's Charlie!!! Chris: Oh, right! Oi, Charlie!! Chris: ...Do you hear music and someone singing, or did Glory give me a serious concussion? Charlie: Hey guys! It's the Jollys! Hikari: Who're they Onee-sama? Bella: Oh of course you and Colm weren't there! These guys are the Jolly Pirates, a really good upcoming crew we met them way back at this place called Minos Island when some marine bastard decided to make us and some other crews his personal entertainment whilst he was on vacation. Hikari: I see friends through the honour of battle.... *She turns away from Bella and her eyes begin to glimmer* Tsugoi... Bella: What was that Onee-Chan? Hikari: *She turns back to Bella* Nothing.... Charlie: Chris long time no see! How have you been! *He extends his hand out* Chris: Baka! Tootootoo! You didn't have to come all the way to OUR ship! I could've just brought my crew to yours! Tootootoo! Chris: It's good to see ya again, Charlie! Glory: As you can tell, our Captain has been in a great mood today. Spike: We made it to Sabaody already? I didn't even break a sweat first! Hm...? Spike: Well, I'll be! Psychic Charlie! You guys came all the way to Sabaody Archipelago?! Hanuman: It be Technicolour Pirates! Hanuman happy to see you again! But... Hanuman already made dinner for crew. Hanuman hopes that Technicolour Pirates' Cook made great meal! Wyatt: I'm sure they did, Hanuman. But I think we should be talking about something else, like... What IS that noise anyway? Chris: I think Glory may have given me a concussion, Wyatt. Unless... DID SHE GIVE YOU ONE TOO?! Chris: OWWW!!!! Glory: Trust me, the day you two get a concussion is the day when the Marines and bounty hunters stop chasing pirates. Meaning, that'll never happen, seeing as you two seem to be able to take a beating rather well. Chris and Wyatt: That's harsh, Glory! Wyatt: Wait... No it isn't! Thank you Glory! Chris: Oh, really? Thank you Glory! Rune: So you must be the pirate crew that i've heard so much about. The others have been telling us stories of their adventures from earlier. I'm Peabody Rune, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Psychic Charlie. Charlie: A pleasure to meet you Miss Rune but please just call me Charlie it's more casual hehe. Colm: *Still singing* Let you're soul take you where you long..... Tooooo BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Renny: Hey maybe we should go say hello Colm, their captain is a man of the arts like yourself you'd get along with him. Renny: *Continuing to Play* Right.... Cooker: De Ha Ha! Of course I gave them a good dinner Hanuman! *He motions to Hanuman to come and join him on the Express* Come over here Hanuman, I have some new recipes to show you! Hikari-chan do you wish to come aswell. Hikari: Very well, I haven't got much else to do... Takeshi: Ha Ha! It's great to see you again Jollys! I hope you guys have gotten stronger than when we met you back at Minos Island I'd be dissappointed if you weren't! Haha! Bella: *Bella bonks Takeshi on the head* Don't be so rude! I see you guys have been amassing a bigger crew, thats such great news to see! You're really starting to make a name for yourselves now! Palmer: You guys been anywhere new since we saw ya last? If you have I wanna see the charts you've made! *He leaps over to the Holiday, right next to Glory and pats her on the shoulder* Come on Glory show me you're new maps and I'll show ya some of mine! Jin: Hahahahahahahahahaha! Well it looks like you've kept the ship afloat Timber and here I thought you guys were gonna get sunk right after the Minos incident! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Bella: *Smacking Jin on the head* Don't be mean! Hiro:.......... *Staring at Sakura who is staring right back* Hiro and Sakura:........Hmph! *They both then nod* Charlie: *Putting his arm around Chris' shoulders* Come on Chris we have much to talk about! Chris: Tootootoo! Man, I haven't laughed so much in a long while! It's so nice to meet you guys again! Chris: Seriously though, Charlie. I could've just used Clay Clay Angel to fly over! Hehe... There's no need to use your Devil Fruit powers for my sake! Tootootoo! Hanuman: Hanuman so glad to see Cooker again! Cooker always so amazing as cook! Hanuman want to see Cooker's recipes! Especially recipes for spicy meals! Hanuman love spicy meals! Spike: Hehe, shooting your mouth off a little, aren't ya, Takeshi? As if we'd let our pride as pirates be defeated so easily! Glory: Well, I'd love to Palmer, but I don't think we've visited enough places for me to make a big enough chart. I'm very flattered to hear that you'd want to see my little old maps though! Hehehe... Glory: I'd really love to see your charts though, Palmer! You always seem to have the nicest charts I've ever seen! Right up there with Rose, from The Skyline Pirates, in my opinion! I can't wait to see what new places you've visited! Rune: As far as new locations go, we just got done visiting a few places here and there. Bach: One of them being G-4, we just escaped that place a few days ago. I don't think I was able to formally meet you guys. I'm new on the crew. My name's Titan Bach, I'm the Musician, and I go by the name of \"Asura.\" You might have known about me during my time as a Rear Admiral. It's a pleasure to meet new friends. Timber: Oi, Jin, are you saying Jolly couldn't make it? AS IF! She's an ULTRA ship you know! In fact... Timber: SHE'S MY ULTRA, SUPER, AMAZING DREAM SHIP!!! ULLLLLLLTRAAAAAA!!!! Aphro: BELLLLLAAAA!!!! I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! MY HEART HAS BEEN ACHING SINCE WE PARTED!!! Aphro: And I see you've added another lovely lady as well! Well, the more the merrier! Ahahaha! In all seriousness though... I am glad to see you unharmed, Bella my dear. I would ravage the pitiful maggot who dared to even scratch that beautiful face of yours! I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE SUCH A BARBARIAN!!! Sakura: So... Sakura: I see you've gotten stronger. I can tell from looking at you. Maybe when our crews have gotten more comfortable tonight, you could show me just how strong? Wyatt: Well, I see Renny's doing fine. So that explains the music... But what the hell is HE doing here? Wyatt: Yo, guys! Did you recruit some kind of entertainer too? Wyatt: Huh, maybe I should tell Chris about this guy when he's done talking to Charlie. Lawrence: [staring at Colm with confusion, but deciding to go find Glory and hang out with her] Colm: *Finnaly finishing his song* Heeeeeeeelp meeeeeee make the Muuuuuuusiiiiiiiic oooooooof Thhhhhhhe... *He takes in a deep breath* Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... Colm: Thank you, Thank you.... And now that I'm finished..... *He leaps over to Wyatt, Wyatt screams at the sudden appearance of this strange man* I AM NO SIMPLE ENTERTAINER YOU SIMPLETON I AM THE GREATEST ACTOR IN THE WORLD! *He then turns to the everyone else* SHAME ON YOU ALL FOR MISSING MY PERFORMANCE! Spike: *Pointing at Colm* Ummmmmmm is he ok? Takeshi: Just ignore him, he'll go back to \"normal\" in a few seconds.... Colm: Well then I suppose I should begin to socialise..... Palmer: You think I'm as good... As good as Rose! She's an incredible navigator, it's an honour to be compared to her! Thank you! Colm: Why hello there! My I wish I could see a face such as yours more often it would brighten away the darkest of fears from the pits of my soul! Would you like me to take you on a tour of the ship? Or maybe I can serenade you with another song from my repitoir! Palmer: Back off Fake Okama!...... Anyways, follow me Glory I'll show ya the ships navigation room. Colm: Why hello there beautiful lady! May I give you a tour of the ship or serenade you with my soothing voice? A beauty of you're calibur only deserves the best! And I, the greatest actor in the world, am the best of the proverbial best! Hiro: I will gladly show you the strength of this sword.... Colm: *Still on the floor* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's an innuendo Hiro! Hiro: Follow me.... Colm: Oh Bella-chan, Hikari-chan is this man giving you trouble? For if he is I cannot blame him, you are the most radiant beauties in my life! And now you have become the most radiant beauties in his! Oh my beautiful Bella! My stunning Hikari! Take me into thy embrace! Bella and Hikari: *Sounding voluptious and inviting* The two of you.... Colm and Aphro: *Eyes lighting up* Yes?! Bella and Hikari: STOP PERVING! *Smack! Smack! Aphro and Colm now join eachother in what is to be a very long knock out nap* Cooker: De Ha Ha! Of course I can show you some of my recipes Hanuman! Especially the spicy ones they are my specialty! Hikari: May I join you two? Cooker: Of course Hikari-san. Renny: *Beginning to smoke the cigarette* So you're their musician huh? *He takes a puff and then breathes it out* What do ya play? Jin: Hahahahahahahahaha! As if I would doubt the skills of a fellow man from Galley-La! Hahahahahaha! And I see you're acting even more like that idiot Franky! Hahahahahahahahaha! I've heard he's part of a crew now, they call them selves the Strawhats another upcoming crew like you guys. Charlie: Yes I know you could have used you're powers to get over here but honestly is that really a way to treat a guest? Hehe *He opens the door* Take a seat, poor yourself some sake, I'm sure we have lots to talk about. Glory: Before we get started, Palmer. I have a question to ask. Is that guy you called \"Fake Okama\" like Aphro by any chance? Glory: I feel so sorry for Bella... Palmer: He's sorta like him yeah, just becareful of him. He's very tricky sometimes, he doesn't call himself \"The Greatest Actor in the World\" for nothing! And don't worry about Bella, if the two of them try anything she'll send them both flying accross the deck. Anyways, we're almost there now and then I'll show you my pride and joy! Sakura: Strange, is that man anything like our doctor? The two seem to act a little alike. Maybe I should've told him I was already seeing someone? Ah well... Hiro, feel free to start sparring with me whenever you feel like. I'd hate to waste one single day without sharpening my skills against another swordsman. Hiro: It wouldn't have mattered, even if HE was married he'd still try and perv on every woman on the planet and then some. Hehe I see you and I think alike, if you're ready we can go down and you can test yourself against me. But thats all it'll be, a test. *A twinkle formed in his right eye and his mask moved as if he were smirking underneath it* I don't plan on losing even to the likes of you. Karen: Wow, that guy must be like Aphro! Karen: I wonder if they'll become good friends because of what just happened... Rune: I'm sure they will. But, I think we should start introducing ourselves. You see... Rune: We're alone. Karen: You think?! Hanuman: Hanuman can't wait to see Cooker's recipes! Hm...? Hanuman: Cooker, who this new lady? She Technicolour Pirate too? Anyway, nice to meet you, new lady! Hanuman's name is Hanuman! Hanuman be cook for Hanuman's crew, and is Bigfoot! No, wait... Hanuman has better introduction! Hanuman: Hanuman be me! Now you see! Hanuman proud cook! Know all in book! WOOOH! Hikari:........... Yes well, its a pleaure to meet you Hanuman-san. Cooker: *Searching amongst all of his recipe books* Hmmmmmmmm Where are you?.... AHA! Here we are, Ochi-sensei's book on everything spicy! *He hands it to Hanuman* Feel free to read any of my recipes books, and to answer you're question yes she is. Hikari-chan joined us not too long after the Minos Incident. Timber: OI, DON'T TALK ABOUT FRANKY LIKE THAT, JIN! FRANKY'S AN ULTRA SHIPWRIGHT AND MAN! Timber: ...So, Franky's a pirate now too?! That's ULTRA! That means we can meet each other at sea some day, as Shipwrights and as pirates! I can fulfill my dream that way! I CAN'T WAIT! It's just so...! So...!! Timber: IT'S JUST SO ULTRA!!! Jin: Dry you're tears boy! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I kind of want to see that old pervert myself, I haven't talked to him since Tom-san was taken away. I'm sure we'll both see him again, but mark my words if he's still wearing those damned short shorts I'll gut him! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Bach: Hm? You talking to me, shrimp? I'm Titan Bach, and I go by the name of \"Asura!\" I am now the proud Musician of The Jolly Pirates! You may have heard of me, since I used to be a Rear Admiral in the Marines. But those days are over. Now, as to what instruments I play... Bach: I am a skilled player of every instrument known to man! I have been known to be a living one man band as well. And while i'm speaking of music, may I say that that piece you were playing earlier was beautiful? Although... I can't exactly say the same thing for that singer of yours! Renny: *Angered by the \"shrimp\" remark*................ DON'T CALL ME A SHRIMP!...... *He takes another puff from his cigarette* So you can play every intrument known to man huh? Interesting, it's always good see a muscian with variety under his belt but the question can you play them well? Follow me I'll show you all my instruments, I know for a fact theres atleast one intrument in there that will never of seen before! By the way two more things, Number One thanks for the compliment on my playing and Number Two don't ever talk bad about Colm's singing, he'd turn you inside out if he heard you especially if it was to do with that song. Wyatt: Ah, just the lady i was hoping to see! I hope you weren't too upset with our dumbass pervert! Wyatt: So how's life been treating ya Bella? Has your skills improved any since we last met? I've been spectacular as usual! Oh, and before we start on that subject, I REALLY need to ask you something. Just who is that weirdo anyway?! Bella: *She giggles* Don't worry about Colm, he's always been like that ever since we met him and he was probably just like that before as well. And I have been good thank you, so has everyone else. But honestly what kind of question is that? As a fellow marksman you should know the answer! That answer being, ofcourse I have. I wouldn't be a very good marksman if I didn't practice my shot everyday. Spike: So, Takeshi. How have you guys been doing? Kicked any good ass lately? Or have you guys just been screwing around as usual? Takeshi: Hahaha! As if we would just \"screw\" around we've been busy doing loads of stuff. Training, doing errands for Shanks and not to mention we finnaly got some new crew members after 9 years! Hahahahaha! Speaking of Shanks, thats why we're here he's called us over to talk about something big. Something to do with Whitebeard and where he's gonna be going in the next few days. Chris: Hehehe, I guess you've got a point about me being a guest on your ship! Chris: As for the sake, i'll have to turn you down on that one. For some odd reason, I always fall asleep whenever I drink alchohol... Chris: I think it's because a ninja or something keeps putting sleeping pills in my drinks. Damn ninja guy! I'll get him and his sleeping pills one day! But, I also need to ask you... What did you wanna talk about in here, Charlie? I'd actually prefer to be out there with the others, ya know? Charlie: Well the only ninja around here is Hiro, and I'm sure he hasn't been spiking you're drinks hehe. Charlie: Please take a seat Chris. Charlie: What I want to talk about is to do with you Chris. Chris: *Sensing Charlie's harsher tone* Ok. Charlie: Call it captain's instinct but when I saw you and stepped foot onto you're ship I felt as if something was troubling you. Chris: I don't know what you mean... Charlie: * He smirks* Chris, don't try to hide it. Did you forget that I can read minds? If you don't tell me what I wanna know I can just go in there and find it for myself. So lets talk about this one captain to another. Now tell me whats troubling you? Chris: Well, I REALLY don't wanna have to share, but... Chris: If you can read minds like you say you can, then you'd know that I prefer to see happy people rather than sad or angry people, but it seems you've got me pinned here... I'll get to the point. Chris: It's just that... Recently, my crew and I just nearly escaped G-4. I'm sure you've heard of Vice-Admiral Grim? Well, he was the one in charge of G-4. Out of the blue, he somehow managed to kidnap one of my crewmates and hold her hostage. It was a trap though... Chris: We managed to defeat the bastard and get away. On top of that, we recruited Grim's subordinate, Titan Bach. He's the blue haired guy that you may have seen earlier. We've been on the run from the Marines ever since. So now i'm thinking of heading into the New World. I was hoping that a crew of 12 would be good enough, but... Chris: That last battle we had... It was so much tougher than the others! Chris: Charlie, it's a good thing you weren't there! Every second I was on that damn base, I kept fearing that my friends were gonna die! I'm sure you know how that must feel, being a captain as well! So... HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO HANDLE THE NEW WORLD, IF WE CAN'T HANDLE ONE STUPID MARINE BASE! Chris: I'm sorry, i just haven't had the time to blow off some steam yet... I haven't even made a new piece of art in days, so I must really be feeling terrible. If you want, I'll change the subject. I mean, our crews just got back together, so we should celebrate. It's not often that our crews get to meet. Chris: I'm sorry for rambling. Hehehe... Spike: Shanks and Whitebeard? I'm sure i've heard you mention Shanks before, and how he's a Yonkou, but isn't Whitebeard a Yonkou too? What's up with the talk of Whitebeard all of a sudden? Does it have to do with that upcoming execution of... Who was it again? Takeshi: *Taking a swing from his sake bottle* The guy you're thinking of is First Fist Portgas D. Ace, he's Whitebeard's second division commander. Never met him before but Shanks has and he told us he's an alright guy. Hehe Even told us that this Ace guy is the older brother of an old friend of ours that we met years ago in the East Blue. Anyways, Shanks is calling us over concerning Whitebeard's movements to Marineford and something he's suspecting. I'm about to teach you something very important about New World politics so listen up! Takeshi: In the New World there are four great emperors of the sea known as the Yonkou. The two you've already heard about are Whitebeard and Shanks and the two others are Big Mam and Kaido. *He takes a big swig from his sake bottle* Now as yonkou go, Big Mam is not too much of a concern. She usually only concerns herself with business, but if you give her a bad deal or provoke her in any other way she'll still kill you so you try to keep away from her. Kaido on the otherhand, out of all the yonkou he is the one you want to cross the least. He's a monster, an extremley violent pirate even as pirates go. He is completley ruthless and he doesn't want any of the yonkou around even though the four of them are needed to keep balance in the New World. Now what Shanks suspects is that Kaido is going to most likely try to intercept Whitebeard as he makes his way to Marineford, and even though Whitebeard is technically Shanks' enemy he doesn't wanna see Ace hurt and he understands what Whitebeard is going through. So just incase Shanks' suspicions are correct he wants us there as back up, because knowing Kaido he'll bring a large force to take on Whitebeard and his crew. *He begins to take another large swig from his bottle* Spike: So while Shanks takes on Kaido, you guys are gonna be there to take on the small frys? Takeshi: *In surprise and annoyance he almost coughs up his drink, he then swallows it down his throat*..... I suppose you could put it that way...... Spike: So you're not really back up, you're just the clean up crew. Takeshi: SHUT YOU'RE MOUTH! Charlie: Do not worry about you're rambling my friend, I thank you for sharing this with me. But we are not done yet. Chris: *He snaps, he obviously does not want to talk about it anymore* What else do you want to know?! I've told you everything! What else do you want?! If you really wanna know more why don't you just read my mind and take all the info you want! *He begins to cry, as he does he gets angrier and louder* I GET IT! I'M WEAK AND I SHOULDN'T BE A CAPTAIN! AOKIJI, SAMSON, GRIM! THEY WERE ALL SO STRONG, TOO STRONG FOR ME! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME! Charlie: CUT THE EMOTIONAL CRAP! Chris: *With fear and anger in his voice* What the hell are you doing?! Everyone: What the hell is going on? Spike: What's going on? Why the hell is everything shaking. Takeshi: Don't worry about it, I think Charlie is playing teacher. Nothing to worry about. Charlie: Show me a captain's spirit! Fight back! Charlie: I don't need to know anymore, you're problem is that all of these strong people you have faced has built up in you're mind. Even those you won agaisnst have built up within the very depths of you're mind. And why? Because each time you've had nothing but the safety of you're nakama on you're mind. All you have done is worry due to the immense mount of care you have for them. And although care is not a bad trait, there is one thing that a captain must give his crew first and foremost above all things. Chris: *Wiping his faces of any residule tears and sweat brought on by his fear* What? Charlie: *Smiling* Faith. Chris: Faith? Charlie: Yes, if you worry yourself about the well being of you're nakama all the time. You can never get the job at hand done, have faith in them during a battle and all of you're strength and will shall come fourth and be by your side. By doing nothing but worry for you're nakama, you have restricted both you're will and you're strength and that has broken you're spirit. I've been on these seas for 18 years of my life, I understand exactly what you are going through right now. So I shall do all in my power to help you overcome you're fears ok? Chris: Ok. Charlie: Well then. *He stands up* Lets get these celebrations started, you can stay in here till you're ready to come out again. *He walks to the door but stops before opening it* If you stay in here for the whole night, I want you to meet me down in the kitchen. I'll know when you're coming don't worry, when we meet up we'll get some breakfast and then you'll come with me to the shore line of where we are docked. I'll explain to why if you don't stay in here for the night. Chris: Pfft, as if i'd stay inside all night. Rune: Everything alright, captain? Chris: Yeah, it's cool. I just got into a little arguement with Charlie is all. Chris: You see, Charlie asked me how my art was coming along and we got talking about it. I showed him a beautiful display of a mighty sea king in battle and he said, \"it looked tasty!\" I mistook it for an insult, and began to fight him. He kicked my ass though! Tootootootoo! Karen: Are you guys OK?! Is Charlie mad at you?! Chris: Yeah, no need to worry! We then understood it was all one big misunderstanding and agreed to forget about it! Tootootootoo! Charlie's gotten stronger since last time, so we need to step up our game for the New World! Rune: I see. I agree. Karen: Yeah, if Charlie beat you that badly, then we'll need to be even stronger, so that we can be as powerful as The Technicolour Pirates! Chris: Speaking of. Why aren't you guys getting to know everyone? They don't bite, you know! Tootootootootoo! Rune: We were about to, actually. Do you mind introducing us? Karen: Please, Chris?! Chris: Sure! Glory: What an amazing collection of charts, Palmer! I've never seen so many at a time, and I haven't seen so many with such skill! You truly are one of the best navigators in the world, aren't you?! I'm making it official, you are the third greatest man in the world! Behind my captain at #2 and Spike at #1! Glory: So many places that I haven't seen before! I'd love to know what they're like! Palmer: Hehe I'm glad you like them, take some if you want I have plenty to spare. Glory: Oh, you're the greatest, Palmer! I could just SQUEEZE you! But don't think this means anything, you hear me? Spike's the only man for me, since you're still the 3rd greatest man i've met! Thank you so much though! You don't know how nice of a gift these charts would be! Hanuman: So many delicious meals! Cooker's teacher was amazing, wasn't he?! Hanuman getting hungry by just reading them! Can't wait to make! CAN'T WAIT-CAN'T WAIT-CAN'T WAIT! And Hanuman's crew would love these meals too! If they don't, Hanuman will have to hit crewmates with Hanuman's Nyoibo! Hanuman: Can't wait! Meals must taste great! Hanuman bet they're healthy too! Cooker: De Ha Ha! Take a look at as many of my master's recipe books that you want! *Hands Hanuman another book* If you want really healthy stuff take a look at this one. Hanuman: OOH! Will do, Cooker! Hikari: I hope you don't mind you two but I'm going to go see how the others are doing. There were two girls who didn't go off with anyone, I wish to see how they are doing. Cooker: Hmmmmm? Alright then Hikari we'll see you later. Sakura: It will be a pleasure to fight with a man of your caliber. Since I am but a mere guest on your ship, may I make the first move? Hiro: If you wish to make the first move be my guest. *He places one hand on his sword* But remember, just because you're making the first move. It doesn't mean you'll be fast enough to make contact. Sakura: Surely your joking, Hiro. As if I'd forget something as obvious as that. Remember, I'm a Dracule after all... Hiro: I know exactly that you are a Dracule, thats why I did something you most likely wouldn't see coming. Had this been an acctual fight you'd be dead right now. Sakura: Still though, while I don't doubt that impressive speed you have... Sakura: In the end, it'll sound like nothing but big talk unless we went at it for real one day. Though to be honest... I'd hate to have to kill such a swordsman like you. It'd be such a waste... Timber: Tears? What tears, you baka?! Timber: You know that people like Franky and me don't cry! If Franky doesn't cry, then neither do I! Timber: Actually, the last time I saw Franky was a few days before I left Water 7 to become a pirate! I don't know if you or the other Galley-La shipwrights know this, but i've been hanging out with the Franky Family for as long as i've known them. Timber: So Franky probably still is wearing his speedos! Hahahaha!! But I have to say... You're still being WAY too dark with those psychotic jokes of yours, Jin! Tone it down, you crazy nutjob! Jin: Hahahahahahahahahaha! If Franky is still allowed to be a complete pervert then I'm still allowed to be complete psycho! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Timber: Ya got me there, you ultra madman! Hahahaha! And I'm still allowed to be Franky's succesor! Hahahaha! Jin: Franky's successor? Hahahahahahaha! You got guts kid! Just try not to become too much like him otherwise I'll show you those guts! Hahahahahahahaha! Wyatt: Hehehe...! Sorry, I don't mean to laugh, I'm just a little excited to hear such great news! And it goes to reason that if you've been getting better, then I've been amazing! Wyatt: I've been busy developing so many different kinds of ammo, you wouldn't believe your eyes! I think it's safe to say that I'm now only a few steps away from becoming the greatest Sniper in the world! Sorry Bella, but that means i've surpassed you. But don't take it too hard, it was bound too happen sooner or later! Bella: Well if you're anything like me you will have become way better since the last I saw you. Who knows you may already be the best in the world! *She smiles* Wyatt: You mean it! *He smiles uncontrolably* Bella: But then again... Wyatt: Yeah? Bella: If you are the best in the world... Wyatt:....Yes? Bella: I'm the best in the universe! Wyatt: That's so cold, Bella... Bach: An instrument noone's seen before? I have to admit, you've got me excited! You've gotta tell me, is it a string instrument, or is it a wind instrument? Ooh, maybe it's some kind of strange percussion instrument where it echoes the beat from one drum to another! You've simply got to share with me, uh... Bach: Oh, how impolite of me! I forgot to ask who you might be! I'm sorry, but when I began to imagine the sound that this new instrument of yours would be capable of making, I lost all sense of reason! I just want to feel the emotional response that the instrument will make within me. I simply can't wait! Renny: Hey no worries, my name is Renny. Renny: Here it is. Bach: Really? Looks just like a normal guitar to me. Renny: Appearances can be deceptive. *He opens a compartment on the front of the guitar* See these? They're dials, this is an incredibly rare dial powered guitar. They say you can only find them in Skypeia, so alot of people question the existence of these guitars because most people don't believe Skypeia exists. However I was lucky enough to find this in a large dump called the gray terminal in the East Blue. *He hands the guitar to Bach* Here, have a go if ya want. Bach: A-A-Amazing...! A dial powered guitar! I had heard of dials because of the dials we use on our ship, but I don't think i've come across a dial like this! I... I can hardly imagine what this guitar would sound like! Bach: It's...! It's truly an honor to be able to play your guitar, Renny! Especially since we just met! I don't think i'll be able to repay you for your kindness...! Bach: Tell me, Renny... Have you felt the same way i'm feeling now, whenever you play this guitar? It feels... So beautiful... As if i'm filled with power, but... At the same time... It feels like i've... Bach: Renny, I can never thank you enough for sharing something so rare and beautiful with me. I know I must sound so strange, talking about music like this, but... It's my passion, I live to play music. It's such a wonderful gift that we people have, don't you agree? It can make the sad happy, and the happy sad. I have to admit... I've become a bit obsessed with playing music... And I also need to admit... I'm so jealous of you, Renny. I wish I had such an instrument for myself. I'm sure my shipwright friend, Timber, could do his best at designing one... But I doubt he'll know how to build an instrument the way it's supposed to be crafted. That, and I doubt he has a dial on hand that could help such a guitar make the same sound as yours... So, i'm jealous. I apologize if... Bach: If I begin to cry... I think it's the guitar. The sound is awe-inspiring! As if it came from God himself! I just wish I could be surrounded by beautiful sounds like this every day, so do you mind if... Bach: Do you mind if I play your guitar for just a little longer? I'd hate to have to part with it so soon. And you have my word, as a fellow musician, as a fellow pirate, and as a fellow man... I will return this guitar to you when I am finished. It will never leave this ship. Is that OK? Renny: Y-You....You truly feel the soul of my guitar don't you! It's beauty, it's sound, it's personality! You understand it all! Every time I play that guitar my soul is set aflame with an ecstasy and delight which is indescribable and you feel it too! Of course I'll let you play her to you're hearts content! It would be my honour to allow you to play her as much as you want and I'm sure she'll enjoy it too! Bach: Thank you, Renny! Bach: Not only have I had the chance to hear and play such a magnificent guitar, but I have found a new friend who understands the beauty of music! Today has a been a good day for me! I shall now practice on this wonderful guitar of yours until I can create an amazing melody to commemorate today! Again, I thank you! You don't know how much this means to me! Spike: Ah, Chris, you're here! What the hell did you do to cause Charlie to rock the ship? Chris: Why do you have to go there, Spike?! Just because the ship was rocking, you immediately think it's my fault? Spike: Just a force of habit I guess. And I see you brought the wall flowers along too! Come to socialise, have we, ladies? Karen: We're not wall flowers, Spike! You know that! Spike: Easy, easy! It's just a joke. No need to get worked up. Chris: I was thinking that we could introduce Rune and Karen to Takeshi first, since he's the first mate for The Technicolour Pirates. I can't seem to find Charlie right now, so I think he's head off on his own for now. I might join him later. I still have things I need to discuss with him. Spike: I see. Well, let me handle introducing Rune and Karen to Takeshi. As for Beck (Bach,) I think he went off with Renny somewhere, so I'm sure Beck will have gotten himself introduced to the others through Renny later. Now go have fun, Chris. Or whatever you feel like doing. Takeshi and I were in the middle of an important man to man talk. Chris: Alright then. See ya later, you guys! Spike: Well, it seems my captain has left me with the duty of getting you guys to know our newer crewmates... Spike: This is Peabody Rune. But I'm sure you and Charlie have already gotten aquainted. Rune: Again, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Spike: Rune's an Archaeologist, so it only goes to reason that she's an incredibly smart girl. She can be a little quiet though. Although... Today, she seems to be a bit more talkative lately! Spike: And this is her little sister, Karen. We recruited these two after a battle with The Four Legged Pirates. Karen: It's really nice to get to meet you all! Spike: Hehehe! I forgot to mention to ya, Takeshi! Karen ate the Cute Cute Fruit, so now she can become incredibly cute and use it to overpower the emotional state of others. But of course, a guy like me is totally immune to something like- Karen: Hahaha! Spike thinks i'm adorable too! Spike: I do not!! I'm just admiring the view!! Don't make up lies like that, you got me kid?! Karen: Hehehe...! Whatever you say, Spike! Spike: Damn kid! Takeshi: Hehe it's a pleasure to meet you two, sorry noone really said hello to you. It seems everyone wanted to talk with someone of a similar position from each crew. And we don't have archealogist and a..... *He looks at Karen, puzzeled as to what her role on the Jolly's might acctually be. She looks back at smiles, Takeshi's face slightly goes red from the cuteness of the expression.*...... Whatever the hell you're supposed to be, so we didn't really have anyone to talk to the two of you, I apologise for that. But you may wanna check out Charlie's study if you're interested in archealogy, he's got pretty much every book you could imagine in there including plenty of things on acient history. He's the closest thing to an archeaologist that we have and I'm sure he could converse with you on the topic and that he wouldn't mind you nosing around his study. *He takes a big swig from his sake bottle* Rune: What wonderful news! Thank you so much... Takeshi, was it? That's very kind of you! Rune: I have to be honest with you, since you were kind enough to allow me to use your friend's study. I'd love to have the chance to talk with Charlie some time, that is... When my captain, Chris, is done of course. Now if you'll excuse me... Rune: I'd really love to get started on reading the books in your study. Spike, if anyone else needs me- Spike: Yeah, I'll just let the others know where you are. It won't be too far of a stretch, you know. Rune: Of course. Where else would a bookworm like me be? Karen, be sure to look after the others for me while i'm gone. Karen: OK, but how are you going to find Charlie's study? Rune: I'll do some exploring. I'm sure it'll show up eventually. Now be nice to Takeshi, Karen. Karen: Oh, that's right! I still haven't told you what position I have! Spike: Karen is our Nurse and Helmsman. She's great at following orders, so we decided that she could help our doctor, and that she could steer our ship. She's been doing a wonderful job so far. Karen: SPIKE! I was gonna tell him! Spike: Sorry kid, but ya snooze ya lose! Hehehehehehehehe! Spike: Oh, that reminds me, Karen! I think I heard one of Takeshi's friends, a woman named Bella, attacking someone. May have been Aphro again. Could you please go find Aphro and tend to him? We can't exactly have our doctor be the one who's injured, ya know! Karen: OK, Spike! Karen: I'll take care of Aphro! You have fun with Mr. Takeshi! Spike: Now that that's settled... So Shanks is trying to help Whitebeard save this \"Fire Fist\" guy? And now some Kaido guy is trying to intervene and you're gonna be there to stop him? That's the gist of it, right? Spike: Yonkou... To think Shanks is one of them... Now that's something that's got my interest! To be so strong that they would challenge the bulk of the Marines on their home turf! Hehehehe! And here I thought I was being a badass by challenging G-4! Hehehehehe! I just gotta meet these Yonkou someday! And I'll fight each and every one of them, except for Shanks of course, out of respect for you guys. Have I told you Takeshi...? Spike: I may have said this before, but I plan on becoming the Pirate King someday. There's nothing more exciting than risking your life on a stretch of ocean that's supposedly known as \"The Pirates' Graveyard.\" All in search of a fabled treasure that may not even exist in the first place. Add onto that, all the other dangerous people and monsters in the world that will stand in anyone's way as they search for the One Piece... And you get the single greatest thrill ride of your life! And then there's the fact that the Pirate King will be one of the greatest men ever to live. That's what I aspire to be... A great man. And once I become Pirate King, I think i'd like to pay a visit to these so called \"Yonkou.\" Hehehehehe! And I promise ya, I'll defeat the other three in no time! Whitebeard may be the type to challenge Marineford, but i'm the type who'd challenge Whitebeard! Takeshi: King of the Pirates eh? *He takes another swig from his bottle* Ah, thats quite the ambition especially for a first mate to have. You would of thought that you're captain would have that sort of ambition but here you are telling me that you're gonna be the King. Hehe I respect that greatly Spike, none of my guys may want to become the King of the Pirates but we all have our ambitions all the same. Infact mines a bit like yours. *He takes another swig from his bottle, it is now empty and he plonks it down on the table* My ambition also involves all the guys at the top of the mountain, I wanna beat all the strongest guys in the world and then gather them all to have a drink. Hehe If you do become the King you'll be one of them for sure, but even if you don't become the King. *He smiles* I'll be waiting to see just how strong you and you're crew are gonna be, you have a long way to go but I have faith that you and the rest of you're guys will become a real strong crew one day. Spike: Hahaha! Yeah, that's the kind of reaction we get from everybody whenever we talk about me becoming Pirate King. But also make sure not to go and forget my captain's ambitions too, otherwise i'd be pretty insulted! Hahaha! Those ambitions of his may actually be greater than mine, since I have no clue as to how anyone can entertain the entire world! But on the subject of a man's dreams... Spike: That dream of yours is nothing to laugh at either, Takeshi! To be able to beat the strongest people in the world and then gather them around to have a drink, well... I guess all I can say is, see you there! On top of that mountain of yours! Karen: There, that should fix you both up! Though you guys should know better than to upset a lady like that. Aphro: Alas, my dear Karen, you are simply not old enough to understand the passion of an Okama such as I! Albeit Bella and that mystery beauty's strength was painful, it was a beautiful pain nontheless. Though I must admit, your skills as a Nurse are coming along nicely, but there's one thing you should have done differently... Karen: And that is? Aphro: You didn't need to go overboard with the first aid! All I had was a bruise on my head! My eye and arms are fine! Now please remove the casts and eyepatch at once! Karen: Oh, i'm sorry Aphro. I guess I still have a long way to go before I can be truly helpful to you. Aphro: Oh my, i'm sorry Karen, my dear! Please don't be sad! You're VERY helpful! I didn't mean to scold you! I apologize! Karen: Thank you Aphro! That's so nice of you! Aphro: WERE YOU MANIPULATING ME?! WHO TAUGHT YOU TO DO THAT, WYATT?! Karen: Maybe, I don't know... Hehehehehe! Aphro: Hm? Ah yes, you're that gentleman from before. I'm guessing you heard all of that, huh? Well never-the-less! I must tell you how lucky you are to be sailing with such captivating ladies! Once my Nurse helps me out of these casts, i'd be more than glad to examine your injuries as well. For you see, I am quite a skilled doctor, and while Karen here may have given you... Er, appropriate first aid... Aphro: ...I shall do a check-up to make sure you're not injured. For you see, even though we don't know each other from a hole in the wall, I must follow my duties as a doctor! So no complaining from you! By the way, Karen my dear, why did you give this gentleman and me an eyepatch, hook, and peg leg? Karen: Well, we're pirates, right? I thought it would've been fun to see you two dressed as real pirates. That, and I think you're eye is damaged and that that man's arm and leg are broken, so should we operate? Aphro: NO! I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT! WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'Y DO ANY OPERATIONS ON MY EYE! I NEED THAT IN ORDER TO PEEP-ER, I MEAN, IDOLIZE THE GORGEOUS WOMEN IN MY LIFE! Karen: Aw, you think i'm gorgeous too, Aphro? You're such a sweetie. Aphro: FOOL! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG! JUST GET ME OUT OF THESE CASTS! Chris: Now Charlie said something about being in the kitchen... But that was only in case I stayed in the study, right? Hmmm... Where'd he run off to? ????: Hehehe knew you wouldn't stay in there all night. Chris: Who? Where?......*He smiles* Damn it Charlie, you should give some warning before you pop you're voice in my head. Charlie: Sorry, I forget that some people aren't used to the idea of having someone speak inside their own heads. I'm glad you've come out of the study, it means that what I wanted to do with you can happen now instead of in the morning. Come over to the shoreline, leave everyone else to socialise and relax, theres something we need to take care of. Chris: Got'cha! I'll be there before you know it! Chris: OK Charlie, I'm here! Feel free to come out of hiding anytime you want. I'll just be here, reminiscing. Charlie: Hehe alright then! Charlie: Alright then lets get started shall we, first I'll explain what'll happen. You wish to become stronger isn't that right? Chris: Yes. Charlie: Good, what I am going to be doing is testing you. To see if you are ready for the next level of you're progression and to see if you are ready to utilise you're will to fight. Chris: So what are we going to fight or something? Charlie: No not yet, that will be in the morning for now I am going to test you a different way. Charlie: As you know Chris my psychic powers allow me to do many things. Many of the things I can do involve interacting with the mind, what I plan on doing with you know will be something that will happen all through out the night. It'll be tough but I think you can do it. But before I tell what I'm going to do I need you to tell me that you are ready to accept any thing that may happen during these tests, during my challenge to you. Do you accept? Chris: As if I have a choice, right? Not like I can let you, or those baka I call my friends down. Heh... You're on, Charlie. Come hell or high water, I promise i'll go through with your challenge. Charlie: Hehe Alright then, now that I have you're promise I won't feel any guilt from any pain you are about to recieve. Charlie: First things first, I want you to close you're eyes. Charlie: Now what I am going to do is mentally project visions into your'e head, I will not tell you what these visions are. So I want you to try and prepare yourself for anything that may happen, Ok? Chris: *He nods* Yes. Charlie: Good, we may begin. Spike: Hehe you're gonna make me the King aren't ya Fart Boy? Timber: With you leading the way I know I'll see Franky again! Glory: We've already seen so much, but we still have a long way to go. Lets see the world Chris! Wyatt: I'm already the best sharpshooter ever! But with you I'll become even better just you watch! Sakura: I'll meet my uncle again and become the greatest in the world and it will all be thanks to you, Chris. Aphro: Whilst you entertain the world, I will cure it of all it's illness! Hanuman: Hanuman gonna open great restaurant someday! Rune: I will uncover the truth of the Will of D, you'll help me won't you Chris? Karen: *Insert Ambition here Wyv lol* Bach: When my symphony is done, me and you will both entertain the world! Chris: No! Stop! Samson: *Smashing Hanuman, Timber, Glory, Lawrence and Sakura into the ground* Hahaha! You don't have a hope in hell of defeating me! Grim: *Spreading his virus into Bach, Rune, Karen and Aphro* You will never get away from you're fear. Aokiji: *Stabbing a large Ice Spear into the back and right through the body of a kneeling Spike* Oi Oi, you were never ready to take on the world. Chris: I SAID STOP! ????: I am Whitebeard! ????: ACE! I WILL SAVE YOU! EVEN IF IT MEANS DEATH! Chris[thinking]: So... That was a part of Charlie's test...? I wonder then... What was the point of all that? To show me how far I still need to go...? I'm sure Charlie had a good reason, but I still can't help but ask... What was that all about? Chris: Oi, Charlie. You awake? Time for the 2nd trial, right? Wakey-wakey... Charlie: I'M UP YOU BASTARD CLOCK! Charlie: Huh.... Chris?...... Wake up you lazy bastard.... Charlie: Did I...... Chris on the other hand was left laid out all over the beach in a single line, now nothing more than a streak of liquid clay. It didn't take long for Chris to reform himself however as he stood back up with a shocked look on his face. Chris: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, YOU DUMBASS?!! I'M NOT A CLOCK!! Charlie: Hahaha! Sorry about that Chris, a warrior should always be prepared! Hahahaha! Serves you right for waking me up anyway. Charlie: Well anyways you wanna know what the next trial is right? Hehe, ok then. Well why don't we call that punch the starting bell of this trial. Your'e first trail was trial by smoke... Charlie: Now it's trial by fire! Chris: Alright Charlie!! You may be a skilled pirate, but i've got some experience myself!! Plus, I need to pay you back for that punch! Now...! CLAY CLAY ARMORY! Charlie: Nope, you're gonna have to do better than that.... Charlie: My turn... Charlie: This is the final trial I'm going to give you! You're aim is to do two things! Number 1. Hit me! and Number 2. Make this a fun fight! Chris: Alright, so it'll be sort of like fighting my First Mate then! I'll do my best to remember that, Charlie! Chris: Clay Clay Flood!! Charlie: Nope that's still no good! Charlie: Come on Chris! I shouldn't have to be going easy on you! Chris[thinking]: Damn. I had a feeling he was going to be this difficult! And he isn't even using all of his strength either. Though then again... Neither am I. Chris: You know Charlie, there's something about artists that I think you should know. Some of us like to keep the audience in suspense, making them anxiously await every slight move we make. Every minute decision we choose. So that's all I'm doing. Just saving my masterpiece for later, in case I truly DO need it. After all, I still have a few more of my basic tricks to try out on you first, so don't get antsy just yet! For instance... This is a sneaky one... Chris: This is my other piece of work! It's a bit too vain for my tastes, but it gets the job done! Clay Clay Clone! Chris: Giving up?! Thats unlike you! Chris: W-What?! Charlie: Peek A Boo! Wyatt: ...Hm? [yawns] That was some party last night. I hope noone got too drunk and did something stupid. Oh no... I just realized... Please don't tell me Aphro got drunk and started to hit on everyone who looked the slightest bit feminine. That would've been scary a hell. Chris: Crap, all out offense isn't working obviously, and it's still too soon to use THAT, so I'll have to use my head... Though how can I be sure this will work, when my opponent can read my mind? I guess if I should start trusting my crew, I should start trusting my own decisions... OK... SHOWTIME! Glory: CRAP! What was that just now?! Have we been spotted by someone?! Spike: Damn it! Chris was just attacked! We've gotta go down there and- Takeshi: Relax there, Spike. We're not in any kind of danger. Rune: How do you know, Takeshi? Takeshi: Just give it some time and you'll find out. Chris: DAMN! Charlie's so good! ... ...Fine. I'll stop being stubborn and go all out. (\"Giant Stronghold, Take-off!\" can be heard in the background.) Chris: FINE THEN! IF YOU WANT MY BEST, THEN HERE IT IS! IF THIS DOESN'T WORK, THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL! Timber: Wait...! That's...!! Chris: ART STYLE: POP!!! Chris: Alright you!! Now i'm going to showcase my pop art!! Chris: This may not work, but it's worth a shot... CLAY CLAY POP STREAM!!! Charlie: HAHA! Now we're getting somewhere! This is starting to look fun! Chris: HAHA! I hit you that means I pa.... Charlie: No it doesn't.... Chris: Huh? Charlie: Now that you've hit me.... Charlie: I no longer have to hold anything back. Chris: W-W-What?! Charlie: Have a nice trip.... Chris: No! Charlie I can see where this is going and it's not funny! Chris: YOU BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD! Charlie: Now..... HAVE A NICE FALL! Chris: YOU ARE SUCH A BASTARD CHARLIE! DAMN YOU! Chris: Wha... Wha-wha... Chris: As a... Comedian of sorts... I find that joke... Totally not funny... Charlie!! Charlie: Oh? How come? I thought it was rather brilliant on my behalf. Chris: BECAUSE IT INVOLVED ME KISSING THE EARTH AT SUPER SPEEDS, YOU JERK!!! Karen: Wait... Why are Chris and that Charlie guy fighting? Did they get into another arguement? Takeshi: Hehe... Is that what your captain told you? Rune: So he wasn't being truthful with us? Takeshi: Apparently not. Don't worry too much about it though. Charlie's probably still teaching Chris or something. Just let those two have their fun. Glory: Teaching?! Charlie's knocking Chris to and fro over there! Bella: Trust me, Glory. This is how Charlie \"teaches\" others. Chris will be fine. Chris: OK, good... It looks like I needed Art Style: Pop after all. So now that I know that... I'M GONNA GO WILD NOW! HERE I COME AGAIN, CHARLIE!! Chris: Clay Clay Pop Stairs! Chris: Clay Clay Pop Pop! Charlie: As I said Chris, I'm not holding back anymore. So you should know that even if you make the attack stronger, the same trick isn't going to work. Chris: Damn it... Huff... I got careless back there... Huff... I went and got too confident thanks to... Huff... The Clay Clay Pop Stream... Huff... Chris[thinking]: But that attack on the other hand... It didn't feel like Charlie's psychic blasts or anything like that. It felt like... WAIT! I remember hearing Glory and Hanuman demonstrating something like this to me before! This must be that Haki stuff! Charlie must be using Haki! It makes sense now! Now let's see... He can use that prediction Haki, and that armor Haki. He must've just used that Buso-whatever-it's-called Haki. OK, now that I know that, I have to be more alert than ever. Damn...! So this is the true power of an experienced pirate captain! Hehe... For some reason, it just makes me feel excited! ALRIGHT! ENOUGH THINKING! TIME TO ACT! Chris: Clay Clay Angel! Chris: HERE WE GO AGAIN! CLAY CLAY FLOOD! Timber: Man, you guys see all that clay?! Charlie must be ultra pushing Chris to his limits right now! Glory: N-Now don't get me wrong... I st-still love Spike only, but... I hope Chris is OK...! I mean... He's gone up against so many strong opponents before, and he's always somehow made it out, but... Charlie's... Well, he's so much... You know... Tougher! I can only imagine how much damage that stupid kid captain of ours is taking! Spike: Relax you guys. Chris is tough as hell. He has the Clay Clay Fruit, he got stronger thanks to my training, Glory and Hanuman helped instruct him about Haki, even if it was by a little bit... And then there's that unrelenting spirit of his... He WILL make it through whatever Charlie's teaching him. Chris WILL pass! Rune: Of course, after all... He IS a D. That willpower of his will be his greatest asset now... Chris: Hehe... Now where are ya, Charlie? I've got a few jokes of my own in store for you... Hehehe, i'm gonna show you an artist's creativity and resoucefulness! Charlie's Thoughts: Ah good good! I would love to see you're creative side! Chris: C-Charlie?! Where are you?! Chris' Thoughts: Damn you.... This whole projecting thoughts into peoples heads is really annoying you know.... Charlie's Thoughts: Everyone seems to say that, but you have to admit, it's a pretty useful ability for conversing with you're opponent without them even knowing where you are. It means you can sneak up on them, get to places very very close them, without them even knowing..... For example..... Look up...... Charlie: I think you can guess whats going to happen. Chris: Unfortunatley.... Yes I can..... Chris[thinking]: CLAY CLAY CLONE! CHARLIE STYLE! Chris: Damn it... Ugh! That really hurt... I think he may have cracked a few rib bones too... URGH! It really hurts...! Aw well, I just gotta focus on my art... Just gotta give Charlie a good performance... And I really hope he likes it... This is my favorite. There's nothing funnier in the world, than getting to impersonate someone else... Enjoy my unique sense of humor, Charlie... Because once I get back there, you'll have nothing to laugh about...! Charlie: This isn't bad Chris! The likness is really uncanny. Apart from one thing.... This thing is way weaker than me! Charlie: I suppose he hasn't left that house yet, I suppose I'll head over there. Chris[thinking]: CLAY CLAY POP POP...! Chris[thinking]: ...SABAODY SPECIAL!!! Chris: AND NOW CLAY CLAY LOCKDOWN!! Chris: Sorry if this seems cheap, pal, but I'm in this to win it! I hope you had fun like you wanted. I'd be shamed forever as an entertainer if I couldn't make this fight fun for you. Now let's see here, you're gonna want to blast me away with some more of that psychic power, right? Charlie: Good guess! Though this isn't going to be any telekinetic burst, I'm going to show you what I can really do..... Charlie: Haaaaaaaaaaaaraaaa....... Takeshi: Damn it Charlie! Aren't you pushing it?! Spike: What is it Takeshi?! Whats wrong?! Takeshi: Charlie's really pushing his limits right now and the stupid bastard doesn't need to! If he's not careful he may lose it and go berserk! Charlie: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaara...... Takeshi: Everyone! Duck down and take cover! It's coming! Chris: Uuuuuuuum.... Charlie?.... I think thats enough now, I'm not sure Saoboady can take it! Charlie: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaara..... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Charlie: You're gonna go far Chris, you're gonna go really far. Chris: Ye... Yeah... I gott... Gotta go... Farther...! Still need... The One... Piece...! Spike... King of... The pirates...! Gotta... Still be... A pirate... See the... World... Entertain the...! Chris: Gotta... Entertain the... Worl... Charlie: Yeah thats right, you said you're gonna entertain the world right? Hehe I have all the faith in the world that you will Chris. Chris[thinking]: Hehe... So it seems I lost, huh? I got so worked up back there, that for a minute I forgot that I was fighting a friend, not an enemy! Tootootootootoo! Chris[thinking]: Damn, I overdid it. Heh... Looks like I'll have to avoid making jokes for the time being... And at least Charlie's sleeping for now, so I can just think to myself in private without worrying about him eavesdropping. Tootootootoo-OW! ...Right, can't laugh. Still funny though! Chris[thinking]: Hehehe, I'm sure Charlie wouldn't mind if I got some fresh air! After all, I'm CLAY Man Chris! These injuries will heal up in no time! URGH! Chris[thinking]: Damn it, my stupid ribs haven't healed up yet. But they will soon! Which reminds me... I can't believe Charlie kicked me there! That really hurt!! Hehe... But I got 'em with my Clay Clay Pop Stream! Tootootootoo!! Ya don't mess with my Pop art!! Charlie[Thinking]: Hehehe... Charlie[Thinking]: You've got a lot of spirit Chris Hehehe. I think you're ready.... Chris: Damn it, you may like that telepathy power of yours, but it totally sucks on the recieving end of the Devil Fruit power! Charlie[Thinking]: Sorry there pal, but I couldn't resist! Chris: I see... Chris: Now, when you said that you think i'm ready... Are you talking about some kind of third test? Because I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. Charlie: Sort of.... It'll certainly be a test of you're skills but it isn't an acctual test or trial. What I mean is you're ready for some training, from a good friend of mine and a friend even more powerful then I am, infact he's way stronger than I am. Chris: TRAINING?!! FROM A SUPER STRONG FRIEND OF YOURS?!! THAT'S SOOO COOL!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING TO TEACH ME?!! I HOPE IT'S SOME KIND OF NEW TRICK, LIKE HOW TO SHOOT BLASTS LIKE YOU CAN!! OR MAYBE A WAY TO EAT MORE DEVIL FRUIT AND GET LOTS OF COOL POWERS!!! OHHHHH!! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!!! Charlie: Hehe I can see you're exited but no he's not teaching you anything to do with devil fruits. He's a Haki expert, I don't know if you've heard of it before but it's what allowed me to hit you without you turning into clay. But anyways do you want to hear the name of this awesome super poweful friend of mine? You might of heard of his before. Chris: I may have heard of him before?.... GO ON THEN TELL ME! I'M SO EXCITED!! TOOTOOTOOTOOTOOTOOTOO! Charlie: His name.... Is Red Haired Shanks. Chris: [picking his nose] Sorry Charlie, I never heard of the guy. Chris: But I know of Haki. Some of my crewmates can use it, and Glory and Hanuman tried teaching all of us once so that we could use it when necessary. In fact, i've used it once or twice before, but I could never get the hang of it. It would just appear and dissapear without me wanting it to. It was always so handy, but so annoying at the same time. Huh... So those wierd sensations I felt when you hit me was because of Haki. Well that bites! And here I thought my Logia powers would give me a huge advantage against my opponents... Chris: So this Red Hair guy... He's skilled at Haki then? Charlie: He's more than skilled, he's incredible at using his Haki. Just the mere presence of his Haki can make weak willed people fall down and make ships splinter all over them. Infact he's more than just a great Haki user, he's one of the greatest priates around. He's an emporer of the new world, my former captain and most impressivley one of Roger's former crew members. Chris: NOW I KNOW I'VE HEARD ABOUT ROGER! SPIKE TOLD ME OF HOW AMAZING HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! FOR YOU TO KNOW SUCH A GUY LIKE SHANKS...! CHARLIE!! YOU'RE INCREDIBLE!!! Chris: I can't believe it! I'm actually gonna bust stuff up with Haki by learning from one of the greatest pirates to ever live, excluding the late Pirate King himself!! Man...! This is too cool for words!!! THIS IS TOTALLY BEYOND AWESOME!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED FOR THE NEW WORLD!!! YEEEEAAAAH!!! BRING IT ON, NEW WORLD!!! I'LL BLAST YA AWAY WITH MY HAKI!!! TOOTOOTOOTOOTOO!!! Charlie: Just take it steady for now Chris, you don't wanna bust you're self up before we head off do you? Hehe Cooker will be coming in soon to bring you some food and then Hiro is gonna give you a check up is that ok? Chris: Sure! That sounds great... Tootootootoo! I'M SO EXCITED TO MEET THIS SHANKS GUY! Charlie: Hehe I know you are, I am too. I haven't seen him in person for awhile. If you need me I'll be in my study, I need to make a call on the old Den Den Mushi. Chris: Hehehehehehe!! This is too cool!! I'm gonna meet an awesomely strong pirate!! And to think...! He's stronger than Charlie!! THAT'S SO COOL!!! Den Den Mushi: Bero bero bero, bero bero bero.... Den Den Mushi: Kerchack! ????: Hello? Charlie: Shanks! It's me Charlie. Shanks: Oh! Charlie long time no see. How are you and the crew? Charlie: We're all doing great! But I didn't call to talk about that. Shanks: Oh? Charlie: Yeah, I have a small favour to ask.... Chris: MAAAN!!! THIS STUFF IS GREAT!! I GOTTA GET HANUMAN TO MAKE ME FOOD LIKE THIS MORE OFTEN!!! Chris[under his breath]: C'mon stupid injuries... Heal up already! If you don't, then i'm just gonna go as I am! ????: Are you ready for you're check up? Chris: AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Hiro: Are you ready for you're check up or aren't you?.... Chris: Um, sure I guess... Chris: HOW DOES YOUR CREW HANDLE HAVING YOU SNEAK AROUND THEM ALL THE TIME?!! YOU NEARLY MADE ME HAVE A HEART ATTACK, YOU INSANE SNEAK!!! Chris: Damn...! [coughs] Is there a gas leak in here...?! [coughs again] Hiro: Hold as still as you can, this is a very cold stephoscope so take a breath if you have to. Chris: A breath...? [coughs] In this smell?! ...Alright Hiro, i'll get on it. Chris: Stupid...! [coughs] Gas leak...!! [coughs again] Hiro: There, you should be able to walk about now that I've given you your check up and some treatment. But I reccomend that you rest, though if you're anything like my idiot captain you'll probably ignore me. Hiro: I'll be seeing you. Chris: THAT'S SO COOL! I WANNA TELEPORT TOO! Chris[thinking]: Training, huh? That's still SO cool!! Hehe... And the next time I end up at Sabaody, i'll be way stronger than I was before. So strong, that noone will lay a hand on my crew, or my ship, without me doing something about it! I just wonder how long it'll take though... We don't have all the time in the world right now. We need to get to Raftel before anyone else does, so that Spike can become the King of the Pirates. And then, once we have finally reached Raftel, i'll have finally entertained the world, just like I had planned from the start! Hehe... Training or no training, there's no doubt that my crew has gotten amazing over the course of our adventures! And we'll only get better from here on out... Chris[thinking]: After all, we still need to uphold our pride and honor. Not only as pirates. But as The JOLLY Pirates. We're the crew that parties nonstop on the open sea. We have the biggest laughs, and we never give in. There may be more talented crews than us out there, but... This is MY crew! MY family! And i'll do whatever it takes to protect them. To protect my ship... To protect that proud symbol... And to protect my strange family... If it means having to wait a little longer before entering the New World, then so be it! A good captain is supposed to put the safety of his crew before anything else, right? So that's what i'll be... Chris: A good pirate captain... One that my crew can depend on and be proud of. Charlie: So you're gonna protect you're family and wait a bit longer to go to the New World huh? Hehe Well I have some good news for you then.... Charlie: I just finished my call with Shanks, he said normally he wouldn't bother doing something like this for just anybody. But luckily for you Chris I'm not just anybody, he said that seeming it was a special request from me he'd gladly do it. Chris: You mean it?! Charlie: Yup. Chris: WOOHOO! I'm so happy I get to meet this super strong guy whose gonna teach me how to be stronger! TOOTOOTOO! Charlie: Hehe hold you're horses Chris, it gets better. Because he is one of the Yonkou, one of the emperors of the New World. You're training shall be going on in the New World, so you get to go there after all. Chris: ARE YOU SERIOUS, CHARLIE?! THAT'S SO...! SO...!! Chris: AWESOOOOOME!!! I'M GONNA GET A SNEAK PEEK OF WHAT THE NEW WORLD'S GONNA LOOK LIKE?!! THAT'S TOO COOL!!! Chris: 'Cuz after all... Hehehehehe! I'm not gonna just ditch my family here at Sabaody! So when this training is done, i'll be coming back for them! Tootootootoo!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEIR FACES WHEN THEY SEE HOW MUCH STRONGER I'VE BECOME!! TOOTOOTOOTOOTOO!!! Charlie: Hehe Don't worry about you're friends, I asked Shanks and they can come to. But Chris before you celebrate that fact there is some bad news I must tell you. Me and the guys have business with Shanks before you can start you're training involving one of the other yonkou, Kaido, attacking Whitebeard as he makes his way to Marineford with his allies. This'll mean once we're in the New World we'll have to leave you on Shanks' base island is that ok? Chris: Actually Charlie, as cool as it would be to go right now, I'd really like it if I could talk this out with my crew as well. Since this involves them and everything. Once we've made up our mind as a crew, i'll come back and tell you. That sound like a deal, fellow captain? Charlie: Sure thing, the max time I can give you is one day. 24 hours from now we will have to leave. I'll have to use a method which may sting for a bit but it should go away before the battles start. Charlie: I agree to you're terms Chris, hehe you're starting to like a fine captain now. Chris: You think so, huh? Heh... Hehe, thanks Charlie! Anyway, one day will be more than enough time to get everything ready. I'll see ya tomorrow pal, for now I need to see my friends and tell them the news! Charlie[thinking]: Chris, your friends are back on your ship. They said they didn't want to intrude by sleeping on The Crimson Express, and some of them were quite adamant about it, like your first mate for example. So if you're looking for them, like I know you are, then they should still be on your ship. Chris: Thanks again, Charlie! Timber: Alright, you finally healed up after that fight of yours, Chris! ULTRA! Wyatt: Hehehe, welcome back home, you baka! Chris: Hehe! It's good to be back! And boy, do I have some news for you guys! Chris: Hrm? You guys OK? I thought you'd be interested in my news! Chris: What... What's going on, you guys? Tell me. Glory: Chris, we have some news for you as well. I think you need to hear this the most, since you're our captain. Chris: Huh...? Spike: It's about the Marines, and about our little incident back at G-4. Chris: What about them? Rune: Chris, the Marines haven't forgotten about us. While we were partying with The Technicolour Pirates, the government has sent more Marine warships after us. Lawrence went out on reconnaisance earlier this morning and saw a large group of warships coming in this direction. Luckily, he wasn't spotted, being in full eagle form. Chris: Crap, so they're here?! Well thy can't take all of us on at once! Not when we have The Technicolour Pirates with us! Spike: No, they aren't exactly here yet. Lawrence explained it to us that he had seen the warships somewhere off the coast of a nearby island. I assume it's your island, correct? Chris: Damn it...! Chris: So they know we're at Sabaody, and are already at my home island, Pleasure Island? Aphro: Appears so, i'm afraid. Hanuman: It not that hard of guess. Marines see us going in this direction, so they follow us. Simple as that. Spike: So we don't have a lot of time to prepare. Chris: I see... Sakura: While you were resting up on the Technicolours' ship, we had decided that we as a crew were down to two choices. Fight or flee. It's a matter of survival for us, so of course these would be our only options. Chris: So let's just fight them then! Glory: It won't be that easy you know. Didn't you hear us earlier? They're sending in more and more ships after us. And they're WARships, Chris. That means they were built for war. No matter how strong we may think we are, we still have our limits, and these guys are quickly beginning to surpass those limits. Chris: So that means...? Wyatt: Yeah, we'll have to continue running. Chris: GRRRH!! Chris: All we've been doing is running! I say we can take those arrogant Marines! Spike: CHRIS! Spike: I know how you feel. I'd love to stand and fight too. After all, just the thought of staring those warships face to face is making me excited. But you have to use your head for this one. Glory's right, we're in over our heads now. There's nothing left to do but find a place to hide until this all blows over. Chris: A place to hide, huh...? Karen: What's up, Chris? Is something bothering you? Rune: And didn't you have some news to share with us as well? Chris: Oh yeah. I just got news today that Charlie's gonna pull some strings because of some connections he's got going for him. He says that he's gonna try and see if I can get proper training in how to use Haki by a guy called \"Red Haired\" Shanks. Spike: Shanks?! You're going to be trained by Shanks of all people?! Chris: Yeah. I take it you've heard of him? Timber: What's up, Spike? Who's this ultra Shanks guy? The Jolly Pirates except Sakura: WHAT?!! Sakura: I see... And to think that our captain would be so lucky enough as to get proper training from Shanks himself. I'm very happy for you, Chris. I'm sure you'll become a fine young man once this is over. Glory: But why do you have to train with Shanks?! I know he's way more amazing than any of us, but Hanuman and I... Even Lawrence here! We can still teach you how to use Haki if you want! You don't need to go away to train, Chris! Chris: Who said anything about me going by myself? Charlie said that Shanks is willing to invite everyone if need be. Karen: WOW! THAT'S SO AWESOME! Karen: Oh, right... Chris: What's up now? Is there something you aren't telling me? Wyatt: Well, we were about to get to this, before you told us about your training. It concerns our plan in how to shake the Marines off our trail. Chris: Plan...? Bach: Since it was my idea, i'll explain. Chris, look... Chris: ...? Bach: The Marines are after us, and won't stop till they catch us. I should know, being a former Rear Admiral myself. They're main objective is to try and capture us all alive. So here's the thing... Bach: If they're after one pirate crew, then they won't be expecting six. Chris: Six...? What're you getting at, Bach? Bach: What i'm getting at, is that I think we need to divide our numbers. Chris: No, you're not serious? ...Are you? Bach: Chris, you have to accept facts. We don't know how long it'll take, but... Chris: Shut the hell up, Bach!! I don't wanna listen!! Bach: PAY ATTENTION CHRIS! Bach: Good... Now look, it's not easy on me either. Bach: After all... I'm still new to this crew. It isn't fair... This shouldn't be happening, but... Bach: In order for The Jolly Pirates to survive! In order for us to keep our loved ones safe! In order to live another day, in order to continue our adventures! We must...! We...!! Bach: WE MUST SPLIT UP! DISBAND!! Chris: I see... Well, that's gonna throw a monkey wrench into the whole training plan... Spike: So then, are we agreed on this? Is everyone fine with these decisions? Spike: Good, cuz we can't back down from this now. Now then, how long should we take before reuniting? Rune: It should be two years from now. Timber: Huh? Two years? Why so long? Glory: I agree with Timber. Isn't two years a bit too long, Rune? I'm sure a few months would be enough to let things cool down around here. Rune: I say two years because that's how long it's going to take before the Marines give up on the chase. Like Bach would tell you all, the Marines are highly persistant. A few months won't be long enough for us. The Marines will chase down a pirate crew for almost a year, if that's what it will take. If we wait two years before reuniting, then that will be just the right amount of time for our trail to go cold without compromising too much time as a result. After all, we're going for the One Piece, are we not? We need to be precise. Aphro: I see... So two years it is. Glory: But what about afterward? Once we get back together, only Chris is going to be stronger. None of us will be ready for the New World aside from him. Spike: Heh, who said the rest of us won't be training as well? Glory: Huh? What do you mean, Spike? Spike: I don't know about the rest of you, but I refuse to waste two years of my life doing nothing. And besides, why should our baka captain be the only one who gets to be stronger? I can't fall too far behind, being our first mate and all. Am I right? Rune: Precisely. Two years would also allow for adequate training as well. It's a win-win situation at the cost of having to bid farewell to each other for now. It may seem painful to hear, but splitting up will be more beneficial to our crew than you may think. How do you feel about this, captain? Chris: OK, I say we split up for two years. It'll go by in the blink of an eye, you'll see. Hanuman: Haha, Chris make great rhyme! Hanuman gotta remember that one! \"It go by in blink of eye! WOOO!\" Chris: You know guys, Charlie also said that in 24 hours, we'd have to start leaving to go and meet up with Shanks. Glory: So? Why are you telling us that now? Rune: I see... Glory: Huh? See what? Rune: Time to go and give Charlie the news. Spike: Yeah, we really should. Otherwise, we might screw everything up concerning him, his crew, Shanks, that Kaido guy, and the Whitebeard war. Glory: Oh, I think I get it now. Should've been more clear from the start, you know! Chris: YOOO!! CHARLIE! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!! WE'VE MADE A DECISION NOW! COME ON OUT!! Charlie: You've made your descion huh? Hehe good good... Guys you'll wanna hear this! Charlie: Chris and the Jollys have made their descion! Takeshi: Good! Just hurry up with it already, Shanks is waiting! Charlie: Now I already know what your descion is. Charlie: But I haven't told the others yet, as you're a captain Chris I thought it'd be good if you had the honour of announcing your crews descion infront of everyone. Chris: Hehehe, eavesdropping again, are ya? OK then Charlie, I agree to those terms. As captain of The Jolly Pirates, i'll announce my crew's decision... Chris: Before I get on with this announcement of mine, i'm sure Charlie already knows what's been taking priority in my mind right now. And that is... Chris: It seems we, The Jolly Pirates, will need this training moreso than ever before! While we don't doubt your crew's strength...! We as a crew need to learn to either sink of swim on our own! A large fleet of Marine warships are heading in our direction as we speak! They're intending on arresting us for what we did back at G4! So it has come to my attention, as captain and entertainer of this fine crew, that...! Chris: That in order to protect this strange family of mine, I must make a painful sacrifice! Chris: Two years! The Jolly Pirates will be no more for two years, and two years only! This way, we can lay low while the Marines wear themselves out, and continue on with my training! I hope this doesn't change too much, Charlie! Chris: Also! We've decided that for safety, we'll be using the buddy system! My crew and I will be splitting off into six pairs of two, with my musician, Titan Black (Bach) as the one who will join me with my training! The rest of the crew has agreed to remain behind in the Grand Line, since none of us are prepared for the New World yet! Additionally, Timber will be taking responsibility of The Jolly Holiday while the rest of us are away! Chris: Now about our decision as a crew about my training... Chris: THE JOLLY PIRATES HAVE AGREED! IT'S UNANIMOUS!! THE TRAINING WITH SHANKS GOES ON AS PLANNED!!! Charlie: Hehe... Hehehe... Hahahahahaha! Chris: Why... Why're you laughing? Charlie: Hehe I'm sorry I'm just so excited by what you said! Hahahaha! I never saw it coming! Chris: Never saw it coming..... Wait did you lie about eavesdropping on me! Charlie: Yup. Chris: WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?! Charlie: To make sure you acctually did it. Charlie: Then it's settled! We'll stay here one more day and have a massive party in honour of the wonderful and amazing Jolly Pirates! Takeshi: Oi! Are you sure about that? We can't keep Shanks waiting you know! Charlie: Don't worry about it! We can still make it there in one day, it just means I'll have to resort to using desperate measures! Spike: Heh, a party, ay? Hehehehehe!! Hanuman: What up, Spike? Why you laughing? Spike: I'm just thinking of our captain. You guys know as well as I do that if we're going to do something as big as this, that we were gonna hold a party anyway. After all, we're The JOLLY Pirates, aren't we? Even in the worst of times, we still have a reason to celebrate and have a good time. Glory: My darling Spike is right! Our reputation as the fun-loving pirates of the seas is at stake here! Wyatt: YEAH! Chris wouldn't let us leave without a party anyway!! Sakura: Knowing him, he'd be against having us leave with a whimper. The only true way for a pirate crew to disband is... The Jolly Pirates: WITH A BANG!!! Chris: TOOTOOTOOTOO!!! ALRIGHT!!! I'M GONNA PUT ON THE BEST SHOW IN THE WORLD!!! Takeshi: BOOZE! Takeshi: Alright! Now that the booze is here the party can really begin! Who wants a drinking contest?! Glory: He got this excited... Wyatt: ...Over booze? Aphro: He must really love hitting the ale, ay? Spike: Takeshi, you drunkard!! Hahahaha!!! Chris: Tootootootootoo!!! That's quite the first mate you have with you, Charlie!! Bach: Of course THOSE two would find the humor in this. They never cease to amaze me! Charlie: You're telling me Chris! Best damn First mate in the world haha! ALRIGHT NOW LETS PARTY! Everyone: YOSHA! Renny: Hey Bach you know this song? Bach: Well I wouldn't be able to call myself an expert musician if I didn't know what this song was! I take it you want to have a little performance before we go, in order to spice up this party of ours? Renny: Alright! Let's jam! Charlie: The hours are gonna fly by Chris, make them count. Takeshi: What the hell do you think your doing?! Thats mine! Charlie: Sing if you know the words guys, the party has just begun! Everyone: Yohohoho! Yohohoho! Yohohoho! Yohohoho! Chris: Yohohoho!!! Yohohoho!!! Yohohoho!!! Yohohoho!!! Bach: Oi, baka!! You're singing so loud, you're drowning all of us out!!"@en . . "Spike: So... I'm finally returning home, ay? It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Glory: Is everything OK, Spike? You've been out here ever since this morning. Spike: Hm?! Spike: Ah, you don't need to worry about me, Glory. I'm just glad to be back home! Hahahaha... Spike: I still can't believe I decided to join this crazy crew of ours! Hahahaha!! And to think i'd be First Mate! Hehehe... Oh Chris, there isn't another person like you, is there? Glory: A-... Are you sure you're OK Spike?! You're starting to scare me! Glory: Heh, I think I do! Chris: So, is our First Mate alright? Tootootoo!"@en . . . "Test of Worth! Charlie's Challenge of Will!"@en . . . .