. . "Nonostante l'impegno di famosissimi studiosi, tra i quali spicca per competenze l'esimio professor Pico de Paperis (l'unico ad essersi laureato in \"Leggende&Legende\", \"Fori&Buchi\", \"Piercing&Pirsin\" ed altri titoli accademici, N.d.R.), non si \u00E8 ancora riusciti a stabilire con certezza le circostanze che hanno spinto un nostro lontanissimo antenato a praticarsi il primo Body Piercing della storia. L'unica fonte in proposito \u00E8 un'antichissima leggenda qui di seguito riportata:"@it . . . . . "At the early part of the 20th century, piercing of any body part was uncommon in the West. However, after World War II, it began gathering steam among the gay male subculture as a means of group identification. Gay men were tired of having their noses broken after hitting on straight Marines and began to wear an earring in their right ear as a way of saying Please pinch my butt, you manly hunk of a man. In the 1970s, piercing began to expand, as the punk movement embraced it, featuring nontraditional adornment such as safety pins, fishing hooks, live hookworms, tire irons, and the occasional Ford Edsel. Some trend setters began popularizing it as a form of modern primitivism, with the tag line, It's far-out groovy to look like a neanderthal. By the year 2000, this catch phrase had morphed to Ogg gouge self. Wear shiny bling bling. Self look good. In the 1990s, body piercing became more widespread. With growing availability and access to garage-based sadistic quacks posing as piercing artists, piercings of the navel, nose, eyebrows, lips, tongue, nipples, genitals, lower bowel, Achilles tendon, upper cerebellum, left ventricle, bladder, spinal column, and jugular vein became common place. In 1993, a navel piercing was displayed in MTV Video Music Awards' Music Video of the Year, Cryin', which inspired a plethora of young female fans to follow suit. Alicia Silverstone, who was depicted with the navel piercing in the video, was surprised at the reaction. \"I can't believe that so many girls haven't got a brain in their head.\", said Silverstone. \"I thought the idea was stupid. I only did it because Aerosmith paid me $1.35 million. Then all these kids see it and go running off a cliff like a bunch of lemmings. This country is really in trouble if all our kids are this brain-dead.\" Silverstone allegedly later revised her alleged comments after an alleged gentleman allegedly identified as \"Guido\", allegedly employed by the alleged jewelry maker Bodystuds, allegedly threatened to break both of her alleged legs."@en . "Body piercing"@it . "Body piercing"@en . . . . . . . . . "Whenever you penetrate, you get an increased penetration chance for a short time. \n* Passive \n* AP Cost : 21 \n* Whenever you penetrate, you gain a single stack of the Penetration Rating effect, which increases your Penetration Rating by 40 per stack for 8 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times."@en . "Whenever you penetrate, you get an increased penetration chance for a short time. \n* Passive \n* AP Cost : 21 \n* Whenever you penetrate, you gain a single stack of the Penetration Rating effect, which increases your Penetration Rating by 40 per stack for 8 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times."@en . . "Mormons are encouraged not to disfigure their bodies with tattoos or piercing. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced, they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings. Fads and fashions come and go. Recently, practices like tattooing and body piercing have become popular. The trends of tattooing and body piercing, as with other worldly fashions, are not long lasting, although the marks or scars they leave on the body are often permanent. These worldly fads are practices that members of the Church should choose to avoid because they don\u2019t complement an attitude of respect toward our earthly bodies as the scriptures and prophets teach. Of course, those who have had tattoos prior to joining the Church have no need to feel embarrassed.:~Janet Thomas, \u201CMore Than Skin D"@en . . . "At the early part of the 20th century, piercing of any body part was uncommon in the West. However, after World War II, it began gathering steam among the gay male subculture as a means of group identification. Gay men were tired of having their noses broken after hitting on straight Marines and began to wear an earring in their right ear as a way of saying Please pinch my butt, you manly hunk of a man. In the 1970s, piercing began to expand, as the punk movement embraced it, featuring nontraditional adornment such as safety pins, fishing hooks, live hookworms, tire irons, and the occasional Ford Edsel. Some trend setters began popularizing it as a form of modern primitivism, with the tag line, It's far-out groovy to look like a neanderthal. By the year 2000, this catch phrase had morphed "@en . "Nonostante l'impegno di famosissimi studiosi, tra i quali spicca per competenze l'esimio professor Pico de Paperis (l'unico ad essersi laureato in \"Leggende&Legende\", \"Fori&Buchi\", \"Piercing&Pirsin\" ed altri titoli accademici, N.d.R.), non si \u00E8 ancora riusciti a stabilire con certezza le circostanze che hanno spinto un nostro lontanissimo antenato a praticarsi il primo Body Piercing della storia. L'unica fonte in proposito \u00E8 un'antichissima leggenda qui di seguito riportata: \"C'era una volta, tanto tempo fa, un villaggio lontano lontano abitato da pescatori. Nel villaggio viveva Alb3rto, un pescatore cos\u00EC bravo da essersi meritato il nomignolo di \"Principe della p\u00E9sca\". Gli studiosi hanno provato, invano, in tutti i modi a ricostruire il processo di evoluzione della lingua che ha trasformato la parola \"Alb3rto\" nella parola \"Body Piercing\". Alcuni sostengono che il nome \"tramandato per secoli\" non si riferisca a quello della pratica ma a quello di quel particolare piercing. Un'ipotesi senza fondamento...oppure no?."@it . . "Body Piercing"@en . "Mormons are encouraged not to disfigure their bodies with tattoos or piercing. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced, they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings. Fads and fashions come and go. Recently, practices like tattooing and body piercing have become popular. The trends of tattooing and body piercing, as with other worldly fashions, are not long lasting, although the marks or scars they leave on the body are often permanent. These worldly fads are practices that members of the Church should choose to avoid because they don\u2019t complement an attitude of respect toward our earthly bodies as the scriptures and prophets teach. Of course, those who have had tattoos prior to joining the Church have no need to feel embarrassed.:~Janet Thomas, \u201CMore Than Skin Deep,\u201D New Era, Feb 2001, 44:Tattoos & body piercing comes directly from pagan religions.:Qoshet Alethes"@en . . . . . .