"The Warhammer World is the planet that serves as the setting for the Warhammer-universe. According to the earliest mythology of the Dwarfs, Elves and Lizardmen -- millions of years ago, a race of beings known as the Old Ones, strange creatures possessing almost god-like powers, shaped the climate and geography of this world. These creatures were said to be alien to the worlds and were crafters and engineers, they looked upon this newly discovered world and found it good, and knew that it would play the central role in the destiny of the universe, so they took to steering its path towards the warmth of the sun, forged its continents in accordance of patterns of ancient prophecy. To aid in their ordering, they created so-called 'Polar Gates' at the northern and southern extremes of the planet which allowed them to travel instantaneously through the vast space that separated their various colonized worlds. The Old Ones would later pay the price for their arrogant intrusions. For their Warp Gates at the poles of the world, each dwarfing the greatest mountains, were destroyed as the spirit realm beyond the veil writhed and boiled with the changing of the mortal plane. The Warp Gates collapsed in an epoch-shattering explosion, flattening continents and replacing the constructions with massive seas of boiling Chaos where reality and the aethyr overlapped. Hordes of daemonic creatures charged into the world and slaughtered the Old Ones, bringing their shining civilization to its knees. Whatever the truth of its origins, the Warhammer World is a temperate planet whose surface is covered by several great continents, each with their own distinct civilizations and native creatures. The Warhammer World is orbited by two moons -- the white moon Mannslieb and the dark moon Morrslieb, which is said to actually be a giant chunk of Warpstone ejected into the atmosphere long ago when the Old Ones' Warp Gates first collapsed and began spilling the power of raw Chaos into the material world. Now, the world is ruled by the races of Men, most prominently the Empire of the Old World. Established by the warrior-turned-god, Sigmar Heldenhammer, from the myriad warring tribes of the region known as the Reik Basin, it has grown to become a nigh unapproachable global superpower. Yet the Empire is assailed from all sides -- from the frozen North comes the peril of Chaos, from the East the Greenskin hordes and from within disunity sullies the glory of Sigmar's Realm. It is later revealed by the Elven Goddess Lileath, that the whole world is doomed to fall. No matter what the mortal nations of this world will do, Chaos will triumph, as she reveals that the death of the world is inevitable, a part of a great cycle that has repeated itself since the dawn of time; a Creator arises and gives life to a barren world, then his family quarrels, culminating in blows that disrupt the world's precious balance and allows Chaos to pour in through the wounds, inevitably consuming it once more. All the Gods of the World were in fact the survivors of the previous world, a world that was consumed in darkness, and those that survived it would come to lead a new life in the next. And so it was that this world's doom would eventually arrive, and Chaos will forever rule it as their own."@en . . "The Warhammer World is the planet that serves as the setting for the Warhammer-universe. According to the earliest mythology of the Dwarfs, Elves and Lizardmen -- millions of years ago, a race of beings known as the Old Ones, strange creatures possessing almost god-like powers, shaped the climate and geography of this world. These creatures were said to be alien to the worlds and were crafters and engineers, they looked upon this newly discovered world and found it good, and knew that it would play the central role in the destiny of the universe, so they took to steering its path towards the warmth of the sun, forged its continents in accordance of patterns of ancient prophecy. To aid in their ordering, they created so-called 'Polar Gates' at the northern and southern extremes of the plane"@en . . . "Warhammer World"@en . .