"Third Anthology"@en . . "Fair"@en . . . "Nala Hetsime"@en . . . "Nala Hetsime was a Human male pilot from the planet Pa Tho, who had joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic by 3 ABY. In that year, Hetsime was stationed at Echo Base on the planet Hoth. He participated in the Battle of Hoth as part of the Rebel Rogue Group under the call sign Rogue Seven against the invading Imperial forces. While the battle resulted in a Rebel defeat, Hetsime's T-47 airspeeder made it through the battle intact."@en . "Echo Base Garrison"@en . . "http://www.decipher.com/jediknights/cardlists/mastersoftheforce/large/12nalahetsimet47pilot.html|cardname=Nala Hetsime \u2022 T-47 Pilot"@en . "http://wizards.com/swtcg/images/esb/rebel_hangar.jpg|cardname=Rebel Hangar"@en . . "Nala Hetsime"@en . "Rebel"@en . . . "news/inside-the-fearless-rogue-group"@en . "Masters of the Force"@en . . . . . "The Empire Strikes Back"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Inside the Fearless Rogue Group"@en . "Nala Hetsime was a Human male pilot from the planet Pa Tho, who had joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic by 3 ABY. In that year, Hetsime was stationed at Echo Base on the planet Hoth. He participated in the Battle of Hoth as part of the Rebel Rogue Group under the call sign Rogue Seven against the invading Imperial forces. While the battle resulted in a Rebel defeat, Hetsime's T-47 airspeeder made it through the battle intact."@en . . . . . . . . . "ThirdAnthology-Light/large/echobasegarrison.gif"@en . .