. . . "Housewife"@en . . . "Bertha Croston"@en . "Elsie Seddon (n\u00E9e Hopwood) was the long-suffering wife of Eddie Seddon and mother to Sally and Gina. In May 1986, Elsie tracked Sally down to 13 Coronation Street demanding that she handed over money from her unemployment benefit in order to keep funding her father's drinking habit. Hilda Ogden was shocked to discover that the Seddons just wanted Sally for her monetary contributions and told her that she could stay at No.13 with boyfriend Kevin Webster, who was already lodging with Hilda at that time. Eddie and Elsie turned up again in October of the same year to try and talk Sally out of getting married to Kevin. They intimated that Kevin wasn't good enough for their daughter, but in reality, still wanted to lean on her for money. The Seddons refused to have anything more to do with Sally if she chose to go ahead with the wedding, leaving Sally heartbroken. In January 1989, Eddie died following an accident in his lorry and Elsie was left a widow. She looked to Sally and Gina for support at this time and gave each daughter \u00A31,000 from Eddie's insurance money, and Elsie moved away to live in Scarborough. In September, it was Elsie's turn to look after Sally after she had broken her ankle in a stock car racing accident. This arrangement was short-lived however, as the Websters' patience was tested to the limit when Elsie kept hinting about babies and she quickly returned to Scarborough. Elsie visited again briefly in December 1990 when Sally gave birth to daughter Rosie and also offered financial help to the family when they were under pressure in February 1991, after Kevin - taking on extra work moonlighting - crashed a customer's car and caused severe damage whilst he was road-testing it after his repair work. Reluctantly, the Websters agreed to Elsie's offer of help. In the following years Elsie's health deteriorated and Sally spent a significant amount of time in Scarborough nursing her mother following a stroke in April 1997. This was also a place of refuge with Rosie and Sophie following the revelation of Kevin's affair with business partner Natalie Horrocks. After suffering another stroke, Elsie died in May 1998, leaving Sally \u00A350,000 and her house in the will."@en . . . . . "1997-07-07"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Elsie Seddon"@en . "1998-05-25"^^ . . . . "12"^^ . . . . . . "Elsie Seddon"@en . . "Elsie Seddon (n\u00E9e Hopwood) was the long-suffering wife of Eddie Seddon and mother to Sally and Gina. In May 1986, Elsie tracked Sally down to 13 Coronation Street demanding that she handed over money from her unemployment benefit in order to keep funding her father's drinking habit. Hilda Ogden was shocked to discover that the Seddons just wanted Sally for her monetary contributions and told her that she could stay at No.13 with boyfriend Kevin Webster, who was already lodging with Hilda at that time. Eddie and Elsie turned up again in October of the same year to try and talk Sally out of getting married to Kevin. They intimated that Kevin wasn't good enough for their daughter, but in reality, still wanted to lean on her for money. The Seddons refused to have anything more to do with Sally"@en . . . . . . "1986-05-28"^^ .