. . . "Soul Hunter (or Hoshin Engi) is a Shonen Manga series by Ryu Fujisaki, published by Shueisha. Serialized in Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Jump magazine from 1996\u00E2\u20AC\u201C2000 and compiled in 23 tank\u014Dbon volumes by Shueisha, the 18 Kanzenban volumes were released periodically between July 2005 and June 2006 in Japan only. VIZ Media has acquired the rights to the Manga, with bimonthly releases starting June 5, 2007 to the United States and Canada. The story involves Chinese mythology and history of China, in particular the last members of the In (Yin Dynasty aka Shang Dynasty) and the plot to overthrow them. The Manga follows Taikobo who is tasked with hunting down and sealing the 365 people on the Hoshin Scroll. The goal of this venture known as the Hoshin Project, is to trap Dakki the evil antagonist and her minions in a 'middle' world between the Sennin World and the Human world. The story follows the exploits of Taikobo as he strives to complete this task. The story was also adapted to a 26 episode Anime of the same name broadcast on Japanese TV in 1999 and released in North America on DVD as Soul Hunter in 2001. As of January 2009, Shomei TV announced their intentions to remake the anime series if they received 10,000 signatures. Additionally, a video game based on the manga was developed for for the Playstation and the Wonderswan. Soul Hunter characters also appear in Jump Ultimate Stars for Nintendo DS, with only Taikobo playable and other characters severing as support."@en . . "Death"@en . . . . "Sunbird"@en . "8"^^ . . "Ravenwood"@en . . "\u72E9\u9B42\u9B54\u4EBA"@en . "Fiend Collection A\n\nAll Fusion Monsters \n\nAll at Random"@en . . . . . "D.D."@en . "72869010"^^ . . "Scarecrow"@en . . "Sandals of Refuge"@en . "Ghoul"@en . . "Note: The Rank changed from 4 to 7 in the 2010 Halloween event."@en . "Ca\u00E7ador de Almas"@en . "Hallowe'en Towers"@en . "Skills: Soul Hunter's Precision Armor and Ranged attacks 100% +30% Dodge Chance Equipment: Soul Hunter's Arrows +5% Ranged Damage +3% Ranged Distance health: 4607 defense: 1100 melee: 56 ranged: 175 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38 health: 5500 defense: 1100 melee: 62 ranged: 195 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38 health: 6047 defense: 1100 melee: 65 ranged: 206 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38"@en . "\u039A\u03C5\u03BD\u03B7\u03B3\u03CC\u03C2 \u03A8\u03C5\u03C7\u03CE\u03BD"@en . . "Step Up Fusion"@en . . "Snow Serpent"@en . "Note: The Rank changed from 4 to 7 in the 2010 Halloween event. Gold: 8-10 Hats: Conjurer's Blue Hat Robes: Runed Vestment Tunic of Mortality Vest of the Oasis Boots: Charged Sandals Sandals of Refuge Shoes of Adaptation Wands: Athames: Amulets: Rings: Decks: Pets: "@en . "\"Lorde da L\u00E2mpada\" + \"Invasor de Outra Dimens\u00E3o\""@en . "\"G\u00E9nie de la Lampe\" + \"Envahisseur d'une autre dimension\""@en . "Soul Hunters are a sentient race that collects the souls of the dead in order to preserve them."@en . "\"Se\u00F1or de la L\u00E1mpara\" + \"Invasor de otra dimensi\u00F3n\""@en . "\u300C\u71C8\u4E4B\u93AE\u5C3C\u300D\uFF0B\u300C\u4F86\u81EA\u7570\u6B21\u5143\u7684\u4FB5\u7565\u8005\u300D"@en . . . "Death Trap"@en . . . "Invader from Another Dimension"@en . "Soul Hunter"@en . . . . . "Du\u0161olovac"@en . . . . "Deathblade"@en . . "1800"^^ . "Undead"@en . "1265"^^ . . "2200"^^ . "Soul Hunter Taikobo (Manga titel: Hoshin Engi erschienen in 23 B\u00E4nden)ist eine Serie von japanischen Mangaka Ryu Fujisaki. Der Anime basiert auf einem Chinesischem Roman der Ming-Dynastie Fenshen Yanyi. Die Geschichte spielt vor 3000 Jahren. Sie handelt um Sennin(Zauberer), Doshi (auszubildende zum Zauberer )und die Sterblichen (Menschen).Um Doshi zu werden muss man bestimmte Knochen die Senninknochen haben. Wenn man diese besagten Knochen verleihen einem \u00FCbermenschliche Fahigkeiten und die Kraft einen Paopei(von den Sennin erfundene Waffe) zu benutzen."@de . . "Bipedal Humanoid"@en . "The Soul Hunter is a Protoss anti-infantry unit specializing in the use of Void energies. Similar to a Stalker and an Immortal, it is the Dark Templar equivalent to a Vindicator. The Soul hunter rides into battle via Hoverboards and attack with a ranged lightning gun. After a certain amount of biological enemies have been destroyed, the residual psionic energies, specifically wrath, can be harnessed by the hunter into three more powerful streams. This allows it to slaughter more enemy ground force quickly and efficiently before moving on to more crowded areas. Special abilities: Notes:"@en . . "Note: The Rank changed from 4 to 7 in the 2010 Halloween event. Gold: 8-10 Hats: Conjurer's Blue Hat Robes: Runed Vestment Tunic of Mortality Vest of the Oasis Boots: Charged Sandals Sandals of Refuge Shoes of Adaptation Wands: Athames: Amulets: Rings: Decks: Pets: House: Dead Briar Tree Treasure Cards: Reagents: Snacks: Mounts: Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at"@en . "Charged Sandals"@en . . . . . . . . "1000"^^ . "471"^^ . . . "Soul Hunter"@en . "Conjurer's Blue Hat"@en . "Seelenj\u00E4ger"@en . "Skills: Soul Hunter's Precision Armor and Ranged attacks 100% +30% Dodge Chance Equipment: Soul Hunter's Arrows +5% Ranged Damage +3% Ranged Distance health: 4607 defense: 1100 melee: 56 ranged: 175 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38 health: 5500 defense: 1100 melee: 62 ranged: 195 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38 health: 6047 defense: 1100 melee: 65 ranged: 206 distance: 22.7 speed: 6.38"@en . "Fusion"@en . . "Predatore di Anime"@en . "\"Lord of the Lamp\" + \"Invader from Another Dimension\""@en . . "Shoes of Adaptation"@en . "Tunic of Mortality"@en . "\u300C\u30E9\u30F3\u30D7\u306E\u300D\uFF0B\u300C\u304B\u3089\u306E\u300D"@en . "Non-Effect Monster"@en . "\u30BD\u30A6\u30EB\u30FB\u30CF\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC"@en . "Cazador de \u00ABsoul\u00BB"@en . "Unknown, but very long lived."@en . . "Bone Digger"@en . . "Soul Hunter (or Hoshin Engi) is a Shonen Manga series by Ryu Fujisaki, published by Shueisha. Serialized in Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Jump magazine from 1996\u00E2\u20AC\u201C2000 and compiled in 23 tank\u014Dbon volumes by Shueisha, the 18 Kanzenban volumes were released periodically between July 2005 and June 2006 in Japan only. VIZ Media has acquired the rights to the Manga, with bimonthly releases starting June 5, 2007 to the United States and Canada."@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Pack 7"@en . . . "206"^^ . . . . "Souru Hant\u0101"@en . . "Thunder Snake"@en . . "Runed Vestment"@en . . . . "Dead Briar Tree"@en . "Vest of the Oasis"@en . "Chasseur d'\u00E2mes"@en . "Fusions \n\nInvitation to the Dark \n\nDorothy's Gift"@en . "DARK"@en . "The Soul Hunter is a Protoss anti-infantry unit specializing in the use of Void energies. Similar to a Stalker and an Immortal, it is the Dark Templar equivalent to a Vindicator. The Soul hunter rides into battle via Hoverboards and attack with a ranged lightning gun. After a certain amount of biological enemies have been destroyed, the residual psionic energies, specifically wrath, can be harnessed by the hunter into three more powerful streams. This allows it to slaughter more enemy ground force quickly and efficiently before moving on to more crowded areas. In support roles, a Soul Hunter can channel dark energies into a friendly unit shifting both slightly out of phase from normal space. While in this form, the linked warriors are invulnerable to any non-psychic attack (Team Fortress 2: Ubercharge). This makes a near, unstoppable combination against enemy forces reliant on physical attacks such as most Zerg strains. Special abilities: \n* Full Wrath - after destroying a certain amount of enemy biological units, the Soul hunters attack splits into three powerful streams for 60 seconds \n* Phase link - causes both the Soul Hunter and target friendly unit to be immune to all conventional attacks for 30 seconds. Units are still vulnerable to damage from special weapons/abilities Notes: \n* For more information see Soul Hunter on the parent site"@en . "Soul Hunter Taikobo (Manga titel: Hoshin Engi erschienen in 23 B\u00E4nden)ist eine Serie von japanischen Mangaka Ryu Fujisaki. Der Anime basiert auf einem Chinesischem Roman der Ming-Dynastie Fenshen Yanyi. Die Geschichte spielt vor 3000 Jahren. Sie handelt um Sennin(Zauberer), Doshi (auszubildende zum Zauberer )und die Sterblichen (Menschen).Um Doshi zu werden muss man bestimmte Knochen die Senninknochen haben. Wenn man diese besagten Knochen verleihen einem \u00FCbermenschliche Fahigkeiten und die Kraft einen Paopei(von den Sennin erfundene Waffe) zu benutzen. Taikobo ist noch ein Doshi und muss, um seine Ausbildung abzuschlie\u00DFen, 365 B\u00F6se Seelen fangen und sie in einem Turm versiegeln,dem Hoshin Turm. Unter den b\u00F6sen Seelen ist auch Dakki, sie ist die Wurzel allen \u00DCbels in der Menschenwelt und muss versiegelt werden. Also macht sich Taikobo mit seinem Reji(fliegendes Wesen)Supupshan auf den Weg in die Menschenwelt um sie ein f\u00FCr alle male zu versiegelt. Auf seinen durch die Menschenwelt erlebt er spannende Abenteuer entwickelt seine Krafte weiter und trifft Menschen die er mit seiner Inteligenz(die man ihm nicht ansieht)und seinem charme dazu bringt mit gegen dakki in den Kampf zu ziehen."@de . . . "\"Lord of the Lamp\" + \"Invader from Another Dimension\""@en . "Lord of the Lamp"@en . . "Elite"@en . "4477"^^ . "Soul Hunters are a sentient race that collects the souls of the dead in order to preserve them."@en . "Dark Sprite"@en . . . "Wizard City"@en . "\"Lord of the Lamp\" + \"Invader from Another Dimension\""@en . . "Soul Hunter"@de . "6"^^ . . "* 2 Fusion Materials\n* Requires only specific Normal Monsters as Fusion Materials"@en . "A fiendish clown that rides upon a monstrous lizard. The lizard eats the souls of all enemies felled by the clown."@en . "Fiend"@en . . "7"^^ . "\u201EGebieter der Lampe\u201F + \u201EEindringling einer anderen Dimension\u201F"@en . "\"Signore della Lampada\" + \"Invasore Dimensionale\""@en . .