. "Deneb V or Deneb Kaitos V is a Class M planet located in the Deneb Kaitos system. The planet is home to a humanoid species known as the Klaha. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Denebia. (ST reference: Star Charts) In the 2260s, the Denebians still practised the death penalty for a multitude of crimes, including fraud. The condemned would either by electrocuted, gassed, or hung. In 2267, Harry Mudd was sentenced to death on Deneb, but managed to escape before his sentence could be carried out. (TOS episode: \"I, Mudd\")"@en . . "Deneb V ist ein Planet der Klasse M. Die Bewohner nennen sich Denebianer. 2267 steht auf Betrug die Todesstrafe. Sie kann durch den elektrischen Stuhl, die Gaskammer, durch den Strick oder Exekution durch den Phaser vollstreckt werden. Als Harry Mudd einige Betr\u00FCgereien auf diesen Planeten begeht, darf er sich seine Hinrichtungsart ausw\u00E4hlen. Doch bevor das Urteil vollstreckt wird, gelingt es Mudd von Deneb V zu fliehen. (TOS: ) Auf Deneb V ist zu dem eine wissenschaftliche Akademie beheimatet, welche im Jahre 2270 eingeweiht wird. Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) nimmt an den Feierlichkeiten dazu teil. (TAS: )"@de . "high"@en . "Deneb V ist ein Planet der Klasse M. Die Bewohner nennen sich Denebianer. 2267 steht auf Betrug die Todesstrafe. Sie kann durch den elektrischen Stuhl, die Gaskammer, durch den Strick oder Exekution durch den Phaser vollstreckt werden. Als Harry Mudd einige Betr\u00FCgereien auf diesen Planeten begeht, darf er sich seine Hinrichtungsart ausw\u00E4hlen. Doch bevor das Urteil vollstreckt wird, gelingt es Mudd von Deneb V zu fliehen. (TOS: )"@de . "Deneb V"@nl . "fed"@en . . . . "Denebians"@en . . . . "In 2268 was de doodstraf nog in gebruik voor simpele misdaden als fraude. De schuldige partij kon daarbij kiezen uit elektrocutie, ophanging of door gebruik te maken van gas of een faser. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\") In 2270 werd op de planeet een Academie van wetenschap ingewijd. (TAS: \"The Pirates of Orion\") Het is niet duidelijk of deze Deneb dezelfde is als de beroemde Deneb IV uit TNG: \"Encounter at Farpoint\". Harry Mudd belandde echter op een niet in kaart gebrachte planeet, zodat het goed mogelijk is dat deze twee planeten tot hetzelfde zonnestelsel behoren."@nl . "Deneb V"@nl . "Deneb V"@en . . . . "Deneb V"@en . . . "Denebians"@nl . . . . "Deneb V"@fr . . . "Deneb V"@en . "Il mondo di classe M Deneb V \u00E8 il quinto pianeta del sistema Deneb e pianeta d'origine della specie umanoide Denebiana. Nel 2267, questo pianeta veniva ancora usato quale colonia di pena capitale per crimini come la frode. Il colpevole poteva scegliere tra la morte per elettrocuzione, gas, phaser od impiccagione. (TOS: \"Io, Mudd\") Venne istituita un'Accademia delle Scienze su Deneb V nel 2270. (TAS: \"I pirati di Orione\")"@it . "Il mondo di classe M Deneb V \u00E8 il quinto pianeta del sistema Deneb e pianeta d'origine della specie umanoide Denebiana. Nel 2267, questo pianeta veniva ancora usato quale colonia di pena capitale per crimini come la frode. Il colpevole poteva scegliere tra la morte per elettrocuzione, gas, phaser od impiccagione. (TOS: \"Io, Mudd\") Venne istituita un'Accademia delle Scienze su Deneb V nel 2270. (TAS: \"I pirati di Orione\")"@it . . . . "Deneb V"@it . . . "Deneb V was the inhabited fifth planet orbiting the primary Deneb. This was the homeworld of the Denebians, a warp-capable species. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\" ) In 2268, this planet still used the death penalty for such crimes as fraud. The guilty party had the choice between death by electrocution, death by gas, death by phaser or death by hanging. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\" ) An Academy of Science on Deneb V was dedicated in 2270. The crew of the USS Enterprise represented the Federation at the ceremonies. (TAS: \"The Pirates of Orion\")"@en . . "11200000000"^^ . . "Deneb Kaitos V"@en . . . . . . . "Deneb V was the inhabited fifth planet orbiting the primary Deneb. This was the homeworld of the Denebians, a warp-capable species. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\" ) In 2268, this planet still used the death penalty for such crimes as fraud. The guilty party had the choice between death by electrocution, death by gas, death by phaser or death by hanging. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\" ) An Academy of Science on Deneb V was dedicated in 2270. The crew of the USS Enterprise represented the Federation at the ceremonies. (TAS: \"The Pirates of Orion\") According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 33, 41, \"United Federation of Planets I\") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), Deneb V (Deneb Kaitos V, Beta 16 Ceti V) was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The planet was classified as M-class. Deneb V was governed by the Commonwealth of Denebia from its seat in Port Drexler. Most of the system's population, 11.2 billion out of 19 billion, lived on this planet. The dominant species were the Denebians and Humans. This world joined the Federation in 2259, the year the Denebians became warp-capable. According to The Worlds of the Federation, Deneb V was called Kelta by its natives."@en . . "2259"^^ . "Deneb V"@en . . . "planet"@en . . "Deneb V"@de . "Deneb V or Deneb Kaitos V is a Class M planet located in the Deneb Kaitos system. The planet is home to a humanoid species known as the Klaha. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Denebia. (ST reference: Star Charts) In the 2260s, the Denebians still practised the death penalty for a multitude of crimes, including fraud. The condemned would either by electrocuted, gassed, or hung. In 2267, Harry Mudd was sentenced to death on Deneb, but managed to escape before his sentence could be carried out. (TOS episode: \"I, Mudd\") In 2269, the Academy of Sciences was dedicated on the planet, and Captain James T. Kirk performed the ceremony. (TAS episode: \"The Pirates of Orion\") The Deneb V Credit Exchange was also established on the planet, and served as one of the premier banking establishments in the 23rd century. (TOS comic: \"The Ashes of Eden\")"@en . "In orbit of Deneb"@en . . . . . . . . . "In 2268 was de doodstraf nog in gebruik voor simpele misdaden als fraude. De schuldige partij kon daarbij kiezen uit elektrocutie, ophanging of door gebruik te maken van gas of een faser. (TOS: \"I, Mudd\") In 2270 werd op de planeet een Academie van wetenschap ingewijd. (TAS: \"The Pirates of Orion\") Het is niet duidelijk of deze Deneb dezelfde is als de beroemde Deneb IV uit TNG: \"Encounter at Farpoint\". Harry Mudd belandde echter op een niet in kaart gebrachte planeet, zodat het goed mogelijk is dat deze twee planeten tot hetzelfde zonnestelsel behoren."@nl . "Deneb V \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te de classe M, plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re des Denebiens et \u00E9tait la cinqui\u00E8me plan\u00E8te du syst\u00E8me de Deneb."@fr . "Deneb V \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te de classe M, plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re des Denebiens et \u00E9tait la cinqui\u00E8me plan\u00E8te du syst\u00E8me de Deneb."@fr . . . . . . .