"A"@en . "Kamikae"@en . "This is a Hiden Techhnique belonging to Nami's Kitsui Clan. It allows the user to alter the molecular make up of any metallic object. Perks of this Hiden allow the user to forge any object out of any metallic object, increase/decrease size of a metallic object, increase/decrease weight of a metallic object and many more things. Learning this technique is far from hard but mastery over it is extraordinarily hard. The final ability of this Hijutsu is called the Body Weaponization Technique. It allows the user to create metallic extensions from any where in their body to aid them in battle. Examples would be; Swords from hands, Shields from palms, Hammers from fists, Claws from Knuckles and even shooting small spikes from fingertips."@en . . "Recomposition"@en . "This is a Hiden Techhnique belonging to Nami's Kitsui Clan. It allows the user to alter the molecular make up of any metallic object. Perks of this Hiden allow the user to forge any object out of any metallic object, increase/decrease size of a metallic object, increase/decrease weight of a metallic object and many more things. Learning this technique is far from hard but mastery over it is extraordinarily hard. The final ability of this Hijutsu is called the Body Weaponization Technique. It allows the user to create metallic extensions from any where in their body to aid them in battle. Examples would be; Swords from hands, Shields from palms, Hammers from fists, Claws from Knuckles and even shooting small spikes from fingertips."@en . "Daichi Kitsui"@en . "Hijutsu, Kekkei Genkai"@en . "No"@en . . "Molecular Recomposition"@en . "Steel Release"@en . "Anime, Manga, Game, Movie, Fanon Canon"@en . "Short, Mid, Long"@en . . "Kamikae"@en . "Offensive, Defensive"@en . "No"@en . "Kitsui Clan"@en .