. "Priest"@en . "Eternally a child of the white rivers of snow, having been birthed by her mother on a Winterspring slope that faced towards Hyjal. When her mother was found by a patrol of hunters, they were shocked to find the now expired mother had survived long enough to give birth to her child. From the fetal position of the mother, their hands took the child, but because of the force of the icy gales, they were forced to leave the mother in the blizzard. No knowledge of who she may have been has become known."@en . . "--05-13"^^ . "Alliance"@en . "Night Elf"@en . "Eternally a child of the white rivers of snow, having been birthed by her mother on a Winterspring slope that faced towards Hyjal. When her mother was found by a patrol of hunters, they were shocked to find the now expired mother had survived long enough to give birth to her child. From the fetal position of the mother, their hands took the child, but because of the force of the icy gales, they were forced to leave the mother in the blizzard. No knowledge of who she may have been has become known."@en . . . "Female"@en . . . "Nininue"@en . "character page"@en . "Champions of a New Dawn"@en . . "Nininue"@en . .