. . . "Grammar"@en . . "Ng\u1EEF ph\u00E1p:m\u1ED1i quan h\u1EC7 gi\u1EEFa \u0111\u01A1n v\u1ECB ng\u00F4n ng\u1EEF n\u00E0y v\u1EDBi c\u00E1c \u0111\u01A1n v\u1ECB ng\u00F4n ng\u1EEF h\u1EEFu quan"@en . . . . . "Grammar is a song from the Awkward, Octopus episode Grammar!, sung when SpongeBob is helping his friend learn about grammar."@en . . . . . . . . "The Grammar wiki has tips about when to use some words that people often confuse (like their, there or they're), punctuation and other topics related to grammar. You can use it to learn or to write about the things that other people frequently use incorrectly. Have fun! (Please remember some grammar rules vary over time or by location.)"@en . "Grammar was a composition of rules in a language including phonology and syntax. In 2151, Hoshi Sato tried to translate the Axanar language, whose grammar sounded bimodal. (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\") In 2152, Sato spoke with Feezal Phlox in the Denobulan language. Feezal told Charles Tucker III, Sato had spoken how attractive she found Tucker, but Sato claimed she was only talking about grammar. (ENT: \"Stigma\") In 2267, James T. Kirk explained the universal translator to Zefram Cochrane, stating the device compared the frequency of brainwave patterns, selected universal ideas and concepts inherent to all intelligent life and then provided the necessary grammar. (TOS: \"Metamorphosis\" ) According to Data in 2364, Lore's abilities, including his use of syntax and grammar, suggested he was given Human memories similar to Data's own. (TNG: \"Datalore\" ) In 2368, Data stated that it wasn't possible to translate the Tamarian language just by understanding it's allegorical nature, but not the concrete images. He compared this to knowing the grammar of a language, but none of the vocabulary. (TNG: \"Darmok\" ) In 2370, Deep Space 9's universal translator had difficulty translating the Skrreean language, causing Miles O'Brien to surmise that their syntax and grammatical structure were markedly different from anything in the station's database. (DS9: \"Sanctuary\") In 2373, Nog edited Jake Sisko's story Past Prologue, mostly correcting spelling and grammar. (DS9: \"The Ascent\") In 2374, Arturis claimed he had only needed to hear a few phrases from Neelix to grasp the Talaxian language's grammar and syntax. (VOY: \"Hope and Fear\") In 2377, members of Fantome's species learned to communicate by music, turning it into a language with its own grammar and syntax. (VOY: \"The Void\")"@en . . "Grammar is a song from the Awkward, Octopus episode Grammar!, sung when SpongeBob is helping his friend learn about grammar."@en . . "Grammar"@de . "Grammar is the means by which words are combined to form sentences that others will understand. Without it, your writing will be incomprehensible. The rules of grammar can be negotiable under special circumstances, but they are not optional. Along with spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, grammar is devoted to aiding the clarity of communication. Given this, it's quite odd that badficcers are so determined not to use it, and instead prefer to write sentences like: \"because she got a power and she can distoy us all the bad guys\" (\"legolas by laura\"). Often, bad grammar can be fixed by requesting the services of a beta reader. It is when someone simply does not bother to even reread their work or have it beta'd that it becomes an offence in the eyes of the PPC. Bad grammar should never see the light of day; it should be buried in drafts. If you are writing in a foreign language, you will probably have a good grasp of grammar. If you are writing in English as a native speaker, you may not, thanks to the poor teaching of grammar in English and American schools. However, \"They didn't teach me what the pluperfect is until A-Level German!\" is not an excuse for sentences such as: \"He turned around to see Courtney sitting on the, hu, huffing for air, and clenching the sheets in her hands.\"[] As current opinions in the world of linguistics are leaning towards the theories of a) language acquisition as innate and b) a universal grammar, agents will accept no excuses for poor grammar. Bad grammar is a charge. However, agents outside of the DTE must note that poor grammar in and of itself is neither assassination- nor exorcism-worthy. Beware of Muphry's Law. Charging for using or not using the Oxford Comma is considered slightly spurious (and is more of a punctuation issue anyway)."@en . "Grammar is the means by which words are combined to form sentences that others will understand. Without it, your writing will be incomprehensible. The rules of grammar can be negotiable under special circumstances, but they are not optional. Along with spelling and punctuation, grammar is devoted to aiding the clarity of communication. Often, bad grammar can be fixed by requesting the services of a beta reader. Bad grammar should never see the light of day; it should be buried in drafts."@en . . . . "Ng\u1EEF ph\u00E1p:m\u1ED1i quan h\u1EC7 gi\u1EEFa \u0111\u01A1n v\u1ECB ng\u00F4n ng\u1EEF n\u00E0y v\u1EDBi c\u00E1c \u0111\u01A1n v\u1ECB ng\u00F4n ng\u1EEF h\u1EEFu quan"@en . . . "The Grammar wiki has tips about when to use some words that people often confuse (like their, there or they're), punctuation and other topics related to grammar. You can use it to learn or to write about the things that other people frequently use incorrectly. Have fun! (Please remember some grammar rules vary over time or by location.)"@en . . . . . . . "Grammar is the means by which words are combined to form sentences that others will understand. Without it, your writing will be incomprehensible. The rules of grammar can be negotiable under special circumstances, but they are not optional. Along with spelling and punctuation, grammar is devoted to aiding the clarity of communication. Often, bad grammar can be fixed by requesting the services of a beta reader. Bad grammar should never see the light of day; it should be buried in drafts."@en . . . . "Grammar is the means by which words are combined to form sentences that others will understand. Without it, your writing will be incomprehensible. The rules of grammar can be negotiable under special circumstances, but they are not optional. Charging for using or not using the Oxford Comma is considered slightly spurious (and is more of a punctuation issue anyway)."@en . . . . . . . "Grammar was a composition of rules in a language including phonology and syntax. In 2151, Hoshi Sato tried to translate the Axanar language, whose grammar sounded bimodal. (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\") In 2152, Sato spoke with Feezal Phlox in the Denobulan language. Feezal told Charles Tucker III, Sato had spoken how attractive she found Tucker, but Sato claimed she was only talking about grammar. (ENT: \"Stigma\") According to Data in 2364, Lore's abilities, including his use of syntax and grammar, suggested he was given Human memories similar to Data's own. (TNG: \"Datalore\" )"@en . .