. . "Grenadiers are principally used by the Death Korps regiments in a heavy infantry role as the leading edge of assault waves that are intended to smash key enemy defence points during a wider infantry attack. Many Grenadiers consider themselves already martyred in the Emperor's service and will not falter in their duty, regardless of the odds against them. Breaking with conventional Storm Trooper training, Grenadiers are never deployed by grav-chute, and instead often carry the brunt of an initial advance on foot, or as small tactical units in rapid moving Centaur armoured personnel carriers. Grenadiers carry a high percentage of special arms (such as Flamers and Meltaguns, etc.) and will also employ relatively unorthodox weapons such as Heavy Flamers in two-man teams. A Grenadier squad may "@en . . . . . . . "Death Korps Grenadier"@en . "Grenadiers are principally used by the Death Korps regiments in a heavy infantry role as the leading edge of assault waves that are intended to smash key enemy defence points during a wider infantry attack. Many Grenadiers consider themselves already martyred in the Emperor's service and will not falter in their duty, regardless of the odds against them. Breaking with conventional Storm Trooper training, Grenadiers are never deployed by grav-chute, and instead often carry the brunt of an initial advance on foot, or as small tactical units in rapid moving Centaur armoured personnel carriers. Grenadiers carry a high percentage of special arms (such as Flamers and Meltaguns, etc.) and will also employ relatively unorthodox weapons such as Heavy Flamers in two-man teams. A Grenadier squad may also carry an additional Heavy Stubber to increase their firepower. Fatality rates amongst the Death Korps Grenadiers are very high, but it is considered an honour to be chosen to join their ranks."@en .