"Pantanoso"@es . "tv-shows/clone-wars/shades-of-reason"@pt . . . . . "Zanbar"@es . . . . "Zanbar"@pt . . . . . "Tellurique"@fr . . "\"Shades of Reason\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . . . "*Marais\n*Plateaux"@fr . "\u0417\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430\u0440/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@pt . "Respirable"@fr . . . "Planalto, p\u00E2ntanos"@pt . . "Zanbar"@pt . "*Anooba\n*Momong"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "Zanbar"@es . "Zanbar was a planet; one of the League Worlds and a prominent slave market."@en . "Zanbar"@en . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/shades-of-reason"@en . "Zanbar"@es . . . . "Zanbar era una luna pantanosa. La Guardia de la Muerte se traslad\u00F3 a Zanbar y estableci\u00F3 un campamento all\u00ED poco despu\u00E9s de salir de Carlac."@es . "Zanbar to staro\u017Cytne zaginione miasto.thumb|leftthumb|Wy\u0142aniaj\u0105ce si\u0119 miasto"@pl . . . "Base des Death Watch"@fr . . . "\u0417\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430\u0440/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . "Zanbar"@fr . . . "Standard"@fr . . "Zanbar to staro\u017Cytne zaginione miasto.thumb|leftthumb|Wy\u0142aniaj\u0105ce si\u0119 miasto"@pl . "Plateaus, swamps"@en . . . . . "Temperado"@pt . . . "The demon Bosk and his Demonic Forty Thieves were looking for the city when the Charmed Ones interfered. Phoebe freed Jinny, a Genie, from her bottle, but to her and Chris' surprise, Jinny was a demon and wanted to raise the city herself. Jinny got her hands on her former bottle and commanded the genie, now Richard Montana, to raise the lost city of Zanbar. She found the place when the demon who worked for her found two hellhounds who were known to guard the city. After the Charmed Ones re-captured Jinny, Richard let the city be swallowed up again into the desert."@en . . "Zanbar"@fr . . "Temperado"@es . "watch/tcw_season5_cvi_trailer.html"@es . . . . "Zanbar"@es . . "Mandaloriens"@fr . "The demon Bosk and his Demonic Forty Thieves were looking for the city when the Charmed Ones interfered. Phoebe freed Jinny, a Genie, from her bottle, but to her and Chris' surprise, Jinny was a demon and wanted to raise the city herself. Jinny got her hands on her former bottle and commanded the genie, now Richard Montana, to raise the lost city of Zanbar. She found the place when the demon who worked for her found two hellhounds who were known to guard the city. After the Charmed Ones re-captured Jinny, Richard let the city be swallowed up again into the desert."@en . "Zanbar was a temperate swamp moon covered with massive rocky plateaus. During the Clone Wars, the Mandalorian splinter group Death Watch established a temporary camp on its surface, which continued to be used after Death Watch allied with Darth Maul to form the Shadow Collective. Zanbar was later the site of a battle between the Shadow Collective and the Confederacy of Independent Systems."@en . "[Source] Zanbar est une lune couverte de marais. Durant la Guerre des Clones elle abritait une base des Death Watch dirig\u00E9e par Pre Vizsla puis par Dark Maul. Elle fut attaqu\u00E9 par les S\u00E9paratistes command\u00E9s par Grievous et d\u00E9truite."@fr . "O-7"@es . "Temp\u00E9r\u00E9"@fr . . . "\u30B6\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC"@pt . "Zanbar era una luna pantanosa. La Guardia de la Muerte se traslad\u00F3 a Zanbar y estableci\u00F3 un campamento all\u00ED poco despu\u00E9s de salir de Carlac."@es . . . "Zanbar"@en . . . "*Olho da Morte\n*Sombra Coletiva"@pt . . "*Death Watch\n*Shadow Collective"@en . . "Zanbar"@pt . . "Zanbar was a temperate swamp moon covered with massive rocky plateaus. During the Clone Wars, the Mandalorian splinter group Death Watch established a temporary camp on its surface, which continued to be used after Death Watch allied with Darth Maul to form the Shadow Collective. Zanbar was later the site of a battle between the Shadow Collective and the Confederacy of Independent Systems."@en . "Watch \"Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 Trailer\""@es . . "Zanbar was a planet; one of the League Worlds and a prominent slave market."@en . "\"Eminence\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . . "\"Eminence\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@pt . . "\"Shades of Reason\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@pt . "tv-shows/clone-wars/eminence"@pt . . . . . . . "\u0417\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430\u0440/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . "Temperate"@en . "*Anooba\n*Momong"@pt . "Zanbar"@fr . . "Lune d'une plan\u00E8te inconnue"@fr . . . . "Zanbar"@es . . "Zanbar"@es . . "\u30B6\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC"@en . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/eminence"@en . "\u30B6\u30F3\u30D0\u30FC"@fr . . . . . "Zanbar"@pl . . . "[Source] Zanbar est une lune couverte de marais. Durant la Guerre des Clones elle abritait une base des Death Watch dirig\u00E9e par Pre Vizsla puis par Dark Maul. Elle fut attaqu\u00E9 par les S\u00E9paratistes command\u00E9s par Grievous et d\u00E9truite."@fr .