. . . "Witches was one of the scarezones for Halloween Horror Nights 2012 (Hollywood) Enter a European fishing village that is haunted by an ancient evil -- a coven of blood-thirsty witches hell-bent on revenge! For centuries, this sleepy seaport was home to witches who practiced their black art under the cover of darkness. One terrible night, the villagers hunted down the witches and burned them at the stake to cleanse the town once and for all of their pagan influence. It is said that some of the condemned swore revenge on the town, right before the flames consumed their flesh. Now, on autumn nights when the fog rolls in, the coven of witches reassembles on the streets of the village to burn the living! Be warned, for if you look into their charred faces, it's already too late!"@en . . "250"^^ . . . . . "Aliases"@en . . . "Creators"@en . "No"@en . . . . "Drama, Supernatural"@en . . . . . "Witches are a species of people who have the hereditary ability of witchcraft, the power to use magic in various ways. They are capable of casting spells, creating potions and scrying."@en . "Jennifer Kale, Satana, Topaz"@en . "A wildly imaginitive trek into the deepest realms of human beliefs and the mysteries of the universe. Daisuke Igarashi's amazing pen can recreate anything he can imagine on paper, resulting in beautifully chaotic, maddeningly detailed scrawls of pure wonder. A true celebration of the human imagination. When deep emotions come to the head, the witch that dwells in the heart awakens - the gorgeous and literary illusory tales begin."@en . . "No"@en . "Witches #1"@en . . . . "they are Witches are the most powerful type of creature that is dedicated to the dark. There are many clasifications for witches: The benign, the malevolent, the unawares, and the Falsely accused. Benign Witches- Benign Witches are not at all dangerous and cannot kill you very quickly ! Benign witches do not use blood or bone magic like malevolent witches are known to do. Some do not even know that they are witches while they are living. Malevolent Witches- Malevolent witches use their powers for evil. The magic used by this type of witch can be classified under one of these three different categories: Blood, bone, or familiar magic. If a witch practices any of these types of magic then they will most certainly be classified under malevolent! Unaware Witches- The unaware are witches whom don't know what they are. An unaware may go all her life without knowing that she is a witch. Other people may also be ignorant of her being what she is. Falsely Accused Witches- These are women who have been falsely accused of practicing witchcraft. They may have been accused for many different reasons and by different people. One of the reasons may have been that she was too pretty and was attracting the attention of the village men whose wives got too jealous, suddenly deciding to accuse her of using glamour, a witch power, as to attract their men. Another reason may include money. If this woman had a little too much money then men like the quisitor accused her of witchcraft to keep her money after they burned or drowned her. As for the types of witches, there are many types throughout the county and maybe the world. Some of these types include: Ordinary witches, Lamias, and Water witches. Ordinary Witches- This type of witch includes witches who walk on land and roam the county. Ordinary witches are incapable of crossing running water, can't stand the touch of silver, and detest rowan wood. Their powers include casting spells, the concoction of potions, superhuman speed, and finally great strength that rivals and exceeds that of a full grown man. Lamias- Lamias are virtually the same as ordinary witches. The only difference is their appearance and maybe their strength. There are two categories of lamia witches: The domestic and the feral. Lamia witches shun sunlight and at night, they drink the blood of men Domestic Lamias are lamia witches who have spent some time with humans, thus taking the appearance of a normal if not beautiful woman. Feral Lamias are lamia witches who are savage and don't have the appearance of a woman. Lamias can also be classified under two different types: The ground and sky lamias. Ground Lamias are lamias who scuttle about the ground on her four legs. Flying Lamias are lamias who have wings and can fly short distances with these.They are also known as vaengir One way to separate them from other women when they are in their domestic state is to watch out for a line of green scales that runs down their spine. Water Witches- Water witches also have many of the powers that ordinary witches have. There are only two differences: Their appearance and their ability to cross runing water and even swim in it. Their appearence is similar to that of a dead thing with webbed feet, claws on all extremities, and skin like that of a frog. It is mentioned in the Spook's Nightmare, a girl named Adriana have the power to control and manipulate birds to her will. She commanded the birds to kill Bony Lizzie and can communicate with birds."@en . . . . . "Witches, or hedge-witches, are mundanes who partake in witchcraft and have learned a little magic. The term is also sometimes used to refer to female warlocks."@en . . . . . . "HQ"@en . . "Manga"@en . . . . . "Witches is an anthology edited by Isaac Asimov. It was first published by NAL in 1984."@en . . . . . "Witches are Deurlen clanswomen who perform dark rituals to appease the Divines they follow. They use a variety of rituals to borrow the power of these Divines, all of which extremely dark and morbid. The worst, most far gone witches are little better than animals and have lost their minds, driven by a desire for blood and to continue their rituals. The furthest gone witches can't even die, only being killed for a short period before the residual dark magic in their bodies bring them back as a twisted undead. In appearance, witches can range from either looking absolutely normal to being a grotesque abomination, with their bodies twisted to give themselves an edge. Certain rituals give them deformed body parts, such as talons, wings, animal-like legs, beaks, horns, or even extra limbs. Their features are twisted nearly beyond recognition the more magic they cast, although some rituals allow them to regain their former human appearance. (Although the smell remains.) Most, if not all, of the current witches live on the bog island. Originally, they settled there due to the availability of herbs and other ingredients for potions, but have long since accepted that as their home. They live in typical Deurlen fashion, albeit in near anarchy almost constantly, with the clans warring vying for control. They take husbands, although the husbands are either slaves or servants, as it's accepted in the clans that men are strong and stupid, good for nothing but tending to the home while the women perform their rituals."@en . "Witches are a race of characters in the Shrek universe. They use brooms to fly, wear pointy hats, and are recognized by their evil cackle. Their appearance and weakness to water is based on the Wicked Witch of the West."@en . "Witches"@en . . "Witches are a race of characters in the Shrek universe. They use brooms to fly, wear pointy hats, and are recognized by their evil cackle. Their appearance and weakness to water is based on the Wicked Witch of the West."@en . . "No"@en . . "First Appearance"@en . . "they are Witches are the most powerful type of creature that is dedicated to the dark. There are many clasifications for witches: The benign, the malevolent, the unawares, and the Falsely accused. Benign Witches- Benign Witches are not at all dangerous and cannot kill you very quickly ! Benign witches do not use blood or bone magic like malevolent witches are known to do. Some do not even know that they are witches while they are living. Malevolent Witches- Unaware Witches- Falsely Accused Witches- Ordinary Witches- Lamias- Ground Lamias are lamias who scuttle about the ground on her four legs."@en . . "Brian Patrick Walsh, Mike Deodato Jr."@en . . "Witches.jpg"@en . . "Witches was one of the scarezones for Halloween Horror Nights 2012 (Hollywood) Enter a European fishing village that is haunted by an ancient evil -- a coven of blood-thirsty witches hell-bent on revenge! For centuries, this sleepy seaport was home to witches who practiced their black art under the cover of darkness. One terrible night, the villagers hunted down the witches and burned them at the stake to cleanse the town once and for all of their pagan influence. It is said that some of the condemned swore revenge on the town, right before the flames consumed their flesh. Now, on autumn nights when the fog rolls in, the coven of witches reassembles on the streets of the village to burn the living! Be warned, for if you look into their charred faces, it's already too late!"@en . . . . . "Witches, or hedge-witches, are mundanes who partake in witchcraft and have learned a little magic. The term is also sometimes used to refer to female warlocks."@en . . . . . . . "Witches"@en . . . "Witches"@en . . "The Witches are a short-lived superhero team in the Marvel Universe who joined forces to help prevent a dangerous event accidentally set in motion by a young witch."@en . . . "The thirteen witches who protected the planet Ludus in their time, but they were blamed for the arrival of the Separ Monsters on Ludus and eventually they were all hunted down and killed on Ludus, or presumed dead by Ludusians. \n* Issus \n* Canzona Hau \n* Viguiera Krysso \n* Ishtar Terrarbor \n* Caledonia \"Bismarck\" \n* Teapa Fulim \n* Raskova Juslenta \n* Goneion \n* Mainyu \"Kudlacz\" \n* Siegler \n* Trewinnard Jelkpes \n* Cocytus Moroz \n* Zaion \"Blackspell\" Moriam"@en . . "Witches have been alive for over 300 years. Shinigami sees them as a threat to theirs live because their unknown spiritual pressure and energy. Witches are unique and rare since they put theirselves in hiding. The only known witches are Mase, Shino, and Teresa. Hybrids are Ichigo, Sasha and Resa. Hybrids are rare and are not recorded in history, so it is a 1/5 chance to see one. There have been some reported cases where there are artifical witches, that do not grow familiars or create shields (Ex: Naraja & Tica )"@en . . . "New York City"@en . "Witches are female creatures with magical powers who resemble humans. They are formidable and their powers are seemingly unlimited. However, according to Jenka, even witches eventually grow old and die, implying that their powers do not extend to immortality. However, they clearly live much longer than humans and age slowly as well, as Jenka has lived on the Island since its creation and is still alive, and Misery has been on the Island for almost as long, but still appears youthful. Considering this and Possesed Misery's form, it is possible that their powers allow them to look like humans when they may not actually be the same species."@en . "Witches are mortal beings who are taught by their own free will to use dark magic. Muriel, the witch was responsible for freeing the demon Bahumat, and was imprisoned with him at the end of Fablehaven. Witches pray on fear."@en . "The Witches"@en . . . "Witches is an anthology edited by Isaac Asimov. It was first published by NAL in 1984."@en . . . "to harness animal familiars and create shields"@en . . "None"@en . . . . . . "Powers & Abilities"@en . "Witches are Deurlen clanswomen who perform dark rituals to appease the Divines they follow. They use a variety of rituals to borrow the power of these Divines, all of which extremely dark and morbid. The worst, most far gone witches are little better than animals and have lost their minds, driven by a desire for blood and to continue their rituals. The furthest gone witches can't even die, only being killed for a short period before the residual dark magic in their bodies bring them back as a twisted undead."@en . "Seinen,"@en . "Tome of Zhered-Na"@en . . . . . . . "None"@en . "Witches are a species of people who have the hereditary ability of witchcraft, the power to use magic in various ways. They are capable of casting spells, creating potions and scrying."@en . "Witches are mortal beings who are taught by their own free will to use dark magic. Muriel, the witch was responsible for freeing the demon Bahumat, and was imprisoned with him at the end of Fablehaven. Witches pray on fear."@en . . "Witches have been alive for over 300 years. Shinigami sees them as a threat to theirs live because their unknown spiritual pressure and energy. Witches are unique and rare since they put theirselves in hiding. The only known witches are Mase, Shino, and Teresa. Hybrids are Ichigo, Sasha and Resa. Hybrids are rare and are not recorded in history, so it is a 1/5 chance to see one. There have been some reported cases where there are artifical witches, that do not grow familiars or create shields (Ex: Naraja & Tica )"@en . . . "Paraphernalia"@en . . . . . . "The thirteen witches who protected the planet Ludus in their time, but they were blamed for the arrival of the Separ Monsters on Ludus and eventually they were all hunted down and killed on Ludus, or presumed dead by Ludusians. \n* Issus \n* Canzona Hau \n* Viguiera Krysso \n* Ishtar Terrarbor \n* Caledonia \"Bismarck\" \n* Teapa Fulim \n* Raskova Juslenta \n* Goneion \n* Mainyu \"Kudlacz\" \n* Siegler \n* Trewinnard Jelkpes \n* Cocytus Moroz \n* Zaion \"Blackspell\" Moriam"@en . "Witches are female creatures with magical powers who resemble humans. They are formidable and their powers are seemingly unlimited. However, according to Jenka, even witches eventually grow old and die, implying that their powers do not extend to immortality. However, they clearly live much longer than humans and age slowly as well, as Jenka has lived on the Island since its creation and is still alive, and Misery has been on the Island for almost as long, but still appears youthful. Considering this and Possesed Misery's form, it is possible that their powers allow them to look like humans when they may not actually be the same species."@en . . "A wildly imaginitive trek into the deepest realms of human beliefs and the mysteries of the universe. Daisuke Igarashi's amazing pen can recreate anything he can imagine on paper, resulting in beautifully chaotic, maddeningly detailed scrawls of pure wonder. A true celebration of the human imagination. When deep emotions come to the head, the witch that dwells in the heart awakens - the gorgeous and literary illusory tales begin."@en . "Members"@en . . "The Witches are a short-lived superhero team in the Marvel Universe who joined forces to help prevent a dangerous event accidentally set in motion by a young witch."@en . . . . . . . . "Rallying Cry"@en . . . .