"Racial Power"@en . . "100.0"^^ . "6.0"^^ . . "You are always considered to have a running start when jumping."@en . . . "1"^^ . "Personal"@en . . . "Illusion"@en . . . "At-Will"@en . . "+2 Bluff, +2 Insight"@en . . "Oni"@en . "Race"@en . . "Darkvision"@en . . "Fenris-moon"@en . "Oni Weapon Proficiency"@en . "You gain proficiency with the morning star and greatclub."@en . "You gain Deceptive Veil as a racial power."@en . "You fool others into seeing what you wish, whether that be a fearsome fire giant or a harmless old hermit.."@en . "Common, choice of one other"@en . "Flying Leap"@en . "Strange creatures who can be found lurking on the outskirts of a town disguised as an old man, the leaders of orc or ogre tribes and even masquerading as that beautiful woman in town everyone knows by name. People often fear these large creatures and for very good reason, because anyone around you could be an Oni in disguise waiting to devour you. Play an Oni if you want... \n* to be a large brute with a knack for deception \n* to be a clever creature who uses everything to its advantage \n* To be a member of a race that favors the Sorcerer, Barbarian, Battlemind, Warden and Paladin classes."@en . . "Minor Action"@en . "Deceptive Veil"@en . "Deceptive Veil"@en . "Strange creatures who can be found lurking on the outskirts of a town disguised as an old man, the leaders of orc or ogre tribes and even masquerading as that beautiful woman in town everyone knows by name. People often fear these large creatures and for very good reason, because anyone around you could be an Oni in disguise waiting to devour you. Play an Oni if you want..."@en . . "You can disguise yourself to appear as any Medium or Large humanoid. You can disguise your clothes, armor and possessions but they must remain visible and your statistics do not change.\nAny creature that attempts to see through your ruse can make an Arcana or Insight check opposed by your Bluff check, and you gain a +5 bonus to your check. If they see through the illusion it is broken."@en . "6"^^ . "275"^^ . . "Oni (4e Race)"@en . . "Medium"@en . "+2 Charisma, +2 Strength or +2 Constitution"@en .