"Monster Hunter Destiny is a massive fan-made online role-playing game created by Cottonmouth255. It can be played on the Wii U and the PC. Its flagship monsters are the Agsolestea and Dark Agsolestea. The game features new monsters, new areas, a new storyline, and features from several different past games. The flagship monster of \"Double Cross!\" is Platinum Magala."@en . . . "Monster Hunter Destiny is a massive fan-made online role-playing game created by Cottonmouth255. It can be played on the Wii U and the PC. Its flagship monsters are the Agsolestea and Dark Agsolestea. The game features new monsters, new areas, a new storyline, and features from several different past games. Monster Hunter Destiny: Double Cross! is the biggest of the MHD's expansion packs, introducing a ton of new features to the already massive game. It features a huge update in battle styles and mechanics based on those found in the upcoming game, Monster Hunter Cross. New monsters are featured as well! The flagship monster of \"Double Cross!\" is Platinum Magala."@en . "Monster Hunter Destiny: Double Cross!"@en . .