. "Masculin"@fr . . . "Hagath"@de . . "Hagath later returned in 2011. He had escaped the time vortex in 2009, transporting through the crack in time that the Master created. Him and only him alone made it back to reality, and when the time was right in 2011 he opened the crack up once more and summoned his armada back to the universe. Hagath then planned to clone the Doctor in order for a timelord to keep the Zakatrons in precise matter while the crack eats the rest of the universe. The Zakatrons cloned the Doctor and the Valeyard was made."@en . "Hagath \u00E9tait un marchand d'armes qui a op\u00E9r\u00E9 au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, en partenariat avec le cousin Gaila de Quark. Impitoyable, calculateur, Hagath d\u00E9testait \u00EAtre \"d\u00E9\u00E7u\" et avait fr\u00E9quemment des subalternes qui le laissaient tomber, comme Farrakk, tu\u00E9."@fr . . "Hagath later returned in 2011. He had escaped the time vortex in 2009, transporting through the crack in time that the Master created. Him and only him alone made it back to reality, and when the time was right in 2011 he opened the crack up once more and summoned his armada back to the universe. Hagath then planned to clone the Doctor in order for a timelord to keep the Zakatrons in precise matter while the crack eats the rest of the universe. The Zakatrons cloned the Doctor and the Valeyard was made."@en . . "Hagath was a humanoid arms dealer who operated in the 24th century, in partnership with Quark's cousin Gaila. Ruthless and calculating, Hagath hated to be \"disappointed\" and frequently had subordinates who failed him, such as Farrakk, killed. Hagath had the foresight to provide the Bajoran Resistance with weapons during the Occupation of Bajor, which later allowed him to operate in the Bajor sector without interference. He knew that the Cardassian Union's overconfidence would ultimately cost them Bajor. In 2373, Gaila suggested to Hagath that they employ Quark on Deep Space 9, as Quark's holosuites were ideal for the showcasing and sale of weaponry without any actual weapons passing through the station, circumventing Starfleet regulations. Quark, being heavily in debt at the time, accepted and for a time enjoyed substantial success. Shortly after, Hagath took on a new client, the Regent of Palamar, who wanted biogenic weapons capable of killing 28 million people. Quark, suffering from a crisis of conscience, spoiled the deal by inviting the Regent's arch-enemy, General Nassuc, to Deep Space 9 at the same time. A firefight began when the two sides saw each other, alerting station security. Hagath and Gaila barely managed to escape the station alive, both with Nassuc's Palamarian Freedom Brigade purification squads behind them. (DS9: \"Business as Usual\") Hagath was played by Steven Berkoff. The script of the episode described the character as \"a tall, handsome and casually elegant alien\". He was described as being of the same species as Farrakk. According to the script, his name was pronounced as \"HAG-uth\". [1]"@en . . "Hagath"@fr . "Hagath"@en . . "Trafiquant d'armes"@fr . . "Hagath \u00E9tait un marchand d'armes qui a op\u00E9r\u00E9 au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, en partenariat avec le cousin Gaila de Quark. Impitoyable, calculateur, Hagath d\u00E9testait \u00EAtre \"d\u00E9\u00E7u\" et avait fr\u00E9quemment des subalternes qui le laissaient tomber, comme Farrakk, tu\u00E9."@fr . . . "thumb|Hagath (2373) Hagath ist ein Waffenh\u00E4ndler aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Er hat zusammen mit Quarks Vetter Gaila ein illegales Waffengesch\u00E4ft. Mehr als alles andere hasst Hagath es, entt\u00E4uscht zu werden; diejenigen, die ihn entt\u00E4uschen oder hintergehen wie sein Partner Farrakk, t\u00F6tet er unauff\u00E4llig wie zum Beispiel durch einen Warpkernbruch. Hagath wurde von Steven Berkoff gespielt und von Norbert Langer synchronisiert."@de . "thumb|Hagath (2373) Hagath ist ein Waffenh\u00E4ndler aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Er hat zusammen mit Quarks Vetter Gaila ein illegales Waffengesch\u00E4ft. Mehr als alles andere hasst Hagath es, entt\u00E4uscht zu werden; diejenigen, die ihn entt\u00E4uschen oder hintergehen wie sein Partner Farrakk, t\u00F6tet er unauff\u00E4llig wie zum Beispiel durch einen Warpkernbruch. Fr\u00FCher lieferte Hagath dem bajoranischen Widerstand Waffen, daf\u00FCr darf er nach dem Ende der Besetzung seine legalen Gesch\u00E4fte im bajoranischen Sektor fortf\u00FChren. Er sagt, dass es nicht immer darum geht Profit zu machen, sondern manchmal auch darum Freundschaften und Kontakte zu kn\u00FCpfen. 2373 schl\u00E4gt Gaila Hagath vor, Quark mit ins Gesch\u00E4ft zu nehmen, da er sehr gute Holosuiten besitzt. Hagath stimmt zu. Dann zeigt Quark Hagath in einer Holosuite ein gro\u00DFes Arsenal an Holowaffen. Somit kann man dem K\u00E4ufer simulierte Waffen vorf\u00FChren, was nicht strafbar ist. Das eigentliche Gesch\u00E4ft findet dann au\u00DFerhalb des F\u00F6derationsraumes statt, damit die Sternenflotte sie nicht verfolgen kann. Hagath findet dies toll und akzeptiert Quark als Freund und Partner. Kurz darauf wird Quark von Odo festgenommen, da er hinter seine Gesch\u00E4fte gekommen ist. Er wird jedoch kurz darauf wieder freigelassen, da die Bajoraner darauf bestehen sich nicht in die legalen Gesch\u00E4fte von Hagath einzumischen. Jedoch wird seine Bar nun von der Sternenflotte gemieden und seine Freundin Jadzia Dax will nicht mehr mit ihm reden. Einige darauffolgende Gesch\u00E4fte laufen gut, bis der Regent von Palamar auf DS9 auftaucht, der von den H\u00E4ndlern eine Massenvernichtungswaffe kaufen m\u00F6chte, die 28 Millionen Tote fordern soll. Quark bekommt Gewissensbisse und schmiedet einen Plan, wie er das Gesch\u00E4ft zum Platzen bringen k\u00F6nnte. Er l\u00E4dt die Erzfeindin des Regenten, General Nassuc, auf DS9 ein und schafft es, dass danach die beiden Parteien auf der Station zusammen kommen. In der darauffolgenden Schie\u00DFerei wird der Regent get\u00F6tet. Gaila und Hagath k\u00F6nnen fliehen. (DS9: ) Hagath wurde von Steven Berkoff gespielt und von Norbert Langer synchronisiert."@de . . . "2373"^^ . . "As well as being an arms dealer, Hagath also had qualifications in engineering and anthropology. (CCG: Rules of Acquisition) During the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Hagath had the foresight to supply weapons to the Bajoran Resistance as he knew that the Cardassians overconfidence would see them lose Bajor eventually. His gamble paid off, as he was able to operate safely in the Bajor sector without any interference from the grateful Bajorans. (DS9 episode: \"Business as Usual\") Hagath began supplying weapons to the Bajorans in 2363. His Bajoran contact was Jas Holza. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles) In 2373, Hagath employed Gaila's cousin Quark, because his holosuites were ideal for showcasing and selling weapons without actually having any weapons aboard Deep Space 9. Shortly after, Hagath negotiated a deal with the Regent of Palamar for a biogenic weapon which would kill approximately 28 million people. However, Quark had an attack of conscience and invited the Regent's arch-enemy, General Nassuc, onto the station. A firefight broke out when the two groups met, and Hagath and Gaila were barely able to escape the station alive. (DS9 episode: \"Business as Usual\") Hagath died sometime prior to 2376. (DS9 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine novella: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed)"@en . . . . . "vivant 2373"@fr . . . "As well as being an arms dealer, Hagath also had qualifications in engineering and anthropology. (CCG: Rules of Acquisition) During the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Hagath had the foresight to supply weapons to the Bajoran Resistance as he knew that the Cardassians overconfidence would see them lose Bajor eventually. His gamble paid off, as he was able to operate safely in the Bajor sector without any interference from the grateful Bajorans. (DS9 episode: \"Business as Usual\")"@en . "Active"@en . . "Male"@en . . "inconnu"@fr . . . "Hagath"@fr . . "Hagath was a humanoid arms dealer who operated in the 24th century, in partnership with Quark's cousin Gaila. Ruthless and calculating, Hagath hated to be \"disappointed\" and frequently had subordinates who failed him, such as Farrakk, killed. Hagath had the foresight to provide the Bajoran Resistance with weapons during the Occupation of Bajor, which later allowed him to operate in the Bajor sector without interference. He knew that the Cardassian Union's overconfidence would ultimately cost them Bajor."@en . . . "Hagath"@en . .