"Kyrgyzishi Clan"@en . . "Kyrgyzishi Clan"@en . "Fan Fiction"@en . "None"@en . . "The Clan of the Siamese Shinobi, The Clan of the Lotus Moon"@en . "No"@en . "The Kyrgyzishi clan were free ranging nomads, who specialized as mercenaries, weapons crafters, medical nins, and practitioners of the animal husbandry of baku and \u201Cspirit worms.\u201D Baku, often called \u201Cdream eaters,\u201D are creatures which produce very little spiritual energy of their own and so feed on the spiritual energy of other creatures to generate chakra necessary for life. Their main food source are creatures very similar to the \u201Cspirit worms\u201D used by Tayuya of the Sound Four, which were composed almost entirely of spiritual energy. Spirit worms and baku are complete opposites and are attracted to each other as food sources. Their eternal life and death struggle is symbolized by the cobra vs the mongoose in Kyrgyzishi clan lore. The Kyrgyzishi were nearly wiped out during the time of the founding of Konoha. Their numbers were reduced from over a thousand to less than a hundred in a mysterious battle lasting 10 nights, spoken of today by the Kyrgyzishi as The Ten Fingers of Bloodstained Hands. The remaining Kyrgyzishi escaped to other parts of the Fire nation. The details of this battle are known only to clansmen. Many Kyrgyzishi display overt hostility to holders of the 3 great doujutsu. The reason for this is unknown to non-clansmen. Possibly it is backlash against those who refer to their technique as a \"fake doujutsu.\" Possibly it has something to do with the Ten Fingers battle. A few of them have even been known to discriminate against those who received their doujutsu through transplant. Upon hearing of the Uchiha massacre, Shodai Oyabun is quoted as saying, \u201CNo Uchiha should've ever left this world save at the fingertips of our kegaretate, (blood stained hands).\u201D"@en . "Rhythm Release"@en . "The Kyrgyzishi clan were free ranging nomads, who specialized as mercenaries, weapons crafters, medical nins, and practitioners of the animal husbandry of baku and \u201Cspirit worms.\u201D Baku, often called \u201Cdream eaters,\u201D are creatures which produce very little spiritual energy of their own and so feed on the spiritual energy of other creatures to generate chakra necessary for life. Their main food source are creatures very similar to the \u201Cspirit worms\u201D used by Tayuya of the Sound Four, which were composed almost entirely of spiritual energy. Spirit worms and baku are complete opposites and are attracted to each other as food sources. Their eternal life and death struggle is symbolized by the cobra vs the mongoose in Kyrgyzishi clan lore."@en . "Kyrgyzishi Symbol.svg"@en . . .