. . . . . "#Andra\n#Bedara\n#Orline\n* 1 Luna\n#Carida\n#*2 Lunas\n#**Mascot Luna\n#Cari\n#*14 Lunas\n#Andinri\n#*20 Lunas"@es . . "sv\u011Btl\u00E1"@cs . . . . . "2 m"@cs . . . "*caridansk\u00FD jazyk\n*basic"@cs . . . "Caridan.jpg"@cs . . . . "*Andra\n*Bedara\n*Orline\n**1 luna\n*Carida\n**2 lune\n***Luna Mascot\n*Cari\n**14 lune\n*Andinri\n**20 lune"@it . . . . . "Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00ED Caridan\u00E9 byli 2 metry vysoc\u00ED a p\u0159esto\u017Ee m\u011Bli tenk\u00E9 ruce a nohy, byli obda\u0159en velkou silou, kter\u00E1 kompenzovala vysokou gravitaci planety. Na rukou m\u011Bli t\u0159i prsty a na nohou kopyta."@cs . . . "Caridan"@it . "Caridan"@cs . "M-9"@it . "Carida: Heavy Duty - Part 1: Weight Training"@es . "Caridan"@es . . "*tenk\u00E9 kon\u010Detiny\n*t\u0159i prsty na rukou\n*kopyta"@cs . . . "Caridan"@cs . "The natives of the planet Carida evolved in a highgravity environment and have surprising physical strength considering their lanky frames. Their mercantile culture has adapted well to the continued presence of the Empire, and many Caridan-owned industries provide equipment and machinery for the Academy. They see the Empire not as an occupying force, but as a long-term customer. The Imperial policies against non-Humans became even harsher after the Battle of Yavin, however, and caused friction between the Empire and the Caridans for the first time."@en . "Caridan"@en . . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030904carida1"@es . "Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00ED Caridan\u00E9 byli 2 metry vysoc\u00ED a p\u0159esto\u017Ee m\u011Bli tenk\u00E9 ruce a nohy, byli obda\u0159en velkou silou, kter\u00E1 kompenzovala vysokou gravitaci planety. Na rukou m\u011Bli t\u0159i prsty a na nohou kopyta."@cs . . "*Fascia degli asteroidi Lama di Carida\n*Cintura di detriti congelati Elmo di Carida"@it . . . . "*Cintur\u00F3n de asteroides hoja de Carida\n*cintur\u00F3n de restos congelados del tim\u00F3n de Canad\u00E1"@es . . "M-9"@es . . "The natives of the planet Carida evolved in a highgravity environment and have surprising physical strength considering their lanky frames. Their mercantile culture has adapted well to the continued presence of the Empire, and many Caridan-owned industries provide equipment and machinery for the Academy. They see the Empire not as an occupying force, but as a long-term customer. The Imperial policies against non-Humans became even harsher after the Battle of Yavin, however, and caused friction between the Empire and the Caridans for the first time. Caridans average well over 2 meters in height, with long eyebrows and three-fingered hands. Their long, spindly looking legs are composed almost entirely of wiry muscle and end in two-toed, semihoofed feet. Few Caridans ever left their homeworld before its destruction, though a few traveling Caridan merchants may yet survive in the galaxy at large, and a few more survive within the ranks of the New Republic military. Value Sense: Caridans get a +1D+1 bonus on value rolls. Tough: Caridans get a +2 bonus on stamina rolls."@en . "Caridan"@it . . . . . . "Carida: Heavy Duty"@es . . "*Furgan\n*Golfhan"@cs . "Carida"@cs . . . . . .