"The Tales of Krimson Mask is an on-going fairytale horror story written by Dave Boice. The story follows the tale of a face-mutilated serial hunter named Jack Spriggins (known better as Krimson Mask) and his psychologically-scarred companion, Little Red Riding Hood. With several fairytales weaven into the backstory, the two journey to find answers to their vandalized past after finding themselves in the real world."@en . . "The Tales of Krimson Mask is an on-going fairytale horror story written by Dave Boice. The story follows the tale of a face-mutilated serial hunter named Jack Spriggins (known better as Krimson Mask) and his psychologically-scarred companion, Little Red Riding Hood. With several fairytales weaven into the backstory, the two journey to find answers to their vandalized past after finding themselves in the real world."@en . "The Tales of Krimson Mask"@en . "The Tales of Krimson Mask is a collection of promos written by Krimson Mask."@en . "The Tales of Krimson Mask is a collection of promos written by Krimson Mask."@en . . .