"USS"@fr . "Active"@en . "This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Yorktown of history. In the year 2365, the Yorktown was under the command of Captain Gregory Benson. He was assigned to captain Yorktown on a deep space exploration mission in sector 032. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: \"The Measure of a Man\") The Yorktown was lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 in early 2367."@en . "The arrival roster at Deep Space 9 listing the \"Yorktown\""@en . . . . "actif"@fr . . "220"^^ . . . . . . "NCC-20045"@fr . . . . . . "24"^^ . "Yorktown"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "USS Yorktown"@en . . . "En 2365, sous le commandement du capitaine Gregory Benson, le Yorktown \u00E9tait en mission d'exploration \"zone profonde\" (deep space) dans le secteur 032. (TNG Remastered: \"The Measure Of A Man\", okudagramme) En 2369, le commander William Riker alors sous le contr\u00F4le des interrogateurs de la plan\u00E8te Tilonus IV \u00E0 l'Institut psychatrique de Tilonus, celui-ci croyait y avoir rencontr\u00E9 la commander Bloom, premier officier du Yorktown. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\") En 2370, sous le commandement du capitaine H. Zimmermann, apr\u00E8s avoir quitt\u00E9 Theta Omicron IV, le Yorktown arriva \u00E0 la station spatiale Deep Space 9 \u00E0 la date stellaire 47550.1. (DS9: \"Whispers\", okudagramme)"@fr . . . . "NCC-20045"@en . "USS Yorktown (NCC-20045)"@fr . . "45"^^ . "active , succeeded in name by the by 2369."@en . . . . . "USS Yorktown (NCC-20045)"@en . . "En 2365, sous le commandement du capitaine Gregory Benson, le Yorktown \u00E9tait en mission d'exploration \"zone profonde\" (deep space) dans le secteur 032. (TNG Remastered: \"The Measure Of A Man\", okudagramme) En 2369, le commander William Riker alors sous le contr\u00F4le des interrogateurs de la plan\u00E8te Tilonus IV \u00E0 l'Institut psychatrique de Tilonus, celui-ci croyait y avoir rencontr\u00E9 la commander Bloom, premier officier du Yorktown. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\")"@fr . . . . . . "2370"^^ . . "USS Yorktown"@en . . . . . "fed"@en . "This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Yorktown of history. In the year 2365, the Yorktown was under the command of Captain Gregory Benson. He was assigned to captain Yorktown on a deep space exploration mission in sector 032. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: \"The Measure of a Man\") The Yorktown was lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 in early 2367. In 2369, Benjamin Sisko created a holoprogram that included the Yorktown as part of an attempted strategy to defeat the Borg at Wolf 359. Sisko, theorizing new attack patterns he hoped might change the results of the battle, ordered the Yorktown to concentrate weapons fire with three other starships to allow a boarding party to gain access to Locutus's cube. (DS9 comic: \"Program 359\")"@en . .