"Fyrnock"@es . . "Claws"@en . "Purple, brown"@en . . "Teeth"@en . . "Fyrnocks are silicon-based creatures that appear in the Disney XD animated series, Star Wars Rebels. They live on the planet of Fort Anaxes and are very sensitive to sunlight. However, in darkness, they are deadly hunters. When Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren stop on Fort Anaxes to find supplies, they are attacked by the Fyrnocks, which they keep at bay until the rest of the crew of the Ghost rescue them."@en . "Fyrnock"@fr . . "Bad/Neutral"@en . "Los fyrnocks eran criaturas que habitaban asteroides. Se conoc\u00EDa la existencia de fyrnocks en Fort Anaxes, una base militar utilizada por el Gran Ej\u00E9rcito de la Rep\u00FAblica durante las Guerras Clon. A los fyrnocks les da\u00F1aba la luz solar y por eso s\u00F3lo pod\u00EDan vivir bajo el amparo de la oscuridad, en la que se convirtieron en feroces depredadores. Hera Syndulla y Sabine Wren encontraron fyrnocks en Fort Anaxes muchos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s de la guerra."@es . "Caverns"@en . "15"^^ . . . "tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/gathering-forces-trivia-gallery"@en . "Fyrnocks were silicon-based creatures found inhabiting Fort Anaxes, a military base used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Fyrnocks were hurt by sunlight and could only live under the cover of darkness, in which they became fierce predators. However, they are immune to lights that are not solar-based. Fyrnocks were typically the size of a small humanoid, but at least one was known to grow much larger. Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren encountered fyrnocks on Fort Anaxes many years after the war. Later, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice Ezra Bridger returned to Fort Anaxes, hoping to lure the Grand Inquisitor into a trap. Using the Force, they were able to convince the Fyrnocks to attack the Inquisitor and his Imperial Stormtroopers. While the Fyrnocks were ultimately unable to defeat the Inquisitor, they did manage to take down several of the Stormtroopers."@en . . . . . "Violette, brune"@fr . . . . "The Nasties"@en . "I Fyrnock fanno la loro comparsa nell'episodio di Star Wars Rebels \"Out of Darkness\". Secondo la guida agli episodi, in origine i Fyrnock dovevano essere chiamati Garcor, e successivamente Nockfyr. Da quest'ultimo nome, Dave Filoni invert\u00EC le lettere e ottenne l'attuale nome."@it . . . . . . "tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/out-of-darkness-trivia-gallery"@en . . "Carn\u00EDvoro"@es . "Yellow, red"@en . "Caverne, fort Anaxes"@fr . "Star Wars Rebels: Out of Darkness Trivia Gallery"@en . . . "Fort Anaxes"@en . . "248"^^ . . "Los fyrnocks eran criaturas que habitaban asteroides. Se conoc\u00EDa la existencia de fyrnocks en Fort Anaxes, una base militar utilizada por el Gran Ej\u00E9rcito de la Rep\u00FAblica durante las Guerras Clon. A los fyrnocks les da\u00F1aba la luz solar y por eso s\u00F3lo pod\u00EDan vivir bajo el amparo de la oscuridad, en la que se convirtieron en feroces depredadores. Hera Syndulla y Sabine Wren encontraron fyrnocks en Fort Anaxes muchos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s de la guerra."@es . . "Fyrnock"@en . "Fyrnock"@es . "Quadrup\u00E9die"@fr . . . "Vicious"@en . "Fyrnock"@en . "Fyrnocks are silicon-based creatures that appear in the Disney XD animated series, Star Wars Rebels. They live on the planet of Fort Anaxes and are very sensitive to sunlight. However, in darkness, they are deadly hunters. When Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren stop on Fort Anaxes to find supplies, they are attacked by the Fyrnocks, which they keep at bay until the rest of the crew of the Ghost rescue them. Later on, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger return to Fort Anaxes to tame and use the Fyrnocks as part of a trap for the Grand Inquisitor. Though the Fyrnocks succeed in killing his stormtroopers, the Fyrnocks ultimately are no match for the Utapauan. As a last attempt, Ezra taps into the Dark side of the Force, summoning the mother Fyrnock, which is much larger than the others. Though she is unable to defeat the Grand Inquisitor, her attacks give Ezra and Kanan enough time to escape him."@en . . "[Source] Les fyrnocks sont des cr\u00E9atures faite \u00E0 base de silice et vivant dans le fort Anaxes, une ancienne base de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique durant la Guerre des Clones et situ\u00E9e sur l'ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde PM-1203. Ils vivent dans l'ombre et ne supportent pas la lumi\u00E8re, ils peuvent hiberner pendant de longues p\u00E9riodes. Mais les Fyrnocks, bien que tr\u00E8s agressifs envers qui les d\u00E9ranges, se nourrissent peu, et rarement. Ils mangent la plupart du temps des petites cr\u00E9atures des ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes, tels des Mynocks ou des jeunes limaces de l'espace."@fr . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . "Star Wars Rebels"@en . . . "Various asteroid hives"@en . "Fyrnock"@es . . "Varios asteroides"@es . . "Fyrnock"@en . "Fyrnock"@it . "Une paire, jaune"@fr . . "I Fyrnock fanno la loro comparsa nell'episodio di Star Wars Rebels \"Out of Darkness\". Secondo la guida agli episodi, in origine i Fyrnock dovevano essere chiamati Garcor, e successivamente Nockfyr. Da quest'ultimo nome, Dave Filoni invert\u00EC le lettere e ottenne l'attuale nome."@it . . . "Craigne la lumi\u00E8re"@fr . "Garras y dientes afilados"@es . "Fyrnock"@fr . "Hunter"@en . . "[Source] Les fyrnocks sont des cr\u00E9atures faite \u00E0 base de silice et vivant dans le fort Anaxes, une ancienne base de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique durant la Guerre des Clones et situ\u00E9e sur l'ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde PM-1203. Ils vivent dans l'ombre et ne supportent pas la lumi\u00E8re, ils peuvent hiberner pendant de longues p\u00E9riodes. Ils sont carnivore et attaquent toutes formes de vie les d\u00E9rangeant, comme Sabine Wren et Hera Syndulla venue sur l'ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9r\u00E9s des caisses laiss\u00E9es par Fulcrum. Cela donna l'id\u00E9e \u00E0 Kanan Jarrus d'attirer les Imp\u00E9riaux sur cet ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde pour que les Fyrnocks les attaquent. Mais les Fyrnocks, bien que tr\u00E8s agressifs envers qui les d\u00E9ranges, se nourrissent peu, et rarement. Ils mangent la plupart du temps des petites cr\u00E9atures des ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes, tels des Mynocks ou des jeunes limaces de l'espace."@fr . "Fyrnock"@en . "Fyrnock"@es . "Star Wars Rebels: Gathering Forces Trivia Gallery"@en . . "Amarillo"@es . "No Inteligente"@es . . "Cavernas"@es . . "Fyrnock"@fr . . . . "2.48"^^ . "170.0"^^ . "Morado, marr\u00F3n o gris"@es . "Cat-like creatures with sharp teeth, large yellow or red eyes, long legs tipped with sharp claws, bat-like ears"@en . "Fyrnocks were silicon-based creatures found inhabiting Fort Anaxes, a military base used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Fyrnocks were hurt by sunlight and could only live under the cover of darkness, in which they became fierce predators. However, they are immune to lights that are not solar-based. Fyrnocks were typically the size of a small humanoid, but at least one was known to grow much larger. Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren encountered fyrnocks on Fort Anaxes many years after the war. Later, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice Ezra Bridger returned to Fort Anaxes, hoping to lure the Grand Inquisitor into a trap. Using the Force, they were able to convince the Fyrnocks to attack the Inquisitor and his Imperial Stormtroopers. While the Fyrnocks were ulti"@en . "Fyrnock"@fr . "Fyrnock"@fr . . . . . . . .