. . "Desmond's photograph was a photograph featuring him and his girlfriend Penny at a Marina. The picture was taken the day they broke up, and Desmond had his copy when he entered the sailing race that eventually landed him on the Island. He held on to the photograph for the three years he lived in the Swan as a way of remembering Penny. Penny kept her copy on her night table. (\"Orientation\") (\"Live Together, Die Alone\") Transported back to 2004 after having travelled to 1996, Desmond found the photograph at the remains of the exploded Swan. He regretted having broken up with Penny, and wished to return back to act differently if he were granted a second chance. Desmond saw the photograph again later, when Claire approached and said that Penny was beautiful. (\"Flashes Before Your Eyes\") Penny's copy was somehow acquired by Naomi Dorrit before her arrival on the Island, most likely through her employer Charles Widmore, and was used by her as a way to explain her arrival on the Island, lying that she was hired by Penelope. (\"The Brig\") (\"Through the Looking Glass\") While travelling to the Kahana on the helicopter, Desmond was looking at the photograph before and after he had a flash back to 1996. (\"The Constant\")"@en . . . "Desmond's original photograph in the first broadcast."@en . . "Desmond's photograph was a photograph featuring him and his girlfriend Penny at a Marina. The picture was taken the day they broke up, and Desmond had his copy when he entered the sailing race that eventually landed him on the Island. He held on to the photograph for the three years he lived in the Swan as a way of remembering Penny. Penny kept her copy on her night table. (\"Orientation\") (\"Live Together, Die Alone\") While travelling to the Kahana on the helicopter, Desmond was looking at the photograph before and after he had a flash back to 1996. (\"The Constant\")"@en . . . "Desmond's Photograph"@en . . . "left"@en . . "Desmond's photograph when being taken in 1996 after he travels back."@en . "The photo, found in Naomi's copy of Ardil-22."@en . . . "3"^^ . . "right"@en . . "Desmond's photograph"@en . "When Desmond was living in London with Penny, the two walked through London and met a photographer who took their picture which was behind a backdrop, and presented it to them. It was after Penny paid for the picture that Desmond felt ashamed that he was unable to pay for the photo let alone support Penny. He called off their relationship and hurled his engagement ring into the river. (Flashes Before Your Eyes) Jack later noticed this photo inside the hatch when Desmond had fled after the computer was damaged. (Orientation) It is later revealed that Penny also possesses a copy of this photo. (Live Together, Die Alone)"@en . "Desmond's photograph"@en . . . "desold.jpg"@en . "When Desmond was living in London with Penny, the two walked through London and met a photographer who took their picture which was behind a backdrop, and presented it to them. It was after Penny paid for the picture that Desmond felt ashamed that he was unable to pay for the photo let alone support Penny. He called off their relationship and hurled his engagement ring into the river. (Flashes Before Your Eyes) Jack later noticed this photo inside the hatch when Desmond had fled after the computer was damaged. (Orientation)"@en . . "200"^^ . .