. "Alex Matthews was a Jedi Master who lived during the Clone Wars, the Great Jedi Purge, the Rebellion and the years after the Emperors defeat. Matthews was 13 during the start of the Clone Wars having just been picked as a Padawan by Master Salon Trisea. Trisea was about to start his training when his long time friend, Mace Windu, had Trisea accompany him to Geonosis to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala. Trisea took Alex with him as his first mission. There they confronted Dooku's Dark Jedi Apprentice Kylan Saes who was formerly Trisea's Jedi Apprentice but vanished on a top secret mission. Alex was later captured by Kylan who converted him to the dark side. A year later in 21 BBY Alex confronted his master on a mission to Aagmar where Trisea successfully redeemed his former apprentice stating that facing the dark side had made him a better Jedi. A month later Alex was given temporary command of one of Commander Jay's squads to lead a defense of Klatooine while Trisea commanded the star destroyers in space. Alex and Alpha Squad successfully rescued the Hutt Ajuur but lost Alpha Squad's commander in the process. They then met with Ajuur's Mandalorian mercs headed by Kaleran. They then assaulted the main base however the mercenaries were all killed save one and Kaleran was executed by none other then Kylan Saes who had wanted revenge. Alex dueled Saes but lost, just barely escaping with Alpha Squad on a gunship. In 19 BBY Trisea and Alex participated in the Battle of Coruscant, providing cover for Anakin and Obi-Wan as they inflitrated the Invisible Hand. They then returned to the Jedi Temple. Alex was present in the Temple when Vader attacked it and just barely escaped, seeing Trisea captured. Later, Alex witnessed Trisea's execution on the Holonet. Alex devoted himself to defeating the Emperor and Vader by enlisting the help of two smugglers: Lyrin Doneran and his first mate Kale Zarrow. After many disastrous events, Alex learned that Kylan and a Senator named Faran had cloned him. After stopping Faran, Alex learned his parents had created him using the Force. Accompanied by Kylan who seeked redemption and Hunter, one of the clones of Alex, Alex traveled to his homeworld of Cathros and stopped his mothers plans. He also took on two new apprentices. Sarah, the lone survivor on Cathros and his twin sister Alexia, who was created by his mother. In 6 BBY Alex and the crew of Hotshot found the last clone of Senator Faran who was revealed to be his son Tyris Faran. Alex successfully redeemed him and took him on as his last apprentice. They then returned to Cathros where Alex formed the Cathros Jedi Order. He constructed an academy and gathered force sensitives all across the system to prepare for the time a Rebellion was needed. Eventually in 0 ABY, Alex and his Jed Order joined the Rebellion. However Alex cut ties as the presence of so many Jedi alerted Vader to his presence. Alex was not present when the Emperor and Vader were defeated but he did agree to join the New Republic. Alex later joined Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order where he became a Jedi master. Alex then disbanded the Cathros Order and had them all join Skywalker's Order. Alex fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War many years later. In 27 ABY however, a devastating battle injured Alex greatly causing the loss of his right arm and a dozen other injuries. As Alex grew older he suffered from an illness due to his advanced force powers. Alex treated many of this with implants due to the fact doctors couldn't do anything to help him. Alex later broke off from the new Galactic Alliance when Jacen Solo took control and reformed the Cathros Jedi Order separating himself from Luke's Order. Although sad at his departure Luke accepted and Alex promised their two Orders would remain allies. Alex was to ill to participate in the Second Galactic Civil War but sent numerous Jedi to help Skywalker's Order among them his son and Hunter. Alex later passed away partly of old age and partly of his being an experiment in 42 ABY."@en . . "35"^^ . "Alex Matthews was a Jedi Master who lived during the Clone Wars, the Great Jedi Purge, the Rebellion and the years after the Emperors defeat. Matthews was 13 during the start of the Clone Wars having just been picked as a Padawan by Master Salon Trisea. Trisea was about to start his training when his long time friend, Mace Windu, had Trisea accompany him to Geonosis to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala. Trisea took Alex with him as his first mission. There they confronted Dooku's Dark Jedi Apprentice Kylan Saes who was formerly Trisea's Jedi Apprentice but vanished on a top secret mission. Alex was later captured by Kylan who converted him to the dark side. A year later in 21 BBY Alex confronted his master on a mission to Aagmar where Trisea successfully redeemed hi"@en . . . . "Cathros"@en . "Blue"@en . "Salon Trisea"@en . . . . "right arm, various implants and replacement cybernetics after the Yuuzhan Vong War and during old age."@en . "Fair"@en . "Kale Zarrow\nLyrin Doneran\nKylan Saes\nHunter Matthews\nAlexia Matthews\nSarah Delran\nTyris Faran\nNumerous Individuals of the Cathros Jedi Order"@en . "Sandy"@en . "42"^^ . "6"^^ . "Alex Matthews"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . . "Jedi Order, Rebel Alliance,, Cathros Jedi Order, New Republic, New Jedi Order, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances"@en .