"The Beyonders only weaknesses include The-One-Above-All and possibly Pre-Retcon Beyonder but it was Plot Induced Stupidity/Character Induced Stupidity who beat them."@en . . "The Beyonders, also known as the Ivory Kings, the Sinnu Sarrum, and the White Lords from Wild Space are a omnipotent alien race that hail from a dimension that exists outside of the Multiverse. The Beyonders are a naturally curious race and frequently conduct experiments involving the denizens of the Multiverse."@en . . . "Omnipresent"@en . . "Universe+ Level"@en . "Beyonders"@en . . . "Omniverse Level"@en . "Planet Level"@en . "Transonic level"@en . . "Multiverse"@en . "Omniversal Level"@en . "Primordial"@en . "Sub-Sonic level"@en . . "The Beyonders only weaknesses include The-One-Above-All and possibly Pre-Retcon Beyonder but it was Plot Induced Stupidity/Character Induced Stupidity who beat them."@en . "Immeasurable"@en . . "Infinite"@en . "Males/Females"@en . "Cosmic entities"@en . "Nigh-Omniscient"@en . "Sun Level\nPlanet Level"@en . "The Beyonders (\u5F7C\u65B9 Kanata) are a race of omnipotent, omniscent, and omnipresent beings who created the universe. In the Human World and Soul Society alike they have been recorded in mythology for billions of years, but very few in Soul Society know the truth of their existence, and all of them are dead by the time the series picks up. The Beyonders live inside of the deepest chambers of Nirvana."@en . "Marvel Comics"@en . "Multiverse Level"@en . . . . "The Beyonders (\u5F7C\u65B9 Kanata) are a race of omnipotent, omniscent, and omnipresent beings who created the universe. In the Human World and Soul Society alike they have been recorded in mythology for billions of years, but very few in Soul Society know the truth of their existence, and all of them are dead by the time the series picks up. The Beyonders live inside of the deepest chambers of Nirvana."@en . "Universe Level"@en . . "Beyonders"@en . "The Beyonders, also known as the Ivory Kings, the Sinnu Sarrum, and the White Lords from Wild Space are a omnipotent alien race that hail from a dimension that exists outside of the Multiverse. The Beyonders are a naturally curious race and frequently conduct experiments involving the denizens of the Multiverse."@en . "Megaverse Level"@en . .