. "Stories of the American Puppet is a documentary directed by Mark Mazzarella for PBS in 2000. The film, narrated by Dan Lauria (The Wonder Years), showcases the evolution of puppetry in America in the 20th century. Clips are featured from the puppet acts of Shari Lewis, Edgar Bergen, Tony Sarg, Bil Baird and Jim Henson. Jane Henson and Martin P. Robinson are interviewed and Cheryl Henson receives a special thanks credit for providing archive material. The film won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing. It has been released on VHS, and made its DVD debut on October 16, 2007, with over 40 minutes of bonus material. Included segments feature extended archive footage and interviews shot for but not seen in the original documentary."@en . "Stories of the American Puppet"@en . . "Stories of the American Puppet is a documentary directed by Mark Mazzarella for PBS in 2000. The film, narrated by Dan Lauria (The Wonder Years), showcases the evolution of puppetry in America in the 20th century. Clips are featured from the puppet acts of Shari Lewis, Edgar Bergen, Tony Sarg, Bil Baird and Jim Henson. Jane Henson and Martin P. Robinson are interviewed and Cheryl Henson receives a special thanks credit for providing archive material."@en .