"Golden Age 073: Just a Little Bit More Power"@en . . . . . "The score reaches 4-4. The audience comments that both Niou/Atobe are evenly matched with Ochi/Mouri. Quickly, the score reaches 5-4, in the 1st stringer's favour. Niou uses Zero Shiki Serve 3 more times. When he tries it for the 4th time, he fails and only manages to hit a normal serve. Atobe goes in for the hit and scores with Fugue Towards Despair. The score is now 5-5. Atobe uses Insight and realises Niou cannot hit anymore Zero Shiki Serves. Mouri tells the Niou and Atobe they need more power, so Niu becomes Kabaji. The 2nd string finally lead with 6-5."@en . . . "The score reaches 4-4. The audience comments that both Niou/Atobe are evenly matched with Ochi/Mouri. Quickly, the score reaches 5-4, in the 1st stringer's favour. Niou uses Zero Shiki Serve 3 more times. When he tries it for the 4th time, he fails and only manages to hit a normal serve. Atobe goes in for the hit and scores with Fugue Towards Despair. The score is now 5-5. Atobe uses Insight and realises Niou cannot hit anymore Zero Shiki Serves. Mouri tells the Niou and Atobe they need more power, so Niu becomes Kabaji. The 2nd string finally lead with 6-5."@en . . . .