. "The seat of the Nibblonian civilization, it is from here that the Nibblonians lead their defense of the universe from the ancient threat of the Brain Spawn."@en . . . . . "2389.99"^^ . "13049"^^ . "New New York"@en . . . . . "Dollar"@en . "Eternium is a metal that does not appear alone (mined along with Adamantite, Fel Iron, Khorium, and Nethercite) and is also used in the creation of Felsteel and various blacksmithing items."@en . "Eternium, named for the home world of Nibler, was founded February 13, 2007. Our most important ideal is that you may do as you please, as long as it does not interfere in the liberty of others. Once every 4 years the national holiday \"Anything Goes\" occurs on February 29. Locals best describe the day as \"Extreme Mardi Gras\". What you do on Anything Goes Day, stays on Anything Goes Day. Mostly peaceful, and not wanting of War, Eternium will attack enemies of the Legion Federal Law mandates that men cannot give beads to women, that they are not related to, without a showing of B00bs."@en . . . . "86.77"^^ . . "The seat of the Nibblonian civilization, it is from here that the Nibblonians lead their defense of the universe from the ancient threat of the Brain Spawn."@en . "Eternium"@en . . "El planeta Eternium es un planeta muy viejo situado en el centro exacto del universo. El planeta ya ten\u00EDa 17 a\u00F1os cuando el universo fue creado. Los Niblonianos nacieron en este planeta cuando ocurri\u00F3 el Big bang. El Palacio de la Eternidad, un palacio en el planeta, es el lugar donde los Niblonianos lideran la defensa del universo contra los cerebros voladores. Es el planeta de Nibbler."@es . "The Eternium was a pocket universe contemporaneous with the mainstream universe. It was on the brink of death. (PROSE: Reckless Engineering)"@en . . . "Activo"@es . "Custom29"@en . . "English"@en . "1485.74"^^ . . . . "eternium.png"@en . "yes"@en . . "El centro exacto del universo"@es . . "Eternium is a metal that does not appear alone (mined along with Adamantite, Fel Iron, Khorium, and Nethercite) and is also used in the creation of Felsteel and various blacksmithing items."@en . . . . "None"@en . . "Sauce"@en . "32782"^^ . "105754"^^ . "Eternium"@es . "17008.5"^^ . "225"^^ . . . . . . "Eternium is the most powerful substance on the planet Eternia. Just a little piece can act as a source of energy for the city of Eternos for a long time. It's almost impossible to find. If Trap Jaw eats Eternium, he becomes as strong as He-Man, if not stronger, but the substance is poisonous for other beings. There's a similar-looking substance named Deterium, but it's useless for anything."@en . "The Eternium was a pocket universe contemporaneous with the mainstream universe. It was on the brink of death. (PROSE: Reckless Engineering)"@en . "Scruffy.jpg"@en . "19733"^^ . . . "Work Hard, Party Harder."@en . . . . "Eternium is the home world of the Nibblonians. It is located in the middle of the universe. The Hall of Forever is located here."@en . . "Purple"@en . . . . "8"^^ . . "The Legion"@en . "Eternium is the most powerful substance on the planet Eternia. Just a little piece can act as a source of energy for the city of Eternos for a long time. It's almost impossible to find. If Trap Jaw eats Eternium, he becomes as strong as He-Man, if not stronger, but the substance is poisonous for other beings. There's a similar-looking substance named Deterium, but it's useless for anything."@en . "Eternium"@es . . "197.4"^^ . . . . . "El planeta Eternium es un planeta muy viejo situado en el centro exacto del universo. El planeta ya ten\u00EDa 17 a\u00F1os cuando el universo fue creado. Los Niblonianos nacieron en este planeta cuando ocurri\u00F3 el Big bang. El Palacio de la Eternidad, un palacio en el planeta, es el lugar donde los Niblonianos lideran la defensa del universo contra los cerebros voladores. Es el planeta de Nibbler."@es . "Eternium"@en . "3920"^^ . "Middle of the Universe"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Republic"@en . "Eternium, named for the home world of Nibler, was founded February 13, 2007. Our most important ideal is that you may do as you please, as long as it does not interfere in the liberty of others. Once every 4 years the national holiday \"Anything Goes\" occurs on February 29. Locals best describe the day as \"Extreme Mardi Gras\". What you do on Anything Goes Day, stays on Anything Goes Day. Mostly peaceful, and not wanting of War, Eternium will attack enemies of the Legion Federal Law mandates that men cannot give beads to women, that they are not related to, without a showing of B00bs. Proud member of the Legion. Proud member of the Stonecutters."@en . . "Eternium is the home world of the Nibblonians. It is located in the middle of the universe. The Hall of Forever is located here."@en . .