. . "The Last Supper"@en . . . "The Last Supper was a large painting by Leonardo da Vinci. According to Shannon O'Donnel's guidebook, a re-creation of this painting in a cornfield was close by when she drove through Indiana in late 2000. (VOY: \"11:59\")"@en . "A Dangerous Game"@en . . . "1432"^^ . . . "The Last Supper is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventeenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the , a district based in Grimsborough."@en . . . "Jayne Boy.jpg"@en . "2290"^^ . "2016-12-29"^^ . "VI"@en . "Offer dogs water"@en . . "Corner dogs in individual pens"@en . "Common Boon.jpg"@en . "There is something about Christmas time that is eerily unsettling. The joy and happiness in the air is a pleasant change of pace from the normally dreary London atmosphere, but the sugar-coated mirth that permeates the holiday feels so unreal. It's as if a tiger at the circus is put into a silly little costume and we, the audience, is supposed to believe this creature enjoys jumping through hoops when we know it would rather be mauling our children. Still, beggars can't be choosers, and I enjoy that time of year when everyone is a shade less nasty to each other. It's been a tradition for as long as I can remember for our family to get together at my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve. As an only child, I lived for these nights which enabled me to see all my cousins and feel a little less lonely. Even now, with most of us in our twenties or thirties, I enjoy seeing my family and catching up with them. With my old pick-up truck laden down with gifts, I pulled out of my apartment complex and made my way to my grandmother's. Turning onto her street, I saw that the majority of my family had already arrived. I let myself in through the front door and was greeted immediately by some of the younger members of the family. Their innocent excitement brought a big, goofy smile to my face. They scampered out to my truck to bring the gifts in as I said hello to the rest of my family. After an hour or so of catching up, we all congregated to pray and eat our Christmas dinner. I found myself falling victim to the sickly sweet atmosphere the winter holidays are so famous for. I was laughing heartily at jokes that wouldn't have even brought a smile to my face any other time. I listened with rapt attention as my youngest kin told me all about what they had been learning in school or what they had asked Santa for. This was a time of year when I stopped playing the role of a recluse, and tonight in particular I realized the need to cherish these moments. Full of delicious holiday food, we nevertheless began devouring my grandmother's homemade ice cream she so dramatically presented to us. By this time of the night, the children's eyes began to grow heavy, and one by one they nodded off on the various couches and chairs assembled haphazardly in the living room. A great uncle of mine committed one of the ultimate social faux pas and began discussing politics. The debate became rather heated, no doubt due to the upcoming elections in our area. I never much cared for the realm of politics, and in an effort to escape the growing awkwardness, I excused myself to use the restroom. I began walking back through the familiar hallway that led from the living room to the bedrooms. My grandmother was a very religious woman, and her house reflected that perfectly. Everywhere you looked, your eyes would find crucifixes, angels, and bibles. I myself believed in God, but did not worship with the fervor that my grandmother did. Lining the walls were pictures from a forgotten time, interspersed with paintings depicting various Biblical scenes. A cross hung above the entrance to each bedroom, the beds looking immaculately clean as they waited for someone to make use of them. At the end of the hallway was a large mirror, which hid the door to the only restroom in the house.. I smiled as I recalled how my cousins and I would sprint down the hallway towards the glass, amused by our reflected selves. Perched above the mirror was my grandmother's most prized possession. It was a beautifully rendered version of the Last Supper, but instead of the usual background, Jesus and his apostles sat amongst the clouds and angels. I had never truly looked at the painting before, so for the first time my eyes feasted on how detailed and lifelike it was. As I began to turn away to rejoin my family, I could have sworn I saw a ripple play across the face of one of the angels. Fixing my attention back on the painting, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Silently laughing at the quick twinge of alarm I had felt, I again made to walk back down the hallway. Only, try as I might, my entire body was rooted to the spot. I began to panic, fearing I was having some sort of seizure. I could open my mouth, but no sound would leave it. Again, the ripple crossed the angel's face, until finally, it remained there, the face turning into a bubbling mass. Slowly, the angel began to transform before me. I could not even begin to comprehend the horrific abomination it was becoming, but I was fully aware of the effects it was having on my body. I could feel something dripping from my eyes, whether it was tears or blood, I could not tell. My brain throbbed against my skull with a painful intensity, my mind threatening to explode as I neared the brink of insanity. My whole face began to tremble. I wanted nothing more than to scream for help, but my body had other ideas. A fresh wave of horror washed over me as I felt my hands rise to my face completely of their own will. My fingers began scratching at my eyes, determined to rip them out. My eyes stayed open through the pain, my hands willing to do anything to make the ghastly vision in front of me go away, anything to stop this madness. My vision began to fade as my eyes gave way under the clawing. I collapsed to the ground, blind but still alive. The warmth of the blood pouring out of my eye sockets was my only comfort, and I was still unable to speak or move. Dear old grandmother would be too late in finding me, as I silently bled to death in a crumpled heap on the floor . I awoke in a stark white room. It seemed I had been sleeping sitting up, and I had no knowledge of how I arrived here. As I struggled to grasp what was happening, I realized I was not alone. Five beautiful angels stood before me, smiling as I looked at each in turn. I couldn't help but return the smile, realizing I must have ascended to Heaven. I rose from the floor, and immediately began to sob as the beautiful faces were disturbed by a familiar rippling."@en . . "Spy"@en . "The Last Supper"@en . "The Last Supper is a famous mural painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1490s in Milan, Italy. He included clues in the painting, to help point the way for a shadow society of intellectuals who would follow. First, he included a mysterious hand holding a knife that points at St. James the Lesser, but does not belong to anyone pictured. In addition he painted one of his own inventions, Animatronio into the scene, before painting over the robot. Lastly he left the robot's legs visible as \"wonky table legs.\""@en . . . . . "3600.0"^^ . . . . . "Random Resource"@en . . . . . "\"The Last Supper\" is an original work and a rock song by SCL Project, featuring VanaN'Ice. The video depicts a story of a feast prepared for Len who is hinted to be suffering from an illness, and KAITO and Gackpo are feeding him various foods to bring him back to his health. When nothing seems to be working, they prepare to sacrifice their most precious thing as last resort. This song is featured in the album, Diamond Lily."@en . . . "Sansa Stark"@en . . "17"^^ . . . "Speak to dogs soothingly"@en . . . "common"@en . . . "\"The Last Supper\" is the eleventh episode of Season Four of Californication."@en . "Fight -858, Spy +1328, Swindle +858"@en . "Ask Sansa what she is planning to feed the hounds."@en . . "Facing Littlefinger"@en . . . . "Stark Character.jpg"@en . "Fight"@en . "1432"^^ . . . "962"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . . "I"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "47"^^ . . "*"@en . "Hit dogs to buy Jayne time"@en . . . . "2011-03-20"^^ . "Bribe"@en . . . "The Last Supper is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventeenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the , a district based in Grimsborough."@en . . . "2013-02-07"^^ . "The Last Supper is a famous mural painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1490s in Milan, Italy. He included clues in the painting, to help point the way for a shadow society of intellectuals who would follow. First, he included a mysterious hand holding a knife that points at St. James the Lesser, but does not belong to anyone pictured. In addition he painted one of his own inventions, Animatronio into the scene, before painting over the robot. Lastly he left the robot's legs visible as \"wonky table legs.\" The clues remained undiscovered for over a millennium and a half, before the Planet Express crew began their search to unravel the secrets of Leonardo's lost invention."@en . "A secret meeting between countries is conducted in order to evaluate the global alien threat. However, the Advocacy learn of this grouping, and seize it as an opportunity to swiftly crush resistance."@en . "\"The Last Supper\" is an original work and a rock song by SCL Project, featuring VanaN'Ice. The video depicts a story of a feast prepared for Len who is hinted to be suffering from an illness, and KAITO and Gackpo are feeding him various foods to bring him back to his health. When nothing seems to be working, they prepare to sacrifice their most precious thing as last resort. This song is featured in the album, Diamond Lily."@en . . . . "Ramsay's Hounds"@en . . "2290"^^ . . . "A secret meeting between countries is conducted in order to evaluate the global alien threat. However, the Advocacy learn of this grouping, and seize it as an opportunity to swiftly crush resistance."@en . . "The Last Supper is an artwork by Leonardo da Vinci, depicting Jesus' last communion before with his disciples before he was crucified. In the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode Artless, the artwork ends up stolen by extraterrestrials from Lookra."@en . . . . . . . . "\"The Last Supper\""@en . . "Sansa looks Jayne dead in the eye. \"Ramsay Bolton. If you're feeling squeamish about that, you may decline.\""@en . . . . "2290"^^ . . . . "Agree to do as Sansa says, but decline to watch."@en . "white; color:#797979"@en . . "The Last Supper was the last meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his death. The Last Supper has been the subject of many different paintings, perhaps the most famous by Leonardo da Vinci. The meal is discussed at length in all four Gospels of the canonized Bible. The meal is considered by most scholars likely to have been a Passover seder, celebrated on the Thursday night (Holy Thursday) before Jesus was crucified on Friday (Good Friday). This belief is based on the chronology of the Synoptic Gospels, but the chronology in the Gospel of John has the Last Supper occurring before the Passover, for in that Gospel, Christ's death occurs at the time of the slaughter of the Passover lambs (this latter chronology is the one accepted by the Orthodox Church). For this reason, others argue th"@en . "World Winterfell.jpg"@en . "SCL Project:\n* natsuP \n* haku \n* HaruAki"@en . . "There is something about Christmas time that is eerily unsettling. The joy and happiness in the air is a pleasant change of pace from the normally dreary London atmosphere, but the sugar-coated mirth that permeates the holiday feels so unreal. It's as if a tiger at the circus is put into a silly little costume and we, the audience, is supposed to believe this creature enjoys jumping through hoops when we know it would rather be mauling our children. Still, beggars can't be choosers, and I enjoy that time of year when everyone is a shade less nasty to each other."@en . . "Jayne"@en . . . . . . "The Last Supper was a large painting by Leonardo da Vinci. According to Shannon O'Donnel's guidebook, a re-creation of this painting in a cornfield was close by when she drove through Indiana in late 2000. (VOY: \"11:59\")"@en . . "2290"^^ . "Slather self in food to attract"@en . . "Story"@en . . "The Last Supper"@en . . . . . . . . "Sworn Sword"@en . "Mock dogs while Jayne runs"@en . . . "After the battle is over, Sansa Stark approaches Jayne. \"The hounds need to be fed. Will you unlock the cages?\""@en . . "Harass"@en . . . "\"The Last Supper\" is the eleventh episode of Season Four of Californication."@en . "Do as Sansa says and open the hounds' cages."@en . . "City"@en . "Starved for days, these hounds might gobble up Jayne if she gives them the chance."@en . "Old Ways"@en . "1989-03-06"^^ . "and"@en . . . . . "962"^^ . "The Last Supper was the last meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his death. The Last Supper has been the subject of many different paintings, perhaps the most famous by Leonardo da Vinci. The meal is discussed at length in all four Gospels of the canonized Bible. The meal is considered by most scholars likely to have been a Passover seder, celebrated on the Thursday night (Holy Thursday) before Jesus was crucified on Friday (Good Friday). This belief is based on the chronology of the Synoptic Gospels, but the chronology in the Gospel of John has the Last Supper occurring before the Passover, for in that Gospel, Christ's death occurs at the time of the slaughter of the Passover lambs (this latter chronology is the one accepted by the Orthodox Church). For this reason, others argue that a thorough examination of the Gospels indicates that the Last Supper was on a Tuesday, and that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday (see When Christ Died, and Rose). In the course of the Last Supper, and with specific reference to taking the bread and the wine, Jesus told his disciples, \"Do this in remembrance of Me\", (1 Cor 11:23-25). (The vessel which was used to serve the wine, the Holy Chalice, is considered by some to be the \"Holy Grail\"). According to tradition, the Last Supper took place in what is called today The Room of the Last Supper on Mount Zion, just outside of the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. It was during this event that Jesus predicted that one of his Apostles would betray him (it would turn out to be Judas)."@en . . "Swindle"@en . . . . "1432"^^ . . . . . . "2000"^^ . "VanaN'Ice:\n* (Camui Gackpo, KAITO, Kagamine Len)"@en . . . "Episode Chronology"@en . "New Ways"@en . . . "The Last Supper is an artwork by Leonardo da Vinci, depicting Jesus' last communion before with his disciples before he was crucified. In the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode Artless, the artwork ends up stolen by extraterrestrials from Lookra."@en . . "Sabotage"@en .