"Bush Nicknames"@en . "Liberals have gotten their panties in a bunch, yet again! It is no surprise that when The Greatest President Ever met with The Greatest Pope Ever he called him \"sir\". Liberals claimed this was some sort of \"breach of protocol\". What they don't understand is that since they both talk to God on a daily (some would say hourly ) basis the men have a special rapport allowing a familiarity other people just don't understand. It may also be jealosy since liberals have to call the Pope \"His Holiness\". As yet another public service to all the liberals out there, Wikiality.com provides this list of the nicknames The Greatest President Ever has for world leaders both living and dead so they can finally see how classy this president really is."@en . . "Liberals have gotten their panties in a bunch, yet again! It is no surprise that when The Greatest President Ever met with The Greatest Pope Ever he called him \"sir\". Liberals claimed this was some sort of \"breach of protocol\". What they don't understand is that since they both talk to God on a daily (some would say hourly ) basis the men have a special rapport allowing a familiarity other people just don't understand. It may also be jealosy since liberals have to call the Pope \"His Holiness\"."@en .