. . "The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army (Chinese: \u6771\u5317\u6297\u65E5\u806F\u8ECD Korean: \uB3D9\uBD81\uD56D\uC77C\uC5F0\uAD70/\uB3D9\uBD81\uD56D\uC77C\uB828\uAD70) was the main anti-Japanese guerrilla army in the northeast part (Manchuria) of China after the occupation of Manchuria by Japan in 1931. It was organized by the Manchuria branches of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, it lost direct contact with the CCP headquarters in Yan\u2019an, and was supported by the Comintern. Several Korean communists and anti-Japanese activists defected to Manchuria to join the NAJUA."@en . . . "Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army"@en . . . . . "The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army (Chinese: \u6771\u5317\u6297\u65E5\u806F\u8ECD Korean: \uB3D9\uBD81\uD56D\uC77C\uC5F0\uAD70/\uB3D9\uBD81\uD56D\uC77C\uB828\uAD70) was the main anti-Japanese guerrilla army in the northeast part (Manchuria) of China after the occupation of Manchuria by Japan in 1931. It was organized by the Manchuria branches of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, it lost direct contact with the CCP headquarters in Yan\u2019an, and was supported by the Comintern. Several Korean communists and anti-Japanese activists defected to Manchuria to join the NAJUA."@en . . . . . . . .