"985"@pl . . . ""@en . . "Ben ist entschlossen, dem Zentrum, seinem Vater und damit der gemeinen Intrige gegen Axel den R\u00FCcken zu kehren und k\u00FCndigt seinen Job. Ben glaubt, dass er jetzt befreit nach vorne sehen kann. Doch als Katja beunruhigt nach Bens Gr\u00FCnden f\u00FCr diesen radikalen Schritt fragt, trifft sie unwissentlich Bens wunden Punkt. Lena ist fassungslos, dass es zwischen Maximilian und Isabelle zu einem Kuss gekommen ist und wei\u00DF nicht, welcher Version sie glauben soll: War Maximilian der Initiator des Kusses, oder Isabelle? Da Lena nur zu gerne glauben will, dass Maximilian der Unschuldige ist, missachtet Lena die angeordnete Bettruhe, um Isabelle eine harsche Ansage zu machen. Celine trennt sich von Richard, weil sie wei\u00DF, dass er nie aufh\u00F6ren wird, Simone zu lieben. Die Entscheidung tut ihr weh, aber sie "@de . ""@en . . . . . "1970"^^ . . . "Maggie heads downstairs to search for Quentin. As she approaches the drawing room, she sees Quentin speaking to a woman who looks like Angelique. Maggie runs to her room, not knowing what to do next. Quentin soon arrives and wonders why she is so frightened. He explains that the woman is Angelique's twin sister, Alexis Stokes. Despite learning she isn't actually Angelique, Maggie doesn't want anything to do with her, which upsets Quentin."@en . "[[Plik:Solec (autobus 985).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 985 na ul. Solec (2012)]] 985 \u2013 linia autobusowa specjalna, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a w dniach 19-20 maja 2012 roku jako dowozowa na \u015Awi\u0119to Wis\u0142y na P\u0142ycie Desantu, kursowa\u0142a z cz\u0119stotliwo\u015Bci\u0105 oko\u0142o 20 minut."@pl . . "985"@en . "1970-03-17"^^ . . . . . "El n\u00FAmero (985) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 984 y precede al 986. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . "Ben ist entschlossen, dem Zentrum, seinem Vater und damit der gemeinen Intrige gegen Axel den R\u00FCcken zu kehren und k\u00FCndigt seinen Job. Ben glaubt, dass er jetzt befreit nach vorne sehen kann. Doch als Katja beunruhigt nach Bens Gr\u00FCnden f\u00FCr diesen radikalen Schritt fragt, trifft sie unwissentlich Bens wunden Punkt. Lena ist fassungslos, dass es zwischen Maximilian und Isabelle zu einem Kuss gekommen ist und wei\u00DF nicht, welcher Version sie glauben soll: War Maximilian der Initiator des Kusses, oder Isabelle? Da Lena nur zu gerne glauben will, dass Maximilian der Unschuldige ist, missachtet Lena die angeordnete Bettruhe, um Isabelle eine harsche Ansage zu machen. Celine trennt sich von Richard, weil sie wei\u00DF, dass er nie aufh\u00F6ren wird, Simone zu lieben. Die Entscheidung tut ihr weh, aber sie m\u00F6chte sich und ihr ungeborenes Kind sch\u00FCtzen. Richard ist nicht bereit, Celine gehen zu lassen. Er bittet ausgerechnet Oliver, als besten Freund von Celine, ein gutes Wort f\u00FCr ihn einzulegen."@de . "985"@es . "985"^^ . . . . . . . . "El n\u00FAmero (985) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 984 y precede al 986. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Maggie heads downstairs to search for Quentin. As she approaches the drawing room, she sees Quentin speaking to a woman who looks like Angelique. Maggie runs to her room, not knowing what to do next. Quentin soon arrives and wonders why she is so frightened. He explains that the woman is Angelique's twin sister, Alexis Stokes. Despite learning she isn't actually Angelique, Maggie doesn't want anything to do with her, which upsets Quentin. Chris is speaking with Cyrus Longworth, a scientist and friend of the family, in his laboratory. Cyrus tells Chris how he saw a woman who looked exactly like Angelique in Collinsport, but Chris isn't sure if he believes him. Chris asks Cyrus why he has been working so hard in his laboratory lately. Cyrus confesses that he has been working on a chemical that can separate the good and evil in a human being. Chris doesn't seem very excited about the experiments. Cyrus asks Chris if he could retrieve her address book for him at Collinwood, as there is a scientist in Boston he wants to get into contact with. At Collinwood, Alexis tells Quentin she feels she shouldn't stay at Collinwood, because she has upset Maggie so much. Quentin tells her that he is now the Master of Collinwood, and he invites her to stay at the house. Hoffman walks in and is shocked, exclaiming, \"It's you!\" Quentin calms Hoffman down and tells her it's only Angelique's twin sister. Hoffman tells Alexis she had sent her a letter shortly after Angelique died, but she apparently never got it. Quentin asks Alexis why she came to Collinwood in the first place, and Alexis tells him it's because she felt she was \"supposed\" to come here. Alexis then says she is tired and wants to retire for the evening. Hoffman offers her Angelique's room. After the two leave, Quentin wonders if Alexis really is Angelique. Chris is still telling Cyrus his concerns over his experiments. Cyrus again asks Chris for the name of the scientist he requested, but Chris refuses, and says he feels he needs to stop whatever it is Cyrus is planning on doing. Hoffman takes Alexis to the East Wing. Once they are alone, Hoffman tells her that Angelique's room is \"exactly the way you left it.\" Alexis is confused as to why Hoffman thinks she is Angelique, and convinces Hoffman that Angelique is dead and never coming back. Hoffman returns downstairs and tells Maggie that Alexis is staying at Collinwood for the night, under Quentin's orders. Maggie heads to the drawing room and finds an empty bottle of sherry, presumably drunk by Quentin. Meanwhile, Quentin approaches Angelique's room in the East Wing and walks in as Alexis is playing \"Ode To Angelique\" on the piano. Quentin is still stunned at how much Alexis looks like Angelique. Maggie walks in as the two are about to embrace, and immediately runs out. Quentin chases her back to the drawing room. Maggie shows her the letter she received from Angelique a few days ago and tells him that Will confirmed it was her handwriting. She is still convinced that Angelique is alive and controlling everyone in the house. The two become furious with one another, and Quentin tells her if she really feels that way, then she should leave Collinwood. Maggie sarcastically thinks it's a good idea and runs out of the house."@en . . . . "985"@de . "970"^^ . "985"^^ . "[[Plik:Solec (autobus 985).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 985 na ul. Solec (2012)]] 985 \u2013 linia autobusowa specjalna, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a w dniach 19-20 maja 2012 roku jako dowozowa na \u015Awi\u0119to Wis\u0142y na P\u0142ycie Desantu, kursowa\u0142a z cz\u0119stotliwo\u015Bci\u0105 oko\u0142o 20 minut."@pl . "1970-04-03"^^ . .