. "Jojo Krako was a gangster boss on Sigma Iotia II in 2268, a planet whose society was based on Earth's Chicago gangster period. A book entitled Chicago Mobs of the Twenties was left by the Horizon, a Federation starship, and the entire Iotian culture had been formed by this one book. Krako became Okmyx' second in command. This helped bind the society on the planet into a loose form of government, and stopped the violence between the two opposing gangs. (TOS: \"A Piece of the Action\" ) Jojo Krako was played by actor Vic Tayback."@en . "Jojo Krako"@en . "Jojo Krako was one of the Iotian gangland bosses of Sigma Iotia II. (TOS episode: \"A Piece of the Action\")"@en . "Jojo Krako"@en . . . "Jojo Krako was one of the Iotian gangland bosses of Sigma Iotia II. (TOS episode: \"A Piece of the Action\")"@en . . "gang boss"@en . . "Active"@en . . "Jojo Krako"@fr . . . "Male"@en . . "Jojo Krako"@en . "Jojo Krako \u00E9tait un Boss mafieu Iotien sur Sigma Iotia II dans les ann\u00E9es 2260."@fr . "no"@en . . . "Krako dirigeva il Territorio del Sud ed era un nemico di Bela Oxmyx, l'altro boss gangster. Fece rapire dai suoi uomini James T. Kirk dopo che questi scapp\u00F2 da Oxmyx. Krako voleva il controllo del pianeta ed offr\u00EC a Kirk il 30% della torta se fosse stato rifornito dei nuovi \"heaters\" (phaser). Kirk rifiut\u00F2 e venne rinchiuso in una stanza dalle dimensioni ristrette. Kirk disse a Krako che la Federazione avrebbe assunto il comando e fece trasportare Krako sulla Enterprise per mostrargli contro cosa si stava mettendo. Krako e Oxmyx si convinsero entrambi quando una sparatoria ebbe luogo in una strada e Kirk fece puntare i phaser della nave per stordire sull'area circostante per dimostrare il potere dei \"Federali\". Krako divenne il secondo in linea di comando di Oxmyx. Questo aiut\u00F2 a tenere unita la societ\u00E0 sul pianeta in una forma libera di governo, e fece terminare la violenza tra le due bande rivali. (TOS: \"Cicago anni 20\") Jojo Krako \u00E8 stato interpretato dall'attore Vic Tayback."@it . . "Jojo Krako was a gangster boss on Sigma Iotia II in 2268, a planet whose society was based on Earth's Chicago gangster period. A book entitled Chicago Mobs of the Twenties was left by the Horizon, a Federation starship, and the entire Iotian culture had been formed by this one book. Krako ran the Southside Territory and was an enemy of Bela Okmyx, the other gangster boss. He had his men kidnap James T. Kirk after he escaped from Okmyx. Krako wanted to be in control of the planet and offered Kirk a third of the action if he provided him with the new \"heaters\" (phasers). Kirk refused and was confined to a small room. Kirk told Krako that the Federation was taking over and had Krako beamed up to the USS Enterprise to show him what he was up against. Krako and Okmyx were both convinced when a gunfight ensued in the street and Kirk had the ship fire phasers on stun in the surrounding area to demonstrate the power of the \"Feds\". Krako became Okmyx' second in command. This helped bind the society on the planet into a loose form of government, and stopped the violence between the two opposing gangs. (TOS: \"A Piece of the Action\" ) Jojo Krako was played by actor Vic Tayback."@en . "Jojo Krako \u00E9tait un Boss mafieu Iotien sur Sigma Iotia II dans les ann\u00E9es 2260."@fr . "Boss of Southside Territory"@en . . . . . "Jojo Krako"@en . . "Lieutenant to Bela Okmyx"@en . "Jojo Krako"@it . . . . . . "male"@en . . "Krako dirigeva il Territorio del Sud ed era un nemico di Bela Oxmyx, l'altro boss gangster. Fece rapire dai suoi uomini James T. Kirk dopo che questi scapp\u00F2 da Oxmyx. Krako voleva il controllo del pianeta ed offr\u00EC a Kirk il 30% della torta se fosse stato rifornito dei nuovi \"heaters\" (phaser). Kirk rifiut\u00F2 e venne rinchiuso in una stanza dalle dimensioni ristrette. Kirk disse a Krako che la Federazione avrebbe assunto il comando e fece trasportare Krako sulla Enterprise per mostrargli contro cosa si stava mettendo. Krako e Oxmyx si convinsero entrambi quando una sparatoria ebbe luogo in una strada e Kirk fece puntare i phaser della nave per stordire sull'area circostante per dimostrare il potere dei \"Federali\"."@it . "2268"^^ .