. "The Monitor is an ancient artifact that acted as Epsilon's body for a brief time. According to Tucker, since this piece of technology is very ancient the Aliens worshiped Epsilon, as if he were a living god, while he took control of it. It is represented as the Forge monitor in Halo 3."@en . . "If the Keeper is the \"head\" then the Monitor is the \"feet\" to ground the circle. The Monitor is a part of the circle but still separate, they watch and maintain the life signs of those in the circle. By resonating to anothers magnetic field and being in close rapport it is possible a Monitor can touch anothers starstone/matrix without harm. Through the observance of the \"energy currents\" of a body the Monitor can regulate the energies of themselves and others keeping them safe from injury or total exhaustion. Their job can include controlling blood flow (headaches, strokes), relieving muscle tension, restarting a heart and helping a body remember to breath, as well as other biological problems. Monitors wear white robes, even those with little laran can monitor, that is why when students are trained at Towers being a monitor is one of the first skills they learn. The best Monitors appear to be those with the Ridenow Donas or have a strong level of empathy . The Monitors oath is also the first oath students take in the Tower. The oath binds you only to the basic principles that you swear never to use your starstone to force the will or conscience of any living thing, never to invade the mind of any other unwilling and to use your powers only for helping or healing, and never to make war."@en . "3"^^ . "thumb|215px|MonitorMonitor."@pl . . . . . . "5"^^ . "Arco iris / Gris"@es . "6"^^ . "Un Monitor es una altamente avanzada Inteligencia Artificial creada por los Forerunner para inspeccionar las Instalaciones Halo y asegurarse de que el Flood no escape de los centros de investigaci\u00F3n. Los Monitores son extremadamente inteligentes y dedicados a su trabajo, al grado de incluso traicionar a sus aliados si estos intentan violar los protocolos. Se puede asumir que cada Instalaci\u00F3n cuenta con un Monitor el cual dirige a todos los Centinelas de la Instalaci\u00F3n. Aunque Monitor es el nombre m\u00E1s apropiado y como ellos mismos se llaman, el Covenant los llama Or\u00E1culos mientras que los humanos les dan un nombre de su parecer, por ejemplo Johnson llama a 343 Guilty Spark \"campanilla\" mientras que John-117 acorta su nombre a \"Spark\"."@es . . "Object: monitor"@en . . . . "Object: monitor"@en . . . "Beyond the Serpent Pillars"@en . . "25000"^^ . . "Viewing the animatronics on the camera will prevent them from moving until the player stops watching them. However, they are able to cut the video feed if the player is still looking at the Monitor when they move. While viewing the Monitor, the player cannot be killed by the main three animatronics until they force down the Monitor, though Foxy can attack even while the Monitor is up. This can be used as a defense method if one of the animatronics is waiting in The Office - although this is only viable if the power will last until 6 AM. However, it has also been noted that Bonnie and Chica can force the Monitor down to attack if it is held up for too long."@en . . . . . "\u6975\u9650\u5F37\u5EA6\u683C\u5B50, \u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u6B66\u5668\u3092\u7121\u52B9\u5316\u3059\u308B\u767A\u5C55\u30A8\u30CD\u30EB\u30AE\u30FC\u30B7\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9."@ja . . . "Internal Security"@en . . . "A monitor was a space-faring warship. Typically, monitors mounted heavy shielding and armour. They were characterised by their ability to split into ten sections for the purposes of landing on a planet's surface. They could then relaunch into space and reform into one bigger vessel."@en . "Oversee functions on their Halo Installation"@en . "The Monitor is a heavy command ship. It soars into battle as a force of nature unleashing the combined might of both High and Dark Templar technology. One flaw of their counterparts is the lack of any integrated weapons. As such, Interceptors form the bulk of attack and confusion mission. Seeing the value of miniature fighter drones, Monitors construct variants of Interceptors for even greater damage. One variant, designated as Strikers, strafe enemy forces with pulse cannons and high speed maneuvers. What makes them different from their counterparts is their third pulse cannon (Babylon 5: Nial class fighter; Star Wars: TIE/D Defender). This additional cannon allows the fighter greater firepower and maneuverability. The second variant, designated as an Envoy, is a combination of Hardlight and holographic technology. When deployed, it appears as an energy construct of the Monitor using half the fighter complement. The Envoy's main purpose is to act as proxy to its creator. This allows the Monitor to remain distant from combat while still capable of constructing and controlling fighters at much farther distances. The Envoy also provides more processing power to the A.I.s of the fighters assigned to it. If the construct is destroyed, the fighters return to the Monitor that built them for repairs. In practice, the use of proxies have increased longevity of the capital ships by several hours. While all this makes the Monitor's arsenal very impressive, enemy anti-aircraft weapons could still pick them off before a full stock of Interceptors can be complete. Knowing this, research began to create counter-measures for this potentially fatal flaw. Using Hardened Shields reverse engineered from Immortal schematics, Monitors can resist most forms of heavy bombardment. This allows them to enter enemy bases with little fear of being shot down by stationary defenses. The only flaw in using these modified shields is that they are useless against lighter weapons such as Glaive Worms and laser blasts. This forces Monitors to rely on regular plasma shielding against enemy fighters. Despite these set backs, Monitors are invaluable in taking leading air forces into all types of combat zones. Special abilities: \n* Hardened Shields (passive) - all incoming damage is reduced to 10. After shields are depleted, the Monitor takes damage directly to its hit points. \n* Build Striker (autocast) - constructs up to 8 Strikers (each dealing 15 damage). The drones gain +50 damage while linked to Envoy and can still exist if host Monitor is destroyed \n* Build Envoy (autocast) - construct up to 2 Envoys. These drones can command up to 4 Strikers while host Monitor can build more"@en . . "Monitor"@en . "50"^^ . "Mecha Spider"@en . . "Monitor"@en . "A Monitor was a technological implant used by the International Fleet to screen children who might show potential to be students at Battle School."@en . "Monitor"@ia . . . "Monitor"@en . "50"^^ . . . . . "Virtual"@en . "x10.0 vs. Buildings"@en . . "Although no power-up-containing monitors have appeared in Sonic the Comic, they may have been present at some point in Mobius' history. Examples that fit in with the chronology of the universe may have been: \n* Power Ring monitors that award someone with ten Rings (sometimes more). \n* Shields that protect heroes for one hit and can sometimes do special techniques like attract Rings or allow the holder to breathe underwater. \n* Speed shoes that allow the breaker to move even faster than usual. Sonic does have spare pairs of Power Sneakers in the comic that act like this. One such monitor that acted as a plot point in STC was the Extra Life item box, usually used to give Sonic an extra chance at the games. In Double Trouble, it was revealed that Doctor Kintobor had created the devices before he turned evil, with this particular monitor stated to be an extra life for the world's favourite hedgehog. Instead of smashing it open, Tails was tricked into pressing a button that released an evil double of Sonic who went on to cause mayhem. Realising his mistake, Tails later pressed the button again and absorbed the clone back into the TV before the real Sonic kicked it into space. Later, a monitor appeared at the side of the road in the Emerald Hill Zone during The Pretender. During Sonic's race with Cosmic, a monitor was used as a finishing point, but didn't seem to have anything in it. Interestingly, both of these stories were drawn by Mike Hadley."@en . . "The monitor is a major warship developed during ISW-4. They first ones were created by the Arachnids and first deployed during Operation Pesthouse. They are about twice the size of a superdreadnought and have about 60 to 70% firepower superiority. They were the heaviest ships created until Supermonitors were developed by the Rim Federation during the Fringe Rebellion 60 years later. They were named after the first ironclad warships on old Earth. (\"The Shiva Option\")"@en . . "Naval Vessel"@en . "A Monitor was a technological implant used by the International Fleet to screen children who might show potential to be students at Battle School."@en . . "2010-01-01"^^ . "Un Monitor es una altamente avanzada Inteligencia Artificial creada por los Forerunner para inspeccionar las Instalaciones Halo y asegurarse de que el Flood no escape de los centros de investigaci\u00F3n. Los Monitores son extremadamente inteligentes y dedicados a su trabajo, al grado de incluso traicionar a sus aliados si estos intentan violar los protocolos. Se puede asumir que cada Instalaci\u00F3n cuenta con un Monitor el cual dirige a todos los Centinelas de la Instalaci\u00F3n."@es . . . . . "thumb|200px|Oczokrzywi\u0105ce dzia\u0142anie monitora. A\u017C strach si\u0119 ba\u0107 Monitor \u2013 pewien rodzaj mi\u0119dzymordzia, s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cy do wy\u015Bwietlania durnych obrazk\u00F3w, gapienia si\u0119 we\u0144, demoralizowania m\u0142odzie\u017Cy oraz wydawania pieni\u0119dzy."@pl . . "Witam, to moja pierwsza creepypasta, wi\u0119c prosz\u0119 o wyrozumia\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Jednak\u017Ce, przyjm\u0119 wszystkie rady dotycz\u0105ce pisania opowiada\u0144. By\u0142a oko\u0142o pierwsza w nocy. Ogl\u0105da\u0142em pewn\u0105 stron\u0119, na kt\u00F3rej ludzie zamieszczali dziwne, nierzadko przera\u017Caj\u0105ce obrazki, filmy lub gify. Przynajmniej tak m\u00F3wili moi znajomi, kt\u00F3rzy widzieli t\u0119 witryn\u0119 internetow\u0105. Mnie te rzeczy jednak nie przera\u017Ca\u0142y. Jednak zobaczy\u0142em jeden gif. Przedstawia\u0142 on bardzo dziwn\u0105 istot\u0119. By\u0142a bardzo wysoka, jej sk\u00F3ra by\u0142a zgni\u0142a, gdzieniegdzie mo\u017Cna by\u0142o dostrzec \u017C\u00F3\u0142te ko\u015Bci. O dziwo, ten potw\u00F3r nie szczerzy\u0142 si\u0119 jak wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 tego typu screamer\u00F3w. Z moich s\u0142uchawek wydoby\u0142 si\u0119 g\u0142os. Brzmia\u0142 jak g\u0142os demona. \"No! Quare jam excurrere?\". Lekko si\u0119 przestraszy\u0142em. Zaraz po tym, m\u00F3j komputer si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0142. Wpatrywa\u0142em si\u0119 w ekran przez kilka dobrych chwil. Zamar\u0142em. Zobaczy\u0142em co\u015B na monitorze. Ca\u0142y czas widzia\u0142em t\u0105 istot\u0119. Sta\u0142a za mn\u0105. To co widzia\u0142em, to by\u0142o jej odbicie. Kategoria:Internet Kategoria:Opowiadania"@pl . "Monitor"@it . "Small Beam for unlocking doors and repairing systems."@en . "Viewing the animatronics on the camera will prevent them from moving until the player stops watching them. However, they are able to cut the video feed if the player is still looking at the Monitor when they move. While viewing the Monitor, the player cannot be killed by the main three animatronics until they force down the Monitor, though Foxy can attack even while the Monitor is up."@en . . . "The Monitor is the Stage 2 power form of the Virtual group."@en . "Although no power-up-containing monitors have appeared in Sonic the Comic, they may have been present at some point in Mobius' history. Examples that fit in with the chronology of the universe may have been: \n* Power Ring monitors that award someone with ten Rings (sometimes more). \n* Shields that protect heroes for one hit and can sometimes do special techniques like attract Rings or allow the holder to breathe underwater. \n* Speed shoes that allow the breaker to move even faster than usual. Sonic does have spare pairs of Power Sneakers in the comic that act like this."@en . "[[starwars:Kuat Drive Yards"@en . . . . . "4296459"^^ . "OC"@en . "38"^^ . . . . "Monitors are highly advanced Artificial intelligence constructs created by the Forerunners over one hundred thousand years ago to occupy special positions in Forerunner society. One of the main purposes of a Monitor was to be the caretakers of the Halo Array as well as other installations (such as the maintenance of Line Installations) and to ensure that the virulent Flood remain imprisoned. Monitors are extremely intelligent, yet completely devoted to their original function, and are zealous about containing Flood; Monitors have been known to violently turn on their allies if they should attempt to violate their containment protocols."@en . "\u6975\u9650"@ja . "Monitor thumb|150px|Monitor na mostku w 2254 Monitor [ang. viewer] lub wy\u015Bwietlacz to urz\u0105dzenie elektroniczne przeznaczone do wy\u015Bwietlania transmisji audiowizualnych, informacji w postaci danych, oraz wizualizacji wynik\u00F3w dzia\u0142ania program\u00F3w. Wyst\u0119puje w r\u00F3\u017Cnych formach, od jednostek stacjonarnych do \u015Bciennych wersji. Powszechnie u\u017Cywane przez r\u00F3\u017Cne gatunki na statkach kosmicznych, instalacjach jak r\u00F3wnie\u017C przez cywilnych u\u017Cytkownik\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . . . . "A Monitor, under normal conditions, is a box type thing with a screen of some sort on it. However, in one rare case, a race of idiots decided to throw a curve ball into that equation by giving them a brain with massive processing power (key word; processing power), and the ability to fly. Why this race would decide to do such a thing is currently unknown, but it is known that these monitors are annoying like women who leave the kitchen. The best way to deal with them is to threaten their hula-hoop and hide behind the nearest Marine."@en . . "The monitor is the computer screen that you use to control and see what is going on inside the computer. It displays output from the computer it's connected to."@en . . . . . "The Monitors represented an internal investigation organization within Umbrella set up to monitor suspicious activities among its employees. They also had intimate knowledge of the dangers their special missions may face; one was aware of the Nemesis-T Type, for example, while supervisors were alerted to the senate's support of the Sterilization Operation as soon as the decision was made."@en . . "Up to 1,000 prisoners"@en . . "Customs and Detainment"@en . "??"@de . . . . . "\u7834\u640D\u30B7\u30B9\u30C6\u30E0\u4FEE\u5FA9\u5C0F\u578B\u5149\u7DDA"@ja . "3.15576E7"^^ . . . "Monitor is very deticated to the Decepticon empire. He also takes his duty seriously and he takes great care to make sure that no Autobots can infiltrate the Decepticon installations or that no Decepticons can betray the empire. He can transform into a tiny mechanical spider, which allow him to sneak up unnoticed but he can also transform into a giant mechnical spider to engage combat with the autobots. In robot mode, Monitor carries a large rifle firing armor piercing shells. His function makes him highly unpopular among the Decepticons."@en . . . "\u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u306F\u30E2\u30CB\u30BF\u30FC\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3092\u4E00\u307E\u3068\u3081\u306B\u30AA\u30E9\u30AF\u30EB\u3068\u79F0\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u4EBA\u985E\u306F\u305D\u308C\u305E\u308C\u304C\u601D\u3063\u305F\u3088\u3046\u306B\u547C\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308B\u3002343-\u30AE\u30EB\u30C6\u30A3\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF \u3092\u4F8B\u306B\u3068\u308B\u3068\u3001\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u30BD\u30F3\u8ECD\u66F9\u306F\u767D\u71B1\u96FB\u7403\u3001\u5996\u7CBE\u3084\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u3068\u547C\u3073\u3001\u30DE\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30C1\u30FC\u30D5\u306F\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF\u3068\u5358\u7D14\u306B\u540D\u524D\u3092\u7E2E\u3081\u3066\u547C\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . "The Monitor is a heavy command ship. It soars into battle as a force of nature unleashing the combined might of both High and Dark Templar technology. One flaw of their counterparts is the lack of any integrated weapons. As such, Interceptors form the bulk of attack and confusion mission. Seeing the value of miniature fighter drones, Monitors construct variants of Interceptors for even greater damage. Special abilities:"@en . . . "Monitors are highly advanced Artificial intelligence constructs created by the Forerunners over one hundred thousand years ago to occupy special positions in Forerunner society. One of the main purposes of a Monitor was to be the caretakers of the Halo Array as well as other installations (such as the maintenance of Line Installations) and to ensure that the virulent Flood remain imprisoned. Monitors are extremely intelligent, yet completely devoted to their original function, and are zealous about containing Flood; Monitors have been known to violently turn on their allies if they should attempt to violate their containment protocols. The Covenant refer to the Monitors as Oracles. Individual humans appear to use whatever names they deem appropriate; Sergeant Major Avery Johnson has referred to the Monitor 343 Guilty Spark as \"light bulb,\" \"tinker bell,\" and \"robot,\" and both John-117 and Johnson simply shortened his name to \"Spark.\""@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Monitor]] monitor (\u201C\u2018warner\u2019\u201D), from perfect passive participle monitus (\u201C\u2018warning\u2019\u201D), from verb monere (\u201C\u2018to warn, admonish, remind\u2019\u201D)"@ia . . . "70"^^ . . . . "*Batalla de la Instalaci\u00F3n 04\n*Batalla de la Instalaci\u00F3n 05\n*Incursi\u00F3n en la Instalaci\u00F3n 04 (B)"@es . "Witam, to moja pierwsza creepypasta, wi\u0119c prosz\u0119 o wyrozumia\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Jednak\u017Ce, przyjm\u0119 wszystkie rady dotycz\u0105ce pisania opowiada\u0144. By\u0142a oko\u0142o pierwsza w nocy. Ogl\u0105da\u0142em pewn\u0105 stron\u0119, na kt\u00F3rej ludzie zamieszczali dziwne, nierzadko przera\u017Caj\u0105ce obrazki, filmy lub gify. Przynajmniej tak m\u00F3wili moi znajomi, kt\u00F3rzy widzieli t\u0119 witryn\u0119 internetow\u0105. Mnie te rzeczy jednak nie przera\u017Ca\u0142y. Jednak zobaczy\u0142em jeden gif. Przedstawia\u0142 on bardzo dziwn\u0105 istot\u0119. By\u0142a bardzo wysoka, jej sk\u00F3ra by\u0142a zgni\u0142a, gdzieniegdzie mo\u017Cna by\u0142o dostrzec \u017C\u00F3\u0142te ko\u015Bci. O dziwo, ten potw\u00F3r nie szczerzy\u0142 si\u0119 jak wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 tego typu screamer\u00F3w. Z moich s\u0142uchawek wydoby\u0142 si\u0119 g\u0142os. Brzmia\u0142 jak g\u0142os demona. \"No! Quare jam excurrere?\". Lekko si\u0119 przestraszy\u0142em. Zaraz po tym, m\u00F3j komputer si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0142. Wpatrywa\u0142em si\u0119 w ekran przez "@pl . "Monitor thumb|150px|Monitor na mostku w 2254 Monitor [ang. viewer] lub wy\u015Bwietlacz to urz\u0105dzenie elektroniczne przeznaczone do wy\u015Bwietlania transmisji audiowizualnych, informacji w postaci danych, oraz wizualizacji wynik\u00F3w dzia\u0142ania program\u00F3w. Wyst\u0119puje w r\u00F3\u017Cnych formach, od jednostek stacjonarnych do \u015Bciennych wersji. Powszechnie u\u017Cywane przez r\u00F3\u017Cne gatunki na statkach kosmicznych, instalacjach jak r\u00F3wnie\u017C przez cywilnych u\u017Cytkownik\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . . "The Monitor is what allows you to see a Graphical Representation of what your system is, via the GUI. Monitors come in a variety of types, such as CRT, TFT, LCD, and Plasma Display. They also follow a variety of different types of Input, such as MGA, CGA, VGA, and SVGA."@en . . "2"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . "50"^^ . "Decepticon"@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Monitor]] monitor (\u201C\u2018warner\u2019\u201D), from perfect passive participle monitus (\u201C\u2018warning\u2019\u201D), from verb monere (\u201C\u2018to warn, admonish, remind\u2019\u201D)"@ia . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|right|200px|Recykling monitora Monitor - do\u015B\u0107 ciekawe urz\u0105dzenie pod\u0142\u0105czane do komputera, b\u0119d\u0105c\u0105 now\u0105 wersj\u0105 ekranu bez bajer\u00F3w telewizyjnych. Wykorzystywany 24 godziny na dob\u0119. Zazwyczaj cz\u0119sto przesuwany w lecie, gdy promienie s\u0142o\u0144ca \u015Bwiec\u0105 w ekran."@pl . "40.0"^^ . "Extreme"@en . . "\u30B3\u30F4\u30CA\u30F3\u30C8\u306F\u30E2\u30CB\u30BF\u30FC\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3092\u4E00\u307E\u3068\u3081\u306B\u30AA\u30E9\u30AF\u30EB\u3068\u79F0\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u4EBA\u985E\u306F\u305D\u308C\u305E\u308C\u304C\u601D\u3063\u305F\u3088\u3046\u306B\u547C\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308B\u3002343-\u30AE\u30EB\u30C6\u30A3\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF \u3092\u4F8B\u306B\u3068\u308B\u3068\u3001\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u30BD\u30F3\u8ECD\u66F9\u306F\u767D\u71B1\u96FB\u7403\u3001\u5996\u7CBE\u3084\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u3068\u547C\u3073\u3001\u30DE\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30C1\u30FC\u30D5\u306F\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF\u3068\u5358\u7D14\u306B\u540D\u524D\u3092\u7E2E\u3081\u3066\u547C\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308B\u3002"@ja . . "The Monitors represented an internal investigation organization within Umbrella set up to monitor suspicious activities among its employees. They also had intimate knowledge of the dangers their special missions may face; one was aware of the Nemesis-T Type, for example, while supervisors were alerted to the senate's support of the Sterilization Operation as soon as the decision was made."@en . . "To monitor is to assess, to watch, to keep track of, or to check, usually, with a special purpose."@en . . . . . "Coming soon!"@en . "A Monitor is a computer peripheral that allows you to see what is actually happening in a computer. You are most likely reading this on a monitor right now. It's the glowing thing in front of you with words. In fact, if you are on a computer and you are unsure what a monitor is, then you're amazingly slow. Monitors were designed to be used with computers for three purposes: Games, Pornography, and Web surfing."@en . "Monitor Laser Weapon"@en . . "A monitor was a space-faring warship. Typically, monitors mounted heavy shielding and armour. They were characterised by their ability to split into ten sections for the purposes of landing on a planet's surface. They could then relaunch into space and reform into one bigger vessel."@en . . "Ultima VII Part Two"@en . . . . "x0.2 vs. Villagers"@en . . . . . . . "Monitor"@sv . . "A Monitor is a computer peripheral that allows you to see what is actually happening in a computer. You are most likely reading this on a monitor right now. It's the glowing thing in front of you with words. In fact, if you are on a computer and you are unsure what a monitor is, then you're amazingly slow. Monitors were designed to be used with computers for three purposes: Games, Pornography, and Web surfing."@en . "\u30C6\u30EC\u30DD\u30FC\u30C8\u683C\u5B50\u6A5F\u80FD, \u30A4\u30F3\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30C7\u30FC\u30BF\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u3078\u306E\u63A5\u7D9A, \u30BB\u30F3\u30C1\u30CD\u30EB\u6307\u63EE, \u30B3\u30F3\u30D4\u30E5\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30B7\u30B9\u30C6\u30E0\u3078\u306E\u6700\u9069\u5316."@ja . "N/A"@en . "A Monitor is a type of water cannon used for hydraulic mining of soft sedimentary material by blasting it with water which then forms a slurry which is collected in ponds and screened to reclaim the minerals or metals that are being mined for. The sludgy waste and contaminated water can cause problems. Further information: Hydraulic mining"@en . "50"^^ . . . . . . "The city of Monitor has quite some interesting places to offer. The Crematorium, the only one known, the List Field, where all the warriors train most of the day to hone their abilities. And the Banquet Hall, where all ceremonies and feasts are held. However, it always has to be remembered that Monitor prides itself very much on knighthood. Non-knights are seen as people second class. And those who fail, are cast out of the city. Also Monitor is divided between its three clans, Wolfs, Bears and Leopards. Economically, the traveller can find a provisioner, a furrier, weapons shop, a healer, a tavern, an inn and many trainers. The currency of Monitor is the precious Monetari."@en . "The monitor is a major warship developed during ISW-4. They first ones were created by the Arachnids and first deployed during Operation Pesthouse. They are about twice the size of a superdreadnought and have about 60 to 70% firepower superiority. They were the heaviest ships created until Supermonitors were developed by the Rim Federation during the Fringe Rebellion 60 years later. They were named after the first ironclad warships on old Earth. (\"The Shiva Option\")"@en . . . "Satellite"@en . . "1200"^^ . "1137.0"^^ . "A monitor is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers, without producing a permanent record. Most newer monitors typically consist of a [TFT-LCD](thin film transistor liquid crystal display) with older monitors based around a cathode ray tube (CRT). Almost all of the mainstream new monitors being sold on market now are LCD. The monitor comprises the display device, simple circuitry to generate and format a picture from video sent by the signals source, and usually an enclosure. Within the signal source, either as an integral section or a modular component, there is a display adapter to generate video in a format compatible with the monitor."@en . . "A Monitor is a type of water cannon used for hydraulic mining of soft sedimentary material by blasting it with water which then forms a slurry which is collected in ponds and screened to reclaim the minerals or metals that are being mined for. The sludgy waste and contaminated water can cause problems. Further information: Hydraulic mining"@en . "VR"@en . . "Monitor was a Venator-class Star Destroyer of the Imperial Starfleet. In the final stages of the Clone Wars, Monitor transported the 41st Elite Legion to Kashyyyk.The Monitor aided in breaking the Confederate blockade, launched its ground forces, and then returned to battle the Confederacy in space while the Battle of Kashyyyk commenced. After the Clone Wars ended the Monitor was one of the three Venator-class ships overseeing the Death Star's earliest stages of construction. The Monitor was decommissioned shortly before the Battle of Endor."@en . . . "7000"^^ . "The Monitor is a ship featured in Age of Empires III."@en . "80"^^ . . . "[[Bild:Monitors_im_Kampf_mit_Doomdragons.JPG|thumb|250px|right|zwei Monitore bei Man o' War im Kampf mit den Doom Reavers der Dunkelelfen(Copyright Games Workshop Ltd \u00A9 2000-2010)]] Monitore sind die Linienschiffe der Zwergenflotten von Barak Varr."@de . "Monitor"@en . . . . . "[[Bild:Monitors_im_Kampf_mit_Doomdragons.JPG|thumb|250px|right|zwei Monitore bei Man o' War im Kampf mit den Doom Reavers der Dunkelelfen(Copyright Games Workshop Ltd \u00A9 2000-2010)]] Monitore sind die Linienschiffe der Zwergenflotten von Barak Varr."@de . . . . . . . "Venator-class Star Destroyer"@en . . . . . "Monitor.jpg"@de . . . . . "\u62C5\u5F53HALO\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u306E\u76E3\u7763\u6A5F\u80FD"@ja . . "If the Keeper is the \"head\" then the Monitor is the \"feet\" to ground the circle. The Monitor is a part of the circle but still separate, they watch and maintain the life signs of those in the circle. By resonating to anothers magnetic field and being in close rapport it is possible a Monitor can touch anothers starstone/matrix without harm."@en . . . . . . "\u30E2\u30CB\u30BF\u30FC"@ja . "6.5"^^ . . . . "Desconocido, aproximadamente hace 100,000 a\u00F1os."@es . "96"^^ . "The Monitor is the Stage 2 power form of the Virtual group."@en . . . . . . . "thumb|215px|MonitorMonitor."@pl . "The monitor is a creature from the Spelljammer campaign setting."@en . . . . . . "The monitor is the computer screen that you use to control and see what is going on inside the computer. It displays output from the computer it's connected to."@en . . . "Monitor"@es . "Monitor was a Venator-class Star Destroyer of the Imperial Starfleet. In the final stages of the Clone Wars, Monitor transported the 41st Elite Legion to Kashyyyk.The Monitor aided in breaking the Confederate blockade, launched its ground forces, and then returned to battle the Confederacy in space while the Battle of Kashyyyk commenced. After the Clone Wars ended the Monitor was one of the three Venator-class ships overseeing the Death Star's earliest stages of construction. Later the Monitor was reassigned to Coruscant traffic control and served to inspect ships arriving and departing Coruscant. It was captained by Eran Eltvol however the real power aboard was Tal Panaka the ISB representative. After Tal Panaka resigned his post Moff Panaka, Tal Panaka's older brother requested that the Monitor be reassigned to aid in the defense of the Chommel Sector and Naboo in particular. This request was accepted. The Monitor was decommissioned shortly before the Battle of Endor."@en . "The monitor is a creature from the Spelljammer campaign setting."@en . . . . "''Later note: The test was constructed. Despite my prediction to the contrary, all three factions worked in harmony to design this challenge. In more than two hundred years, the tenuous ties among the three have weakened remarkably little. However, the lines of division are still present. Members of each clan color their faces with tattoos symbolizing their totem animal."@en . "File:Icon coin.gif"@en . . . "Forma esf\u00E9rica, con un \u00FAnico \"ojo\" en el centro."@es . . "A Monitor is a ten-section space warcraft mounting heavy armor and shield protection in the Dune book series. The ship is designed so that it can be separated into its component sections for lift-off after planet-fall. This design prevents the ship's destruction. If it were to land being the size it is, it would break up, unlike the frigate."@en . "[[starwars:Star Destroyer"@en . . "A monitor is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers, without producing a permanent record. Most newer monitors typically consist of a [TFT-LCD](thin film transistor liquid crystal display) with older monitors based around a cathode ray tube (CRT). Almost all of the mainstream new monitors being sold on market now are LCD. The monitor comprises the display device, simple circuitry to generate and format a picture from video sent by the signals source, and usually an enclosure. Within the signal source, either as an integral section or a modular component, there is a display adapter to generate video in a format compatible with the monitor."@en . . "Monitor"@ja . . . "\u30E2\u30CB\u30BF\u30FC\u5149\u5B66\u5175\u5668"@ja . . . "The Monitor is an ancient artifact that acted as Epsilon's body for a brief time. According to Tucker, since this piece of technology is very ancient the Aliens worshiped Epsilon, as if he were a living god, while he took control of it. It is represented as the Forge monitor in Halo 3."@en . "none"@de . . "monitora"@ia . . "monitores"@ia . "The Monitor is what allows you to see a Graphical Representation of what your system is, via the GUI. Monitors come in a variety of types, such as CRT, TFT, LCD, and Plasma Display. They also follow a variety of different types of Input, such as MGA, CGA, VGA, and SVGA."@en . "The city of Monitor has quite some interesting places to offer. The Crematorium, the only one known, the List Field, where all the warriors train most of the day to hone their abilities. And the Banquet Hall, where all ceremonies and feasts are held. However, it always has to be remembered that Monitor prides itself very much on knighthood. Non-knights are seen as people second class. And those who fail, are cast out of the city. Also Monitor is divided between its three clans, Wolfs, Bears and Leopards."@en . "black"@en . "|We have two monitors and an nVidia GeForce 6800 GT card. A custom computer running Win XP, SP3. Production Premium CS4 package.Until I get a second nVidia card specifically for the TV, I have to share my second monitor with the TV when I want to do color corrections.Start by opening the nVidia control panel. Navigate to [Set up Multiple Displays]. You want to configure the two displays as independent. In my case I select [Display 1 of 2 + TV] and then select the primary display as [Display 1 of 2]. If you only have one display and a TV I don't suspect you will see these options ... but something similar.Next, the secret ingredient (Kung Fu Panda). Navigate to the [Manage Custom Resolutions] selection in the nVidia control panel. Select the TV and create a custom resolution. Select the [Cr"@en . "Coming soon!"@en . . . . . . . . "30"^^ . "Spheroids"@de . . . "Monitor"@pl . "Inspeccionar las Instalaciones Halo"@es . . "File:Monitor-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . "x0.1 vs. Docks"@en . "white"@en . "File:Resources wood.png"@en . "548.0"^^ . "The Monitors are entities that caused the Crisis that destroyed Earth-2 and many other parallel Earths across the Multiverse. They wish to end all existence so they can maintain order. Among the Monitors, there is a special breed of them called the Weavers, who have been trained since birth to manifest the Bleed as a weapon."@en . "Anti-Monitor"@en . . . . "|We have two monitors and an nVidia GeForce 6800 GT card. A custom computer running Win XP, SP3. Production Premium CS4 package.Until I get a second nVidia card specifically for the TV, I have to share my second monitor with the TV when I want to do color corrections.Start by opening the nVidia control panel. Navigate to [Set up Multiple Displays]. You want to configure the two displays as independent. In my case I select [Display 1 of 2 + TV] and then select the primary display as [Display 1 of 2]. If you only have one display and a TV I don't suspect you will see these options ... but something similar.Next, the secret ingredient (Kung Fu Panda). Navigate to the [Manage Custom Resolutions] selection in the nVidia control panel. Select the TV and create a custom resolution. Select the [Create] option and enter the TV resolution. I use 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high - standard definition. Yours may be different.You can also change the resolution of your second display if it is a computer monitor by using the [Change Resolution] option in the nVidia control panel. In fact, the choice you make here will be read by Premier Pro and reflected in one of the choices for an external monitor. In using a TV, as we are, this will have no effect since we have specified the custom resolution of the TV in the previous step.Now we can start up Premier Pro. Highlight the Time Line panel. In the top menu select [Sequence], then [Sequence Settings], then [Playback Setting]. Under [External Device] you will probably have 2 or more selections. One of them should say \"Monitor 1024 x 768\" or something like that. This is the monitor selection you may have made in the nVidia control panel under the [Change Resolution] menu selection. Other wise you have some default value.Next set the [Aspect Ratio] to Software. This should pick up the custom resolution you set under the [Manage Custom Resolutions] selection in the nVidia control panel.If all goes well, when you click [OK] to all the changes, your TV monitor should show you the contents of the Premier Pro video monitor. If you get half an image on your TV, then reboot your system. That clears it in my system. |} \n* Howard Cromwell said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |How to get fullscreen preview in Premiere CS3 on your monitorThis works on my dualscreen setup running 8600GT GC.Quite simple, Program Monitor > Playback Settings > Realtime Playback > External Device > Monitor 2 1280 x 1024 8 bit.This means you lose the choice to output via a DV device to external TV, but it's up to the user to decide. This setting must be chosen when creating a preset project, if you do not chose it initially it will not appear later during the project.Make sure to enable \"disable video preview when Premiere is in the background\" otherwise your second monitor will be locked up. |} \n* See these threads. \n* For capturing problems see the discussion \u201CnVidia drivers GEForce FX 5200 - Capture Window blank\u201D. \n* Mark Simkiss said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |Display properties > Advanced > Quadro4 700XGL > Overlay controls > Full Screen Device > Disable. |} \n* Ernst Blaauw said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |I have an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro, with Catalyst 4.10.If I set my TV-Out to \"extend desktop\", I can drag some windows to that screen.If I set my TV-Out to \"clone\", it shows the same window as on my primary monitorIf I set my TV-Out to \"cinema\", it should recognize video and show it full screen on my TV. If I play a movie with Media Player Classic, it is showed on my TV. But using Premiere Pro, my TV shows the same picture as when i'm not running Premiere. |} \n* Muresan Filip said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |Worked for me! GF4 TV-out on XP SP2It seems the requirements are - SP2 installed - NVIDIA Drivers - > Full screen device set on secondary monitor(TV) Clone Mode - PPRO Project Settings -> Editing mode = DV Playback - Playback settings -> Desktop display = Direct 3D (default) |} \n* Steven Gotz said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |ATI RADEON1. In Windows Display Properties, Click on the \u2018Settings\u2019 Tab 2. Select the second monitor in the \u2018Display\u2019 drop down menu 3. Be sure that the check box \u201CExtend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor\u201D is UNCHECKED. 4. Select the first monitor in the \u2018Display\u2019 drop down menu 5. Click on the \u2018Advanced\u2019 button to view the ATI Radeon Settings 6. Click on the \u2018Overlay\u2019 Tab 7. Click on \u2018Clone Mode Options\u20198. In \u2018Overlay Display Mode\u2019 select \u2018Theatre Mode\u20199. In \u2018Set Video Aspect Ratio To\u2019 select \u2018Same As Source Video\u2019 10. In \u2018Display Device Aspect Ratio\u2019 select the aspect ratio of the device you are displaying to 11. Click on \u2018Display\u2019 12. Be sure both monitors are activated and designated correctly as either Primary or Feature Monitor. |} \n* Wayne D Johnson said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |The Premiere Pro 1.5.1 README contains info that worked for me (after updating to the latest nVidea driver). See \"HDV External Monitor Support\". The amazing thing is that it works for ordinary DV as well. I almost bought Aspect HD for this capability, but here it is free! |} \n* bazinoz said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |My computer has a dual head AGP graphics card and I use Premiere across both VGA monitors.I have then installed a single head PCI graphics card ($39). I set the Bios to use PCI as system graphics card and I disable VGA irq fetch.Then when the computer starts it shows bios stuff on the PCI graphics monitor. When windows starts it then uses the AGP as per normal. I then open up desktop proporties and go to settings and it shows 3 monitors so I extend the desktop across to the 3rd monitor.Then when I start a PPro HDV project I go to 'playback settings' and set 'external device' to \"monitor 3\" and I get full screen hi def playback without altering my original 2 monitor setting. |} \n* Kingbean said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GTIn Display Properties, go to Settings and select your second monitor (TV).Check the box that says 'Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor'.Click the Advanced button.Select the GeForce 6600 GT tab.From the 'popout' menu, select Full Screen video.Under Full screen video controls, set the Full screen device to Auto-select.Now, whenever you play video on your regular monitor, it is automatically displayed fullscreen on your TV!And YES this works in Premiere, hoorah! |} \n* Aviv Hallale said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |ATI RADEON1. In Windows Display Properties, Click on the \u2018Settings\u2019 Tab2. Select the second monitor in the \u2018Display\u2019 drop down menu3. Be sure that the check box \u201CExtend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor\u201D is UNCHECKED.4. Select the first monitor in the \u2018Display\u2019 drop down menu5. Click on the \u2018Advanced\u2019 button to view the ATI Radeon Settings6. Click on the \u2018Overlay\u2019 Tab7. Click on \u2018Clone Mode Options\u20198. In \u2018Overlay Display Mode\u2019 select \u2018Theatre Mode\u20199. In \u2018Set Video Aspect Ratio To\u2019 select \u2018Same As Source Video\u201910. In \u2018Display Device Aspect Ratio\u2019 select the aspect ratio of the device you are displaying to11. Click on \u2018Display\u201912. Be sure both monitors are activated and designated correctly as either Primary or Feature Monitor.\u2022 nVidia GeForce1. In Windows Display Properties Click on the \u2018Settings\u2019 Tab2. Select the second monitor in the \u2018Display\u2019 drop down menu3. Be sure that the check box \u201CExtend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor\u201D is CHECKED.4. Click on the \u2018Advanced\u2019 button to view the nVidia Card5. Click on the Tab with the nVidia Logo and the model name/number of the card.6. In the side menu that pops out select \u2018Full Screen Video\u20197. In the \u2018Full Screen Device\u2019 drop down menu, select \u2018Auto-Select\u20198. Apply the settingsThis doesn't seem to work with After Effects, though. |} \n* ninetto makavejev (ninetto) said: {| border=\"0\" style=\"background:#efefef;\" |there is a second option:when starting a project, PremPro presents you with a number of presets. If -instead of picking a standard firewire setup- you click on CUSTOM and PLAYBACK settings, THIS IS THE ONE and ONLY time Premiere WILL allow you to pick your second monitor as the playback device.Picking playback device in project settings after clicking the \"normal\" presets will not work. You monitor will not be displayed as a device.Be aware that by picking your monitor for DV-output in CUSTOM playback, you may experience problems \"exporting to tape\". In that case it will be necessary to import your \"custom\" project into a project with normal preset. Not perfect but it does work.This work-around took me hours to discover, but it is the only way I could get video-overlay full-screen on the 2nd monitor, WITHOUT using a dv-device (camera/deck). |}"@en . . "The Monitors are entities that caused the Crisis that destroyed Earth-2 and many other parallel Earths across the Multiverse. They wish to end all existence so they can maintain order. Among the Monitors, there is a special breed of them called the Weavers, who have been trained since birth to manifest the Bleed as a weapon."@en . . . "To monitor is to assess, to watch, to keep track of, or to check, usually, with a special purpose."@en . . "The Guardian of the Multiverse"@en . . "[[starwars:Rise of the Empire era"@en . . . . "Monitor"@de . "thumb|200px|Oczokrzywi\u0105ce dzia\u0142anie monitora. A\u017C strach si\u0119 ba\u0107 Monitor \u2013 pewien rodzaj mi\u0119dzymordzia, s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cy do wy\u015Bwietlania durnych obrazk\u00F3w, gapienia si\u0119 we\u0144, demoralizowania m\u0142odzie\u017Cy oraz wydawania pieni\u0119dzy."@pl . "The Monitor is a ship featured in Age of Empires III."@en . "268.0"^^ . "Un Monitor, in italiano Guardiano, \u00E8 una sofisticatissima IA dei Precursori (in fattispecie biologi). Uno dei loro compiti principali era mantenere in funzione gli impianti Halo e garantire che i Flood restassero in quarantena, svolgendo analisi e test sulle varie forme per determinarne una cura. Altre funzioni sono il mantenimento delle Installazioni di linea. I Guardiani sono devoti alle loro funzioni, ma come le IA \"furbe\" progrediscono verso una personalit\u00E0 propria; nonostante la loro natura apparentemente perfetta possono sviluppare un senso di apatia (esempio Guilty Spark o Penitent Tangent). Nonostante questo dimostarno una lealt\u00E0 incrollabile verso i loro doveri di droni arrivando ad attaccare anche i loro alleati in caso di violazione dei protocolli. I Covenant si riferiscono ai Guardiani come Oracoli, mentre gli umani non li indicano con nomi specifici. Nomi usati dagli umani per indicare 343 Guilty Spark sono \"campanellino\", \"lampadina\", \"robot\" o semplicemente \"Spark\". Come ogni IA i Guardiani possono guadagnare maggiore Consapevolezza di s\u00E8 e cambiare il loro carattere."@it . . . . "File:Monitor-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . . . "A Monitor is a ten-section space warcraft mounting heavy armor and shield protection in the Dune book series. The ship is designed so that it can be separated into its component sections for lift-off after planet-fall. This design prevents the ship's destruction. If it were to land being the size it is, it would break up, unlike the frigate."@en . . . . . . . "H2A-Monitor.png"@es . . . . "50"^^ . . . "Un Monitor, in italiano Guardiano, \u00E8 una sofisticatissima IA dei Precursori (in fattispecie biologi). Uno dei loro compiti principali era mantenere in funzione gli impianti Halo e garantire che i Flood restassero in quarantena, svolgendo analisi e test sulle varie forme per determinarne una cura. Altre funzioni sono il mantenimento delle Installazioni di linea. I Guardiani sono devoti alle loro funzioni, ma come le IA \"furbe\" progrediscono verso una personalit\u00E0 propria; nonostante la loro natura apparentemente perfetta possono sviluppare un senso di apatia (esempio Guilty Spark o Penitent Tangent). Nonostante questo dimostarno una lealt\u00E0 incrollabile verso i loro doveri di droni arrivando ad attaccare anche i loro alleati in caso di violazione dei protocolli."@it . . . . . . . . . "Monitor is very deticated to the Decepticon empire. He also takes his duty seriously and he takes great care to make sure that no Autobots can infiltrate the Decepticon installations or that no Decepticons can betray the empire. He can transform into a tiny mechanical spider, which allow him to sneak up unnoticed but he can also transform into a giant mechnical spider to engage combat with the autobots. In robot mode, Monitor carries a large rifle firing armor piercing shells. His function makes him highly unpopular among the Decepticons."@en . . . . "Tech"@en . "Monitor"@de . . "Use teleportation grid, Access Installation database, Command Sentinels, Influence computer systems."@en . . . . "Though still a warrior-based society, Monitor bears little resemblance to the Two Montors, its source cities. The town is quickly dividing into three clans: the Bear, Wolf and Leopard. Apparently all three seem to have retained their admiration of the principle of Courage, but their competition has reduced such a lofty aspiration to an object of trivial contention. Not even on the definition of Courage can they agree. There are plans to devise tests of mettle, though I expect there will be no cooperation to speed progress along. The coin used by the residents of Monitor is the Monetari.''"@en . . "===Logs==="@en . . . "Monitor"@es . "A Monitor, under normal conditions, is a box type thing with a screen of some sort on it. However, in one rare case, a race of idiots decided to throw a curve ball into that equation by giving them a brain with massive processing power (key word; processing power), and the ability to fly. Why this race would decide to do such a thing is currently unknown, but it is known that these monitors are annoying like women who leave the kitchen. The best way to deal with them is to threaten their hula-hoop and hide behind the nearest Marine."@en . . . . "Extremely strong casing, advanced energy shield capable of repelling all conventional weaponry."@en . . "??"@de . "Age of Empires III"@en . . "36"^^ . . . . . . . . "Old Republic,Galactic Empire"@en . . . . "thumb|right|200px|Recykling monitora Monitor - do\u015B\u0107 ciekawe urz\u0105dzenie pod\u0142\u0105czane do komputera, b\u0119d\u0105c\u0105 now\u0105 wersj\u0105 ekranu bez bajer\u00F3w telewizyjnych. Wykorzystywany 24 godziny na dob\u0119. Zazwyczaj cz\u0119sto przesuwany w lecie, gdy promienie s\u0142o\u0144ca \u015Bwiec\u0105 w ekran."@pl . "50"^^ . .