""@en . ""@en . "by Tantanal Ageral Qualens, Queer Cuinsal Candoam & Isompas Qualens:\n*2640: Remuny Ageral"@en . . "through Cacy Qualens:\n*Moody Machyal Sarevir-Machyal Voriel, C."@en . "*Anipry Juctor"@en . "*Uviny Qualens"@en . "*2639: Parytal Sarevir Adesican"@en . "Qualens"@en . "by Constrincal Qualens Sarevir, Eager Devisal Juctor Candoam & Pollas Qualens:\n*2342: Tantanal Qualens Juctor"@en . "*Oiblivy Qualens"@en . . "through Vain Lecarol Qualens Juctor:\n*Cuinsal Voriel-Otibryal Ossopy, M."@en . "by Vain Lecarol Qualens Juctor, Cuinsal Voriel-Otibryal Ossopy & Gagy Anyly:\n*Prellal Voriel-Otibryal Qualens"@en . "*Interval Qualens-Pagnal"@en . "Juctor, C."@en . "*Oba Tusk"@en . . . "*Nusas Qualens"@en . "7.573824E8"^^ . "1.262304E8"^^ . "by Nasal Latavyal Juctor, Loud Gibral Oscumy Osty & Anipry Qualens:\n*2269: Relvas Juctor"@en . "*Fawning Parytal Sarevir Qualens, O."@en . "by Constrincal Juctor & Cuinsas Sarevir:\n*Nusas Juctor"@en . . . "*Varbas Qualens"@en . "*Isompas Qualens"@en . "*2467: Glumal Juctor Oscumy"@en . . ""@en . . "Vain Prellal"@en . "941 Vain Prellal Qualens Juctor, C."@en . ""@en . ""@en . "*Gibral Juctor Sarevir"@en . ""@en . ""@en . "*Otibry Candoam"@en . "*Varbal Juctor Qualens"@en . "Vain Prellal Qualens Juctor (born -64) is the current Patriarch and Conduit of Qualens. Vain Prellal fought on the side of Vulgar Renyal Sarevir Juctor and Amussal Barbar Gibruny during the Second Civil War, commanding the army that left the safety of the walls of Delebram to challenge Moody Machyal Sarevir-Machyal Voriel in the field, resulting in a drastic defeat which many consider a more decisive moment than the ensuing Battle of Roam. He is also blamed for the loss of a legion, along with Devisal Qualens-Donimal Barbar, in Crylalt to Osa Tusk and Inachiron and their confederation of Crylaltian tribes while Hyberital Barbar Adesican and Moody Machyal were feuding in the First Civil War. Vain Prellal has been Patriarch of Qualens for twenty-four years, and Conduit for seven. His eldest son Vain Varbal Qualens Juctor is one of the chief Dissenters due to his father's perceived hoarding of both titles, claiming that a Patriarch should pass on the title to an available Scion once he also becomes Conduit. The two are thus often at odds. Vain Prellal's half-son Ennal Juctor Qualens is married to Uvinal Candoam Voriel, the half-son of Uvinal Voriel-Cuinsal Sarevir, another main Dissenter, making them (weak) co-fathers. Vain Prellal's mother's brother is the Patriarch of Candoam, Craven Coltal, making Curly Coltal Candoam Juctor his cousin. Vain Prellal, often judged for his defeats and the vanity which caused them (paving the way for Machyal's Tyranny), sympathises with his uncle, similarly judged for his humiliating defeat at the Battle of Sabas."@en . "*Donimal Qualens-Pagnal"@en . ""@en . . ""@en . ""@en . ""@en . "by Pagnal Qualens, Ormanal Juctor-Ormanal Candoam & Racitas Juctor:\n*2661: Ormanal Qualens Juctor"@en . . "*2382: Hisdafty Juctor"@en . . ""@en . "*Prellal Qualens Sarevir"@en . ""@en . "941"^^ . ""@en . "by Vain Varbal Qualens Juctor, Fawning Pampal Sarevir Voriel & Cortisy Voriel:\n*Constrincal Qualens Sarevir, O."@en . "*Witless Pagnal Qualens-Pagnal Candoam, M."@en . ""@en . "*2634: Trassidy Sarevir"@en . "3.15576E7"^^ . . "by Varbal Juctor Qualens, Erinvyal Qualens Juctor & Gigal's Pagnas Sarevir:\n*Degnas Juctor"@en . "*Pagnal Qualens, O."@en . "through Ennal Juctor Qualens:\n*Uvinal Candoam Voriel, O."@en . ""@en . "through Vain Varbal Qualens Juctor:\n*Fawning Pampal Sarevir Voriel, C."@en . "*Ennal Juctor Qualens"@en . . ""@en . . . . ""@en . "*Constrincal Sarevir Qualens"@en . ""@en . . ""@en . "*Varbal's Reny Juctor"@en . "*Remuny Juctor"@en . ""@en . ""@en . ""@en . "through Varbal Juctor Qualens:\n*Erinvyal Qualens Juctor, W."@en . "Consul-Patriarch-Conduit-Qualens-Juctor.png"@en . "*Vain Lecarol Qualens Juctor, B."@en . ""@en . "*2418: Coltal Juctor Oscumy"@en . . "*2379: Hybery Juctor"@en . "64"^^ . "*Parytal Qualens Voriel"@en . ""@en . "by Constrincal Juctor & Cuinsas Sarevir:\n*Vain Varbal Qualens Juctor, C."@en . "by Oba Tusk & Cacy Qualens:\n*Cacy Tusk"@en . . ""@en . ""@en . ""@en . . "by Gigal Sarevir-Machyal, Didissal Nelunty & Remuny Qualens:\n*2525: Ennal Sarevir-Machyal Nelunty"@en . "*Dry Pagnal Juctor Anyly, O."@en . "by Constrincal Juctor & Cuinsas Sarevir:\n*Varbal Juctor Qualens, O."@en . "by Ennal Juctor Qualens, Uvinal Candoam Voriel & Otibry Sarevir:\n*Prellal Candoam Juctor"@en . "2.209032E8"^^ . "3.15576E7"^^ . "by Fawning Parytal Sarevir Qualens, O., Parytal Adesican Candoam & Degnas Juctor:\n*2569: Scruvas Sarevir"@en . . "*Young Trassidyal Qualens"@en . "*Constrincal Qualens Juctor"@en . "*2567: Didissal Nelunty Sarevir"@en . "by Mauchule Barbar & Pampal's Anipry Sarevir:\n*2472: Anipry Barbar"@en . . . "*Pollas Qualens"@en . "through Nusas Juctor:\n*Old Trassidyal Qualens Anyly, M."@en . . "by Piggy Pampal Sarevir Qualens, Uvinal Ossopy Voriel & Trassidy Straecy:\n*2599: Machy Sarevir"@en . . "by Constrincal Juctor & Cuinsas Sarevir:\n*Cacy Qualens"@en . "Coltal's Relvas Juctor"@en . . . "by Old Trassidyal Qualens Anyly, Witless Pagnal Qualens-Pagnal Candoam & Nusas Juctor:\n*Anipry Qualens"@en . "*Piggy Pampal Sarevir Qualens, O."@en . "Vain Prellal Qualens Juctor (born -64) is the current Patriarch and Conduit of Qualens. Vain Prellal fought on the side of Vulgar Renyal Sarevir Juctor and Amussal Barbar Gibruny during the Second Civil War, commanding the army that left the safety of the walls of Delebram to challenge Moody Machyal Sarevir-Machyal Voriel in the field, resulting in a drastic defeat which many consider a more decisive moment than the ensuing Battle of Roam. He is also blamed for the loss of a legion, along with Devisal Qualens-Donimal Barbar, in Crylalt to Osa Tusk and Inachiron and their confederation of Crylaltian tribes while Hyberital Barbar Adesican and Moody Machyal were feuding in the First Civil War."@en . "*Varbal Qualens Sarevir"@en . "*Amal Sarevir Candoam, C."@en . "*Uvinal Juctor Candoam"@en . . "*Pagnal Juctor"@en . . . . "6.31152E7"^^ . "1.262304E8"^^ . "by Dry Pagnal Juctor Anyly & Cacy Qualens:\n*Cuinsas Juctor"@en . ""@en . ""@en . . . "*Remuny Qualens"@en . . "*Pampal's Anipry Sarevir"@en . . .