. . . . . . "Mad Mathematician"@en . . . "Clearly, many writers (and viewers) fear and dread mathematics. On rare occasion, a character is found who possesses a defining trait of having delved deeply into the study of profound mathematical knowledge. These characters are, as a rule, insane. It is not necessarily clear whether advanced number theory is itself destructive to sanity (as with some forms of Formulaic Magic), or whether the insane are drawn to maths; nonetheless, the correlation seems to exist. Many Mad Mathematicians will have a Room Full of Crazy with math equations. See also Mad Scientist."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Clearly, many writers (and viewers) fear and dread mathematics. On rare occasion, a character is found who possesses a defining trait of having delved deeply into the study of profound mathematical knowledge. These characters are, as a rule, insane. It is not necessarily clear whether advanced number theory is itself destructive to sanity (as with some forms of Formulaic Magic), or whether the insane are drawn to maths; nonetheless, the correlation seems to exist. Bunny Ears Lawyer mentions some Real Life examples of mathematicians who were a bit unhinged, so it's not completely unfounded in reality. Many Mad Mathematicians will have a Room Full of Crazy with math equations. See also Mad Scientist. Examples of Mad Mathematician include:"@en . . .