. . . "Dareeyak foi uma das fortalezas de Zaros que ficavam no territ\u00F3rio hoje conhecido como a Terra Selvagem. Foi destru\u00EDda durante a Terceira Era, a era das Guerras dos Deuses. A queda das fortalezas se deu ap\u00F3s a derrocada de Zaros."@pt . "Those who possess the knowledge of Ancient Magicks can utilise a Zarosian spell to teleport there. The spell requires 78 Magic, the completion of the Desert Treasure quest, and consumes 2 air runes, 2 law runes and 3 fire runes."@en . . . . . "Those who possess the knowledge of Ancient Magicks can utilise a Zarosian spell to teleport there. The spell requires 78 Magic, the completion of the Desert Treasure quest, and consumes 2 air runes, 2 law runes and 3 fire runes. At some point the fortress fell under Saradomin's control, but at the end of the God Wars, Guthixians, who sought to free the world from the destruction of the gods, managed to conquer to fortress."@en . . "Those who possess the knowledge of Ancient Magicks can utilise a Zarosian spell to teleport there. The spell requires 78 Magic, the completion of the Desert Treasure quest, and consumes 2 air runes, 2 law runes and 3 fire runes. At some point the fortress fell under Saradomin's control, but at the end of the God Wars, Guthixians, who sought to free the world from the destruction of the gods, managed to conquer to fortress."@en . "Those who possess the knowledge of Ancient Magicks can utilise a Zarosian spell to teleport there. The spell requires 78 Magic, the completion of the Desert Treasure quest, and consumes 2 air runes, 2 law runes and 3 fire runes."@en . . . "Dareeyak"@nl . . "Dareeyak"@en . . . "No"@en . . . "Dareeyak"@en . . . "Dareeyak"@pt . . . "Dareeyak werd gebouwd om het immense rijk dat Zaros had in de Second Age te beschermen. Dit rijk bevatte onder andere Asgarnia, Misthalin, Morytania en de Wildernis, toen een mooi en bosrijke streek, nu een verlaten en ruig landschap. Uiteindelijk werd Dareeyak vernietigd in de God Wars, door volgelingen van Zamorak en van Saradomin."@nl . . "None"@en . . . "Dareeyak foi uma das fortalezas de Zaros que ficavam no territ\u00F3rio hoje conhecido como a Terra Selvagem. Foi destru\u00EDda durante a Terceira Era, a era das Guerras dos Deuses. A queda das fortalezas se deu ap\u00F3s a derrocada de Zaros."@pt . "Dareeyak werd gebouwd om het immense rijk dat Zaros had in de Second Age te beschermen. Dit rijk bevatte onder andere Asgarnia, Misthalin, Morytania en de Wildernis, toen een mooi en bosrijke streek, nu een verlaten en ruig landschap. Uiteindelijk werd Dareeyak vernietigd in de God Wars, door volgelingen van Zamorak en van Saradomin."@nl . . . . . .