"Hithual immigrants to lowland towns often form a Colinth Argonix, a fellowship to help each other. Colinth Argonix is Formal (High) Hithual for Forge and Anvil, a meeting place and home away from home. The purposes of a Colinth Argonix are to help new Hithuals and to preserve Hithual culture and lore. Officers of a Colinth Argonix lead hunts, hold tourneys, deal with enemies, and throw parties."@en . "Hithual immigrants to lowland towns often form a Colinth Argonix, a fellowship to help each other. Colinth Argonix is Formal (High) Hithual for Forge and Anvil, a meeting place and home away from home. The purposes of a Colinth Argonix are to help new Hithuals and to preserve Hithual culture and lore. Officers of a Colinth Argonix lead hunts, hold tourneys, deal with enemies, and throw parties. A Colinth Argonix hall usually consists of an underground meeting room, attached to a bar and a sparring room. Museums are common additions. Officers consist of the Colinth-tek (Master of the Forge), the Magresh-tek (Master of the Hunt), the Progtah (Revered One), the Donix (Hammer), and the Gresh (Guard/Shield). Additional figures include the Bolk-tek (Brew Master) and the Sun-tek (Master Bard)."@en . . "Colinth Argonix"@en .