. . "Dome Force Field"@en . . "The Dome Force Field is a weapon of defense that protects Sand Blast City from outside forces. Although the shield was strong, Jack Rabbit told Avery to build some EMP beacons around in case it failed. Bunnie Rabbot was accidently knocked down by one of them when she tried to get close to the city. Sonic the Hedgehog was able to tunnel under the shield to try and rescue her. The shield was likely shut down when the Great Desert Dark Egg Legion and the Sand-Blasters retreated. (STH #217, #218)"@en . "The Dome Force Field is a weapon of defense that protects Sand Blast City from outside forces. Although the shield was strong, Jack Rabbit told Avery to build some EMP beacons around in case it failed. Bunnie Rabbot was accidently knocked down by one of them when she tried to get close to the city. Sonic the Hedgehog was able to tunnel under the shield to try and rescue her. The shield was likely shut down when the Great Desert Dark Egg Legion and the Sand-Blasters retreated. (STH #217, #218)"@en .