"Alloy"@nl . . "Alloy is one of several former Teen Grid regions that was named after a metal. Throughout its existence, the landmass in the northeast corner of the region (Alloy Island) has almost always housed some kind of significant structure. During the lull in combat in late 2009, the main bulk of the island was abandoned, with the tip being held by the Army of the Sith Republic. During this period, ASR would erect a gigantic spawn platform upon the tip, much to the chagrin of Bloodline veterans and prospective buyers alike."@en . . . . . . . "An alloy is a material composed of two or more metals or a metal and a nonmetal. An alloy may be a solid solution of the elements (a single phase), a mixture of metallic phases (two or more solutions) or an intermetallic compound with no distinct boundary between the phases. Solid solution alloys give a single solid phase microstructure, while partial solutions exhibit two or more phases that may or may not be homogeneous in distribution, depending on the thermal (heat treatment) history of the material. An inter-metallic compound has one other alloy or pure metal embedded within another pure metal."@en . . . "Alloy is a resource."@en . "Alloy"@es . "File:Alloy-kc.gifWrite the text of your article here!File:F7 kc alloy ross.gif"@en . "Alloy is a formal specification language that has an associated tool, developed by Daniel Jackson (computer scientist)\u2191 at MIT\u2191. It is influenced by the Z notation."@en . "Alloy"@es . . . . . "2"^^ . . . "Alloy is a resource."@en . "Alloy is one of several former Teen Grid regions that was named after a metal. Throughout its existence, the landmass in the northeast corner of the region (Alloy Island) has almost always housed some kind of significant structure. Initially, the island was home to a number of stores; it would later go on to be heavily used by military factions on account of the strategic advantages afforded to its shape, size and location. Bloodline existed there in a number of forms, Black Talon's Blue Backbite would hold the land briefly, but never went on to conduct any significant operations or campaigns from Alloy. During the lull in combat in late 2009, the main bulk of the island was abandoned, with the tip being held by the Army of the Sith Republic. During this period, ASR would erect a gigantic spawn platform upon the tip, much to the chagrin of Bloodline veterans and prospective buyers alike. Later, Xill Flux would sieze ownership of the entire thing shortly before the fall of his military, Malestrom Armada; it was his intention to have Josh Quine's Position 36-FG replicated and for the imitation to serve as some kind of personal castle."@en . . "Diccionario de cer\u00E1mica Ingl\u00E9s/Espa\u00F1ol: \u00CDndice adicional"@es . "437.2"^^ . . . "Alloy"@en . . . . . . . . "Material"@en . "An alloy is a material composed of two or more metals or a metal and a nonmetal. An alloy may be a solid solution of the elements (a single phase), a mixture of metallic phases (two or more solutions) or an intermetallic compound with no distinct boundary between the phases. Solid solution alloys give a single solid phase microstructure, while partial solutions exhibit two or more phases that may or may not be homogeneous in distribution, depending on the thermal (heat treatment) history of the material. An inter-metallic compound has one other alloy or pure metal embedded within another pure metal. Alloys are used in some applications, where their properties are superior to those of the pure component elements for a given application. Examples of alloys are steel, solder, brass, pewter, Duralumin, phosphor bronze and amalgams. The alloy constituents are usually measured by mass. Alloys are usually classified as substitutional or interstitial alloys, depending on the atomic arrangement that forms the alloy. They can be further classified as homogeneous (consisting of a single phase), or heterogeneous (consisting of two or more phases) or intermetallic (where there is no distinct boundary between phases)."@en . . . "A metal Alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in a solidified solution of a metallic matrix. Examples are Steel (Iron+Carbon), Bronze (Copper+Tin), and Electrum (Gold+Silver+::Copper) Alloying metals often enhances its properties, such as Chromium and Nickel alloyed creates stainless steel, an enhanced version of steel, much stronger, and very resistant to corrosion. SOME COMMEN ALLOYS: (BRONZE) Bronze contains 90_95%copper and 5_10%tin"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Alloy"@es . . "Alloy is a set of wheels for Scion cars."@en . . . . . "DMS"@en . "Human"@en . . "Alloy"@es . . . . . "Add your own image!"@en . "Alloys are a mixture of two or more metals (sometimes there are also non-metals, such as carbon). The main plan with alloys is that they would be better at something than a normal metal on its own. For example, nickel and chromium are often added to steel to stop it rusting."@en . . "Alloy is a set of wheels for Scion cars."@en . "Blake Belladonna"@en . . . "An alloy is a combination, either in solution or compound, of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, and where the resulting material has metallic properties. The resulting metallic substance generally has properties significantly different from those of its components. The catwalk aboard NX-class starships was heavily shielded with some sort of osmium alloy. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\", \"The Crossing\") As of 2151, the IKS Somraw's hull was reinforced with what Ensign Mayweather identified as \"some kind of coherent molecular alloy\". (ENT: \"Sleeping Dogs\") In 2153, Arctic Archaeology Team scientist Rooney was unable to identify the alloy she found in a Borg sphere debris field. (ENT: \"Regeneration\") The hull of a class 2 shuttle was made from a tritanium alloy. (VOY: \"Threshold\") The alien probe \"Pup\" was made of a form of corundium alloy. (DS9: \"The Forsaken\") After Doctor Julian Bashir performed an autopsy on the Klingon first officer Hon-Tihl in 2369, he stated the cause of his death were the minor tritanium alloy fragments in his chest and upper arms and severe weapon burns. (DS9: \"Dramatis Personae\") In 2370, some new tennis rackets were made of nillimite alloys. (DS9: \"The Wire\") In 2373, the crew of the USS Voyager discovered that the supposed asteroid bombardment of a Nezu colony was in fact a deliberate attack when they found an alloy within an asteroid fragment. It was part of a guidance system used by the Etanian Order. (VOY: \"Rise\") The same year, the Bashir Changeling told Miles O'Brien he had ordered new darts made of a duridium alloy the two had spoken about. (DS9: \"By Inferno's Light\") Since both duranium and tritanium are known to have been used in the hull construction of Starfleet vessels (TNG: \"Where Silence Has Lease\" ; VOY: \"Repentance\") and both seem to be elements rather than alloys according to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, it is possible although not certain that they may be combined to form an alloy in some circumstances. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual however, indicates that these materials form separate layers of starship hulls."@en . . . . . "Alloy"@es . . "Alloy is an agent in the Department of Mary Sues. She is written by TheShyIon."@en . . . . . "File:Alloy-kc.gifWrite the text of your article here!File:F7 kc alloy ross.gif"@en . . "Alloy is a formal specification language that has an associated tool, developed by Daniel Jackson (computer scientist)\u2191 at MIT\u2191. It is influenced by the Z notation."@en . "Freelance"@en . . . . "Alloy"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "SAP werkt samen met IBM om SAP functionaliteit beschikbaar te maken in Lotus Notes. Zie onderstaade link voor meer info:"@nl . . . "Alloy is an agent in the Department of Mary Sues. She is written by TheShyIon."@en . . . . . "A metal Alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in a solidified solution of a metallic matrix. Examples are Steel (Iron+Carbon), Bronze (Copper+Tin), and Electrum (Gold+Silver+::Copper) Alloying metals often enhances its properties, such as Chromium and Nickel alloyed creates stainless steel, an enhanced version of steel, much stronger, and very resistant to corrosion. SOME COMMEN ALLOYS: (BRONZE) Bronze contains 90_95%copper and 5_10%tin"@en . . "Alloy"@es . . . "RWBY, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Discworld"@en . "Brass knuckles, metal bat"@en . "Alloy"@es . . . "Alloys are a mixture of two or more metals (sometimes there are also non-metals, such as carbon). The main plan with alloys is that they would be better at something than a normal metal on its own. For example, nickel and chromium are often added to steel to stop it rusting."@en . . "SAP werkt samen met IBM om SAP functionaliteit beschikbaar te maken in Lotus Notes. Zie onderstaade link voor meer info:"@nl . "Weiss Schnee"@en . . "RWBY"@en . "Transfers from many kinds of metal."@en . . . . "An alloy is a combination, either in solution or compound, of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, and where the resulting material has metallic properties. The resulting metallic substance generally has properties significantly different from those of its components. The catwalk aboard NX-class starships was heavily shielded with some sort of osmium alloy. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\", \"The Crossing\") As of 2151, the IKS Somraw's hull was reinforced with what Ensign Mayweather identified as \"some kind of coherent molecular alloy\". (ENT: \"Sleeping Dogs\")"@en . . . . . "Aleaci\u00F3n"@es . . "17"^^ . .