"76"^^ . "Invasion of the Earthors"@en . . "The Man in the Moon"@en . "1985-10-02"^^ . "Dangerous Prank"@en . "The SuperFriends must use all of their superpowers in order to overcome the mental mischief of Medula and her power-hungry plans."@en . "1985-09-11"^^ . "Flood Of Diamonds"@en . "The Menace of the White Dwarf"@en . "The SuperFriends match wits and skills in an underground adventure against the mysterious mining monsters known as the Earthors."@en . "Drag Race"@en . "The Termites from Venus"@en . "Doomsday"@en . "The Wild Cards"@en . "1978-10-21"^^ . "While at the circus, the Wonder Twins and Gleek witness the revenge of circus animals as they zap the audience in a trance. The animals capture Gleek and zap the Wonder Twins as well, who they send off to lure Superman and Wonder Woman into a trap at the circus. The circus animals eventually turn the Super Friends into Super animals. Gleek frees Zan and Jayna from the trance, now it's up to the Wonder Twins and Gleek to free Superman and Wonder Woman and to end to this circus once and for all."@en . "Batman is dead, and the Legion of Doom plan to kill the rest of the Super Friends the same way with a crystal that can do all of them in."@en . "The Super Friends find themselves in critical combat against each other when they become captives of Tyrannic, the ruler of the underseas world of Oceana."@en . "The evil Captain Nimoy plots to use nuclear warhead missiles to sink continents below the sea where he plans to rule. Nimoy is aided by an android duplicate of Batman to help him out, but with Superman and Wonder Woman away on a space mission, the Super Friends are aided by Superman's tiny Kandorian friends from the bottle city of Kandor."@en . "1983-10-29"^^ . "Remlar, a villain from another galaxy, travels the universe in search of buildings and people to put on display in an intergalactic museum. Superman, Firestorm, and Samurai must figure out a way to stop Remlar and return the historical monuments and people to their rightful place.\n\nNOTE: This is the final episode to use the orange title card.\n\nNOTE: This is the final episode to use the original Hall of Justice and characters designs."@en . "Super Friends is American animated series about a team of superheroes which ran from 1973 to 1986 on ABC. In the 1990s, the show was being shown on Cartoon Network and more recently its sister channel, Boomerang. It is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics."@en . "After single-handedly capturing Superman's perennial nemesis Lex Luthor, the bionic Cyborg is invited to join the Super Powers Team\u2014but surprisingly turns down the offer. Anxious to have someone his own age as a fellow Team member, the nuclear-powered Firestorm seeks out Cyborg to learn the reason for his reticence. But it will take the intervention of Darkseid and his Parademons, to say nothing of some horrific-looking sea pods, to make Cyborg change his mind.\n\nNOTE: From this point onwards, the show was retooled with a darker tone, a significantly different art style, and many previous notable characters with reduced roles.\nNOTE: Sarah Simms, Cyborg's love interest in DC's normal continuity makes a cameo appearance."@en . "Superman, Batman and Robin move into action when an inventor's valuable plans are put in peril by the terrorizing tactics of a mysterious Marsh Monster."@en . "The Menace Of The White Dwarf"@en . "The Lava Men"@en . "1973-12-08"^^ . "Eruption"@en . "1979-10-20"^^ . "1981-10-03"^^ . "Bulgor the Behemoth"@en . "The Cycle Gang"@en . "Super Friends: Rest In Peace"@en . "1984-09-22"^^ . "Haunted House"@en . "Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He helps his father save the planet and then returns to the present to find Earth a very different place. Robin confronts him and has no idea who Superman is and then remarks that the Justice League was defeated by the Legion of Doom. He soon realizes that by saving Krypton that it erased his time on Earth and that nobody had ever heard of Superman before. He goes back into the time warp and makes sure Krypton explodes because he figures that Earth would need a person like Superman to protect it."@en . "The Seeds of Doom"@en . "Solomon Grundy convinces The Legion Of Doom to pursue a monolith that is supposed to be the source of all evil and gave him powers. So he, Cheetah, Riddler & Grodd search under the Earth's crust for it but it is defended by a lava monster. Unable to achieve their goal, they decide to trick the Super Friends into retrieving the monolith for them. After Hawkman, Black Vulcan & Superman obtain the power source, the Legion of Doom incapacitates Superman with kryptonite and seals them in the underground inferno. While the Legion of Doom wreaks havoc upon the east coast, Apache Chief, Green Lantern and Flash rescue their trapped teammates. Wonder Woman, Batman & Robin launch an attack on the Hall of Doom which is protected by the monolith, which produces an ice monster. The Hall of Justice computer reveals that the monolith is not evil, it just appears that way because it is being controlled by evil beings; this gives Wonder Woman the plan to control it telepathically to do good. After reversing all of the destruction and apprehending the Legion of Doom, the Legion uses the monolith one last time to escape."@en . "1977-11-24"^^ . "Bizarro can create a device to enlarge the Legion of Doom to 100 feet but needs certain elements first so he & Sinestro retrieve one from the moon's core by cutting it in half. However, Batman, Robin and Superman repair the moon and capture the two villains. Meanwhile Toyman and Captain Cold pursue another element at the Parthenon but Aquaman and Green Lantern end up capturing them. Lex Luthor and Brainiac attack the Hall of Justice in the guise of freeing their teammates but it was all a trick to distract the Super Friends as the captured villains use the Justice League's computer to create the Giant Ray and enlarge themselves. After a brief fight, the Super Friends are captured and sent to Saturn as the Legion of Doom creates a force field around the Earth to keep them out. Bizarro conquers Washington DC, Sinestro takes over Peking, Captain Cold invades Africa and Toyman attacks London. After battling gaseous monsters, Flash creates a tornado that sends the Super Friends back to Earth where they reconfigure the Justice League satellite into letting them through the force field. The Justice League computer duplicates the growth ray and the Super Friends use it to battle the Legion of Doom. Green Lantern bottles up Sinestro, Flash freezes Captain Cold, Batman stops Toyman and Superman cages Bizarro. However, Lex Luthor teleports the captured members to freedom and uses a Hall of Doom decoy to distract the Super Friends as they escape. Green Lantern, Flash, Batman and Superman are the Giants of Justice!"@en . "The Highway Angels, a motorcycle gang, start tormenting a senior citizen and his grandson. When the Wonder Twins try to help they have a hard time dealing with the cycle gang and the danger at hand. Wonder Woman sees the twins and gives them assistance."@en . "1978-03-03"^^ . "After many reports of a talking albatross, Colonel Wilcox asks the Superfriends to round out the 3 industialists who refuse to attend a meeting about pollution. An Eco Terrorist named Dr. Pelagian has terrorized these three industrialists in an attempt to frighten then so they\u2019ll stop polluting. Aquaman decides to do some investigating on the identity of Dr. Pelagian based on a hunch he has on Dr. Ansil Hillbrandt, a brilliant marine biologist and the leading authority on the Albatross. Aquaman also decides to search Point Gander, the place where Hillbrandt was last seen, and found Prof. Hillgrant\u2019s driving suit. Later the Junor Super Friends end up meeting with Prof. Ansil Hillbrandt, only to find out he faked his death and took to the sea where he has invented the technology that allows him to communicate with sea creatures and control the sea."@en . "Not for off the Alaska coastline, millions of gallons of crude oil spill out from a ruptured supertanker. Suddenly the crude oil comes alive in the form of a giant monster. Aquaman sees the monster and helps the supertanker to stop the creature by using a harpoon with a net wrapped around to contain the monster. When that plain did not work, the captain called the other Super Friends while Aquaman handled the monster. Hawkman and Hawkgirl arrive, but by the time they got there the oil monster had already taken off to the coast. Later, the oil monster attacks the Alaskan pipeline and grows even larger. Hawkaman and Hawkgirl try to stop the monster but they get covered in oil and get captured and eaten by the monster. Aquaman acts fast and saves the winged avengers by going inside the monster and using his telepathy powers as a radar. After Hawkman gets an idea of how to stop the monster, the three heroes go to a small general store to get all of the detergent soap so they can put the plan in motion. They arrive at the nearby harbor to find the monster feeding on the first storage tank. Aquaman leads the monster to the empty storage tank while Hawkman and Hawkgirl pour the detergent on the monster turning it back into plain crude oil."@en . "Wonder Woman and her mighty mite friend, Atom, swing into action to save a cable car load of passengers caught in a high wind over a treacherous terrain."@en . "Those far from home Wonder Twins and Gleek try to rescue some misguided teenagers who face trouble when they decide to become runaways."@en . "The Ultra Beam"@en . "Bizarro takes revenge on the JLA by turning members into 'Super Bizarro slaves' and exposing Superman to Red Kryptonite. The Red Kryptonite's horrible effects cause Superman to grow extra arms and legs. Now Superman's only chance to stop Bizarro and return to normal is Blue Kryptonite."@en . "Three Wishes"@en . . "Lex Luthor uses a projector ray to disguise himself and his assistant Orville Gump as Super Friends in an elaborate plot to destroy them. Luthor aligns himself with evil fire demons who originate from the sun. They aid Luthor in capturing the Super Friends and placing them in death traps. The demons then change the color of the sun from yellow to red which cause Superman's powers to vanish. However, the sun demons double-cross Luthor and he is trapped in a fire, so he has no choice but to free the Super Friends in an effort to save himself and Earth . The Super friends perform rescues and put out fires. Superman uses the Super-Mobile to chase the fire demons back into the sun...which causes the sun to return to its natural color...which restores Superman's powers. Luthor and his assistant are sent back to prison.\nNOTE: Orville Gump is based on Otis, the character played by Ned Beatty in the 1978 Superman movie."@en . "Mirror Master traps Superman in the 6th dimension: the dimension behind mirrors. As he tries to warn him teammates through mirrors, he is too late as Batman & Robin are trapped as well. The Super Friends erroneously assume that they can only be trapped by mirrors and so Firestorm is caught by another highly reflective surface. The final Super Friend, Samurai uses invisibility to trick Mirror Master into thinking that he is caught. Samurai then grabs the portal device & releases his friends. Mirror Master is lost in a mirror maze & is caught."@en . "In a parallel universe, the Super Friends are super villains, the Super Enemies. Mount Vesuvius is a focal point that links the two universes - in one universe, the good Superman tries to stop the eruption, while his evil counterpart is causing the same disaster in his own reality. Vesuvius explodes, causing the two Supermen to exchange universes. While Superman has to fight his evil comrades and find a way back to his own world, his evil counterpart battles the real heroes and begins his plan to conquer the Earth."@en . "1977-09-17"^^ . "Exploration Earth"@en . "1974-03-10"^^ . "1978-02-06"^^ . "Energy Mass"@en . "Invasion Of The Earthors"@en . "1978-09-06"^^ . "Conquerors Of The Future"@en . "1978-11-25"^^ . "The Day of the Dinosaurs"@en . "The passengers of a disabled aircraft stranded in rural Tibet get instant attention as Superman and superhero Flash rush to save them from Tibetan raiders."@en . "Terror at 20,000 Fathoms"@en . "Space Knights of Camelon"@en . "1977-12-10"^^ . "Superman and Wonder Woman save priceless treasures and monuments from the greedy grasp of the Collector, who has invented a device that turns objects into photographs and plans to do this to various monuments and artworks to protect the items from decay, destruction and vandalism."@en . "The Super Friends must stop the plans of a conqueror named Torhana who seeks vengeance on the people of the surface world by freezing everything in his path. Torhana and his crew travel by ship, freezing oceans and continents and people...Aquaman uses his telepathy to summon sword-fish to cut him out of the ice and take him to Atlantis. Torhana and his crew appear to have the upper hand but by episode's end the Super Friends regroup and come up with a clever plan to melt all of the ice that's engulfed the planet. This is one of the few episodes in the series that features Aquaman at his usual base of operations in the comic books: the undersea city of Atlantis."@en . "Three aliens visit a future Earth and, after reviewing historical records, find that it's been inadvertently decimated by the Legion of Doom."@en . "1978-11-11"^^ . "Streaking in the Invisible Jet, Wonder Woman and The Atom answer a distress call on the emergency scanner from a Dr. Wells. Wells' call was actually a trap to get Wonder Woman and The Atom to test out his new time machine. Wonder Woman starts pressing buttons attempting to escape but actually starts the Time Machine to send The Atom and herself to the American Revolution. General George Washington mistakes Wonder Woman for a British spy. The two heroes escape , then move further back into the past to a 17th-century galleon where they are confronted by Black Beard. After saving The Atom, Wonder Woman and Atom escape in the time machine. The Atom decides to shrink down to microscopic size to rewire the circuits in the time Machine to go back to 1980. When they come back Dr. Wells tries to elude them by using the Time Machine to escape. The heroes travel millions of years in the Pre historic past to capture him."@en . "1978-08-22"^^ . "The Wonder Twins encounter two hostile aliens that were stowaways on an unmanned space station returning to Earth. The Wonder Twins join Superman to put the aliens out of commission for good."@en . "The Universe of Evil"@en . "Apache Chief, Batman, and Robin face great danger when attacked by Bigfoot creatures."@en . "1985-10-16"^^ . . "The Mask of Mystery"@en . "At an intergalactic auction, Darkseid and his crew set their eyes on gold kryptonite. It's the only chunk of gold kryptonite known to be in existence. Black Vulcan, Wonder Woman, and Firestorm infiltrate the auction under disguise as ice creatures. They plan on bidding high and taking the gold kryptonite before it can fall into enemy hands. Gold kryptonite is the form that strips away all of the powers that Superman enjoys on Earth."@en . "The Super Friends are alerted when a mysterious red light shines on diamonds and then vanishes. Our heroes discover that in the process, the diamonds are stolen and are replaced by imitations. Dr. LaBond, a misguided scientist and his \"trusted\" assistant Wilbur, are stealing diamonds to power the Planet Spitter, an invention which LaBond has perfected for the purpose of splitting a planet and using half of it to serve as a second moon with the hopes of providing Earth with more natural resources, but Wendy and Marvin point out that a second moon would cause terible weather conditions on Earth. Dr. LaBond is certain the project will work, and has targeted the planet Signus Uno. However, the Super Friends have placed a micro dot homing signal on one of the stolen diamonds. The real thief turns out to be Wilbur, who wanted the diamonds so badly, that he made false reports to let Dr. LaBond think that his project would work when it was really a doomed failure all along. The center portion of this episode tells the origin of Superman, as narrated by Marvin, in hopes of dissuading Dr. LaBond and Wilbur from proceeding with their plans."@en . "1973-11-10"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek have to save a girl from the perils of a dangerous prank played by some thoughtless companions."@en . "The Super Friends must use all of their superpowers in order to overcome the mental mischief of Medula and her power-hungry plans to eradicate all men so women led by her can rule the world."@en . "1977-12-01"^^ . "1978-06-23"^^ . "Wonder Woman and special guest star Apache Chief fly half way around the world to save a community from a giant cobra."@en . "The Playground of Doom"@en . "The unthinkable has happened: Superman is dead, the victim of Kryptonite poisoning. Injured in the mishap which felled Superman, a weakened Firestorm is captured by Darkseid, who wants the Galactic Guardian to reveal the details of the Man of Steel's demise. Meanwhile, several members of the Super Powers Team gather at the Fortress at Solitude, where they come across evidence indicating that Superman is still alive\u2014but if this is true, why has he allowed the other Team members to fall into Darkseid's clutches?\n\nNOTE: The Flash and El Dorado appeared in this episode."@en . "The Enforcer"@en . "When machines start operating by themselves, the Government asks the Justice League of America to investigate. The heroes arrive at G.E.E.C.where Professor Goodfellow shows the Super Friends his G.E.E.C. invention which would free everyone of work and responsibility. When Mr. Huggins, the special assistant to the President, tells Professor Goodfellow the government will not involve itself with G.E.E.C. the Professor then starts to offer free G.E.E.C. service to anyone who wants it. After a few weeks the Super Friends decide to ask Professor Goodfellow to let them check the security of G.E.E.C., but after their visit the G.E.E.C. computer goes berserk and the Justice League of America get the one member who could assist them in this situation, Plastic Man."@en . "The Wonder Twins agree to help Exxor defeat Darkon, a conqueror who has taken over Exxor and made its inhabitants his slaves. With the Wonder Twins captured by Darkon, Batman & Robin must free the twin heroes as the other Super Friends tackle Darkon and his troopers."@en . "Around the World in 80 Riddles"@en . "Ronald Raymond, Professor Martin Stein, Apache Chief, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman get caught up in an island mystery when a science experiment goes awry. A scientist walks into what is referred to as a Geneto Beam and is turned into a Dinosoid, which means half-human/half-dinosaur. His partner flees and hides in the jungle...it's up to the estranged scientist, as well as Ronald, Robin, and Apache Chief to track down the evil scientist and transform everyone back to normal."@en . "While on their weekly meeting, The Super Friends receive a TroubAlert message about an out of power giant freight train in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Superman goes to California to stop the out of control train that is about to collide with another train. Shortly after the Super Friends receive another TroubAlert that a cargo ship named the Queen Victoria is in the middle of a big storm and is about to be driven against some rocks. Wonder Woman takes Aquaman right to the ship in her thought powered transparent plane where he must find a way to anchor the powerless ship. While on their way to pick up Aquaman from the coast, Batman and Robin have to save two construction workers when an out of control crane puts their lives in danger. Meanwhile Aquaman successfully anchors the ship with the help of some ocean creatures and regroups with Batman, Robin, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog. There they meet a Special Inspector with Scotland Yard named Sir Cedric Cedric who says the British ships have been targeted and he was looking for sabotage. Wonder Woman was patrolling skies and noticed a leak in the dam that is about to cause a flood. To hold off the water, Wonder Woman makes an Earth dam, but it springs a leak causing her to slam a boulder into it. The rest of the Super Friends join her and help stop the flood for good by shutting off the flood gates. On a stormy night, Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog check out the Electrical Generator Plant and find a mysterious shadowy figure. The young heroes chase the mysterious figure but only to bump into Sir Cedric Cedric who says the suspect had gotten away. The Super Friends must stop the power outage disasters with the help of Wendy providing details about the Electrical Generator Plant figure out who is the Power Pirate and how Sir Cedric fits into the picture."@en . "The Planet Splitter"@en . "Gorilla Grodd invents a time conveyor to allow anyone to travel through time. Black Manta and Giganta trap Aquaman and Apache Chief in 70,000,000 B.C and rob the diamond mines of South Africa, Sinestro and Captain Cold trap Green Lantern and Samurai in 500 A.D and rob King Arthur while Grodd and Solomon Grundy trap Batman and Robin in Ancient Rome and rob Caesar, the emperor."@en . . "1977-12-08"^^ . "Superman and Aquaman discover a deep down mystery of sinister submarines and sea life as they battle the Invisible Menace."@en . "Little does Wonder Woman suspect that the man she assumes to be her mortal boyfriend Steve Trevor is actually the evil Darkseid, who has rearranged his molecular structure in order to impersonate Steve. It's all part of a master plan to steal the deadly TC7 satellite and transform everyone on earth into hideous mutants. The Galactic Guardians set out to rescue the real Steve and thwart Darkseid\u2014a task made doubly difficult when Wonder Woman herself is kidnapped!"@en . "The Space Knights of Camelon"@en . "Warpland"@en . "A crooked space circus proprietor, Zarnum, uses a device to turn protected animals that have been illegally captured into beasts to boost attendance at his space circus. Sensing that the Super Friends are onto his scheme he uses the device to change Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Wonder Twins into space creatures. It's up to the rest of the Super Friends to track down the elusive space circus, rescue the captive Super Friends, and bring an end to the poaching that's been taking place.\nNOTE: Zarnum's name is loosely based on circus legend P.T. Barnum."@en . "The Legion of Doom negotiates with an old swamp woman to bring all the Super Friends to the swamp to defeat them forever in exchange for power over zombies."@en . "1978-11-04"^^ . "It's the SuperFriends' problem when trouble surfaces on the high seas. All are in trouble from the menace of the deep, the marauding Manta and his terrifying water beast."@en . "Battle at the Earth\u2019s Core"@en . "1980-10-18"^^ . "Secret Origins Of The Super Friends"@en . "1978-09-20"^^ . "On a mountain hiking trip at Mystery Mountain, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog discover a giant metallic \u201CU\u201D. After reporting their findings to the Super Friends, the junior members show Batman & Robin the exact location where they saw the \u201CU\u201D. The caped Crusaders find Dr. Simian Shamon magnetically pulling down a meteorite of solid gold using his \u201CShamon U\u201D. The junior Super Friends stumble upon Dr. Simian Shamon\u2019s lab and discover his plans to use his \u201CShamon U\u201D to mine the skies for gold meteorites. Dr. Shamon refuses to let the Junior Super Friends go or listen to his assistant Madam Lila LaBeau, causing Madam LaBeau to the young heroes to safety. However, the after affects of Dr. Shamon\u2019s sky mining caused a green and red mist called Shamonite which caused animals, plants, and non-organic objects to either grow or shrink respectively including Wonder Dog. The Super Friends and Madam LaBeau must find a way to cancel out the Shamonite in Earth\u2019s atmosphere."@en . "The Legion of Doom capture four Super Friends and gives their power devices to four android duplicates as part of a plot to steal an energy source called Liquid Light."@en . "1974-04-29"^^ . "1973-11-03"^^ . . "Joy Ride"@en . "Superman and Black Vulcan are tricked by Bizzaro into going to Bizzaro-World. Black Vulcan is tricked into a Maze of Mirrors, while Superman is tricked into a Red Kryptonite Mine, turning him into a skinny figure while Bizzaro is immune to it. However he uses the rays passing through his blue suit to his advantage, turning them to Blue Kryptonite, which weakens Bizzaro, and restores Superman. Black Vulcan smashes through the mirrors, he and Superman leave Bizzaro-World."@en . "Battle of the gods"@en . "Traveling from a distant corner of the universe, a fleet of unidentified ships head towards Earth to hypnotize all children and gather them to Monument Valley, AZ. The Super Friends start to take action after the Wonder Twins became hypnotized and a call from the Justice League trouble alert. After the Super Friends tried to stop children from entering a spaceship, a UFO arose to destroy a nearby city. Batman & Robin stayed with the children as Superman and Wonder Woman stopped the UFO and the disasters it caused only to get trapped inside the space craft as it heads to the Anti-Matter Universe. Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, The Wonder Twins escape by using hypnotic mind control on Aquaman to release themselves. Batman & Robin arrive back at the Hall of Justice to stop a near power source over load and snap Aquaman out of a mindless slumber. The Super Friends must now rescue the cargo of children and the Wonder Twins from slavery by an evil genius on the Planet Nofan and bring them safely home to Earth."@en . "No Honor Among Thieves"@en . "1985-11-06"^^ . "The Evil from Krypton"@en . "A group of Rock and Roll Space Bandits paralyze the Super Friends and invade a major city on Earth using their hypnotic music. The Wonder Twins come to the rescue but get hypnotized. Wonder Woman helps the rest of the Super Friends get free and they rush off to stop those musical menaces. Batman uses a device to stop the sound waves."@en . "1978-05-26"^^ . "A space ship controlled by mysterious Lionmen probes for minerals and starts an earth shaking process that splits our planet into pieces. Will the SuperFriends meet the challenge?"@en . "1977-12-22"^^ . "1973-12-15"^^ . "In an Arcade, The Wonder Twins and Gleek encounter a witch who shrinks them. As Zan and Jayna elude danger, they call Wonder Woman for help. Now Wonder Woman and the Wonder Twins must stop the witch before she shrinks all of the customers."@en . "The Super Friends investigate when certain objects disappear and are placed elsewhere. Our heroes are dismayed to discover that a white dwarf is responsible for the disappearances. The culprit behind the white dwarf is Raven, a dangerous scientist from another planet, who values science over human life. Raven has escaped the prison specially designed to hold a genius like himself, and he has a personal vendetta against Superman for putting him there. Raven operates from an artificial island in the sky, and he's been trying to purchase a green stone from the sky from the Martingales, a hillbilly family that refuses to sell it. The stone is none other than Kryptonite, Superman's most deadly weakness. Raven vows to to steal a monumental building. Wendy and Marvin wind up in that building while they are on their way to warn the Super Friends. They meet Raven, who makes a deal with Superman to exchange the building for the Kryptonite he wants. Raven then proceeds to put Superman on trial."@en . "Zan and Jayna, the Wonder Twins, and Gleek have to teach a lesson about street drag racing."@en . "Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Black Manta, Cheetah, Scarecrow, Riddler, Batman, Apache Chief, Bizzaro and Superman are sent to another universe to engage in a series of contests and the losers will be eliminated while the other Super Friends and Legion of Doom search for their missing colleagues."@en . "The Return of the Phantoms"@en . "A junk creature forms after two kids hanging around a dump inadvertently make a mysterious chemical reaction occur. When Batman gets infected by the chemicals he also turns into a junk creature. The Junior Super Friends try to find a way to get Batman back to normal."@en . "The Monster Of Dr. Droid"@en . "The SuperFriends zoom off in an all out struggle against invading insects from a far off planet, for the entire Earth is threatened by the coming of the Arthropods."@en . "Journey into Darkness"@en . "Three Kryptonian villains from the [[w:c:dc:Phantom Zone"@en . "While enjoying a day off with Firestorm, Cyborg is captured by the robot minions of supercomputer Brainiac, who intends to use the bionic dogooder for one of his typically evil \"mind-blowing\" experiments. To save the life of his fellow Galactic Guardian, Firestorm enlists the aid of Superman and rushes to Cyborg's rescue. But it may already be too late: The two superpowered good guys are confronted by a gigantic killer robot...with Cyborg's brain and intellect trapped inside its power source!\nNOTE: Green Lantern makes a cameo appearance."@en . "1973-11-30"^^ . "1978-06-02"^^ . "A meteor his an aircraft and turns it into a winged beast. When the Wonder Twins respond to a Trouble Alert they find out the aircraft creatures has the ability to turn other aircraft into living beasts. Batman & Robin trail these beasts from the Batjet try to stop the attack by taking out the ringleader of the beasts."@en . "A scientific experiment accidentally turns plants into Monsters."@en . "Gorilla Grodd uses Brainiac's brain-wave amplifiers which can control anyone in a 100-mile radius and uses it to take over Gorilla City . Solovar, king of Gorilla City, escapes and asks the Super Friends for their aid in stopping Grodd."@en . "The Incredible Crude Oil Monster"@en . "1978-06-16"^^ . "The Wonder Twins activate their special powers to save a couple of girls who try an ill-advised adventure as stowaways and almost become flotsam and jetsam."@en . "Batman & Robin foils some building constructors' plans to revive the Hall of Doom, which was destroyed in a previous encounter with the Super Friends, and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building constructors reveal themselves to be Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy, Sinestro and the rest of the Legion of Doom. The Legion of Doom proceed with their salvage operation, restoring the Hall of Doom to its initial deadly condition. When the Legion of Doom attacks Metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman attempt to stop them only to get crystallized by Lex Luthor's Crystallization Ray. With the Super Friends defeated, the Legion of Doom take over the Hall of Justice to make their demands. Meanwhile Superman and Wonder Woman are able to move again thanks to Superman's X-Ray vision and are off to stop the Legion of Doom. Batman & Robin must find a way to reverse the polarity of Luthor's Crystallization Ray to transform Superman and Wonder Woman back to normal so the Legion of Doom's raid on Fort Knox can be put to an end."@en . "1978-02-27"^^ . "The Wonder Twins, Zan and Jayna, and Gleek have to teach a lesson about the dangers of street drag racing."@en . "The Prisoners of Sleep"@en . "A spaceship controlled by mysterious Lionmen probes for minerals and starts an earth shaking process that splits our planet into pieces. Will the Super Friends meet the challenge?"@en . "Bazarowurld"@en . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek help teach a lesson in courage when they rescue a boy from the wreckage of an overturned van."@en . "1974-03-24"^^ . "Terror from the Phantom Zone"@en . "Magic and gods collide, placing the Super Friends in an epic battle.."@en . "Circus of Horrors"@en . "Super Friends: Rest in Peace"@en . "1973-09-08"^^ . "Initiation"@en . "Rock and Roll Space Bandits"@en . "The Mummy Of Nazca"@en . "1973-10-19"^^ . "Two scientists encounter a whirlpool and call the Justice League for help. The whirlpool throws them into an eerie undersea harbor deep beneath the ocean floor. A pirate ghost named Keelhaul Kelly hijacks the scientists' mini-sub. Aquaman, Batman & Robin arrive to save the innocent scientists from the clutches of those who would do them harm."@en . "The Creature from the Dump"@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman save priceless treasures and monuments from the greedy grasp of the Collector."@en . "1978-04-28"^^ . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "Darkseid catches onto the trick and plots an elaborate scheme to expose Superman to the gold kryptonite that he won. El Dorado, Batman, and Superman travel to the Moon of Games to confront Kalibak about which star has Darkseid imprisoned Black Vulcan, Wonder Woman, and Firestorm. El Dorado hatches a plan with the help of Batman. Darkseid shows up unexpectedly, as El Dorado had feared, and Darkseid throws the gold kryptonite at Superman...but did it work?"@en . "The Baffles Puzzle"@en . "The Super Friends travel to a far-off frozen planet to rescue an entire Earth city stolen by the marauding Mongor."@en . "1978-09-13"^^ . "1977-09-24"^^ . "River Of Doom"@en . "Rub Three Times for Disaster"@en . "The Eruption"@en . "The Super Friends must call on their skills to overcome the perils of monstrous plant creatures."@en . "Darkseid\u2019s Golden Trap Part 2"@en . "Attack of the Killer Bees"@en . "The outer-space Wonder Twins and Gleek point out the error of jumping to conclusions as they tackle an escaped tiger ."@en . "1978-10-10"^^ . "1978-07-10"^^ . "The Legion of Doom deserts Sinestro, Black Manta and Cheetah after a failed mission and the three villains decide to kill the Legion of Doom for betrayal."@en . "The Brainchild"@en . . "1979-11-10"^^ . "A tornado transports the Hall of Justice to Oz where Mr. Mxyzptlk, who has once again escaped from the 5th Dimension, informs the Super Friends that they must find The Wizard to get home. Along the way they encounter the Wicked Witch of the Worst Kind in a gingerbread house who turns Superman into the Tin Man, Wonder Woman into the Cowardly Lion and Aquaman into the Scarecrow."@en . "Handicap"@en . "Game Of Chicken"@en . "1983-10-08"^^ . "Traveling from space, three pirate ships make their way towards Earth. When Captain Sinbad and his Space Pirate crew reach Earth they start stealing treasures from South America. After receiving a message on the Justice League Trouble Alert, Superman and Wonder Woman confronts Captain Sinbad and his Space Pirate crew. Captain Sinbad then hurls city buildings toward a mountain range allowing the pirates to escape the two Super Friends. The Super Friends regroup to strategize and later streak off to confront the Space Pirates. While trying to stop a Space Pirate boat Wonder Woman gets hit with a stun laser and taken captive aboard one of the ships. Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, the JLA satellite monitor picked up Wonder Woman causing Zan to convince Jana to go after her. When Zan and Jana find Wonder Woman, they get trapped by Space Pirates and a mind controlled Wonder Woman and were made Sinbad\u2019s slaves. Wonder Woman then sends a warning to the other Super Friends to leave the Space Pirates alone or they may never see the Wonder Twins again. Superman then disguises himself as Clark Kent to enter the Space Pirates\u2019 ship and rescue Wonder Woman and the Wonder Twins."@en . "The Super Friends are called into action when the weird Professor Korloff brings a mysterious mummy to life to steal a cosmic power source for himself."@en . "In this episode Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Superfriends into an arcade game."@en . "1977-10-08"^^ . "Toyman develops a device that can project anyone into the pages of a storybook. He forces Hawkman to chase him into Jack and the Beanstalk, Cheetah forces Wonder Woman to chase her into Alice in Wonderland and Brainiac forces Superman to chase him into Gulliver's Travels and the three villains trap the three Super Friends in the three treacherous fairy tales."@en . "The Water Beast"@en . "After an experimental satellite from Kennedy Space Center falls back to Earth it breaks releasing deadly radioactive energy. The Super Friends then receive a distress call from the west coast saying Death Valley is being overrun by giant desert beasts. Wonder Woman and the Wonder Twins stay behind to check the Justice League computer for more information while the rest of the Super Friends head to Death Valley. At Death Valley they find wreckage and a man who says giant lizards had nearly destroyed the town. As Superman continues to search for the mysterious giant beast, he stumbles upon some mutated giant earthworms that he must save some teens from. As Aquaman, Batman, and Robin fight the beast creatures that attacked them, Wonder Woman finds out what happened via the Justice League computer and heads to NASA for more information. As Wonder Woman approaches the location of the downed satellite, the radiation turns her into a giant beast. As the Wonder Twins try to stop Wonder Woman\u2019s destruction of a military base, the radiation genetically alters them into giant beasts. Meanwhile giant earthworms are digging holes into California's coast which will potentially sink. To save everyone the Super Friends must stop the creatures and turn them and the \u201CWonder\u201D heroes back to normal."@en . "1978-12-16"^^ . "Aquaman and Green Lantern head to Africa to save trapped miners in a diamond mind that is slowly flooding."@en . "A woman named Professor Amy Zhan makes a super strength potion which turns her into a 50-foot woman. Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman must look up to the incredible femme fatale and find a way to bring this 50-foot woman back to normal size. Professor Zhan tries to make Batman drink it but she is stopped when her assistant sprays her with the antidote."@en . "1978-03-24"^^ . "1979-09-22"^^ . "Superman, Batman and Robin have to save society from the outrageous genetic experiments of a mixed-up scientist and his half-human half-animal beasts."@en . "List of Super Friends episodes"@en . "Not for off the Alaska coastline, millions of gallons of crude oil spill out from a ruptured supertanker. Suddenly the crude oil comes alive in the form of a giant monster. Aquaman sees the monster and helps the supertanker to stop the creature by using a harpoon with a net wrapped around to contain the monster. When that plain didn't work, the captain called the other Super Friends while Aquaman handled the monster. Hawkman and Hawkgirl arrive, but by the time they got there the oil monster had already taken off to the coast. Later, the oil monster attacks the Alaskan pipeline and grows even larger. Hawkaman and Hawkgirl try to stop the monster but they get covered in oil and get captured and eaten by the monster. Aquaman acts fast and saves the winged avengers by going inside the monster and using his telepathy powers as a radar. After Hawkman gets an idea of how to stop the monster, the three heroes go to a small general store to get all of the detergent soap so they can put the plan in motion. They arrive at the nearby harbor to find the monster feeding on the first storage tank. Aquaman leads the monster to the empty storage tank while Hawkman and Hawkgirl pour the detergent on the monster turning it back into plain crude oil."@en . "The Androids"@en . "The Alien Mummy"@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman show no fear when they meet up with the terrifying Dr. Fright."@en . "1978-07-17"^^ . "1974-03-17"^^ . "1985-09-25"^^ . "1978-08-08"^^ . "The Beasts Are Coming"@en . "The Super Friends close their first series by responding to ocean calamities when a mysterious red tide appears in the ocean that upsets the ecological balance of the sea. It is the work of Holo and Zara, a pair of water people from another planet who are trying to gather enough silicon to get their mother ship, inhabited by the rest of their people home. The Super Friends are aided by Prof. Matey and his submarine which is used as their base. The biggest highlight of the episode is watching the big swim chase in the ocean when Aquaman chases after Holo."@en . "Two teenagers discover an ancient warship buried underneath the desert sands and they take off in it. The Wonder Twins and Gleek attempt to rescue the teens and they ultimately seek the help of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. The teens, the Wonder Twins, and Gleek are trapped inside the ship as it makes its way to its own galaxy. Zan eventually discovers how to open up the ship's hatch and everyone is safe from certain danger."@en . "1983-10-22"^^ . "What starts off as a camping trip for the Wonder Twins turns into a nightmarish adventure in Middle Earth when the Super Friends must battle a black magic sorcerer named Mal Havok who has taken over the troll kingdom. Mal Havoc uses his magic to turn the Super Friends into trolls. With their powers reduced, Batman and Wonder Woman accompany the troll king on a mission to free Middle Earth of the evil sorcerer."@en . "Sinbad and the Space Pirates"@en . "The Rise and Fall of the Super Friends"@en . "The three [[w:c:dc:Phantom Zone"@en . "1978-12-23"^^ . "1981-10-31"^^ . "Superman, Batman and Robin have to save society from the outrageous genetic experiments of a mixed-up scientist and her half-human half-animal beasts."@en . "Batman and Robin and special guest Apache Chief head toward the Northern Lakes to save an expedition from a giant snow creature."@en . "The Wonder Twins and two other kids get trapped deep within the ski slopes. Meanwhile at the snow lodge, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are investigating a mysterious Ice Monster story. Clark sees the teens in danger with his X-ray vision and comes to their rescue as Superman. He traps the Ice Monster again."@en . "1978-01-30"^^ . "Planet of the Neanderthals"@en . "1978-07-24"^^ . "Wonder Woman and El Dorado responds a series of art gallery robberies in Metropolis. They confront John Palette, a painter whose invention can turn paintings of his design into real life monsters that can steal for him."@en . "While in space Batman and Superman become possessed by brain creatures. The brain creatures ultimately take over the minds of Wonder Woman, Robin, and Aquaman when it appears that the Wonder Twins are successfully defeating Batman and Superman's asteroid attack of Earth. Batman and Superman, while under mind control, continue to attack the Earth by firing huge asteroids on the surface. Superman uses his speed to hurl multiple asteroids at the Earth's surface which causes fissures, fires, and floods. Wonder Woman uses her mental powers to over-come the mind control and with the help of a magnetic cloud the brain creatures are expelled from the brains of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Robin, Batman, and Superman. Wonder Woman then devises a plan to send an electrical current throughout Earth and trap the brain creatures which Superman uses a laser gun and sends the brain creatures many light-years away from Earth."@en . "The Iron Cyclops"@en . "When chasing a burglar in Gotham City, Batman and Robin are captured by Pack and Stardust, Bounty Hunters from Orion. Batman attempts to call for help using the Justice League beeper, but he did not realize the Bounty Hunters know help is coming and are ready to ambush them. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern come to save Batman and Robin but instead gets captured and imprisoned as well. The Bounty Hunters tries to take their captives to The Orion Territorial Prison but on the way the Super Friends make a break and go after the Bounty Hunters."@en . "Will The World Collide?"@en . "1984-10-20"^^ . "The SuperFriends travel to a far-off frozen planet to rescue an entire Earth city stolen by the marauding Mongor."@en . . "Bud, a fed-up make up artist for a movie studio, decides to redo a monster mask for a government film using his untested hormone solution. As the unsuspecting make up artist puts on the monster mask, the experimental hormone solution reacts strangely with his skin, changing him into the very monster he created. The Flash, Batman and Robin, who were in the studio supervising the government film, encounter Bud and dare to challenge his reign of terror. The Flash points out the only way to stop Bud is to counteract the make up formula. Batman agrees and comes up with a formula using some material from the Batmobile. When the heroes turn Bud back to normal, the director offers them a contract to star in his next film. However, Batman points out that they already signed a lifetime contract with the Justice League."@en . "Batman and Robin with special guest Black Vulcan play pied pipers when the city is terrified by rampaging rats."@en . "1974-04-22"^^ . "Coming Of The Arthropods"@en . "The Fantastic Frerps"@en . "1980-09-13"^^ . "The Scaraghosta Sea"@en . "Flying over jungle rain forests, Wonder Woman and Rima search for some missing scientists who are about to become victims of the River of Doom."@en . "The Power Pirate"@en . "Batman and Robin with special guest Atom are called on the save a speeding passenger train that has been taken over by a critical energy mass."@en . "The evil Darkseid's latest project involves the capture and takeover of Star City, a gigantic orbiting earth colony. To this end, he replaces the satellite's kidnapped inventor Mr. Moko with a robot lookalike that even fools Moko's daughter, Kiri. Meanwhile, Batman, Firestorm and Samurai must steer clear of Darkseid's minions Kalibak and DeSaad and their robot army, long enough to allow Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman to seek out and destroy the control equipment hidden in Darkseid's headquarters!"@en . "Zy-Kree, an escapee from the Phantom Zone seeks revenge on Superman by turning the Earth's sun red and thus depowering the man of steel. It is up to Green Lantern and Aquaman to help their friend defeat the evil Kryptonian who has the same powers as Superman."@en . "1977-11-17"^^ . "Dollmaker, uses clay dolls and voodoo black magic to command the real Superfriends to commit crimes. A few of the Superfriends do not fall victim and must rescue the others from Dollmaker's spell.\n\nNOTE: Originally Toyman was to be the villain of the episode, but was replaced by the cartoon exclusive Dollmaker due to being off-limits."@en . "Captain Cold recruits the Fearians to help the Legion of Doom take over the world and destroy the Super Friends. The Fearians say that the Legion has to make the environment suitable for Fearian life-forms first so, Captain Cold freezes the world and when Flash defrosts it, great quantities of steam making the temperature higher, Black Manta sets fire to an island and when Aquaman uses a great tidal wive to put out the flames, the water floods inlands, making more plants grow and finally, Sinestro sends comets to the Earth and when Green Lantern moves the earth out of its usual orbit place to save it, the temperature rises even higher. The Fearians can now enter Earth."@en . "Back at a general meeting in the Legion of Doom's HQ, Grodd decides he would like to use Brainiac\u2019s brain wave amplifier to take over Gorilla City. Lex Luthor cites that Grodd's plan might work since everything else they tried has failed. Solovar, the ruler of Gorilla City, convinces Flash, Apache Chief, Batman and Robin to help him free the minds of the Gorillas. The four heroes get caught and must escape being hunted, call for help, and free the Gorillas from the mind control. With the Super Friends and the Gorillas after them, the Legion retreats from Gorilla City."@en . "The Krypton Syndrome"@en . "1973-12-22"^^ . "Lex Luthor uses a clumsy fan of the Superfriends to destroy them. The fan, a school mate of Firestorm's alter-ego, Ronald Raymond, creates his own secret identity...called Captain Mystery. He taps into the Hall of Justice files and shows up to help the Superfriends but winds up causing more harm than good. Luthor notices this and kidnaps Captain Mystery and intends on using him in his plot. It's up to the Superfriends to rescue Captain Mystery and capture Lex Luthor."@en . "The Royal Ruse"@en . "Lex Luthor baits the Super Friends into stealing priceless artifacts via mind control. The next day JLA finds out what they had actually done and turn themselves in. Unknown to the heroes it's actually a trap to hurl them into the sun. Meanwhile, the Legion of Doom turns everyone on Earth into Bizarros and Cheetahs."@en . "NA."@en . "The Wonder Twins rescue a part of reckless hangliders who fell into a volcano. Soon after the volcano starts erupting. Jayna calls Batman & Robin, who help the Wonder Twins rescue the rest of the town and stop the lava flow."@en . "Universe of Evil"@en . "Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman must save the world from the mysterious mutants of the space sphere and its forbidden power."@en . "1978-09-27"^^ . "The Revenge of Bizarro"@en . "The Case of the Shrinking Super Friends"@en . "While languishing in prison with the Penguin as his cellmate, evil necromancer Felix Faust conjures up a spell which enables him to steal the special powers of Superman. No sooner has this happened than the Penguin appropriates these powers for himself, and as result the Super Powers Team now works for him! In order to thwart the Penguin and emerge as the real villain of the peace, Faust absorbs all of Superman's powers, but Firestorm creates a kryptonite crown on Faust's head, weakening him and Wonder Woman uses her Magic Lasso to force him to give up Superman's powers and return them to the man of steel!\n\nNOTE: First appearance of Felix Faust and The Penguin. Curiously, Batman and Robin were not present to face The Penguin. Aquaman, Hawkman, and Samurai cameo appearances."@en . "Attack Of The Giant Squid"@en . "The Toyman traps three Super Friends in works of fiction hoping to eliminate them forever."@en . "While the Toyman traps three Super Friends on his giant toy planet in a black hole while the Riddler lures the other Superfriends into different traps."@en . "1985-10-09"^^ . "Garden of Doom"@en . "Colonel Wilcox from the Secret Department of Investigation S.D.I. calls upon the Justice League to help prevent Professor Baffles from carrying his threat of stealing French lithographs. The Super Friends stake out the American Museum. Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog along with Superman, disguised as Clark Kent, keep an eye on things from inside the museum. At the museum Wonder Dog starts sneezing because he smelled almonds in the air, and while all the commotion was going on the paintings became missing. Professor Baffles now threatens to steal a hefty shipment of $5 million in cash. The Justice League must now make sure the money shipment makes it to Hawaii. The Super Friends thwarted an attempted heist by a gang of crooks and safely got the shipment onto a ship. On the ship, the junior members run into Mr. Mergen, a man they met earlier at the library. Wendy starts having suspicions about Mr. Mergen and she, Marvin and Wonder Dog follow him. Meanwhile the Super Friends decide to check on the money and find almond residue. They come to the conclusion that Professor Baffles made the money disappear with a chemical solution. The junior members catch up to Mr. Mergen to find out he's actually Professor Baffles. Professor Baffles reveals he's going to make humans non-corrupt again by making books, paintings, music, and other bad influences go away. Mr. Dabney and Mr. Darvey, the two brutes Professor Baffles works for, hold Professor Baffles captive as well after refuses to have anything more to do with them. Wonder Dog escapes and warns the Super Friends that Wendy and Marvin need to be rescued."@en . "Tiger On The Loose"@en . "Swamp of the Living Dead"@en . "Three Kryptonian villains from the Phantom Zone escape and expose Superman to Red Kryptonite causing him to age rapidly. The rest of the Super Friends get trapped by the villains and must now escape from the Phantom Zone. Meanwhile, the Justice League Computer tells Superman the only possible antidote for his rapid aging is Blue Kryptonite. Since Blue Kryptonite is harmful to Bizarro, it may have an opposite effect on Superman, since he reacts differently to Bizarro in many ways. Superman must take the Supermobile to go to the site where Krypton blew up and get the Blue Kryptonite in time and save his Super Friends to help him send the Kryptonian villains back to the Phantom Zone."@en . "1979-10-27"^^ . "A group of archaeologists accidentally releases Yuna the Terrible and her barbarian warriors. Batman and Robin responds to a distress call but get captured by Yuna's warriors. Wonder Woman and Apache Chief respond to the Batman's distress call. During an encounter with Yuna, Apache Chief gets put into a trance and joins Yuna and her warriors. Wonder Woman tries to save them and must prove her strength against Yuna."@en . . "Monolith Of Evil"@en . "The Super Friends tackle the supernatural when the Ghost, a villain from the past, is freed from his imprisonment and wants to take revenge on Superman and Wonder Woman for imprisoning his spirit by threatening the world with his ghostly fate if they don't surrender themselves to him. Now the other Super Friends members must save Superman and Wonder Woman before it's too late."@en . "Wonder Woman with special guests Hawkman and Hawkgirl use their special skills in a space emergency."@en . "Scorpio"@en . "Firestorm makes his debut as a superhero and is invited to join the Super Friends. Darkseid pursues Wonder Woman to be his and is able to capture her when Firestorm accidentally shuts off the Hall of Justice's force field."@en . "1981-10-24"^^ . "Superman brings a new engine for the Bat-jet to the Bat-cave. However when Batman opens it up he finds the Riddler hiding inside. He hops out and spritzes Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin with stupid spray. There's only one antidote and the Riddler has hidden it somewhere and if the Super Friends do not find it before the time limit is up they will be super stupid forever. Before he hops away, the Riddler gives the Super Friends their first Riddle clue. The Super Friends arrive at the Mayan ruins in Chichen Itza, there Superman spots what he believes is the antidote in the pyramid by using his X-Ray vision. The Super Friends enter the pyramid only to be caught in a Riddler trap. They escape the trap they find the Riddler's second clue but by that time they need the assistance of the Bat-Computer because they had become too stupid to figure out the riddles. The computer tells them to go to Mt. Everest and there they defeat the Riddler who is in a Zeppelin and get the antidote."@en . "The Invisible Menace"@en . "The Circus of Horrors"@en . "Superman finds a mysterious purple ray that is lifting objects in downtown Metropolis. Batman uses the Justice League computer from the Hall of Justice to try to control the beam while Black Vulcan and the Atom joins Superman in Metropolis. They find out that the Iron Cyclops who is projecting the ray lives on a planet which has no gravity and he wants to steal the Earth's."@en . "Batman, Robin and special guest Rima battle a raging forest fire and find two escaped juvenile convicts."@en . "Journey Through Inner Space"@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman go on an electrifying adventure when they meet the marauding monster of Dr. Droid."@en . "1983-10-01"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and space monkey Gleek have a serious problem on their hands when they use their Exxor powers to detour the dangers of hitchhiking when a girl doing so is kidnapped."@en . "1978-08-15"^^ . "The Super Friends are pestered by Mr. Mxyzptlk to star in his new movie."@en . "The Legion of Doom uses a crystal called \"Noxium\" to kill all of the Super Friends."@en . "The Whirlpool"@en . "The SuperFriends combine their superheroics in an all-out conflict with the evil scientist Dictor and the mysterious Time Creatures."@en . "The Wrath of Brainiac"@en . "The Malusian Blob"@en . "1977-10-01"^^ . "The Legion of Doom travels far into the future to finally conquer the universe."@en . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek have a few special tricks up their sleeve when a couple of thoughtless students turn into school vandals."@en . "Lex Luthor uses a clumsy fan of the Superfriends to destroy them. The fan Sidney Wanamaker, a school mate of Firestorm's alter-ego, Ronald Raymond, creates his own secret identity...called Captain Mystery. He taps into the Hall of Justice files and shows up to help the Superfriends but winds up causing more harm than good. Luthor notices this and kidnaps Captain Mystery and intends on using him in his plot. It's up to the Superfriends to rescue Captain Mystery and capture Lex Luthor."@en . "The Bride of Darkseid Part 1"@en . "1980-09-20"^^ . "Cheating"@en . "1985-09-18"^^ . "Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern guard the liquid light in the Astro Chemical Research Plant. Cheetah secretly steals Wonder Woman's [[W:C:DC:Lasso of Truth"@en . "1978-09-30"^^ . "The Sink Hole"@en . "1977-10-15"^^ . "City in a Bottle"@en . "Swamp Of The Living Dead"@en . "Stowaways"@en . "Elevator to Nowhere"@en . "1978-11-18"^^ . "Zan and Jayna must save two boys that are trapped underwater by a shark."@en . "1978-03-31"^^ . "1978-10-28"^^ . "Tibetan Raiders"@en . "The Wonder Twins, and their space monkey Gleek, teach some young people the serious dangers of playing the foolish game of \"Chicken\"."@en . "On their summer vacation in Florida with Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog discover their pool that has been frozen solid. Batman and the Junior Super Friends head to the World Weather Center after Colonel Wilcox informs Batman to find out what\u2019s causing the wild weather changes and stop it. They find out a tall, bald, thin man with glasses named Dr. Thinkquick, who is from a continent called Glacia up near the North Pole, is shifting the Gulf Stream with a jet nozzle from his tugboat at sea as well as a remote control device to warm the climate at his dreadfully cold country, without taking into consideration to what will happen to Florida and the rest of the world."@en . "1977-11-12"^^ . "When chasing a burglar in Gotham City, Batman and Robin are captured by Pack and Stardust, Bounty Hunters from Orion. Batman attempts to call for help using the Justice League beeper, but he didn't realize the Bounty Hunters know help is coming and are ready to ambush them. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern come to save Batman and Robin but instead gets captured and imprisoned as well. The Bounty Hunters tries to take their captives to The Orion Territorial Prison but on the way the Super Friends make a break and go after the Bounty Hunters."@en . "1973-09-15"^^ . "City In A Bottle"@en . "1978-10-07"^^ . "Invasion of the Fearians"@en . "1973-10-06"^^ . "Invasion Of The Fearians"@en . "Aquaman and special guest Black Vulcan find themselves facing the force of a shipwrecking whirlpool."@en . "1977-11-10"^^ . "The Fifty Foot Woman"@en . "There's a new supervillain in town, and his name is The Ace. Gathering together a gang of four hardened delinquents, the Ace decks them out in sinister playing-card costumes, and thus the Royal Flush Gang is born. In their efforts to defeat this scurrilous quintet of no-goods, Robin and Cyborg discover that the Ace is taking his orders directly from their perennial enemy Darkseid\u2014while Robin's sidekick Batman learns to his astonishment that the Ace is not a \"new\" nemesis at all, but instead a very old one... The Joker!\nNOTE: The Joker makes his first and only appearance in the Super Friends franchise in this episode."@en . "In this story the Super Friends have to stop an energy draining monster which exists on computer tape and can appear anywhere at anytime. Wonder Woman and Superman, during one scene, go undercover as a science expert and Clark Kent, in an attempt to learn how the energy creature can be destroyed. One of the scientists working in the lab turns out to be the culprit responsible for unleashing the energy creature. The story borrows heavily from the national headlines of the time during the concerns of a looming energy crisis."@en . "Termites from Venus"@en . "Yuna the Terrible"@en . "Hundreds of miles of the coast of North America, a routine Trans-Atlantic trip turns into a nightmare when a ship gets caught between some jagged rocks and takes on water. Aquaman was in the area assists by using his telepathy to summon two giant Manta Rays to seal the whole as he pushes the ship out of danger. As he attempts to head back to the Hall of Justice, a larger island arises from the sea. Aquaman recognizes it as the Lost Island of Ancient Atlantis that has thought to been destroyed thousands of years ago. Upon checking out the island, Aquaman is captured by female Atlantean Warriors who seek world domination. The U.S. Coast Guards who were on the ship Aquaman saved send a distress call to Wonder Woman and Rima about an island moving towards shore. Meanwhile the Atlantean Warriors arrive at Washington D.C. and attacks the Army. Wonder Woman and Rima arrive and are confronted by Ocina, Queen of Atlantis, and are offered to join the group of Warriors. When the two heroes refuse they are captured and put in the water dungeon where Aquaman is. Wonder Woman uses her telepathic mind line to summon help from her mother Hippolyta and The Amazons of Paradise Island. The Amazons of Paradise Island travel to Washington DC to fight an epic battle against these femme fatales."@en . . "While sailing with Captain Pierre Marcel, the Wonder Twins and Gleek get sucked in a whirlpool. After receiving a distress call from the Wonder Twins, the rest of the Super Friends search for the twins only to get pulled in the whirlpool themselves. They emerge in a Wonder Land that is below the Earth\u2019s crust. The Super Friends must now search for the Wonder Twins and rescue them"@en . "Wonder Woman receives a distress call from a scientist who was working on a way to end world hunger by a substance that makes vegetables grow to huge proportions. However, the scientist also says that an earlier failed experiment on a scorpion make it grow and gave it the power of speech. Scorpio is also stealing the growth formula to use on insects for his bug army, with intent of overthrowing humanity as Earth's dominant species. Scorpio learns of Wonder Woman's presence and orders another attack from his bug army to steal the rest of the growth serum. Wonder Woman and The Flash goes after the bugs to save Robin while Batman and the scientist must create an antidote to return the bugs back to normal."@en . "1973-10-13"^^ . "One Small Step for Mars"@en . "The Ghost Ship"@en . . . "From the edge of the Milky Way, a winged creature named Rokan speeds toward Earth. Superman confronts the beast and realizes it\u2019s Rokan, a beast from Krypton which was thought to be extinct and since Rokan is from Krypton she has the exact same powers as Superman. Escaping, the creature wreaks Havoc on Earth. The Super Friends attempt stop to stop Rokan by chasing her and her babies away with Kryptonite."@en . "Superclones"@en . "Invasion of the Hydronoids"@en . "The Lion Men"@en . "The Collector"@en . "Too Hot To Handle"@en . "Space Emergency"@en . "1978-09-09"^^ . "Colonel Wilcox from the Secret Department of Investigation S.D.I. calls upon the Justice League to help prevent Dr. Baffles from carrying his threat of stealing French lithographs. The Super Friends stake out the American Museum. Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog along with Superman, disguised as Clark Kent, keep an eye on things from inside the museum. At the museum Wonder Dog starts sneezing because he smelled almonds in the air, and while all the commotion was going on the paintings became missing. Dr. Baffles now threatens to steal a hefty shipment of $5 million in gold. The Justice League must now make sure a shipment of gold makes it to Hawaii. The Super Friends thwarted an attempted heist by a gang of crooks and safely got the shipment of gold onto a ship. On the ship, the junior members run into Mr. Mergen, a man they met earlier at the library. Wendy starts having suspicions about Mr. Mergen and she, Marvin snd Wonder Dog follow him. Meanwhile the Super Friends decide to check on the money and find almond residue. They come to the conclusion that Professor Baffles made the money disappear with a chemical solution. The junior members catch up to Mr. Mergen to find out he's actually Dr. Baffles. Dr. Baffles reveals he's going to make humans non corrupt again by making books, paintings, music, and other bad influences go away. Mr. Dabney and Mr. Darvey, the two brutes Dr. Baffels works for, hold Dr. Baffles captive as well after refuses to have anything more to do with them. Wonder Dog escapes and warns the Super Friends that Wendy and Marvin need to be rescued."@en . "1984-10-13"^^ . "The Terror on the Titanic"@en . "Batman, Robin and Aquaman put to sea in an effort to end the pirating and pillaging of Captain Shark and his immobilizing ray."@en . . "Mxyzptlk\u2019s Flick"@en . "The Day Of The Rats"@en . "Superman brings a new engine for the Bat-jet to the Bat-cave. However when Batman opens it up he finds the Riddler hiding inside. He hops out and spritzes Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin with stupid spray. There's only one anecdote and the Riddler has hidden it somewhere and if the Super Friends don't find it before the time limit is up they will be super stupid forever. Before he hops away, the Riddler gives the Super Friends their first Riddle clue. The Super Friends arrive at the Mayan ruins in Chichen Itza, there Superman spots what he believes is the anecdote in the pyramid by using his X-Ray vision. The Super Friends enter the pyramid only to be caught in a Riddler trap. They escape the trap they find the Riddler's second clue but by that time they need the assistance of the Bat-Computer because they had become too stupid to figure out the riddles. The computer tell them to got to Mt. Everest and there they defeat the Riddler and get the anecdote."@en . "The passengers of a disabled aircraft get instant attention as Superman and superhero Flash rash to save them from Tibetan raiders."@en . "Doctor Fright"@en . "Invasion of the Brain Creatures"@en . "The Wonder Twins and space monkey Gleek have a serious problem on their hands when they use their Exxor powers to detour the dangers of hitchhiking."@en . "Green Lantern and Superman must stop the reign of terror caused by Martians who traveled to Earth in a returning space probe."@en . "1978-04-14"^^ . "Superman, Batman and Robin are outnumbered but not outsmarted when they change the plans of the mysterious Secret Four."@en . "The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange forgotten world beneath our own. When Wonder Woman and Samurai explore the strange subterranean world, they are attacked by pre-historic creatures called Slarums. Technos saves the two Super Friends and offers to show them the world of the Volti. During the tour Technos gets mad because the two Super Friends asked him why the Volti have not helped the Slarums and as a result, Technos imprisons them. Wonder Woman and Samurai escape and head over to the Hall of Justice to contact the other Super Friends only to be met by Slarums. Wonder Woman, Samurai, and the Slarums decide to pay the Volti a visit to unite the two races and lift the Hall of Justice back to the surface."@en . "October 2013"@en . "When a descendant of the original Dr. Frankenstein abducts and steals the powers of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and transfers them into his latest creation, it's up to Robin to stop the Super-Monster. He transfers the remaining powers into himself, then manages to restore the Super Friends power."@en . "Colossus"@en . "1978-02-20"^^ . "1978-08-29"^^ . "Brainiac develops android duplicates of Superman and Wonder Woman in an attempt to seek revenge on the Superfriends. He enlists the reluctant help of Darkseid, who was tricked into following the android Wonder Woman right into Brainiac's star-ship. Darkseid and Brainiac hatch a plan to capture all the Superfriends...but, not long after their capture, it does not take long for the two egotistical villains to be at each other's throats. Darkseid and his gang whisk away with Wonder Woman through their stargate but it's Brainiac who indirectly has the last laugh on Darkseid."@en . "1981-09-26"^^ . "1977-10-13"^^ . "1980-10-11"^^ . "The Super Friends try to destroy each other as the impy villain Mr. Mxyzptlk strikes again!"@en . "The Recruiter"@en . "Green Lantern and Superman must stop the reign of terror caused by Martians who traveled to Earth in a returning space probe. They are finally tricked into returning to Mars."@en . "Forbidden Power"@en . "The Legion of Doom makes a deal with an old swamp sorceress and her demon - An equivalent amount of the power of good in exchange for an equivalent amount of the power of evil. In order to gain that power of evil, the Legion decides to give the demon the Super Friends as the power of good."@en . "When Sinestro, Black Manta, and Cheetah are abandoned by the rest of the Legion of Doom on a failed mission, they're captured by the Super Friends. After escaping, they seek revenge against their comrades by utilizing a transmutation device, capturing a couple of the Super Friends in the process. Luthor actually has to summon the Super Friends to help them against their rogue members."@en . "The Wonder Twins activate their special powers to save a couple of girls who try an ill-advised adventure as stowaways and almost wind up as flotsam and jetsam."@en . "Gotham City is literally held in the grip of terror by The Scarecrow's arsenal of Fear Transmitters. Scouring Gotham in search of Scarecrow, Batman is himself paralyzed with fright when he finds himself in the middle of Crime Alley, where years earlier the parents of Batman's alter ego Bruce Wayne had been murdered in cold blood. Taking advantage of the situation, Scarecrow intends to keep Batman trapped in Crime Alley forever by using a captured Robin and Wonder Woman as bait\u2014forcing the Caped Crusader to purge himself of his lifelong fears once and for all!\nNOTE: This is the first time that the origin of Batman is told in any other media outside the comics."@en . "The Wonder Twins and space monkey Gleek have to teach some youngsters a lesson about the dangers of joyriding in an airplane."@en . "Super Friends Vs. Super Friends"@en . "A group of Rock and Roll Space Bandits paralyze the Super Friends and invade a major city on Earth using their hypnotic music. The Wonder Twins come to the rescue but get hypnotized. Wonder Woman helps the rest of the Super Friends get free and they rush off to stop those musical menaces."@en . "1983-09-10"^^ . "In an unexplained catastrophe, the Superfriends have failed and Earth is now devoid of life. Three mystical individuals visit the now-ruined Hall of Justice and see a recording from a weakened Superman, last survivor of the Superfriends, showing how the Legion of Doom won. The three extraterrestrials see if there is a way to undo everything and give good another chance."@en . "A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman realizes whose responsible. The door opens up, sucking everything inside, including Batman and Superman. The doorway is a warp between Earth and the Fifth Dimension. Once in the mixed up world of Mr. Mxyzptlk, the two heroes are put through a series of comical and offbeat challenges once the imp removes Superman's cape and Batman's utility belt. Superman is \"sentenced\" to life in a vegetable garden where green beans are the equivalent to kryptonite. Batman is \"sentenced\" to life upside down. Superman eventually finds a way to get himself and Batman out of the Fifth Dimension and back to Earth."@en . "The Shamon \u2018U\u2019"@en . "1.893456E8"^^ . "Once Upon a Poltergeist"@en . "A villain created for this episode, named Dollmaker, uses clay dolls and voodoo black magic to command the real Superfriends to commit crimes. A few of the Superfriends don't fall victim and must rescue the others from Dollmaker's spell."@en . "While on their weekly meeting, The Super Friends receive a TroubAlert message about an out of power giant freight train in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Superman goes to California to stop the out of control train that is about to collide with another train. Shortly after the Super Friends receive another TroubAlert that a cargo ship named the Queen Victoria is in the middle of a big storm and is about to be driven against some rocks. Wonder Woman takes Aquaman right to the ship in her thought powered transparent plane where he must find a way to anchor the powerless ship. While on their way to pick up Aquaman from the coast, Batman and Robin have to save two construction workers when an out of control crane puts their lives in danger. Meanwhile Aquaman successfully anchors the ship with the help of some ocean creatures and regroups with Batman, Robin, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog. There they meet a Special Inspector with Scotland Yard named Sir Cedric Cedric who says the British ships have been targeted and he was looking for sabotage. Wonder Woman was patrolling skies and noticed a leak in the dam that is about to cause a flood. To hold off the water, Wonder Woman makes an earth dam, but it springs a leak causing her to slam a boulder into it. The rest of the Super Friends join her and help stop the flood for good by shutting off the flood gates. On a stormy night, Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog check out the electrical generator plant and find a mysterious shadowy figure. The young heroes chase the mysterious figure but only to bump into Sir Cedric Cedric who says the suspect had gotten away. The Super Friends must stop the power outage disasters with the help of Wendy providing details about the electrical generator plant figure out who is the Power Pirate and how Sir Cedric fits into the picture."@en . "The SuperFriends tackle the supernatural when the Ghost, a villain from the past, is freed from his imprisonment and threatens the world with an eerie fate. He also wants to take revenge on Superman and Wonder Woman for imprisoning his spirit. Now the other Super Friends members must save Superman and Wonder Woman before it is too late."@en . "The Demons from Exxor"@en . "Bud, a fed-up make up artist for a movie studio, decides to redo a monster mask for a government film using his untested hormone solution. As the unsuspecting make up artist puts on the monster mask, the experimental hormone solution reacts strangely with his skin, changing him into the very monster he created. The Flash, Batman and Robin, who where in the studio supervising the government film, encounter Bud and dare to challenge his reign of terror. The Flash points out the only way to stop Bud is to counteract the make up formula. Batman agrees and comes up with a formula using some material from the Batmobile. When the heroes turn Bud back to normal, the director offers them a contract to star in his next film. However, Batman points out that they already signed a lifetime contract with the Justice League."@en . "Cable Car Rescue"@en . "World Beneath the Ice"@en . "Invasion of the Gleeks"@en . "The Ghost"@en . "1984-10-06"^^ . "While monitoring the galaxy from his impenetrable Fortress of Solitude, Superman notices a Black Hole that is going to suck up the Earth. Superman attempts to stop it but gets himself pulled into the Black Hole. Using the Bat-Rocket, Batman and Samurai set out to accomplish what Superman failed to do. However, the two heroes end up getting pulled into an Asteroid Planet in the center of the Black Hole. Upon finding Superman imprisoned, the heroes are attacked by a Star Energy Creature. The Super Friends must break free and stop the Star Creature from absorbing the Earth."@en . "Past and present collide when Lex Luthor decides to alter the past after discovering the secret origins of Green Lantern, Superman and Wonder Woman. Using the Hall of Doom\u2019s time conveyor, Cheetah cheats in a tournament to become Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor tricks Hal Jordan into letting him become the Green Luthor. The Legion also uses the Hall of Doom to send young Kal-El to a red sun planet. The remaining Super Friends must now go back in time to undo the Legion's tampering with the past. Flash first helps Diana fight Cheetah to become Wonder Woman, which Diana's mother accepts, Black Vulcan defeats Lex Luthor and Hal Jordan as test pilot gets green power to become Green Lantern. Finally, Batman and Robin save Superman, sending young Kal-El to Earth. Mom and Dad gets him named Clark Kent and Clark becomes Superman!"@en . "Bizarowurld"@en . "The Stowaways from Space"@en . "Gleek and those Wonder Twins have to save a girl from the perils of a dangerous prank played by some thoughtless companions."@en . "Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons. The leader of the group, Super Frog, plans on keeping who he sees as invaders as prisoners. He then turns Superman into an eagle and Batman into a real bat. The aliens' headquarters is referred to as the Hall of Zoon. Fortunately Batman and Superman are able to warp into their own galaxy and the effects wear off...Batman remarks that Superman would have made a great eagle."@en . "Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay . The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help. Batman, Robin and Back Vulcan zip out there and rescue the astronauts. Assuming the blob burned up in the atmosphere, they return to earth, but then the blob reappears and after some failed attempts, they figure out the creature has a problem with sugar."@en . . "Gulliver\u2019s Gigantic Goof"@en . "Lex Luthor says that only a few Super Friends really matter, so he proposes to the Legion of Doom to travel back in time and prevent Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman from existing. Cheetah cheats in a tournament and becomes Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor becomes Green Lantern and the Legion of Doom alter baby Kal-El's spaceship away from Earth. The Legion of Doom soon realizes their mistake in underestimating the more obscure Super Friends, who also travel back in time and rectify Luthor's meddling and gaining back their teammates of Kal-El, Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman."@en . "In India, Superman and Green Lantern have their hands full when a huge, wild, white elephant tears through jungles and villages on a rampage-looking for its baby."@en . "King Plasto steals raw plastic powder to create Frerp, a special plastic which he uses to confound the Super Friends. The king has been intercepting every shipment of the powder on its way to the government space research station because he intends to use the raw powder for his own means. The Super Friends set out to end his reign of terror."@en . "In the remote heights of Transylvania's alps, Dracula awakes after a 100-year sleep. Dracula starts havoc by releasing a strange glowing powder that turns people into vampires. Meanwhile, Batman & Robin receive a distress call and speeds off to Transylvania. They search Dracula's castle only to get captured by Dracula himself. Later Wonder Woman and Aquaman arrived in Transylvania after the Wonder Twins reported it was taken over by bats only to be attacked by dozens of mindless vampires. Another report of vampire attacks was made and this time Superman went to Vienna to stop them. While in Vienna, Superman runs into Dracula, who was continuing his conquest, and gets turned into a vampire. Realizing Superman is under Dracula\u2019s control, the Wonder Twins attempt to stop the victimized Man of Steel. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, and Robin all escape the face of danger only to find that Superman and the Wonder Twins have been turned into vampires and are turning nearly everyone else into vampires as well. The four Super Friends regroup at the Biological Research Center in Switzerland to find a way to reverse the effects the vampires have on people. They now must find a strange breed of South American bat in the Andes Mountains whose cave has gases that could reverse the vampire effect. It\u2019s now up to the Super Friends to transform the vampires back to normal and figure out a way to stop Dracula."@en . "The Mind Maidens"@en . "1973-09-29"^^ . "The SuperFriends must call on their skills to overcome the perils of monstrous plant creatures."@en . "Time Rescue"@en . "Batman, Robin, and El Dorado investigate a series of crimes which lead them to the conclusion that the culprits are not human."@en . "The Voodoo Vampire"@en . "1977-11-26"^^ . "1977-12-15"^^ . "Those outer-space Wonder Twins and Gleek point out the error of jumping to conclusions as they tackle an escaped tiger ."@en . "The Man Beasts Of Xra"@en . "1973-11-23"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek excel with Exxorian powers when they have to bring a dangerous initiation stunt to a safe ending."@en . "With her free will removed, Wonder Woman leads the Super Friends into a trap after they arrive at Darkseid's palace to save her. Firestorm's duo persona allows him to free himself and the Super Friends from Darkseid's clutches."@en . "Lex Luthor disrupts Darkseid's quiet time on [[W:C:DC:Apokolips"@en . "The Wonder Twins find a magic lamp, the evil Space Genie of it gives them three wishes, which lead to trouble. However with the last wish, they never used the lamp."@en . "After a rocket came plunging back to Earth and crashed, Colonel Wilcox informs the Super Friends that the astronauts are missing. When Colonel Wilcox and the Super Friends investigated the scene they found a tape recording from a man named Dr. Rebos that said all further space exploration must cease including the top secret Venus probe mission. Conveniently, Clark Kent has been given a television assignment on the Venus space probe in which he attends with Wendy and Marvin. Wonder Dog forgot has pass and stays outside where he\u2019s confronted by a man who wants to take his picture. The man is actually Dr. Rebos who is talking picture so he can make an android double of Wonder Dog to infiltrate the space station and destroy the mission. Colonel Wilcox called Wonder Dog a traitor for his sabotage causing Wendy and Marvin to walk out in disgust. The teens figure it couldn\u2019t have been Wonder Dog after recalling the events of the day and decide to do same investigating. Meanwhile, the Super Friends guard the space center unbeknownst to them that Dr. Rebos is watching them to make an android Superman. The Super Friends encounter more confusion when Dr. Rebos makes a robot of Superman, and orders him to destroy the Mars space station. While the real Superman fights his android double, it\u2019s up to the rest of the Super Friends pull the plug on Dr. Rebos and his androids."@en . "Wanted: The Super Friends"@en . "1977-10-22"^^ . "While accompanying Professor Naska and his students on a field trip to Ancient Aztec ruins in Mexico, El Dorado is attacked by Alien Invaders. When El Dorado scares them off, an angered Alien Mummy attacks El Dorado and the others. Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, Superman and Wonder Woman receive a U.F.O. alert and head out to Mexico. When the two Super Friends arrive see The Alien Mummy has El Dorado and the others have been put under mind control. When Superman and Wonder Woman confront the Alien Mummy, he turns both of them into golden statues. Wonder Woman's attempt to communicate telepathically with El Dorado was a success when he breaks free of the Alien Mummy's mind control and distracts the Alien Mummy with a hologram Beast. Meanwhile he transports himself to find his Super Friends turned to gold. El Dorado brings them back to the Alien Mummy who gets his power source broken by Superman's X-Ray vision which returns everyone to normal. El Dorado leads the Alien Mummy into his spacecraft and Superman sends him off."@en . "1980-10-04"^^ . "1978-07-03"^^ . "Island of the Dinosoids"@en . "1984-09-08"^^ . "The Demons of Exxor"@en . "When a few members of the Super Friends and Legion of Doom are engaged in a battle in Earth's orbit, they're captured by a being named Vartu who brings them to his universe where he subjects them to a number of challenges to determine which is better, good or evil. While the four captured Super Friends are busy with these contests, the remaining members of both sides search through different universes in an effort to find their missing comrades."@en . "1977-12-03"^^ . "A group of teens dare each other to go into the old Brimstone Mansion in the cemetery, a place that is said to be haunted. Two of them go in the mansion and get trapped inside. The other two ask the Wonder Twins go inside to look for the other boys but get captured by old man Holmes, the cemetery caretaker. Gleek informs Batman & Robin who come to the rescue and stop Holmes cold in his tracks."@en . "Streaking in the Invisible Jet, Wonder Woman and The Atom answer a distress call on the emergency scanner from a Dr. Wells. Wells' call was actually a trap to get Wonder Woman and The Atom to test out his new time machine. Wonder Woman starts pressing buttons attempting to escape but actually starts the Time Machine to send The Atom and herself to December 1776. General George Washington mistakes Wonder Woman for a spy and attempts to capture her. The two heroes escape and move further back into the past to a 17th century galleon where they are confronted by Black Beard. After saving The Atom, Wonder Woman and Atom escape in the time machine. The Atom decides to shrink down to microscopic size to rewire the circuits in the time Machine to go back to 1980. When they come back Dr. Wells tries to elude them by using the Time Machine to escape. The heroes travel millions of years in the Pre historic past to capture him."@en . "Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge of security during the night. Giganta sets a trap and captures Gleek with bananas and takes him to Gorillia Grodd miles away on the outskirts of Metropolis. Because so many Justice League members were going to meet in one place, they tried to take precautions but a mechanical duplicate of Gleek arrives at the Hall of Justice to use his killer laser eyes on the Justice League and help Grodd and Giganta take over the Hall of Justice. However the Super Friends then reveal they used androids, knowing such a meeting would probably cause an attack by villains."@en . "The Marsh Monster"@en . "1978-05-19"^^ . "1977-09-10"^^ . "1983-09-24"^^ . "1973-10-26"^^ . "The Super Friends are visited by Mister Mxyzptlk who comes complete with a script for a movie that he wants the Super Friends to star in. The imp uses his 5th dimensional mind control to cause the Super Friends to act out the script...but Superman is not affected by the mind control but he nonetheless goes along with everything in an elaborate plot to trick Mxyzptlk into saying his last name backwards - Using Superman's heat vision to change the last word on the script.\nNOTE: In one scene, a zombie Lois Lane shows up in a wedding dress wearing a kryptonite wedding ring."@en . "The Wonder Twins, Zan and Jayna, must save two boys that are trapped underwater by a shark."@en . "1974-04-15"^^ . . "Super Friends is American animated series about a team of superheroes which ran from 1973 to 1986 on ABC. In the 1990s, the show was being shown on Cartoon Network and more recently its sister channel, Boomerang. It is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics. Each episode was 60 minutes long. After the second season, it was reduced to 30 minutes and ever so often expanded cast of characters by featuring other JLA heroes joining the main five Super Friends (Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman) on a semi-regular basis. The series episodes varied from single episode stand-alone stories to episodes with two, three, or even four segments. The varied incarnations of the group, from Super Friends (1973\u20131974) through The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985\u20131986), were considered by their creators to be one series.[citation needed] There were a total of 109 episodes, along with two back door pilot episodes of The New Scooby-Doo Movies, with Batman and Robin appearing in \"The Dynamic Scooby Doo Affair\" and \"The Caped Crusader Caper.\""@en . "1978-08-01"^^ . "Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core and then returns to the present to find Earth a very different place. Robin confronts him and has no idea who Superman is and then remarks that the Justice League was defeated by the Legion of Doom, he is the only one alive. He soon realizes that by saving Krypton that it erased his time on Earth and that nobody had ever heard of Superman before. He goes back into the time warp and makes sure Krypton explodes by removing the Super-Mobile Core because he figures that Earth would need a person like Superman to protect it."@en . "Two Gleeks are Deadlier Than One"@en . "The Protector"@en . "Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay . The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help. Batman, Robin and Back Vulcan arrive and rescue the astronauts. Assuming the blob burned up in the atmosphere, they return to Earth, but then the blob reappears and after some failed attempts, they figure out that the substance may have an unstable reaction to sugar."@en . "The Giants Of Doom"@en . "The Mysterious Moles"@en . "The Time Trap"@en . "The Planet of Oz"@en . . "1977-09-15"^^ . "The Space Racers"@en . "1978-09-16"^^ . "Zy-Kree, an escapee from the Phantom Zone seeks revenge on Superman by turning the Earth's sun red and thus depowering the man of steel while hiding in the Fortress of Solitude. It is up to Green Lantern and Aquaman to help their friend defeat the evil Kryptonian who has the same powers as Superman. Finally he is sent back to the Phantom Zone."@en . "The Garden of Doom"@en . "Superman and Aquaman find themselves entangled in a deep-sea mystery when they meet the tentacled attack of a giant squid."@en . "The Video Victims"@en . "Prejudice"@en . "Volcano"@en . "Teen angst and bullying are spotlighted at the start of this episode. In the meantime, after a daring mission on a skyscraper, Batman loses his utility belt. The boy who was being bullied finds the belt and seeks revenge. Unfortunately, the boy doesn't know what all power that the belt contains and he accidentally switches on a high frequency signal that leads to Earth shaking effects and building destruction."@en . "The Mysterious Time Creatures"@en . "While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisinor inside, and are then trapped in a dream world. They have nightmares. Superman dreams that everything he touches turns to kryptonite. Wonder woman tries to save them by wrapping her golden lasso around her waist and entering the dream world. She instructs a minor to wake her in five minutes by tugging on the lasso. It works. Superman then breathes the creature into his lungs and blows him back into the pod."@en . "The Super Friends zoom off in an all out struggle against invading insects from a far off planet, for the entire Earth is threatened by the coming of the Arthropods, led by the evil Insecta."@en . "Aquaman is exposed to a radioactive substance that turns him into a prehistoric sea creature from which he evolved. In order to cure him, Superman and Wonder Woman are shrunk down to microscopic size and sent within the creature to give it another dose of radiation."@en . "The Village of Lost Souls"@en . "Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive a destroyed Hall of Doom and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building constructors reveal themselves to be Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy, Sinestro and the rest of the Legion of Doom. Batman and Robin are captured immediately. The Legion restores the Hall of Doom and they pick up where they left off, plotting crimes and world domination. When the Legion of Doom attacks Metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman attempt to stop them only to get crystallized by Lex Luthor's Crystallization Ray. With the Super Friends defeated, the Legion of Doom take over the Hall of Justice to make their demands. Meanwhile Superman and Wonder Woman are able to move again thanks to Superman's X-Ray vision and are off to stop the Legion of Doom. Batman and Robin must find a way to reverse the polarity of Luthor's Crystallization Ray to transform Superman and Wonder Woman back to normal so the Legion of Doom's raid on Fort Knox can be put to an end."@en . "1977-11-03"^^ . "1979-10-13"^^ . "The Runaways"@en . "Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Super Friends into an arcade game reminiscent of Pac-Man and Bizarro is in control of the hungry muncher. Midway through the game the giant Pac-Man creature turns green\u2014a kryptonite creature that swallows a severely weakened Superman. Ultimately, Bizarro becomes a victim of his own plan."@en . "Trial of the Super Friends"@en . "A tornado transports the Hall of Justice to the Land of Oz where Mister Mxyzptlk, who has once again escaped from the 5th Dimension, informs the Super Friends that they must find The Wizard to get home. Along the way they encounter the Wicked Witch of the Worst Kind in a gingerbread house who turns Superman into the Tin Man, Wonder Woman into the Cowardly Lion and Aquaman into the Scarecrow."@en . "Important research projects have been closed down, and the Super Friends are called in to find and restore disappearing air conditioning units. The Super Friends' mission leads then into a strange new subterranean world discovered by a pair of spelunkers. They are forced to fight the creatures of that world, animated trees and rocks."@en . "Batman, Robin, and the Wonder Twins are thrown into a movie by Mr. Mxyzptlk."@en . "Frozen Peril"@en . "Palette\u2019s Perils"@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman show no fear when they meet up with the terrifying Doctor Fright."@en . "1978-06-09"^^ . "Rokan: Enemy from Space"@en . "Secret Origins of the Super Friends"@en . "The Super Friends match wits and skills in an underground adventure against the mysterious mining monsters known as the Earthors."@en . "1978-05-12"^^ . "1985-10-30"^^ . "1978-02-13"^^ . "Professor Goodfellow\u2019s G.E.E.C."@en . "The three Phantom Zone villains return to Earth and create chaos. In this episode they travel back in time in an attempt to alter Superboy's life...hoping that he'll never grow up to become Superman. Meanwhile, in the future, Superman learns of the plot and he too travels back in time to save his own past and capture the Phantom Zone villains."@en . "Aquaman is exposed to a radioactive substance that turns him into a prehistoric sea creature from which he evolved. In order to cure him, Superman and Wonder Woman, inside the Super Mobile, are shrunk down to microscopic size and sent within the creature's veins to attempt to give it another dose of radiation in the hopes that it will reverse the effects of the radiation and return Aquaman to normal. In the meantime the rest of the Super Friends have to do whatever they can to limit the creature's destructive nature all over the city."@en . "A sinister space probe from planet Zeno visits Earth to capture people and objects for scientific study. The Super Friends must stop \"Exploration Earth\"."@en . "1977-09-08"^^ . "Traveling from space, three pirate ships make their way towards Earth. When Captain Sinbad and his Space Pirate crew reach Earth they start stealing treasures from South America. After receiving a message on the Justice League Trouble Alert, Superman and Wonder Woman confronts Captain Sinbad and his Space Pirate crew. Captain Sinbad then hurls city buildings toward a mountain range allowing the pirates to escape the two Super Friends. The Super Friends regroup to strategize and later streak off to confront the Space Pirates. While trying to stop a Space Pirate boat Wonder Woman gets hit with a stun laser and taken captive aboard one of the ships. Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, the JLA satellite monitor picked up Wonder Woman causing Zan to convince Jana to go after her. When Zan and Jana find Wonder Woman, they get trapped by Space Pirates and a mind controlled Wonder Woman and were made Sinbad\u2019s slaves. Wonder Woman then sends a warning to the other Super Friends to leave the Space Pirates alone or they may never see the Wonder Twins again. Superman then disguises himself as Clark Kent to enter the Space Pirates\u2019 ship and rescue Wonder Woman and the Wonder Twins.\nNOTE: This and The World's Greatest Super Friends episode, \"Space Knights of Camelon\" are the only episodes of the Super Friends series where Wonder Woman's golden lasso involves truth compelling power like in the live action Wonder Woman series which had a cancellation when CBS ended its third season a year later."@en . . "After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones of the two heroes. Brainiac programs the Aquaman and El Dorado clones to their counterparts bring them back to Brainiac's Laboratory. After attempting to rob a ship, the clones are apprehended. The next day in court the clones say the Super Friends have turned against the people. The real El Dorado and Aquaman tricks Brainiac to free them and the hero transport to the Metropolis courthouse. There they clear up the situation and incarcerate Brainiac."@en . "Superman and special guest hero, Samurai, face the heat of a volcano in making a dangerous rescue."@en . "A group of teens dare each other to go into the old Brimstone Mansion in the cemetery, a place that is said to be haunted. Two of them go in the mansion and get trapped inside. The other two ask the Wonder Twins go inside to look for the other boys but get captured by old man Holmes, the cemetery's paranoid caretaker. Gleek informs Batman & Robin who come to the rescue and stop Holmes cold in his tracks."@en . "Aquaman and special guest superhero Samurai use super teamwork to save an African village from the attack of the killer bees."@en . "After saving a Killer Whale, Aquaman notices the water is on fire and radios Wonder Woman for help who then tells Superman. Meanwhile Aquaman, with the help of his Whale friend helps move a ship from the path of the flaming water. Superman arrives stops the flames with a concrete road and his super breath. The Super Friends find out that a group of Lava Men are the ones who are causing the trouble. Solderath, King of the Lava Men, wreaks havoc on the surface world because he feels the Lava Men have been living underground for too long while the humans occupy the surface. While the Wonder Woman fights the Lava Men, Superman stops a fire ball over the North Pole and Aquaman stops a giant whirlpool from draining the ocean. When the three Super Friends rejoin each other they defeat the Lava Men and return them back to the center of the Earth."@en . "Vandals"@en . "With Darkseid and his minions in hot pursuit, Superman, Firestorm and Cyborg temporarily take shelter in a huge derelict space vessel. It turns out that the three Galactic Guardians have boarded a ghost ship, controlled by a fugitive princess who uses hologram images to ward off pirates and to protect the people of her planet\u2014who live in miniaturized form in a locket around her neck. Darkseid hopes to exploit the princess, and to take sinister advantage of Superman's weakened state!"@en . "The Tiny World Of Terror"@en . "Revenge of Bizarro"@en . "The Wonder Twins and Aquaman search the Amazon River for Doctor Marks whose on an expedition. The doctor's son needs a blood transfusion and there's only a moment of hours left for the Super Friends to locate the doctor."@en . "Bigfoot"@en . "The Case of the Dreadful Dolls"@en . "Uncle Mxyzptlk"@en . "While accompanying Professor Naska and his students on a field trip to Ancient Aztek ruins in Mexico, El Dorado is attacked by Alien Invaders. When El Dorado scares them off, an angered Alien Mummy attacks El Dorado and the others. Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, Superman and Wonder Woman receive a U.F.O. alert and head out to Mexico. When the two Super Friends arrive see The Alien Mummy has El Dorado and the others have been put under mind control. When Superman and Wonder Woman confront the Alien Mummy, he turns both of them into golden statues. Wonder Woman's attempt to communicate telepathically with El Dorado was a success when he breaks free of the Alien Mummy's mind control and distracts the Alien Mummy with a hologram Beast. Meanwhile he transports himself to find his Super Friends turned to gold. El Dorado brings them back to the Alien Mummy who gets his power source broken by Superman's X-Ray vision which returns everyone to normal. El Dorado leads the Alien Mummy into his spacecraft and Superman sends him off."@en . "1980-11-01"^^ . "Bizzaro creates a \"giant ray\" that turns anyone into 100-foot giants and uses it to make himself, Sinestro, Toyman and Captain Cold giants and each of them take over a continent in the world."@en . "The Anti-Matter Monster"@en . "Bizarro #1, the weird yet funny Superman doppelganger from Htrae , uses his duplicator ray to create Bizarro versions of Wonder Woman, Firestorm and Cyborg. These \"opposite clones\" are then called upon to protect Bizarro World from its many enemies. Unfortunately, the prankish Mr. Mxyzptlk plans to harness the powers of the three Bizarro superheroes in order to wreak havoc upon the earth, in an endless series of nasty pranks and practical jokes specially designed to drive everyone as crazy as HE is! Until the Real Wonder Woman uses the duplicator ray on Mr. Mxyzptlk to create Mr. Kltpzyxm, causing the Bizarro Super Powers team to go back to Bizarro World and stop him, and making Mr. Mxyzptlk accidentally say his name backwards and go back to the 5th dimension."@en . "The Super Friends combine their superheroics in an all-out conflict with the evil scientist Dictor and the mysterious Time Creatures."@en . "Kareem Azaar is a ruthless thief on the Planet Zaghdad who has stolen the Magic Lamp of Olam, which contains the power of an evil genie. Kareem uses the Genie's power to take over the planet and banish the Sultan into the world of the Genie's lamp. When the Super Friends arrive to do battle, Superman and the Wonder Twins wind up in the lamp leaving the other heroes to take on Kareem's forces."@en . . "Revenge On Gorilla City"@en . "Using his micro-wave reducer, mad Dr. Hiram Gulliver shrinks all adults- including the Superfriends- to two inches tall to help the population problem ... and also to rule over them . The Green Arrow joins the Superfriends to stop him and to return things to normal."@en . "1978-01-16"^^ . "3.15576E9"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and two other kids get trapped deep within the ski slopes. Meanwhile at the snow lodge, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are investigating a mysterious Ice Monster story. Clark sees the teens in danger and comes to their rescue as Superman."@en . "1977-09-22"^^ . "While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisoner inside, and are then trapped in a dream world. Superman dreams that everything he touches turns to kryptonite. Batman's nightmare involves a building's ledge turning to dust as he falls into the awaiting jaws of a viscous monster. Wonder Woman tries to save them by wrapping her golden lasso around her waist and entering the dream world. She instructs a miner to wake her in five minutes by tugging on the lasso. It works. Superman then breathes the creature into his lungs and blows him back into the pod."@en . "1977-10-20"^^ . "Conquerors of the Future"@en . "1978-12-09"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and space monkey [[W:C:DC:Gleek"@en . "Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin meet up with a misguided genius, Dr. Cranum, and his Brain Machine."@en . "The Witch\u2019s Arcade"@en . "At an intergalactic auction, Darkseid and his crew set their eyes on gold kryptonite. It's the only chunk of gold kryptonite, which can permanently strip away all of the powers that Superman enjoys on Earth. known to be in existence. Black Vulcan, Wonder Woman, and Firestorm infiltrate the auction under disguise as ice creatures. They plan on bidding high and taking the gold kryptonite before it can fall into enemy hands, but Darkseid soon realizes their plan."@en . "Shark"@en . "Those Wonder Twins and Gleek excel with Exxorian powers when they have to bring a dangerous initiation stunt to a safe ending."@en . "The Bizarro Super Powers Team"@en . "In far-off India, Superman and Green Lantern have their hands full when a huge, wild, white elephant tears through jungles and villages on a rampage-looking for its baby."@en . "The Attack of the Cats"@en . "1973-10-27"^^ . "The Invasion of the Space Dolls"@en . "A family of aliens from the planet Balunia leave their polluted planet for a home on Earth. After their flying saucer lands, the balloon people are befriended by the Super Friends. However, the news reports of these unusual guests prompt ambitious scholar Noah Tall to devise a plan to capture the balloon people. When they are kidnapped, the Super Friends must rescue them."@en . "1984-09-15"^^ . "Reflections in Crime"@en . "The Wonder Twins accidentally expose Superman to Red Kryptonite which turns him into a 6-year old kid. Throughout the episode the Wonder Twins, Firestorm, and Samurai have to babysit the kid whom they have nick-named super brat. Mr. Mxyzptlk does not make things any better with his practical jokes and pranks."@en . "Mxyzptlk Strikes Again"@en . "Pressure Point"@en . "Attack of the Vampire"@en . "The Weather Maker"@en . "1977-11-19"^^ . "Rampage"@en . "1977-11-05"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek teach a lesson in honesty when a double-crossing cross-country runner has a misadventure in cheating."@en . "The Ice Demon"@en . "1977-12-17"^^ . "The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange forgotten world beneath our own. When Wonder Woman and Samurai explore the strange subterranean world, they are attacked by prehistoric creatures called Slarums. Technos saves the two Super Friends and offers to show them the world of the Volti. During the tour Technos gets mad because the two Super Friends asked him why the Volti have not helped the Slarums and as a result, Technos imprisons them. Wonder Woman and Samurai escape and head over to the Hall of Justice to contact the other Super Friends only to be met by Slarums. Wonder Woman, Samurai, and the Slarums decide to pay the Volti a visit to unite the two races and lift the Hall of Justice back to the surface."@en . "The Super Friends search for a mysterious blue jet that is emitting a blue beam that is destroying gold and creating other disasters, like damaging steel girders at a construction site, cement blocks at the dam, phone cables, and the black board in Marvin's school classroom. The pilots of the blue jet are Hank and Ben, two scientists who are destroying gold, with the belief that gold is the root of all evil. They feel they are doing the world a favor by destroying the gold, and trying to turn it into other useful minerals. The Super Friends track the blue jet with the GETTI graph at the Seismological Bureau, and Wendy and Marvin wind up aboard the blue jet trying to convince Hank and Ben, that what they are doing is wrong."@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman go on an elecrifying adventure when the meet the marauding monster of Dr. Droid."@en . . "1973-11-24"^^ . "Darkseid\u2019s Golden Trap Part 1"@en . "The Curator"@en . "Attack of the Giant Squid"@en . "The IBN computer research facility creates Romac,the most advanced compupter the world has ever known. When tested, Romac turns on his IBN creators and tries to destroy the Super Friends by turning the Justice League Computer and the Supermobile against them. Batman, Robin, and Black Vulcan have to shut Romac down before he can do more damage."@en . "The Brain Machine"@en . "Day of the Plant Creatures"@en . "Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode. By the end of the episode the heroes teach the aliens that the key to success is to work together."@en . "Superman must save Earth from a giant alien beast."@en . "Brainiac uses a cloaking device to make the Earth look to disappear and when Hawkman, Wonder Woman and Black Vulcan are in space trying to find the earth, Toyman sends a phony distress message that leads them to his sinister planet of toy traps while The Riddler uses his super-riddles to lead the other Super Friends on a wild goose-chase that sends them to their doom."@en . "The World\u2019s Deadliest Game"@en . "1973-11-17"^^ . "The Watermen"@en . "1981-10-10"^^ . "The Lord of Middle Earth"@en . "The Roller Coaster"@en . "Vampiress, the Voodoo Vampire from Africa, goes after the Super Friends and seeks to make them her vampire slaves. It's now up to Wonder Woman and Black Vulcan to go her underground tomb and stop her."@en . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage. At the Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and The Flash notice there are three spacecraft violating lightspeed in the Saturn sector and decide to check it out. When they arrive they see the space punks have hit a space mining ship. Wonder Woman and The Flash save the two space miners and The Wonder Twins saves the out of control Space Ship."@en . "1978-10-14"^^ . "Super Friends is American animated series about a team of superheroes which ran from 1973 to 1986 on ABC. In the 1990s, the show was being shown on Cartoon Network and more recently its sister channel, Boomerang. It is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics. Each episode was 60 minutes long. After the third season, it was reduced to 30 minutes and ever so often expanded cast of characters by featuring other JLA heroes joining the main five Super Friends (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman and Robin) on a semi-regular basis. The series episodes varied from single episode stand-alone stories to episodes with two, three, or even four segments. The varied incarnations of the group, from Super Friends (1973\u20131974) through The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985\u20131986), were considered by their creators to be one series.[citation needed] There were a total of 109 episodes, along with two episodes of The New Scooby-Doo Movies, with Batman and Robin appearing in \"The Dynamic Scooby Doo Affair\" and \"The Caped Crusader Caper.\""@en . "Day Of The Plant Creatures"@en . "The Warlord\u2019s Amulet"@en . "1977-10-29"^^ . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek travel into the hot desert to cool the dangerous canyon-jumping stunts of some reckless motorcyclists."@en . "1974-04-08"^^ . "The Rock and Roll Space Bandits"@en . "Voodoo Vampire"@en . "The Final Challenge"@en . "The Aircraft Terror"@en . "A boy loses his pet dog during an accident in the wilderness. After being taken to the hospital he's given a clean bill of health but yet the boy insists he's paralyzed. It's then up to the Super Friends to convince the boy that his paralysis isn't real and that it is more than likely an emotional response to the traumatic incident and the loss of the dog. During a bird's eye view of the city, courtesy of Superman, a gigantic metallic monster starts to destroy the city. It ultimately fires out kryptonite, which leaves Superman weakened. Superman pleads for the boy, who still believes he can't walk, to get rid of the kryptonite. The boy struggles to make himself walk again in an attempt to save Superman. There's an emotional twist at the end of the story, though."@en . "At the Wayne Building in Gotham City, a confused spirit of a Mohawk Indian terrorizes the area due to his belief that the building sits on top of an ancient burial site. Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief battle the spirit but its power is greater. Apache Chief eventually finds the true burial ground and instantly the Indian spirit apologizes for his destruction and peacefully fades away."@en . "Darkseid uses a royal princess from Tyron-7 to lure the Super Friends into a trap. He promised her that if she delivered the Super Friends that her planet would be spared from his wrath. However, as things are more apt to do, the plan does not necessarily follow that path and soon the princess learns that she was a pawn in Darkseid's ultimate plot: To banish Tyron-7 into the negative universe. A projector turns the Super Friends to stone and it's up to the princess and her father to free the Super Friends and stop Darkseid."@en . "The alien Fearians recruit the Legion of Doom to help them trick the Super Friends into making Earth's climate suitable for their Venusian bodies."@en . "Lex Luthor invents a shrinking ray and uses it on the Hall of Justice. The older members of the Justice League had earlier flown off to fight a mission in space...leaving behind the junior members like Robin, The Wonder Twins and [[W:C:DC:Gleek"@en . "1978-04-21"^^ . "In this episode a small-time thief named Benny finds an ancient lamp during a robbery. Batman and Apache Chief apprehend the crook...but observing from a distance is Mxyzptlk. He decides to get into the act by playing the part of a genie...who zaps the crook away...and from that point forward the two go on a crime spree. Batman gets the last laugh on Mxyzptlk, though."@en . "Several miles off the coast of Hawaii, a routine Navy mission becomes a nightmare when a submarine's controls short circuits and the nuclear reactor starts to overload. Black Vulcan and Aquaman try to help, but are attacked by nuclear mutated sea creatures. Black Vulcan actually gets eaten by a mutated whale in which Aquaman must come to his rescue. When the two heroes get free, they make it aboard the submarine whose communication transmitter went dead. Now their only chance is to launch Aquaman out of a torpedo tube to clear the beach while Bluck Vulcan uses his electrical powers."@en . "1973-12-01"^^ . "Lex Luthor disrupts Darkseid's quiet time on Apokolips with a plan to destroy the Superfriends. One by one the Superfriends are lured into traps and zapped to Darkseid's palace. Luthor plans on stealing the powers from the Superfriends. In order to do this he needs the omega beams from Darkseid. Once Luthor has gained the powers of the Superfriends he quickly sets his sights on taking control of Darkseid's palace. The wily Darkseid, though, was prepared for a double-cross from Luthor. Suddenly, Luthor is powerless and the Superfriends are free...they regain their powers and they set out to stop Darkseid's latest plan. They thwart his plan but he escapes into his stargate. Afterward, Luthor is put in prison stripes."@en . "1978-03-17"^^ . "Aquaman and [[W:C:DC:Green Lantern"@en . "The SuperFriends find themselves in critical combat against each other when they become captives of Tyrannic the ruler of the underseas world of Oceana."@en . "An evil scientist known as Barko devolves Earth back to a prehistoric planet and brings Neanderthals under his command to the present, which will remain so unless the Super Friends can stop him and retrieve the machine responsible for this from the prehistoric times it was placed in. With the help of Skylab, they build a time tunnel and bring his device back, restoring the world."@en . "The SuperFriends have to do some big thinking when the world is endangered by a shrinking machine in the hands of a greedy inventor."@en . . "1977-10-27"^^ . "1984-10-27"^^ . "The Outlaws of Orion"@en . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek have to teach a serious lesson in brotherhood when the ugliness of prejudice gets some young people into trouble."@en . "Coming of the Arthropods"@en . "Planet Of The Neanderthals"@en . "1973-10-20"^^ . "Space dolls try to take over the world but run out of batteries"@en . "Solomon Grundy convinces the Legion of Doom to find a \"Monolith of Evil\" which gave him his powers. But when four of the Legion's members can't retrieve it, The Riddler tricks the Super Friends into \"helping\" them retrieve it."@en . "A woman named Professor Zhan makes a super strength potion which turns her into a 50 foot woman. Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman must look up to the incredible femme fatale and find a way to bring this 50-feet woman back to normal size. Prof. Zhan tries to make Batman drink it but she is stopped when her assistant sprays her with the antidote."@en . "1978-05-05"^^ . "Hitchhike"@en . "Remlar, a villain from another galaxy, travels the universe in search of buildings and people to put on display in an intergalactic museum. Superman, Firestorm, and Samurai must figure out a way to stop Remlar and return the historical monuments and people to their rightful place."@en . "The far from home Wonder Twins and Gleek try to rescue some misguided teenagers who face trouble when they decide to become runaways."@en . "After a rocket came plunging back to Earth and crashed, Colonel Wilcox informs the Super Friends that the astronauts are missing. When Colonel Wilcox and the Super Friends investigated the scene they found a tape recording from a man named Dr. Rebos that said all further space exploration must cease including the top secret Venus probe mission. Conveniently, Clark Kent has been given a television assignment on the Venus space probe in which he attends with Wendy and Marvin. Wonder Dog forgot has pass and stays outside where he\u2019s confronted by a man who wants to take his picture. The man is actually Dr. Rebos who is talking picture so he can make an android double of Wonder Dog to infiltrate the space station and destroy the mission. Colonel Wilcox called Wonder Dog a traitor for his sabotage causing Wendy and Marvin to walk out in disgust. The teens figure it could not have been Wonder Dog after recalling the events of the day and decide to do same investigating. Meanwhile, the Super Friends guard the space center unbeknownst to them that Dr. Rebos is watching them to make an android Superman. The Super Friends encounter more confusion when Dr. Rebos makes a robot of Superman, and orders him to destroy the Mars space station. While the real Superman fights his android double, it\u2019s up to the rest of the Super Friends pull the plug on Dr. Rebos and his androids."@en . "Ronald Raymond, Apache Chief, Robin, and Wonder Woman get caught up in an island mystery when a science experiment goes awry after Batman and Professor Stein went missing when on their way to the Tokyo Science Expo with Professor Stein's Omnicaster. A scientist named Dr. Dan Corwin had walked into what is referred to as a Geneto Beam and is turned into a Dinosoid, which means half-human/half-dinosaur. His partner flees and hides in the jungle...it's up to the estranged scientist, as well as Ronald, Robin, and Apache Chief to track down the evil scientist and transform everyone back to normal."@en . "The SuperFriends are called into action when the weird Professor Korloff brings a mysterious mummy to life to terrorize and steal the treasures of the world."@en . "1977-10-06"^^ . "1984-09-29"^^ . "It's the Super Friends' problem when trouble surfaces on the high seas. All are in trouble from the menace of the deep, the marauding Manta and his terrifying water beast."@en . "The Saraghosta Sea"@en . "1978-04-07"^^ . "Brainiac uses his star ship and his mental powers to take control of a small village. He turns people into zombie-like creatures who he enslaves to mine and work for him. Brainiac eventually takes control of the Wonder Twins who set out to capture Wonder Woman. This succeeds but would later backfire when Apache Chief grows 50 feet tall and rattles the Starship, which causes the ice block {Zan} around Wonder Woman to crack. She's able to transform the Wonder Twins back to normal. Later on Apache Chief, the Wonder Twins, and Wonder Woman are on hand to stop Brainiac and save the village."@en . "After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones of the two heroes. Brainiac programs the Aquaman and El Dorado clones to their counterparts bring them back to Brainiac's Laboratory. After attempting to rob a ship, the clones are apprehended. The next day in court the clones say the Super Friends have turned against the people. The real El Dorado and Aquaman trick Brainiac into freeing them and they're all transported to the Metropolis courthouse. There they clear up the situation and incarcerate Brainiac.\n\nNOTE: Stanely Ralph Ross takes over for the late Ted Cassidy as the voice of Brainiac."@en . "Escape from Space City"@en . "The Antidote"@en . "Apache Chief, Batman, and Robin face great danger when attacked by Bigfoot creatures. They are revealed to be aliens trying to repair their ship, which crashed years ago. Superman helps them repair their ship and they leave Earth."@en . "Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge of security during the night. Giganta sets a trap and captures Gleek and takes him to Gorillia Grodd miles away on the outskirts of Metropolis. Because so many Justice League members were going to meet in one place, they tried to take precautions but a mechanical duplicate of Gleek arrives at the Hall of Justice to use his killer laser eyes on the Justice League and help Grodd and Giganta take over the Hall of Justice. It's now up to the Wonder Twins to free the Justice League and stop Grodd and Giganta."@en . "History Of Doom"@en . "Superman and Aquaman turn the heat on the sinister Sculpin's plans to transform the world into a giant icebox with his instant freeze."@en . "On a mountain hiking trip at Mystery Mountain, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog discover a giant metallic \u201CU\u201D. After reporting their findings to the Super Friends, the junior members show Batman & Robin the exact location where they saw the \u201CU\u201D. The caped Crusaders find Dr. Simian Shamon magnetically pulling down a meteorite of solid gold using his \u201CShamon U\u201D. The junior Super Friends stumble upon Dr. Simian Shamon\u2019s lab and discover his plans to use his \u201CShamon U\u201D to mine the skies for gold meteorites. Dr. Shamon refuses to let the Junior Super Friends go or listen to his assistant Madam Lila LaBeau, causing Madam LaBeau to get the young heroes to safety. However, the after-effects of Dr. Shamon\u2019s sky mining caused a green and red mist called Shamonite which caused animals, plants, and non-organic objects to either grow or shrink respectively including Wonder Dog. The Super Friends and Madam LaBeau must find a way to cancel out the Shamonite in Earth\u2019s atmosphere."@en . "The Darkseid Deception"@en . "1978-01-02"^^ . "1978-09-23"^^ . "A sinister space probe from planet Zeno visits Earth to capture people and objects for scientific study. The SuperFriends must stop \"Exploration Earth\"."@en . "The Case of the Stolen Powers"@en . "The Revenge of Doom"@en . "1978-12-02"^^ . "Attack Of The Killer Bees"@en . "1977-09-29"^^ . "1980-10-25"^^ . "A Pint of Life"@en . "Aquaman, Batman and Robin meet the menacing Hydronoids in a struggle to save the world from their evil invasion."@en . . "A writer turns into the creature he created after a lightning bolt electrocutes an electrical tower nearby. Apache Chief and Superman are on hand to stop the behemoth from continuing his destructive ways."@en . "6.31152E10"^^ . "1978-01-09"^^ . "Tiger on the Loose"@en . "1977-09-01"^^ . "While protecting a prehistoric planet from a meteor, Superman ends up hit by the meteor's nuclear core, crash lands on the medieval planet of Camelon, and loses his memory. A bunch of rebels led by Logan take him in as their black knight in a plan to overthrow King Arthur 7. It's up to the Super Friends to help Superman remember and defeat the rebels.\nNOTE: This and Challenge of the Super Friends episode \"Sinbad and the Space Pirates\" are the only episodes in the Super Friends series where Wonder Woman's golden lasso involves truth compelling power like in the live action Wonder Woman television series which had a cancellation when CBS ended its third season a month earlier."@en . "Superman and Aquaman turn the heat on the sinister Sculpin's plans to freeze the world's oceans so he can sell their thawed water to desert countries."@en . "Lex Luthor forms a criminal gang called \"The Legion of Doom\" and uses a dream-machine to make the Super Friends commit crimes. When the Super Friends are forced to turn themselves into police headquarters, the guards reveal themselves to be Bizzaro and Cheetah who send the Super Friends to the sun while the Legion of Doom commit profitable robberies."@en . "The Death of Superman"@en . "1979-11-03"^^ . "Brainiac develops android duplicates of Superman and Wonder Woman in an attempt to seek revenge on the Superfriends. He enlists the reluctant help of Darkseid who was tricked into following the android Wonder Woman right into Brainiac's star-ship. Darkseid and Brainiac hatch a plan to capture all the Superfriends...but, not long after their capture, it doesn't take long for the two egotistical villains to be at each other's throats. Darkseid and his gang whisk away with Wonder Woman through their stargate but it's Brainiac who indirectly has the last laugh on Darkseid."@en . "1980-09-27"^^ . "1983-10-15"^^ . "Journey into Blackness"@en . "The Balloon People"@en . "Wonder Woman arrives to help a sheriff from the hills of West Virginia and investigate why a giant Cobra is creating sink holes. Shortly after, Wonder Woman and the Sheriff are captured by a giant mechanical cobra. Diamond Jack invents the mechanical Cobra to change coal into diamonds. Superman and The Atom rush to the aid of Wonder Woman and help her defeat Diamond Jack and his mechanical cobra."@en . "With temperatures rising all over the Earth, Colonel Wilcox informs the Super Friends that the rise in temperature is more than a mere heat wave. The top scientist have been working around the clock and found out the Earth is drifting out its orbit. Superman goes to India and seeks the help of fellow Justice League of America member The Flash, who was saving the Taj Mahal from an Earthquake. The Flash uses his super speed to put the Earth back into orbit by reversing the magnetic poles of the Earth. The junior Super Friends notice a strange man who\u2019s dressed in heavy warm winter clothes. They chase after the strange dressed man and follow him to his hideout inside an active volcano on a Pacific island called Malibah. They find out the man\u2019s name is Kolbar and he comes from the planet Solartararium. Kolbar was trying to find another hot planet for his people to live on when their planet cooled off too heavily because of pollution. Superman, Aquaman, the Junior members, and the Flash journey to Solartararium to clean up the planet."@en . . "Alaska Peril"@en . "Lex Luthor Strikes Back"@en . . "Dive to Disaster"@en . "The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage. At the Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and The Flash notice there are three spacecrafts violating lightspeed in the Saturn sector and decide to check it out. When they arrive they see the space punks have hit a space mining ship. Wonder Woman and The Flash save the two space miners and The Wonder Twins saves the out of control Space Ship."@en . "Brainiac uses his star ship and his mental powers to take control of a small village. He turns people into zombie-like creatures who he enslaves to mine and work for him. Brainiac eventually takes control of the Wonder Twins who set out to capture Wonder Woman. This succeeds but would later backfire when Apache Chief grows 50 feet tall and rattles the Starship, which causes the ice block {Zan} around Wonder Woman to crack. She's able to transform the Wonder Twins back to normal. Later on Apache Chief, the Wonder Twins, and Wonder Woman are on hand to stop Brainiac and save the village.\n\nNOTE: This episode is the final appearance of the Wonder Twins and Gleek."@en . "Wonder Woman receives a distress call from a scientist at a research center that is under attack from a giant. Scorpio, a mutant who is half scorpion and half man due to a failed growth serum experiment, learns of Wonder Woman's presence and orders another attack from his bug army to steal the rest of the growth serum. Wonder Woman and The Flash goes after the bugs to save Robin while Batman and the scientist must create an antidote to return the bugs back to normal."@en . "1973-11-16"^^ . "An Unexpected Treasure"@en . "18"^^ . "19"^^ . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . "22"^^ . "23"^^ . . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . "26"^^ . "1981-10-17"^^ . "27"^^ . "24"^^ . "Bully for You"@en . "After many reports of a talking albatross, Colonel Wilcox asks the Superfriends to round up the 3 industrialists who refuse to attend a meeting about pollution. An ecoterrorist named Dr. Pelagian has terrorized these three industrialists in an attempt to frighten them into stopping their polluting. Aquaman decides to investigate the identity of Dr. Pelagian based on a hunch he has about Dr. Ansil Hillbrandt, a brilliant marine biologist and the leading authority on the albatross. Aquaman also decides to search Point Gander, the place where Hillbrandt was last seen, and finds Prof. Hillgrant\u2019s driving suit. Later the Junior Super Friends end up meeting with Prof. Ansil Hillbrandt, only to find out he faked his death and took to the sea where he has invented the technology that allows him to communicate with sea creatures and control the sea and the weather."@en . "The Bride of Darkseid Part 2"@en . "25"^^ . "30"^^ . "31"^^ . "1978-10-24"^^ . "The Make Up Monster"@en . "28"^^ . "29"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "1978-03-10"^^ . . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . "10.0"^^ . "Lex Luthor invents a shrinking ray and uses it on the Hall of Justice. The older members of the Justice League had earlier flown off to fight a mission in space...leaving behind the junior members like Robin, The Wonder Twins and Gleek, and Firestorm. Luthor succeeds in shrinking the Hall of Justice and it's up to the now miniature Superfriends to save the day before the senior members of the group return from space."@en . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "1978-10-03"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "14"^^ . "The Haunted House"@en . "A group of Exxorian monkeys arrive on Earth to invade the Planet. The monkeys want to destroy the Super Friends by putting Gleek under their control. The Wonder Twins must use their powers to help Gleek and the Super Friends."@en . "15"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "50"^^ . "An evil scientist known as Barko de-evolves Earth back to a prehistoric planet, which will remain so unless the Super Friends can stop him and retrieve the machine responsible for this from prehistoric times."@en . "After the Capricorn Kid escapes from prison, Batman & Robin stop him."@en . "1973-09-22"^^ . "51"^^ . "The Incredible Space Circus"@en . "48"^^ . "49"^^ . "1979-10-06"^^ . "Batman: Dead or Alive"@en . "Batman and Robin head off to a planet named Texarkana after receiving a distress alert that a local villain, The Capricorn Kid, is terrorizing the planet. After defeating the Kid and putting him in jail the Kid vows revenge. He and his group of outlaws travel to Earth, break into the Hall of Justice, and plot their revenge on all the Super Friends. The Kid's group successfully places each of the Super Friends in dangerous situations and they deliberately force Batman and Robin into freeing each person...but the catch is that each trap is timed and the object of the game is to free all the Super Friends from the various traps before it's too late. In a show-down Batman and the Kid meet up in an old-fashioned shoot out."@en . "54"^^ . "55"^^ . "52"^^ . "53"^^ . "After receiving a Trouble Alert from Samurai's homeland, Samurai responds to the call at once and finds an ancient fugitive Warlord that escaped his time period using his Amulet. When the Warlord tries to steal the village treasures and causes havoc, Samurai calls Batman & Robin to handle the disasters while he sends the Warlord back to 13th century Japan."@en . "58"^^ . "Trial Of The Super Friends"@en . "59"^^ . "56"^^ . "Termites come from a meteorite sent from Venus to Earth by a Volcanic eruption. They start consuming the World. Superman, Batman and Robin, and Samurai defeat them, finally sending them into space."@en . "57"^^ . "62"^^ . "63"^^ . "61"^^ . "34"^^ . "Invasion Of The Hydronoids"@en . "35"^^ . "Superman and Aquaman find themselves entangled in a deep-sea mystery when they meet the tenticled attack of a giant squid."@en . "32"^^ . "33"^^ . "38"^^ . "39"^^ . "An earthquake occurs in India, where the tremors force many cobras out into the open where they bite villagers, exhausting India's antivenom supply. The Red Cross appeals to the Superfriends for help, who deploy Wonder Woman and Apache Chief to India. The pair learn a gigantic cobra lives in a jungle temple, whom they must milk for its venom in order to make antivenom, or else hundreds of people will soon die of envenomation."@en . "36"^^ . "37"^^ . "Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop to the children's pranks."@en . "42"^^ . "The Super Friends Meet Frankenstein"@en . "43"^^ . "The Killer Machines"@en . "40"^^ . "NA"@en . "Upon encountering a man named Garth-1 on a South Pacific Island, Wonder Woman and Aquaman head to his home Arcava to help free his people from an evil dictator called the Enforcer."@en . "41"^^ . "46"^^ . "47"^^ . "44"^^ . "45"^^ . "Fairy Tale Of Doom"@en . "The Super Friends have to do some big thinking when the world is endangered by a shrinking machine in the hands of a greedy inventor."@en . "The Highway Angels, a motorcycle gang, start tormenting a senior citizen and his grandson. When the Wonder Twins try to help save but has a hard time dealing with the cycle gang and the danger at hand. Wonder Woman sees the twins and gives them assistance."@en . "To everyone's surprise, including the Super Friends, the Legion of Doom becomes the Legion of Good! But it's a distraction while they conquer the Earth of 3984. However, the Super Friends put together the Riddler's cryptic clues and Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern travel to the future to defeat them there."@en . "The Pied Piper from Space"@en . "One Small Step for Superman"@en . "The SuperFriends exhibit all their bravery against the super sinister scheme of Professor Fearo and the threat of a world collision."@en . "1979-09-29"^^ . "Mr. Mxyzptlk and the Magic Lamp"@en . "The Fear"@en . "The Super Friends exhibit all their bravery against the super sinister scheme of vengeful Professor Fearo and the threat of a world collision."@en . "Return of Atlantis"@en . "66"^^ . "1978-01-23"^^ . "67"^^ . "Colossus, a reckless and destructive cosmic barbarian many times larger than the Earth, turns his attention to Earth's solar system. Apache Chief charges into action using a shrink ray to reduce the Colossus to ordinary Earth mortal size; Colossus then plummets to Earth. Still very strong, Colossus goes on a rampage and tries to destroy the Hall of Justice prompting Superman and Apache Chief to send him back to Space."@en . "64"^^ . "65"^^ . "Wonder Woman and Batman & Robin meet up with a misguided genius, Dr. Cranum, and his Brain Machine."@en . "70"^^ . "Dr. Pelagian\u2019s War"@en . "71"^^ . "The Secret Four"@en . "68"^^ . "69"^^ . "74"^^ . "75"^^ . "Fire"@en . "Superman and special guest hero, Samurai, face the heat of a volcano in making a dangerous rescue of space aliens too paranoid of the natives to request help."@en . "72"^^ . "73"^^ . "Darkseid uses a royal princess from Tyron-7 to lure the Superfriends into a trap. He promised her that if she delivered the Superfriends that her planet would be spared from his wrath. However, as things are more apt to do, the plan doesn't necessarily follow that path and soon the princess learns that she was a pawn in Darkseid's ultimate plot: To banish Tyron-7 into the negative universe. A projector turns the Superfriends to stone and it's up to the princess and her father to free the Superfriends and stop Darkseid."@en . "Mxyzptlk\u2019s Revenge"@en . "The Legion use their time-travel machine to loot the past... and trap the Super Friends in history."@en . "1983-09-17"^^ .