. . . . . "There is absolutely no reason to think this other than the number of hilarious situations this could involve, starting with everyone else's reactions. Plus it looks like Axel actually kind of does love Aerith, so he might turn into a twisted version of a Papa Wolf...not to mention what the kid might be... \n* Yeah, but the really ironic thing would be for Aerith to knock Axel up instead. \n* The other ironic thing would be if their kid was the exact opposite of them: whiny, weak, and emo. Hold that thought. \n* Except Riku already fills that niche. \n* You haven't looked at the next WMG, have you? \n* For record's sake, THIS IS AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE. \n* apparently confirmed. Still too soon to be completely sure, though. \n* Confirmed, and then promptly aborted. We should have seen that one coming."@en . . . "Ansem Retort/WMG"@en . "There is absolutely no reason to think this other than the number of hilarious situations this could involve, starting with everyone else's reactions. Plus it looks like Axel actually kind of does love Aerith, so he might turn into a twisted version of a Papa Wolf...not to mention what the kid might be..."@en . . . . . .